Intermountain tribune and Linn County agriculturalist. (Sweet Home, Linn County, Or.) 1913-1914, May 14, 1914, Image 1

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VOL. 3.
NO. 3.
$1.25 THE YEAR
$90,000,000 SUM
The State Raiiroad Commission is Busy Captured French Shrapnel is Used With Take Baggage and Tell Friends They Are Methods of Handling Cases Revised and Only Counties Issuing Bonds is to Be
Beneficiaries of the Fund
Results Are Apparent in a
Pleased-Think Dictator Can­
Deadly Effect-Gunners Sight by
Investigating Rates of Three
is Ruling
Number of Cases
not Last Long
Light of Burning Tanks
Power Companies
Salem, Ores, May 11.—That only
Washington, May 9. — Making
Juarez, May 10.—The most des­
Vera Cruz, May 12.—Deeming
Pending before the State Railroad
which provide substantial
Commission at this time are 95 for­
mal complaints, of which 56 relate can revolution is being fought to­ of days, it leaked out today «that proper aid to the man who is en­ funds with which to build perma-
to railroads and 39 to public utilities night at Tampico, according to the three envoys whom the dictator deavoring to acquire title to a home nent roads will be aided from the
and 145 informal complaints, 82 of reports reaching rebel officers- here. bent to the peace conference at on the public domain, Secretary state highway fund was the decision
which are in connection with rail­ It is reported some of the oil wells Niagara Falls are secretly delighted Lane, of the Interior Department, reached by the State Highway Com­
road questions and 63 in connection and tanks are burning and that a to get out of Mexico City safely. is cutting out red tape in his own mission today. In further outlining
They told friends hère as much and office and in the general land office its policy the commission announced
portion of the town is on fire.
with public utilities.
It is said all Americans have been intimated that they thought that and doing away with technical pro­ that only permanent thoroughfares
25 of the utility cases involve the
physical valuation of plants, either taken aboard the United States war the capital would be anything but tests against the issuance of patents. would be built with the state high­
Early in his administration, Secre­ way fund.
of electric light, power, water, tele­ ships, but other foreigners are scat- a safe place for either Mexicans or
So far as thé $170,000 remaining
phone or street railway systems. tered throughout the oil well dis­ foreigners when the climax came. tary Lane voiced his opposition to
Some idea of the great importance trict. It was this section of the Instead of returning to Mexico City, red tape, and in making good his in the fund is concerned, the com­
of this phase of the commission’s battlefield that the United States the envoys stated that they would promise he has somewhat revised mission virtually has decided that it
work may be gained from the fact government suggested should be go to Europe when the Work at the method of handling land cases, will be distributed* among those
that these valuation questions^each made a neutral zone. The rebel Niagara Falls was corhpleted. When both in the land office and in the counties that have voted bonds and
into 44 towns and cities of the state, generals refused to adopt this sug-1 they sailed from Vera Cruz, they interior department, when appeals those that vote them at the coming
took their families and all their are taken. The secretary is getting election. This means that counties
including all the principal munici­ gestion.
palities except Pendleton, Astoria,
By the light of the blazing oil portable belongings with them. In at the essential facts in each case, which are to be ajded in hard-sur­
tanks, fired by stray shots, the rebel the view of the envoys the end will is dealing with the entryman from face road building this year from
Roseburg and Albany.
Clatsop, Jack-
More than that, a total of $90,- artillerymen hurled shot after shot come within 30 days, the dictator a practical rather than theoretical the state fund are:
. 000,000 is involved in the investiga­ from 20 heavy field ' guns into the intends to fall, Samson-like, carry­ standpoint, and is brushing aside son and * Columbia counties,
tion which the commission is cbn- strongly entrenched position held by ing the government down with him. the technical protests that resulted have voted bonds, and Clackamàs,
so often in the past in indefinite Marion and Coos, if proposed bond
ducting into the light, power and General Zaragozt, the federal com­
issues are approved Friday. The
delay in issuing patents.
heating rates of the Portland Rail­ mander, .in the Center of town, Democrats Ask Voters to
As a result of this reform, the proposed issue in Clackamas is
way, Light & Power Co., the East­ sweeping the breastworks with a
Write in Certain Names secretary, between July 1, 1913 and $600,000; in Marion $850,000 and
ern Oregon Light & Power Co. and hail of shrapnel in an effort to open,
April 25, 1914, approved 40,125 in Coos $450,000. t
the California-Oregon Power Co. the way for a dash by General Gon­
Portland. May 9.—^Because of entries for patent, being an increase
The board also decided that it
That is the figure given by the zales infantry.
companies in their own property
For the first time in the fighting several vacancies on the democratic of 4370 over the number of entries would do road demonstration work
appraisals as presented to the com­ between the men of Huerta and state ticket, the democratic state approved in the corresponding, in the counties that improve on a
mission before it began its investi­ Carranza the constitutionalists were central committee today issued a period of the previous year. This large scale their own thorough­
on equal terms with the federala in statement recommending voters of increase is shown1 in face of the fact fares.
Of the $238.000, the appropria-
In this work the commission does the matter of artillery. The 20 the party to write in the following that the number of filings made is
tion this year for the state highway
gradually diminishing.
not accept the figures given by the French field guns captured by Gen­ names on the ballot:
For congress, second district.
funds, $30,000 was spent on the
companies interested, but uses them eral Gonzales at Monterey and plac­
road betweén Wasco and Biggs late
merely as inventories of the proper­ ed in position before Tampico have James Harvey Graham, of Baker;
last winter to give work to the un­
ties involved. For some time ex­ done tremendous ' execution, the for labor commissioner, George
employed. The engineering expense
perts in the employ of the commis- French shrapnel bursting with the Harry, of Portland; for justice- of
in Clatsop and Jackson counties,
mission have been conducting an utmost precision in sharp contrast the supreme court, Judge T. H.
where the road work virtually is in
independent appraisal of the proper­ to the home-made shells Used by Crawford, of La Grande and Judge
W. T. Slater, of Salem.
ties to ascertain their unit value. Villa in his battles about Torreon.
Columns for the Oregon Building Are charge of State Highway Engineer
Bowlbv, will be about $50,000, leav­
The commission is proceeding to
Being Forwarded—Span of
For the Legislature
ing about $170,000 for buying ma­
ascertain the exact physical valua-
Each Five Feet
chinery and distribution among the
tibns in these cases so that when the
It is recommended that the names
counties that issue bonds and in
rates are taken up it will have an
Shipment of the 48 logs to be used other ways provide large sums for
of W. W. Poling of Brownsville and
exact and scientific basis from which
Ben T, Sudtell, of Albany, be writ­ as columns for the Oregon building improving their thoroughfares.
to work.
ten in for two of the places on the at the Panama-Pacific Exposition
Announcement was made by the
The commission also has before it
13 railroad valuation matters, in­ Large Field Force Now Being Chosen democratic ticket and a Mr. Nor­ Will be’.completed within the next commission today that through the
From Among Several Thous­
wood of Harrisburg has been men­ two or three < days. The Oregon efforts of the department, Clatsop
volving appraisals of physical pro­
commission sent out seven cars county, which has a $400,000 bond
tioned for the third place.
perties of that number of (lines.
and Applicants
We have heard no one mentioned yesterday, containing 21 logs. Three issue for road work, has been saved
Tractically every railroad in the
cars of logs will be sent from $75,000. At the suggestion of the
state is included in this appraise­
Washington, May 12.—Surveys to for the one place lacking on the re­
Central Oregon and one from South­ State Highway engineer, Bowlby,
ment, the purpose of which is to be made this summer by the newly- publican legislative ticket.
ern Oregon, and 12 logs will be sent the first bids for the bonds were re
find a basis for fixing rates.
created Alaska Railway Commission
by steamer from Coos Bay. The
Another very important, but little will determine the location of the
For Sale or Trade
(Continued on page 3)
l.ogs are assembles from different
known phase of the commission’s first trunk line to be built under the
work, has been that of requiring $35,<y00,000 appropriation made
A Studebaker 30-h. p. auto, five mette and are donated by the lum­
public utility companies to comply recently by congress, but construc­
passenger. Good machine. Will ber interests of the state.
with standards prescribed by the tion work will not be begun before
consider stock, mortgage or real
The average weight of these logs
commission in regulating overhead the season of 1915. Whether the
estate (clear) R. W. Tripp, Browns­ is 29,000 pounds. There is only one
and underground telephone, tele­ first road will run along the Susitna
ville, Ore.
Physician and Surgeon
derrick in the . northwest that can
graph, light and power wires. Four river, which is the route which the
handle them and that is the O.-W.
hundred and fifty hazards in various commission is to survey, or whether
R. & N. derrick at the Albina dock.
cities of the state have already been it will follow the Copper river, will
The Oregon building at the expo­
reported and corrected from actual not be known until* the Susitna
I want to hire 12 gentle saddle sition is to be of Grecian architec­
inspection. Companies owning such route has been thoroughly sur­
Calls ^promptly attended
horses about the 20th of May. In­ ture on the plan of the Parthenon
wires have in each case been requir­ veyed.
day or night
at Athens. The 48 log pillars sur­
ed to remove the hazards, which
Six surveying parties are to be
endanger life and property. '
put in the field bv the Railway
diameter and 45 feet high. They
A single instance will show the Commission, two to work on termi­
Preparation are being made to
importance of this work. A little nals, two to work inland from the get the rock crusher at Work next will be dedicated to the 48 states of
more than a year ago, a telephone seacoast and two to work from the week. It is the intention to place the Union and each will bear the
emblem of the state. There will be
lineman working on a long-distance interior, toward the coast.
a crushed rock surface from the
telephone wire was killed by a high
It has not yet been determined new grade at the Santiam bridge a ceremony around each column S weet H ome
O regon
by representatives of the particular
(Continued on page 3)
east entirely through town.
(Continued on page 4)