Intermountain tribune and Linn County agriculturalist. (Sweet Home, Linn County, Or.) 1913-1914, February 26, 1914, Image 1

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VOL. 2.
NO. 44.
The Flood Extends From Tehachapi to The Idaho Case is Made the Subject
Mexico-Gale Rages Alang
of Investigation by the Post­
the Coast
office Department
Los Angeles, Feb. 21.—With a
loss of probably more than $4,500,-
000 and a total of seven human
lives since Wednesday, Southern
California began to recover tonight
from the effects of the worst storm
in its history.
Swept by wind and rain for the
past three days, most of the terri­
tory between the Teeachapi Moun­
tains and the Mexican line was
flooded, but with the sun shining
most of today the situation itnprov-
, ed considerably and, while nearly
all of the towns effected remained
isolated tonight, progress was made
toward re-establishing wire and rail
According to an estimate made
by A. C. Hansven, assistant city
engineer, Los Angeles was damaged
to the extent of at least $1,500,-
* 000. $150,000 represented the
damage to city streets alone. The
remainder represented losses sus­
tained by railroads and by citizens
who lost their homes, which were
swept away by the floods, with all
their household effects.
Except in the vicinity of Pomona;
where the young groves suffered
severely, orange growers reported
comparatively little damage. Ranch­
es and small farms were inundated,
but no reliable data could be obtain­
ed as to the losses sustained By
Telegraphic Sparks
A Chicago press dispatch states
that the Middle West was visited
with another blizzard last Saturday.
Snow, sleet, high winds, etc. para­
lyzed railway traffic, causing danger
of coal famine in several towns.
State Departmenr Gains Important Point Mike Cosgrove Attempted to Scald a
■—Wounds May Solve the
Barrel and Succeeded in
Scalding Himself
Five states of Northern Mexico
talk of seceding from the mother
government. General Caranza and
Spokane, Wash., Feb. 21.—The other leaders are considering the
Washington, Feb. 24.—With a
trip by parcel post of May Pierstorff plan.
promise received tonight by Secre­
age 4, from Grangeville, Idaho to
tary Bryan from General Francisco
Joseph Fels, the great Single Tax Villa that the body of William S.
Lewiston, Idaho, Thursday will be
investigated by the postoffice de­ apostle, is dead. It is stated he Benton, British siibject, soon would-
contributed more than $100,000 be exhumed and turned over to
When the local postoffice inspec­ annually to establish the Henry American officials for examination,
tors heard the child actually had George theory of taxation.
the Washington Government con­
been transported through the mails
Governor West has sent his pri­ sidered that the first important step
by parcel post, A. F. Watson, chief vate secretary, Miss Fern Hobbs, to had been accomplished in its investi­
clerk in the office of the local in­ investigate saloon matters at Cove, gations of the recent execution at
spectors, was ordered to communi­ Oregon. The method employed at Jbarez.
cate with the postal officers to de­ Copperfield may be repeated'
From the character of the wounds
termine by what authority they
on Benton’s body, physicians
Secretary of State Bryan has
placed 53 cents of stamps on the ordered a searching investigation will be able to say whether Benton
girl and sent her as mail matter into the matter of the execution of was killed by a pistol shot, as his
from Grangeville to Lewiston.
the English subject, Wm. S. Benton friends contend, or by a firing squad
• While the local officials have re­ who was executed by order of the as Villa asserts. It is generally ad­
ceived no special instructions, they) ■ rebel, General Villa on Tuesday of mitted in official circles that such
declare that the recent newspaper last week.
an examination will be of great
articles announcing children cannot
value in either affirming or disprov­
be sent by parcel post is correct. . Ex-Senator Fred Dubois declares ing an important point in the gener­
They assert that the Idaho officials that the administration is giving all al explanation of the affair made by
have clearly violated-the postal rules the Idaho political plums to Mormon Villa.
in deliberately sending the girl by residents of that state,
The postal rales provide that no
live animal shall be sent by mail.
The inspectors declare that a child
clearly comes under this section of
the law.' The law further provides
that anything “which may kill of in
any wise injure another or damage
the mail or property” shall be ex­
cluded. The inspectors think that
this claim alone would exclude
$1.25 THE YEAR
Mike Cosgrove, the packer for
the settlers up in township 12, range
4, was the victim of a most peculiar
and painful accident, last Saturday
Wishing to thoroughly cleanse a
barrel, he partially lulled it with
water, placed a number of heated
stones in the water and then Restor­
ed the head of the barrel, fastening
the same with one of the hoops.
He, evidently,, underestimated the
amount of steam the rocks would
produce, for the pressure became
so great that the head was blown
out, just at a time when Mike’s
face was over the barrel, the barrel
head and steam striking his-» face.
Fortunately, the head prevented
much of the scalding steam from
reaching his face and he closed his
eyes too quickly for them to be
greatly injured. But enough of the
steam reached his face to scald it
On Sunday, accompanied by two
of his neighbor settlers, he came to
Sweet Home to place himself under
the care of a physician. Dr. Wilson
was called and administered treat­
ment. A close examination showed
that his-eyes were uninjured, though
his face was badly swolen and gave
evidence that Mike will be occupied
for some time scaling his face.
New York City will celebrate the
Legation Guards For World Powers
300th anniversary of the establish­
ment of American Commerce, during
Washington, Feb. 24. — Everÿ
ing the coming summer.
world power except the United
Only 14 eminent Oregon citizens States will soon have marines and
have tossed their hats in the ring blue jackets guarding .its interests
desiring to be nominated to wear in the City of Mexico. England
Governor West’s shoes, soon after and Germany already have legation,
the first of next year as follows: guards there and France and Japan
Republican, Geo. C. Brownell, W. have advised the Washington ad­
A. Carter, A. M. Crawford, Grant ministration that they have decided
Charcoal Tree Is Freak
B. Dimick, T. T. Geer, Gus. C. to send guards to the légation.
Moser, R. L. Stevens and Dr. James Other powers are expected to aqt
When candidates for governor
Telling the Ttuth
Withycombe. Democrat, A. S. Ben­ similarly. But, there will be no
An immense red fir tree with a
and for the legislature begin to talk
nett*, John Manning, Col. R. A. Mil­ landing of Americans unless it heart of pure charcoal was cut
retrenchment in taxation and the
A very young reporter was sent ler, Dr. C, J. Smith. Progressive, should prove absolutely necessary, down last week on the farm of E.-
destruction of useless and expensive
by his editor to report a wed­ F. M. Gill. Independent, W. S.' unless actual violence shall make it B. Wallace, about eight miles east
commissions, then the people will
absolutely necessary. With the wf Albany. It is a most pecular
sit up and take notice. The candi­ ding. He returned quickly and sat U’Ren.
date who can convince the people idly at his desk, smoking. Presently
Seven people lost their lives in feeling so tense, it is feared that freak in plant life.
The tree was about six feet in (
that he is in dead earnest about -this his chief beckoned to him.
the Southern California flood last the presence of armed Americans in
“Why don’t you write your arti­
and in the exact center of
matter, will be a winner, no matter
keep the peace, might precipitate the tree for a distance of about 15
what his politics may be. If he cle?” asked the editor.
Ex-Senator Henry M. Teller, the disorder. President Wilson remains feet upward from the ground was a
“Nothing to write,” replied the
has the ability to make good land
who revolted against pledging determined to soft pedal the Mexi­ body of charcoal two feet in diame­
the people believe that he will be ‘cub.’ “The groom committed sui­
cide and there ain’t goin’ to be no his party to the single gold standard can situation.
ter. It was perfect charcoal and as
true, they want him.
at St. Louis in 1896, is dead.
nice as any manufactured carefully.
Governor West is a believer in
A California catsup firm is resist­ County Judges Not Effected by 6-Year Law The rings outside of this center of
Just about as near-sighted are a
Qconomv. Yet it is true that, "dur­ great many small town merchants ing the seizure of 2400 gallons of
charcoal indicated a growth of 109
Salem, Ore., Feb. 24.—Attorney years around the charcoal.
ing his administration, the state tax who sit idly in their stores waiting their product, before the United
has been more than doubled. ’ Nor for their townsmen to get tired of States court in Portland. The cat­ General Crawford gave out two
- could the Governor prevent it with doing business with mail order sup was condemned under the state opinions this morning, one to the
Intermouutain Tribune $1.25
effect that the amending of article per year.
a ran tanker ous legislature as the houses and the larger stores in the Impure Food law.
last one was, on his hands.
neighboring cities. . And all the , Eugene has sold $100,000 of 7 of the constitution at the election
while opportunity looms big before water bonds > in Chicago at a pre­ in 1910, changing the term of office
of county judges from four to six
Clean Wheleaame Beat.
Meantain Air
these idle ones—if they will only mium of $3150.
years, did not affect the terms of
use their imaginations and see it.
A Dallas boy paroled from the judges elected at that election.
Last year one mail order house state Reform school recently, liked
In consequence the county judges
alone is reported to have done more the school so well that he returned
elected in 1910 will hold only four
than $90,000,000 of business—an thereto voluntarily, taking his
years and will therefore have their
/ ayerage of a dollar for each man,
younger brother with him.
successors; elected this year.
Newly refurnished and
woman and child in the United
I have a good stock of Electric
Another opinion is that a school
painted inside. Tables
States. And the bulk of this busi­
director who, under the law holds Light Supplies, including Lamps,
are supplied with the
ness came from the small towns, for
Smoothing Irons, Toasters, etc.,
office uptil his successor is elected on
best the market affords
the road, to be here in a few
big city people read so much of and sentenced to the electric chair,
has been granted a new trial by the and qualified, riot only to hold his days. I intend to handle every­
Feed barn in connection
office, but under the law which says thing in the line of electric goods
that mail order “bargains” of a supreme court of that state.
with the Hotel.............
the oldest elected school director demanded by the people of this
doubtful character have « but little
Authorities at the state Reform
shall be chairman of the school community. I am also prepared
school are using the nitrate of silver
to .wire your business room or
Meals 35c,
Beds 25c. fascination for them.
board, he also remains'chairman of dwelling
preparatory to the in­
In the large cities people are be­ cure with success upon the boys, the board.
of electric lights.
F. B. K napp , manager
ginning to realize that sensationally
few treatments are required to effect
Subscribe for the Intermountain GEO. E. DAYTON, Sweet Home
a cure of the cigarette habit.
(Continued, on page 4)
Tribune, $1.25 the year.
Electric Supplies
Hotel Foster