Intermountain tribune and Linn County agriculturalist. (Sweet Home, Linn County, Or.) 1913-1914, May 21, 1914, Image 1

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VÒL. 3
NO. 4.
$1.25 THE YEAR
JULY FOURT Move in the Senate to Substitute the Session Held'at Independence to Orga­
Decision Regarding no State Aid for Roads Some Candidates Who Thought Them­
if Bonds Are Not Voted Start
selves Strong Are Weak When
Recall Talk
Vote is Counted
The Necessary Committees Were Ap-
Exemption Repeal Bill Gradu­
nize Against Drys—Buyers
ally Gains
Call on Growers
pointed to Arrange Matters
at Saturday Evenings'
Washington, May 18.—With the
Independence, Ore.. May 19—L.
The people of Oregon cast the
Albany, Ore., Ma#. 17.—Because
canal toll exemption controversy Lachmund,
Frank Durbin, Joe Har­
the State Highway Commission de­ largest vote at a primary election,
nearing a vote, sentiment in the ris.
i J. Linn, Geo. Lewis, Geo. Roseo,
cided that state road money should last Friday, in the history of the
senate is growing in favor of an John
Roberts, D. P. MacCarthy,
be used only in counties which vote state. Women voters, of course,
Pincus, Harry Talbot and 0.
bonds for road improvement mem­ augmented the number, but there
For several weeks some of our. effort to substitute for the pending Julius
< McClellan, hop buyers, came here
bers of» the Linn County Grange are was a deeper interest manifested by citizens have been talking, a Fourth bill a resolution which would pro- 0.
to meet with th^ growers of
launching a movement for the abol-. male vbters than ever before.
of July celebration in Sweet Home vide for the submission of the ' dis- today
vicinity to make arrangements
Owing to the large number of and this talk culminated in a citi­ pute between the United States and this
ishment of the commission. The
decision aroused much adverse criti­ candidates tor many of the offices, zens meeting last Saturday evening. Great Britain to an international 1 tor the permanent .organization of
. ¡ an association of hop growers. of
candidates who are not really the
cism when it was announced.
M. W. Smead was selected as tribunal.
Just what form the effort will first choice of a majority- of the chairman and Clyde Rowell as secre­ Although senators who have dis­ Polk and Benton counties.
The meeting was held at Hotel
take is not known, but grange lead­ voters may have been selected.. But tary. It was then determined by cussed this proposal are not sure it
ers say it is probable that it will be as the plurality named the candi­ unanimous vote to undertake the will prevail when time for a vote Beaver. It was decided to hold a
submitted to granges of other date, the rest must be satisfied.
celebration and, in order to carry arrives, they assert many of their meeting Saturday afternoon in the
As there was but one candidate out the wishes of those present, the colleagues aré willing to adopt this Isis Theater, where permanent orga­
counties with a view of securing
nization would take place, and a
pledges from legislative candidates named by each party for United following committees were appoint­ course.
to vote to abolish the commission if States senator, it was a foregone ed:
Senator O’Gorman, leader of the committee was appointed to invite
conclusion that Messrs Booth, re­ Arrangements. E. Post, L. W. forces fighting repeal, will not con­ each hopgrower in this territory.
Those .who are taking the initia­ publican, Chamberlain, democrat Anderson and E. Scholl.
sent to arbitration, it was said to­ The purpose of the association is
tive in this step assert that the and Hanley,^progressive would be
Program. Mrs. W.-M. Putnam, night, and the proposal undoubtedly to carry on a campaign of education
action of the commission was up- the nominees.
Mrs. Post and R. M. Gednev.
will meet with vigorous opposition in this state, in order to teach the
For congressmen, First district,
warranted, as the roads in counties
Finance. W. M. Putnam, J. M. among senators on both sides of the citizens and taxpayers the value of
which have voted for bonding are W., C. Hawley, republican and pres­ Cowdrey and R. W. Van Fleet.
issue. It was pointed out, however, the hop industry to the state and
no more state roads than the roads ent incumbent, has been nominated
As soon as these committees de­ that before the House passed thè show them the damage that would
in the other counties of the state by a large majority over Jones; velop their plans, they will be : pub- repeal bill, President Wilson was accrue should the state go dry at
and that all counties have an inter- Second district, Mr. Smith, present lisfied.
willing that the question should , foe the next election.
incumbent, had no opposition; Third
The value of the last hop crop
' est in the state road fund.
settled by arbitration.
was about $6,000,000 and it is pre­
Whether the question of ■ voting district G. N. McArthur defeated
Huerta Ready to Step Out
During the day three senators ad- .
dicted that should the state go dry,
road bonds will be submitted to the A. W. Laferty by a good majority.
ded their voices to those who see in
people of Linn county in November Democratic, First district, the race
Washington, May 18.—General arbitration the best way out of the there would be trouble in finding a
good market for the crop. It is
is not known as yet. There is a is close between Hollister and Meri- Huerta has authorized the Mexican
difficulty. Senator Sutherland as­
pointed out that the price of hops
proposed plan to bond the county dith with the odds in favor of the meditation delegates to submit his
serted that arbitration was the one
was below the cost of production
for $750,000 and improve many of former; Second, district, the official resignation, in case such a course is
way to settle the dispute; Senator
the year that Polk county was dry,
its highways, whjch has received count will be necessary to name the found necessary to a settlement in
Williams announced that he would
both favorable and unfavorable candidate, as names had to be writ­ peace" negotiations; This was stated
while other hops sold for a much
gladly vote for arbitration, and
comment. The Albany commercial ten in; Third district, A. F. Flagel positively in dispatches today from
better price.
Senator Works agreed that this plan
club has been in favor of some kind has a safe lead and, is nominated. a thoroughly competent diplomatic
desirable. A resolution provid­
of a bonding plan. Strong resolu­ National committeemen chosen are source in Mexico City to one of the
ing for submission to arbitration
tions .were adopted .against the R. E. Williams, "republican, H. M. foreign representatives here, and
has been introduced by Senator
bonds by the Linn County Council Esterly, democrat and Dr. Coe pro­ confirms intimations given by friends
Albany, Ore., May 19.'—Gored by
Norris, and may come up for con­
an anftry bulb at his farm five miles
of the grange May 2 and by Oak gressive.
of the delegates'here yesterday.
sideration before a vote on the re­
For Governor, Dr. James Withy-
east of Albany, this morning, John
Plain grange May 9.
According to this information peal itself is demanded.
It has been reported that the <;ombe is safely in the lead over his from Mexico City, General Huerta
H. Kamph died two hours later.
On the republican side today it
question would be submitted to a several opponents and is nominated. at first authorized the delegates to
Mr. Kamph, who was 70 years
vote at the general election this fall The race between Judge Bennett discuss only the. question of the developed, that Senators Root and old, entered the barn lot to drive
but what effect the defeat of the and C. J. Smith, Democrats, is close Tampico conflict, leading to the Lodge, as well as others who are the animal into the barn. It charg­
bonding proposal in Clackamas and with Smith the probable winner.
American occupation of Vera Cruz. prominent in the fight for repeal, ed him suddenly, threw him against
Justice of the. Supreme Court, Later the Mexican dictator, it is ex­ would favor arbitration.
Marion counties will have on the
a fence and gored him: several
A two-thirds vote» of the senate times.
republican, Henry J. Bean. L. T. plained, came to recognize the
project is not known.
Two sons in a nearby field ran to
Harris and T. A. McBride are nomi­ necessity of a broader settlement would be required to pass an arbi-
nated with the fourth place closely and then conveyed to the delegates , tration resolution. Those opposed his rescue and, armed with pitch­
forks, drove the animal back after
contested by Henry L. Benson and assurances that he was prepared to to the idea pointed out that arbi- considerable effort.
Mr. Kamph
I want to hire 12 gentle saddle i 0. L. McNary, with chances in favor step down should this course be , tration would mean a long delay, was terribly injured and never re­
and in the meantime the canal would gained consciousness.
, horses about the 20th of May. In­ • of McNary. Democrat, Ramsey and found necessary by them.
Mr. Kamph was a native of Ohio’
be opened a|id operated and many
quire of me at my residence in i Galloway.
and had lived in Linn county for
complications would arise.
Attorney General, republican Geo.
Sweet Homé. K. S. Mealey.
Judge Made Postmaster
the past eleven years. He is sur­
M. Brown is the nominee.
No effort apparently has been vived by a widow and 11 children.
Legal blanks for sale at the Tri­
Frank Miller is nominated jay the
Pendleton, Or., May 19.—Excite­ made on the democratic side to
bune office.
republicans for railway commis­ ment was caused in local democratic sound out senators on the plan.
Democratic leaders who expected
circles today by a street rumor of
The Vote in Linn County
unknown origin to the effect that a vote’ on the repeal bill next Món-'
Cash For
Four of the six men Who will b.e County Jndge »Maloney had been day learned today that chances for
candidates for representative from appointed postmaster for Pendleton. this hope being realized were grow­
Physician and Surgeon
Linn county in the next legislature For many weeks there has been a ing dim. Senator Jones gave notice
were nominated Friday by their hot fight in progress, with T. J. òf his intention to speak on the re­
names being written in on the bal­ Tweed, Max Hopper and A. W. peal bill on that day, and it was
understood that other senators
lots at the primaries. There were Nye as the leading contestants.
Calls promptly attended
no democratic candidates for repre­ . All have encountered opposition, might not decide to speak before
sentatives on the ballot , and only however, and some of the leading Monday.
day or night
two candidates for the three repub­ democrats have been casting around
Come aqd in See Us
When our road money is exhaust­
lican nominations.
for a compromise candidate,.
The men nominated by being
Judge Maloney, who was one of ed, our people should volunteer
written in were D. H. Pierce, of the Oregon presidential electors at enough work and money to carry
W. D. (Chicken) BROWN
Harrisburg, who received the re­ the Baltimore convention, is out of the rock surfacing through town.
Grant St, Weft of Main
publican nomination and W. P.'El- the city. It also became known that We do not want the mud next
O regon
more, of Brownsville; W. W. Poland City Superintendent of Schools J. S. winter similar to what it was last S weet H ome
Landers is a dark horse candidate. winter.
(Continued on page 2)