À manner. That is to say, shall one road or part of it be placed in a ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY BY highly improved condition, while another road or part is neglected in T. L. DUGGER, EDITOR aND PROP whole or in part. There is little need of making a boulevard of a SUBSCRIPTION, IN ADVANCE.... $1.25 road in, say a back neighborhood, if AT END OF YEAR ____ ..__________ 1.50 the road or part of it to the trade SIX MONTHS ..... ;.................. .75 center or shipping point, remains unimproved for, as Mr. Whitcomb rightly argues, the quality of a road ADVERTISING RATES: is estimated on the basis of its Local advertising, per line........ ....5c poorest part. To illustrate: Por­ Display advertising, per inch..... 10c tions of the road from Sweet Home Display advertising, long time, see to Lebanon or from Sweet Home to manager. Brownsville, are in fine condition, Extended marriage or death notices almost as good as if paved. Other per line... 3c portions are rutty, rough and stony. Special rates on long time display An average team could draw three] advertising. or four tons on the better parts, but one-third of the weight is a load on the rough stony or hilly places; NEXT TUESDAY’S ELECTION Hence, the load for the entire dis­ tance must be gauged by what the At the special election, next Tues­ team can draw over the bad or day, five measures are to be voted neglected places. upon. Two of these measures, are Mr. Whitcomb’s plan of placing for the appropriation of money for one-half the road tax collected in the University of Oregon at Eugene. the general road and bridge fund, The editor of the Tribune has is good; for it will enable the county always opposed the state college, court to apply funds where most believing that all state money ex­ needed. pended for educational purposes, Under the present plan of roa should be through the agency of districting the county, some district the public schools. But, as the have large bodies of valuable tim­ majority of the people have pro­ berland in their boundaries and, in nounced for the retention pf the comparison to other districts, but a university, we shall offer no advice small road milage. The tax on upon these measures; for we believe timberlands raises a large fund to that a majority of the people should be placed to the credit of these rule and we bow to this majority. •outlying districts, Other districts The Tribune favors the county with a large road milage, because attorney measure. We now have a of location, have no timberlands. deputy prosecuting attorney in Mr. Whitcomb does not undertake every county. The expense would to give his plan in detail, . but only be but little if any greater, if each in a general way. It should be the county had its own prosecuting business of the county court to work attorney. He would be in closer out the detail. The central ideas touch with all matters demanding are the placing of one-half the road the attention of the public prosecu­ taxes in the general road and bridge tor and, we believe, would give the fund, having supervisors who are people, a better and more equitable personally interested in the improve­ service, than under the present ment of a particular road, or roads, system. etc; etc. In the matter of the Workman’s Mr. Whitcomb’s suggestions are Compensation act, the Tribune with­ worthy of serious consideration and out hesitation, says the measure may be the starter for a better road should become a law. Shyster law­ system than we now have. yers, who reap large profits by prosecuting damage suits against One feature of the new tariff in corporations and employers of labor, are responsible for the reference of the Eastern states, is the reduction this measure. The workman, under in the price of fresh beef. Beef the proposed law, would get more animals are being brought in from benefit and much prompter action, Canada and from South America than if he had to carry his cause both alive and in a refrigerated before the courts. The Tribune form. But no material reduction believes that the “Sterilization” in the price of home grown and measure should become law. We fatted cattle is noticable. So far, believe that the mere fact that this the consumer seems to be the only penaly would be visited upon the beneficiary. criminal for certain acts, would prevent the commission of the crime Secretary Bryan is and has been in many instances. It would, also, the target for considerable adverse prevent the propogation of confirm­ criticism. His\friends will be dis­ ed or professional criminals of appointed if he does not yet prove whom there is. but little or any to the country that hq is a master hope of reform. of the position he occupies. At all The Tribune will not attempt to events, he seems to yet command offer advice in the matter of our the confidence of President Wilson. local wet or dry proposition. We are too new here to advise. As a Commissioner Russell has inform­ rule, people have fixed opinions in ed this office that both a rock crush­ this matter which argument would er and an engine will be available not change. But so long as the for use by Sweet Home, next week. Federal government permits and Now if our citizens will donate work taxes the manufacture of liquor, a liberally, there is no reason why our locrl fight against its sale and use, Main street can not be given a good will be uphill work. coating of crushed rock. Now is In this matter as in all others, a the time to manifest public spirit. majority of the people must rule. If our town goes wet and a saloon Market Quotations Physician and Surgeon is established, every citizen should endeavor to have the law enforced By W. B. Thompson to the letter. If the town goes dry, then every law-abiding citizen should Beef, live, per lb....................5 to 5|c give his aid and influence towards Beef, dressed, per lb.................... 10c Calls promptly attended preventing illicit dealing. Hogs, dressed, per lb........... 8 to 10c day or night Fat hogs, live wt.,............. >...........7c Stockers....;^..,....li,..........2........ ....:.... 6c THE BETTER ROADS PLAN Veal, fancy .......L .; ...... ii........12c There is merit in the plan to se­ cure better roads, proposed by Geo. Wanted—This office can place a B. Whitcomb, for it makes it pos­ loan of $500; first-class mortgage sible for the roads of all sections to security. If you have the money, S weet H ome O regon be improved in a sort of equitable call and see us. Intermountain Tribune Slaughter in Boys Suits I have 30 suits of boys and lads clothing, retail price $7 to $20 per suit. To close them out these suits will be sold at just ONE-HALF THE ABOVE PRICES Now is the time to fit your boy out with school suits We also carry a complete line of General Merchandise, Groceries, Hardware, Etc. If vou will come in and see me, we will do business. J. M. COWDREY on Sweet Home Subscribe for the Intermountain Tribune AND BUY YOUR Groceries OF THE Lebanon Supply Co EXCLUSIVE GROCERS Lebanon S. C. STEWART President W. M. BROWN, Vice Pres. J. M. STEWART Vice Pres. CLARENCE INGRAM Cash. T. D. O’BRIEN, Assistant Cashier The Lebanon National Bank LEBANON, OREGON We do a general banking business We pay interest on time deposits We have safety deposit boxes to rent We want your business and will treat you in a manner to deserve it. DR. I. B. WILSON DON’T FORGET THAT WE SELL Poultry Supplies OF ALL KINDS Come in and get prices on the Best Mill Feed and Flour on the market Grant Street KRIEG & ZIESING Lebanon, Ore. »