Intermountain tribune and Linn County agriculturalist. (Sweet Home, Linn County, Or.) 1913-1914, April 30, 1914, Image 1

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,— and —
VOL. 3.
NO. 1.
A Curiosity
A short time ago, S. R. Nothing-
a post hole on his
. PEACE PROSPECTS er, farm, in digging
excavated a rock ori which
More Artillery Troops to Move on Vera
Cruz—Sixteen Mountain Guns
Are Shipped
was a deep impression of a large
deer foot. Just when or how this
track was made, is a puzzle which
requires a scientist to elucidate.
The impression is fully i of an inch
in depth.
Slaughter of Women and Children at
Vera Cm2 Reported and Retal­
iation is Demanded
$1.25 THE YEAR
Strawberry and Rose Show Dates
Lebanon has fixed June 4 and' 5
as the dates for holding the Straw­
berry fair and rose show. It is
understood that a greater degree of
harmony prevail among the growers
and others on fair matters than has
prevailed for the past two years.
Regular Troops Combat Strike Disorder—
Mineowners, Employes and
Officials in Agreement
Vera* Cruz, April 26.—Circulars
Washington, April 28.—President
enumerating the American business
extended today the protect­
Galyeston, Texas, April 27.—The
note of peace sounded in the Mexi­
can mediation negotiations today
houses, are being distributed in the
ing arm of the Federal Government
brought no echo here, where the
streets of Mexico City. The hand­
to the State of Colorado. Torn
task of transforming the freighter
bills call on the populace to destroy Spanish War Vetarans and Other Organiza­ asunder by riots and battles be­
San Marcos into an Army transport
the cpnc^rns listed. .. Some of the
tween the state militia, mine guards
tions Cannot Volunteer Under
was rushed and the steamer loaded
American scores whose . names ap­
and strikers, Governor Ammons
with supplies and made ready : to Mohs at Tampico Put Lives in Peril peared in tjie circular already have
the First Orders
found the state militia unable to
sail tomorrow for Vera Cruz with a
been looted.
- One Shot is Fired Into
cope with the situation and asked
troop of the Sixth Cavalry and
Another fist being distributed is
for help. The Colorado delegation
the Hotel
several batteries of the Tenth Field
that of Mexicans managing some of
Washington, April 26.—The War in Congress, the mirieowners and
the American stores. It is declared Department made it plain today
the miners themselves joined in the
The army here is moving all its
these men must be killed because of that in raising a volunteer army for
available field artillery into Vera
Galveston, Texas, April 25.—The their identification with foreign service against Mexico, preference
It was one of the rare occurrences
Cruz to be. prepared in event of a
will be given the organized militia in American history when a state
Tampico situation has continued so interests. ■
long campaign in the mountain pas­
serious, according to a wireless mes­ . The newspapers of the capital are of the various states and that, in no' found itself impotent to assert its
ses to Mexico City. Three hundred
sage reaching here today, that two publishing stories to the effect that state Will independent volunteer authority, but the president; in a
and forty artillery and cavalrymen
tprpedo boats were sent up the the American forces ' at Vera Cruz organizations be received until the telegram to the Colorado goverrior,
were ready at Texas City tonight to
Panuco river at Tampico yesterday are slaughtering women and child­ resources of the militia of the state expressly stipulated that the Feder­
board the San Marcos. With the
to get Americans. Refugees arriv­ ren, and the papers call on Mexicans has been exausted. ...
al troops would confine themselves
16 mountain gunslhat were shipped
ing here from Tampico today said in Mexico City to retaliate in a simi­ Under the new law signed yester­ to maintaining order only “until the
on the Satilla yesterday and the
day by the president, the depart­ state can reassert its authority and
they were saved from rioting Mexi­ lar manner;
battery sailing tomorrow there will
Other stories printed by the news­ ment will retain the officers of the resume the enforcement thereof.”
cans early Wednesday morning by
be nearly a regiment of artillery
papers say that France, Germany, militia when militia enlists in the
German sailors.
Thé president issuéd a proclama­
ready to take the field at Vera Cruz
Great’ Britain and Spain had declar­ volunteer service, and unless some tion ordering persons engaged in
within the week.
ed war against the United States, good reason .exists the officers .will domestic violence to disperse arid
While Brigadier-General Q. G. Americans on the collier Cyclops, arid that American battleships have retain the identical positions in the,
“retire peaceably to their abodes”
Davis, in charge of the army here,
sunk several ships flying the flags of volunteer service that they now hold before April 30. Secretary Garri­
would give no hint of plans for
son, after a conference with the.
The trouble started Tuesday night these nations. Mexicans are told in the.National Guard.
moving troops, it was reported that
Under this law, the government president,, ordered three troops of
that the Mexican army has invaded
artillery was being given preference
the United States and that the cannot accept independent volun­ the Fifth Cavalry from Fort Leaven­
over cavalry in the dispatch of meh Tampico had left their positions Negroes in the southern states have teer organizations on the first call
worth and 'two troops of the Twelfth
near shore and had steamed several
to Vera Cruz.
risen arid are assisting and Mexi­ unless the response of the militia Cavalry from Fort D. A. Russell,
There are 300,000 rations at
falls short of expectation and for Wyoming, to Trinidad and Canyon
Vera Cruz, with additional supplies After dark bands of Mexicans began
this reason volunteer companies and City, respectively.
going on the San Marcos. Colonel
composed of Spanish War
Colorado hiembets of congress sày
Kranthauf, of the quartermaster^ sults at Americans, who had with­
others who are not the mère presence of Federal troops
department, tonight said that thè drawn to the shelter of the princi­
/members of the militia cannot be will reserve-riormal conditions and
Army had an additional three pal hotels in Tampico.
availed to under the first call.
prevent rioting.
Efforts of the
About midnight a mob, estimated
months’ supply in Galveston ready
It is pointed out, however, that Federal government to settle the
at 600, began throwing stones at
for shipment.
Spanish war veterans who desire . to strike thus far have/ailed. On this
Officers of the medical depart­ the Southern hotel, where there
join the first volunteer regiments point, the President made it clear
ment say that the 4000 soldiers who were 20 or 30 American women and
may accomolish their purpose • by that Federal troops were being sent
have gone to Vera Cruz are in fine .300 American men; William Han­
first enlisting in the militia.
merely to preserve order and not to
physical condition to live in -the son, an ex-United States, deputy
-Badger Reports Refugees
All officers of the volunteers must interfere in the strike controversy
tropics, as all of them have Spent a marshal in South Texas, organized
be nominated by the president and itself.
Now in Safety
year under Gulf of Mexico Coast the men, who had a few rifles and
confirmed by the Senate before they
“I shall not, by the use of the
conditions at Galveston.
pistols, for resistance. The Ameri­
can be commissioned regularly, ;
troops,” telegraphed the President
A detachment of the Army signal cans, however, had so little ammu­
to Governor Ammons, “fir by any
Washington, April 27.—After a
corps is expected tomorrow from nition that they did not dare open
Mountain Road Closed
attemp at jurisdiction, inject the
Fort Leavenworth while several fire, fearing the Mexicans would kill conference with President Wilson
power of the Federal Government
Army aviators are en route from them after their ammunition was today .Secretary Bryan announced
M. J. Nye, superintendent o£ the into the controversy which has pro­
that all arrangements had been com­
San Diego.
W. V. & C. M. wagon road -made a
The mob began pounding on the pleted to .permit, all, Americans in trip. last week on the Mountain, duced the present situation. The
Candidates Galore
doors with clubs. One Mexican fir­ Mexico City to leave there. Seven wagon road up to the Seven-mile Settleriient of that controversy falls
ed through a window, but no one hundred American men and women mountain and reports the road strictly within the field of state
Sweet Home was honored, this was wounded. Captain Von Kohler are prepared to go, comprising the above the toll gate in fine condition, power.”
week by visits from several gentle­ of the German cruiser Dresden, the last remnants’ of the American col­ with the exception of some three
men who aspire to be: candidates refugees said, sent officers ashore ony.
or four bridges, which he condemn­
Secretary Bryan said that so far ed and nailed up. He found, but
notifying the mob that unless they
of their respective parties.
As mentioned elsewherè, W. W. dispersed within 15 minutes he as authentic information was con­ one fallen tree across the road,
Bailey, who desires the republican would land marines. The mob cerned, he knew of po American something very unusual. Mr. Nye
citizen having been killed in Mexico will assembly a crew of men May 15
nomination for county clerk, was withdrew.
Physician and Surgeon
here Tuesday night. Wednesday
The German sailors then took the City or elsewhere in the Mexican and rebuild these unsafe bridges.
J. D. Irvine of Brownsville, who women from the Southern and the
He expects the road to, be open for
wishes the nomination of the repub­ Imperial hotels aboard boats to the Through the efforts of the British travel sometime during the: latter
lican party for county commission­ ships in the harbor. The men embassy here and the British lega­ part of June or the first of July at
Calls promptly attended
er and Ed Schoel, who is contend­ marched out. Some gave their suit­ tion in Mexico City, the impression the latest..
ing for the democratic nomination cases to Mexican porters. A few that Mexicans were detained at
day or night
for sheriff, were in town.
of the suitcases, the refugees said, Vera Cruz had been removed, as
Mrs. J, B. Keeney gave a party
to four school ■ girls one day last
All of these gentlemen are repre­ were torn from the porters’ hands Mr. Bryan announced yesterday.
Mr. Bryan said efforts were still week.. Besides tbe fine luncheon,
sentative citizens and are all-around by other Mexicans, thrown on the
good fellows. Of course all of them ground and trampled. There was being made to obtain the release of Mrs. Keeney had prepared a number
paid the Tribune office a pleasant some rioting at the Imperial hotel. thirty-three Americans detained at of good instructive, stories for their
The Southern has been for years the Aguas Calientes, and those held up edification. The guests.were Misses
call while here.
O regon
headquarters for oil men in the on the railroads between Mexico Vera McMaster, Rena Miller, Leora S weet H ome
The Tribune $1.25 per year.
Nye and Bessie Weddle.
Tampico district.
City and Vera Cruz.