Intermountain tribune and Linn County agriculturalist. (Sweet Home, Linn County, Or.) 1913-1914, May 07, 1914, Image 1

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VOL. 3
NO. 2.
$1.25 THE YEAR
tional meeting there the 14th of
to be the first step in a work the
May. Prof. Malone and pupils are TWO ALBANY MEN
importance of which can hardly be THREATENING MOYE
arranging to have a nice program
estimated. Let us all get together
boost the undertaking along.
MADE BY MEXICANS and Miss basket
Wilda King has purchased a
Be assured that the association Will
Two Rival Bidders For Oregon Lake
Beds Nearly Come to Blows
at Salem
■ *
help the small breeder as much as
the larger one and even more.
R. L. Burkhart, Président;
J. M. Dickson, Secretary.
Surrender of Waterworks Demanded—
Scattering Shots Fired as
Federals Retreat
new set of silverware. It looks
rather suspicious, just as Well tell
all about it, Wilda.
Farmers Wife.
Dr. J. L. Hill and Rev. E. H. Hicks Will
Leave About May 21 on Their
, Long Vovage
Portland, Oregon to Port­
Vera Cruz, Mexico, May 2.—A
Salem., Ore., May 4.—Governor
IN CONVENTION considerable
force of Mexicans at­
Oregon, with plenty of time to
West today prevented a fight be­
see the sights and learn their signi­
tacked the American outpost at the
water plant, .nine miles out at 11
ficance,” is the motto of Rev. E. H.
More Than 500 Members Are in Attend­ o’clock this morning, according to a No Concessions Made to Meditators— Hicks and Dr. J. L. Hill with refer­
wireless message, which asked for
ence to their around the world trip,
Scheme Regarded as Move
ance at Meeting in Portland
aid. Supporting troops were order­
which they will begin May- 21 and
to “Save His Face” *
ed forward by train from Ver Cruz
end when they get ready. The
to El Tejer, where the water works
scenes on the way will be told in
letters to the Herald by Dr. Hill.
are - situated.
MeXjco City, May 2.—The situa­ The tourists will leave.Albany about
Portland, Ore., May 5.-—With E.
The Mexicap troops were in uni­
W. Chafin, twice prohibition candi­ form and consisted mostly of infant­ tion in Mexico City today had every May 21 and go from Portland to
date for president and Virgil Hen­ ry, but there were some cavalry­ appearance of becoming serious for San Francisco, from which place
shaw, national chairman of the pro­ men, evidently belonging to the the. administration and in well in­ they will sail to New Zelarid and
formed circles it was expected that Australia on May 27, stopping in
hibition party among those schedul­ regular establishment.
ed to deliver addresses, more than
While no fear is felt by the army Provisional President-Huerta might both of the lands named. They will
500 members of the prohibition authorities in Vera Cruz that the resign at any moment.
then sail directly for the Red Sea
party from all parts of the state are Mexicap troops will make, a serious , El Paso, Texas, May 2.—Consti­ and passing through the Suez canal,
in convention here today for the attack, it is realized that considér­ tutionalist leaders here are convinc­ will visit Cairo, the pyramids and
purpose of nominating candidates able inconvenience soon will *be ed that Victoriano Huerta is ready the sphinx. Leaving Egypt from
for state offices and adopting a caused unless something is done to to step down and out under pressure Alexandria, they will go toi Jerusa­
open the roads into districts where from his científico supporters, who, lem, which ’ they will make their
Due to the fact that the temper­ garden and dairy products come when an accuracy of knowledge de­ headquarters during the time thgt
nied the masses,in Mexico, are said they make a thorough exploration
ance question is occupying a promi­ from.
nent place in the campaign this year
The Mexicans threatened to “at­ to regard complete rebel success as of the Holy Land. Constantinople
and efforts were being made by the tack immediately unless the Ameri­ inevitable.
will also be visited after which the
For this reason the constitution­ tourists will sail to Rome.* They
“Out-to-Win” forces to make state­ cans surrendered their position at
wide prohibition one of the big is­ the waterworks at El Tejar within alists will make no • concessions' be­ will visit different points in Italy
sues of the general election in 10 minutes,” but failed to fulfill fore the Argentine, Brazil and Chile and then go to France and Germany.
November, more than the usual their threat.
They will wind up in the British
The meditation of South America Isles, taking in England, Ireland and
amount of enthusiasm was manifest
The Mexicans are still holding a
at the session'. ■
position beyond the waterworks is believed by constitutionalists to. Scotland. They will return by way
The biggest task of the conven­ position and the troops have receiv­ have been accepted by Huerta as a of the eastern states, looking over
tion will be finding an accentable ed no orders to advance^. At 11 means of “saving his face” and the some of them on the way westward
candidate, for governor.
It was o’clock this morning a Mexican force good offices of the Argentine, Brazil from the Atlantic.—Albany Herald.
understood that many delegates estimated at from 300 to 500 men and Chilean governments, while ac­
favored the endorsement of W. S. appeared beyond the waterworks cepted “in principle” by the con- Fine Willamette Valley Farm For Sale
U’Ren, already an independent station. As Major Russell had re­ 'stitutionalists, are viewed with sus­
Linn County Breeders Attention
We have one of the best farms in
gubernatorial candidate. His’ candi­ ceived orders, not to assume the of­ picion.
Carranza will be represented at Linn county, land considered, for
dacy would be dedicated solely to fensive, he and his men watched the
At 10 o’clock, May 14, at ;the
the .sessions of the board of medita­ sale. It is situated 5j miles west of
Mexicans with' much interest. .
the use of temperance.
rooms of the Albany Commercial
miles from Albany and
Suddenly a Mexican lieutenant tors in Washington by Rafael Lebanon,
Club, the Linn County Jersey Co m­
of 310 acres, 190
and a non-commissioned officer bear­
munity Breeders Association will' ad option of a platform will not. be
the balance ■ excel­
hold their regular annual meeting. reached until tomorrow morning.
United States from Spain. Cabrera lent pasture land. Improvements
Nearly all of the following dele­
It is earnestly desired that all Jersey
was president of the Chamber of fair, orchard and an abundance of
to surrender within 10 minutes.
breeders of the county shall be gates appointed by the Linn county
Deputies at Mexico City at the time good well water. Well surface
present from the remotest corners conyention, are in attendance:
. “Hurry right back and do not of the overthrow of Madero. : Jose drained.
O. V. White, Rev. F. W. Emer­
Could be cut into three’ or four
waste any of the time your com­ Vasconcelos, a lawyer of Mexico
Any person is eligible to merhber- son, Rev. H. Smith, Mrs. F. W.
to advantage. Title perfect
manding,officer has stipulated.
ship' who has a herd of A. J1. C. C. Emerson, Rev. W. P. White, Rev.
in charge of the rebel • agency at and abstract furnished.- Farm has
cattle, or who uses exclusively an Hicks, Rev. D. H. Leech, Rev. F-.
Washington, also may act. It is a railroad one mile north and anoth­
H. Geselbracht, Ubbe Peters and
A. J. C. C. sire in his herd.
understood here that Huerta’s er 1| miles south. Rural mail de­
The aim of the Association was H. Bryant of Albany; W. P. Elmorp,
representatives will be Francisco De livery. Good school house 1J miles.
set forth in our last notice ’Some N. H. Bateman, Rev. C. F. Koehfer,
For particulars see
La Barra and Jose Castellot.
four weeks ago. Polk county now Brownsville; E. B. Penland, Halsey;
We have had some very heavy
The attitude of Carranza’s agents
has a similar organization in full A. L. Powers, Scio; George Bayne, frosts.
Real Estate Dealers
it is said, will be defensive. They
Oakville; Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Wheal­
Mr: and Mrs. F. 0. VanEpps at­ say they regard the Whole scheme
Sweet Home, Or.,
The following program has been don,. Plainview; E. Bennett. Rev.-R. tended the Bruce sale Saturday, also as designed to save for the support­
F. Jameson, Lebanon and H.^C.; visited with her parents over Sun­ ers privileges which the rebels now
tar ranged:
Address. What a Community Davis of Halsey.
feel assured they can capture. They
Breeders Association stands for, by
Quite a crowd attended the Bruce will, therefore, oppose any proposi­
Prof. R. R. Graves, O. A. C.
Foster and Sunnyside School Rally sale Saturday.. Everything brought tion other than the unconditional
Address by J. D. Mickle of Port­
a good price and some more’than elimination óf Huerta and the com­
land on The Outlook for Dairying
The Foster and Sunnyside schools first cost. W. S. Swink is a very plete recognition of Carranza and
in Oregon.
will have an all-day rally May . 13. competent auctioneer.
the party of which he is the chief.
Address by Ed Cary, Pres. A. J. Prominent speakers will be present
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Galbraith and
The departure of Villa from Chi­
C. C. on The Demand For and the and deliver addresses. An excellent Mrs. M. J. peddle were guests of huahua for the front today, and
Supply of Jersey Cattle in Oregpn. program has been arranged by both ,Mr. and IVJrs. T. J. Malone Sunday. Carranza’s impending departure for
Address by Dean • A. B. Cordley, schools which will begin at 10 a. m.
Harry Bruce and wife will start the south are indications of the
Director Oregon Experiment Station A big picnic dinner will- be spread. for NeW Mexico in about two weeks; rebel intention to prosecute the re-
on The College and the Dairy Indus­ Come and have a good time.
Everybody around Holley is busy l bellion with renewed vigor. It is
understood among them that the
try- ’
planting garden.
W. J Moore of Brownsville, who
Address. The Completion of Our
O. L. McDowell of Holley, lost United States is not displeased With
Organization and the Forming and is a candidate for the democratic one of his horses this, week of lung their declination to accept an armis­
tice, but the truce) having been de­
Discussion of Plans for our Future nomination for sheriff .of Linn coun­ fever.
clined,- Carranza is eager that the
ty, was in town Monday . getting
The Holley school has gained all campaign should be pushed to the
It will be a busy day and ought acquainted with the voters.
their stars and will hold an educa­ earliest possible conclusion.
tween John L. Haak, of Portland
and Jason .Moore of New York,
rival bidders for leasing Summer
and Albert Lakes, Lane county. The
men had words at a meeting'of th.e
State Land Board to consider the
bids in the governor’s office and
finally Mr. Moore invited Mr. Haak
to “go outside with him arid have'it
out.” The men started toward the
door, when the governor seized Mr.
Haak and said:
“Go back to your seat. We won’t
have any fights around here. When'
there is any fighting to be done, I’ll
do it. I have a monopoly on it
Mr. Haak sat down and before
the*meeting was over he and Mr.
Moore resumed friendly relations.
The board agreed to give Mr. Haak
and Samuel Connell ten days in
which to give a bond of $50,000 to
prove their good faith. They have
offered $2,000,000 for the lease,
payable out of the profits of the
business at not less than $50,000* a
year. Mr.»Moore, who represents
New York*capitalists, . offered $1,-
250,000 for the lease and $250,000
for land, agreeing to give a bond
of $50,000. It is proposed to mafiu-
facture salts from the deposits of
' the lakes.