Intermountain tribune and Linn County agriculturalist. (Sweet Home, Linn County, Or.) 1913-1914, April 02, 1914, Image 1

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VOL. 2.
NO. 49.
$1.25 THE YEAR
The Washington penitentiary
Walla Walla is to be made a graded
prison, having three grades. When
Dr. Cyrus Northup„a Minnesota Educator A Missouri Official Disguised as Tramp the prisoner is admitted, he is as­ Both Water System and the Chemical President Wilson is Supported by 200
signed to the second grade. Good
Engine Not Used to Extin-
Democrats-—Party Tide is
Finds Work in Construction
Says it Gives Too Big a Job
conduct may promote him to the
guish the Blaze
Not Stayed
For Us
first grade or bad conduct will re­
duce him to the third grade. Of
course the conditions of the second
When Dr. Wilson for some reason
Jefferson City, Mo., March 28.— áre more pleasant than the thirc
Washington, March 31. — The
Minneapolis, Minn.,. March 30.—
The United States should not make The experiences of James J. Barret, and the first preferable to the visited his barn, late Friday evening House of Representatives, after one
at about 9 o’clock, he discovered a of the most spectacular legislative
too much of the Monroe doctrine, Assistant Labor Commissioner, as a' second.
small blaze in the loft beneath the struggles in the history of the Na­
Dr. Cyrus Northrop, president “casual laborer” are related in an
, . The search for the body of P. J.
hay. He gaVe the alarm at once tion, voted tonight to repeal the
emeritus of the (University of Minne­ annual report submitted today by
Knapp, who was drowned at- Cor­
and attempted to drown the fire by provision of the Panama Canal act
sota, asserted in an address here to­ Mr. Barrett to Governor Major.
vallis some two weeks ago, has been
throwing water from beneath, which exempting American vessels from
day before a large audience of Barrett left St? Louis a month ago
abandoned. The body will be watch­
proved ineffectual. Help was at the payment of tolls. The vote on
preachers representing several de­ disguised as a tramp and found
ed for when it rises of its own. ac­
nominations. Dr. Northrop com­ work in various construction camps. cord or is freed from where it be­ hand almost instantly and the at­ the repeal was 247 to 161, a ma­
tempt was made to smother the fire jority of 86 votes in support of the
In his report, Barrett said that in
mended Woodrow Wilson for his
came fastened.
by passing water to the loft and personal plea of President Wilson.
stand in the Mexican situation.
one railroad construction- camp the
This verdict on the issue, which
“Our attempt to make ’ this gov­ foreman threatened to beat him be­ A tornado visited Kansas in the throwing it on the hay, but this
has absorbed Congress for weeks,
ernment responsible for the good cause he asked for a cup of coffee vicinity of Topeka, last week, doing proved futile as well.
The removal of the. stock and came at the close of a stirring day
order and humanity of every Nation before going to work at daybreak considerable damage to property
and injuring many persons.
other contents from the barn then made memorable in the annals of
in the Western Aemisphere is a job without food.
Mr. Barrett made an investigation
that is too big for us,” he said.
Denmark has refused to join the was attended to when all that the the House by a party division which
“There are other South American of Greek coffee houses in St, Louis. United States in an arbitration spectators could do was to stand found Speaker Clark, Majority
Leader Underwood and other Demo­
republics capable of looking after He questioned 29 girls employed in treaty, which is a matter of sur­ around and watch the barn burn.
Sweet Home has a new chemical cratic chieftains lined up in opposi­
themselves and their neighbors, if these places and he reported that prise to Secretary Bryan.
fire engine, but several announced tion to the President on an issue
need be. There are Argentina and some of the girls told him they got
A. part of a pig’s eye was success­
that the machine was not loaded, which the latter had declared vital
work in the coffee houses only on a
Brazil, for instance.
fully grafted onto a child’s eye in
so no effort was made to utilize the to his conduct of the Nation’s
“As for Mexico, the situation promise to enter a life of immoral­
Maryland, a short time ago. It is
there is horrible. If Villa succeeds ity. The girls serve • the coffee in’ the opinion of the surgeon in charge same. The engine, however,' was foreign policy.
fully charged and ready for busi­ The bill goes tomorrow to the
in conquering Huerta, it will be the house, as reported, and take
that limited sight will result.
ness. The only trouble was that no Senate, where the fight will be re­
terrible. If Hureta succeeds in con­ their places at the table with the
quering Villa, it will be terrible. If men as the latter drink their bever­ The house in which Samuel J. one had beén authorized by the city newed with all of the vigor and
either one is left, it will be bad. If ages. Intoxicants also are served Tilden was born, was destroyed by council to handle the machine. The determination that attended .it in
each swallows the other it will be in some of these coffee houses, he fire a few days ago. The building failure of the water system, besides the lower house.
Was more than 125 years old.
lack of pressure, was the fact that z On the final vote 220 Democrats
Many men out of work agree to
Mrs. Todd, 104 years old, who re­ the tank had been cleaned, out late in the House stood by the .President,
An Episode
pay employment agencies as high as sides in the Northwestern Christian in the afternoon and as the water giving him in “ungrudging meas­
50 per cent of their wages, Barrett home at Walla Walla, will moderate supply is from a spring, the tank ure” what he had asked “for the
honor of the Nation” in its foreign
When making an urgent profes-, Reported, and in some construction her habit of smoking in order to had not had time to fill.
The fire originated beneath- the relations. Twentyfive Republicans
sional call near Foster last week. camps the foremen are in league live to an old age, says an exchange.
hdy in the loft and it is a matter of and two. Progressives also voted to
Dr. Ross of Lebanon, when near the with the employment agencies to
■. When the Mexican rebel troops
residence of G. W. Pickens, drove discharge men after they have under command of General Caranza conjecture as to how the blaze was sustain the President.
started. Some attribute it to incen­
52 democrats followed, Speaker
against a stump with sufficient vio­ worked a short time and thus make
entered Juarez, Mexico, a few days
lence to break some part of the way for new men. The “fees” then ago, the Stars and Stripes were car­ diary origin some to matches drop­ Clark and Leader Underwood to
ped on the floor and carried to the defeat in their steadfast determina­
tongue fixtures of his buggy. The are shared by the employment
ried along side the Mexican flag.
loft by mice or rate and others to tion that the president was wrong
night was quite dark and the aid of agency and the foreman.
Frequent showers for all parts of spontaneous combustion'. Whatever in his decision that toll exemption
The men employed in* the con­
Mr. Pickens and his lantern was
called. Inspection showed that it struction camps, he reported, are the Northwest for this week, was the cause, Dr. Wilson is very sure for American ships is a violation of
would require some little time to charged 25 cents a month for hospi­ the prediction of the Portland that he now has no barn. He the Hay-Paun cefote treaty with
places the loss, barn, hay and grain Great Britain.
< ,
repair the injury, so Dr. Ross guid­ tal fees, but are disehargedJf \they weather service, last Monday.
ed by another neighbor, started get sick. • •
Salem is expecting one of the at about $700 or more, with nd in­
Nothing, it seemed, could stem
The food in the camps is unheal­ largest ., building booms of her surance. Dr. Wilson had made ap­ the .tide of administration success.
afoot to travel the remaining mile
to his destination, leaving Mr. Pick­ thy, the bunk ears are filthy, the history, says the Oregonian’s Salem plication for an insurance policy at Speaker Clark, for nearly 22 years
about noon on Friday but, owing to a member of the House, made the
ens to carry his heavy instrument cooks are often diseased and there correspondent.
is grave danger of epidemic in , the
a lack of inspection, the policy was speech of his life to forestall what
Washington reports that it will
not written.
Mr. Pickens was, just recovering camps.
he termed “unquestionable degra­
be six - weeks before the United
Mr. Barrett also studied the
Two facts were brought forcably dation” of the nation. In this he
from a slight spell of sickness and,
States sehate will reach a vote on
to the attention of o.ur citizens, viz: failed, but he did smooth oyer the
by the time he had negotiated the mental atitude of the casual work­
the repeal of free tolls for Ameri­
A water system which has not pres­ party breach with kindly words for
mile, was quite fagged. Mr. Pick­ ers. On this point he reports:
can coastwise ships.
“If this immènse army. of these
sure sufficient to throw water to his adversaries, praise for President
ens* friends now talk of him as the
Heavy earthquakes weré fèlt at the top of an ordinary building, is Wilson and an unqualified denial of
consulting physician and have dub­ down-and-outs could get together
and stay in one place long enough the national capitol, last Saturday no fire protection whatever and the any vaulting ambition on his own
bed him “doctor.”
to become voters they could swing night. The shock, lasting more than best of fire engines is of no value behalf.
The Tribune $1.25 per year.
a national election and elect any one hour, reached as far west as St. unless there is some sort of a fire, When Speaker Clark had closed
Louis, Mo.
ticket they put un.
the debate for the opposition to the
“There is a terrible, deep undér-
Let us hope that our city council, repeal with an impassioned argu­
The mayor of Oregon City talks
current of rebellion, unrest and re­ of prohibiting swearing on the will take steps, at once, to organize ment he was triumphant in defeat,
volt among them ■ because of the streets of that city. The city’s ex­ some sort of a department, practice for. the entire legislative assemblage
amazing amount of exploitation and chequer múst be running short of with the engine sufficient to under­ in which were many senators, rose
Physician and Surgeon
oppression they aie subject to cash. -
stand how to operate it and in: case to .cheer him.
- ■
simply because they are tramps.”
of another fire, have the machine
President Wilson was at dinner
The Toledo, Ohio, trolley cars, oii hand to be used to the best ad­
when the result of the vote was an­
Edgar McDaniels, an Albany rather than carry passengers for the vantage.
nounced. He was gratified, but
young man, was Struck by an Ore­ légal fare of three cents, pending
Calls promptly attended
Albany has, probably, the meanest made no comment.
' ■ •
gon Electric train at the gravel pit, the court decision upon’ the consti­
day or night
near that city, on Wednesday of tutionality of the law, carry them man in Linn county. For some
John Thompson tried to get by­
last week and died within a few free if fivé cent fares are not offer­ reason, known to himself only, he
hours. The tracks of the 0. E. and ed^
threw concentrated lye upon the standers to assist him in hunting
S. P. railroad lines are within a few
udder of a »fine Jersey cow. Of for a $20 piece which he said had
feet of each other at this point and
900 tons of Alaska coal have been course the suffering of the bovine been lost in the muddy street in
a S. P. train was passing, the noise transported to the coast for the gov­
was seVère. Just why a fiend of front of the Slavens blacksmith
of which caused the young man to
this .character should wish to inflict shop, last Wednesday. Biit the gag
not notice the Electric which ran
S weet H ome
O regon him down. No blame is attached the quality of the coal for steam punishment upon an inoffensive was too old and Thompson proved
to the motorman.
J purposes.
dumb brute is incomprehensible.
the only sucker.