Intermountain tribune and Linn County agriculturalist. (Sweet Home, Linn County, Or.) 1913-1914, March 05, 1914, Image 1

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VOL. 2.
NO. 45.
$1.25 THE YEAR
Willard L. Marks Announces That He Physician Tells How to Use the Silver
Nitrite Cure at Home on -
Will Not Stand to Succeed
the Boys
Telegraphic Spark»
The Oregonian sees, in thé
organization of the fish and game
commissions, a political machine to
advance the West-Smith interests.
Portland will give 105,000‘choice
rose bushes to Portland people who
will plant them in the parking
stripB and care for them.
Old Friends Entice Him Away) From His Intervention When All Else Fails is Hint
—The Mexican Situation is
Barricaded Cabin and He is
The color in the canals on the
Albany, Ore., Feb. 28.—Decoyed
planet Mars has changed. Scientists
think it is due to the snow melting away from his gun, Calavan Neal,
at the Martian pole and flood water who has terrorized the neighbor­
hood in Jordan Valley. 12 miles
flowing off through the canals.
east of Scio, the past few days, was
A stranded 17-year-old girl at^ captured this afternoon. He put
Los Angeles, who wanted to returh up a Strong fight arid it required
to her foriner home in Chicago, was four men to place handcuffs on him.
found to have a bottle of poison* on
Neal was taken to Scio tonight,
her person and said if she could not and next Monday will be brought
go home she wanted, to die.
to1 Albany for examination for
General Carranza, the head of the insanity.
Mexican constitutionalists, when re­
For the past 36 hours Neal; bar­
quested by Secretary Bryan to fur­ ricaded in his cabin, has’avoided
nish information relative to the arrest. When Deputy Sheriff Lind­
murder of the British subject Ben­ ley went to arrest him yesterday,
ton, refused. He thinks he should Neal announced he would shoot any
answer for the matter to England one who approached the house. He
and not to the United States.
repeated the threat manv times,
Clackamas county school boys and keeping hold of his gun all the
girls are so proficient in spelling time. All efforts to surprise him
that Superintendent Calavan is dis­ failed yesterday and this morning.
This afternoon two men who have
posed to challenge any other county
been his closest friends succeeded,
in the state for a spelling match.
after a long parley, in inducing
Colonel Goethals, the Panama Neal to walk from the cabiri for a
Canal builder, has been presented conference, leaving his gun behind.
with a medal of honor by the city When he did so several men dashed
of New York because of the success between him and the house and
of his achievment.
overpowered him.
Senator Borah, of Idaho, pro­
For several days Neal has been
nounces the harvester trust “one of threatening the lives of neighbors,
the most unconscionable and shape­ it is said, and a warrant of arrest
less monopolies of this country.”
for his examination on a charge of
Canada is planning to build a insanity was issued.
Washington; March 2.—President
Salem, Ore., March 2.-»-Here is
Wilson revealed to those wh6 dis­
the “cure” for the cigarette habit,
cussed Mexican affairs with him
as given out today by W. S. Hale,.
today that he fully realized the
superintendent of the State Train­
gravity of the situation resulting
ing school for boys, who says that
from the killing of William S Beni
it has been efficacious in every case
ton, a British subject; the reported
tried at the institution:
murder of Gustav Bauch and
Home treatment—-Two per cent
Clemente Vergara, American citi­
solution silver nitrite (not silver
zens, and General Carranza’s denial
nitrate.) Gargle at night three
of the right of the United States to
times a week for a month. Will not
look after the interests of foreigners
be able to smoke next day after
first gargle and will be cured after
generally in Mexico.
taking treatment for one month.
The President spoke deploringly
Treatment by physician or nurse:
of armed intervention, but pointedly
referred to the size and power of a
Five per cent solution silver nitrite.
Swab mouth and throat daily until
country like the United States as
it is believed a cure has been ob­
being sufficient warrant for a calm
tained. .
and patient course while compliance
The formulas were prepared., by
with the American demands was
Dr. G. C. Bellinger, physician at the
being sought.
training school. About 75 per cent
Callers got the impression from
of the boys sent to the institution
the President that he was deter­
are. treated and cured by these
mined to try every peaceful means
at his disposal to solve the Mexican
“Since the Oregonian published
problem, but that he realized cer­
the story that we were curing briys
tain eventualities might mean a
of the cigarette habit with silver
drastic course. He spoke with a
nitrite,” said Superintendent Hale
firmness that showed his determina­
today, “we have received a half
tion not to be stampeded into action
dozen letters a day from persons
bv radical speeches in Congress, but
asking if they could come to the in­
left a hint that when the necessity
stitution to be treated.
arose the American Goverhment
“The fact that we have found the
could be expected to move decisive­
treatment efficacious and the appeals
ly and effectively. Upon Great
of many persons, have induced .us railroad north from British Columbia
Britain’s attitude toward the Ben­
Kissing is Divorce Cure
to make the prescription and treat­ to the Yukon country.
ton case depends largely the extent
ment public.”,
to which the United States will be­
California figures her losses on
“My cure for the divorce evil is come involved. Should England
account of the late floods at 12 lives to kiss your wife every day as an
Fields Quits Service Of Soutlrerri * Pacific and $30,000,000.
show an inclination to let the Ben­
evidence of good faith,” said Vice ton case await final adjudication at
Idaho figures the cost of her state President Marshail in addressing a time when a firm government is
L. R. Fields, superintendent of
county elections at $1.34 per the Young Men’s Christian Associat­ established in Mexico, the United
the Southern Pacific, and the oldest
ion in Brooklyn, N. Y. Sunday.
States will not feel called upon to
Portland operating official of thé dapita.
He did not, however, believe in. challenge General Carranza’s speci­
company in the point of service, has:
A Clackamas county man, if elect­
resigned, effective March 1, and ed to a seat in the legislature, will kissing another irian’s wife on any fic refusal to supply the Washing­
, ' ■
ton Administration with information
will be succeeded by Frank L.- introduce a bill to make taxes pay­ day.
Burckaler, division engineer. Fields able quarterly, the pay davs being
about Benton’s death.
Wireless Explodes Mine
is to retire under the Southern. January 1, April 1, July 1 and
Pacific pension system, after 39 October 1.
Gov. West has. pardoned James
Madrid, March 2—Iglesias Blanco,
years of continuous service. Sup­
and J. D. Kennedy, who were
When the Supreme Court justices
erintendent Fields is well-known in
occupied the new supreme court cessful experiment with an ultra doing time in the county jail at
Eugene, having made frequent trips
buildiqg for the first time, all wore violet ray apparatus, similar to that Albany for violating the local option
here for many years.
judicial robes, which, each had pro­ used by Gullio Ulive, exploding a law, They , pledged that they would
When he came west with his
case of dynamite buried iri the obey the law hereafter, support
vided for .himself,
family in the spring of 1875 fie had
ground, at a distance of half a their families and abstain from the
TKe P.,É. & E. R. R. has discon­
had a little experience as an opera--
use of intoxicants, themselves.
tor on the Milwaukee system and tinued steam as a motive force on
' (Continued on page 4)
Blanco says he can explode the
worked with A. J. Earling, now the the’ ’ new'. line from Corvallis to magazine of warships or the gaso­
president of the Milwaukee lines; Eugene; ' Aasoline motors are to be line tanks of aeroplanes and dirigible
Clean Whaleseme Bed«.
Maintain Air
who was then a dispatcher on the used .until the line is electrified.
same division.
Edwin Pullen won the fifth inter­
Mr. Fields w'ent to workÿfor the national prize racé on the Santa
Our High school is attended by
old Oregon & California, which had Monica, Cali, course, last Saturday. but 12 or 13 students. This is not
a line running from Portland to He made the 403.24* miles in 5 hours a remarkably good showing for the
Roseburg, a distance of 200 miles, and 13 minutes, an average of 79.2 nine districts embraced 'in the
Newly refurnished and
I have a good stock of Electric
the west side line was construct­ miles per hour.
union district.
painted inside. Tables
Light Supplies, including Lamps,
ed from Portland to St. Joe, a dis­
are supplied with the
James Hemenway, of Cottage
Smoothing Irons, Toasters, etc.,
tance of 47 miles.
best the market affords»
Grove, gave .a meal and a small sum captured with difficulty, when taken on the road, to be here in a few
Promotion after promotion came
before Judge McKnight at Albany, davs. I intend to handle every­
to Mr. Fields, until he became of money to ’ a stranger who was was committed to the insane asy­ thing in the line of electric goods
Feed barn in connection
superintendent, a position which he penniless, a few years ago. This
with the Hotel.;........... >
demanded by the people of this
has filled for the past 23 years. stranger has turned up in Wyoming lum.
community. l am also prepared
The territory in his jurisciction as a wealthy oil producer. He lately
The Linn County Historical society to wire your business room or
Meals 35c,
Beds 25c. covers all Southern Pacific lines,
sent Mr. Hemnway a check for $300 has formulated a plan to ascertain dwelling preparatory to the in­
main line arid branches in Oregon,
stallation of electric, lights.
F. B. K napp , manager
with the exception of the Corvallis arid an offer to manage the business the origin of the names of the land­
& Eastern, which has an independ­ at a good salary. Mr. Hemenway marks and to record the history of GEO. E. DAYTON, Sweet Home
ent operating management.
will go to Wyoming at once.
Linn county.
It is seldom that a public official,
who has reason to believe that the
people would elect him to succeed
himself, refuses to stand for re­
election. Especially is this true
when the office is one of the best
paying positions which is at the dis­
posal of the county.
County Clerk Willard L. Marks
announced, last week, that he would
retire from his present office at the
expiration of his term. He makes
this statement, evidently, so that he
will be out of consideration with
Qthers who may aspire to the posi­
Mr. Marks has held down a chair
in the, clerk’s office for eight years,
including the remainder of his term,
four years as deputy under Wm.
Miller, and four years as principal.
That his service has been most satis­
factory «to the people is evidenced
by the fact that he was the nominee
of both republican and democratic
parties on both occasions when he
stood for election. This can be said
of no other clerk in the history of
Linn county. That he has been
efficient and obliging goes without
saying; for the people would gladly
retain him in his present position.
But as he is master of his own
action, the peonle will have to look
elsewhere, knowing that they cannot
find his superior and it is doubtful
if they find his equal.
However, the people are not satis­
fied to have Mr. Marks retire to
private life. Though the county
clerk is purely ministerial in its re­
quirements, he has proven in every
\yay possible that he is alert to the
interest of the people and that he
possesses ability much above most
men. For this reason the Tribune
and, probably, a large majoritv of
the people of Linn county . would
like to see Mr. Marks made the re­
publican candidate of Linn j county
for 'the state senate.
reason to believe that he would ac­
cept the nomination and that his
election would be a surety. We
also believe that he would stand
true to the people’s interests and
that he would render service first,
Electric Supplies
Hotel Foster