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About Intermountain tribune and Linn County agriculturalist. (Sweet Home, Linn County, Or.) 1913-1914 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1913)
A 4 Ta bet? M n TRIBUNE _:----------- from J I LINN C( VOL. 2. NO. 27. *PRESIDENT WARNS FOREIGN NATIONS SWEET HO A High School Composition AUTUMN A poet has said, “What is so ran as a day in June. Then, if ever come perfect days.” But to mi there is no time so beautiful a Autumn when the sky is a misty hazy blue and all the world is garb ed in such gorgeous array. The forests which in spring arj stately and grand, all in green, ar' far more beautiful in Autumn, whe the maple is brilliant in red an| gold, the willow in yellow and th' oak in russet brown. The orchards although beautiful in spring whej all in white and delicate pink, ar lovelier when the ground is coverej with Autumn leaves and the treej are laden with golden peaches, ye( low pears and red, russet and vello^y- apples. The corn fields too are good t| K see when, the ripe, yellow ears ari E just ready to gather and the con ■ stalks give promise of well fille/ S silos for the winter. The farmers are glad for the cleai M Autumn days in which to gather il for winter, thejr supplies of vege tables and fruits, grain, hay ant meats. It is in Autumn too, when th« short day is over, that we love tc gather at some large farm house tc spend the long evening, roasting apples, popping corn and making candy. Two of our most enjoyable holi days are in Autumn. Hallowe’en, when we make hidious Jack-o-lant- erns, and in dimly lighted rooms tell wierd ghost stories and have our fortunes told by witches and Thanks giving, when all the aunts, uncles and cousins go to Grandmas for the turkey dinner. In the spring we feel strong stout hearted, ready for the lonj summer of work but in Autumn w feel that we have done our task an< are waiting for the reward—th long winter of rest. High School. A good supply ( constantly on hanc Personal attention We sell 10% lowei — .. ~~ and on all large PTOBER 30, 1913 discount of 5% fo- and let us figure \ Greenville School Our Pri URALIST $1.25 THE YEAR News LINN TO HAVE STAN Located between Holley and Sw^et Home in a small valley about DARDIZED SCHOOLS one-half mile west of the main road is a beautiful new modern school building known as the Greenville In Mobile Address Asserts That Americans County Superintendent W. L. Jackson school. This building is so con structed that the light enters from and Rural Supervisors Adopt but one side, and that the north, Soil by Conquest Replete Plan thus furnishing the best light that / can be secured. There is no sun shining on the desks or cross lights Mobile, Oct., 27.—A flat declara To the Honorable County Court o to blind the pupils. The windows With the object of having a tion that the United States never standard by which to measure pro We, the undersigned, citizc are large and high, thus allowing will seek another foot of territory gress, a replete plan has been adopt in conquest was voiced by President body, to rearrange the various ro: the light to fall from above rather ed by County Superintendent W. L. than glare up into the faces. The Wilson at the opening of the South placing one main or leading road a two other mtfch vexing problems, Jackson and rural supervisors Joseph ern Commercial Congress here to in the territory of such district ai heating and ventilation, are both Brenner of Lebanon, and P. E. day. “And the United States must Baker of Brownsville, as a standard one-half of the road tax collected i solved by the use of a Waterbery see to it that no other nation gains for the Linn county schools for the Heating plant or furnace. This any territory on this hemisphere,” one-half to the credit of the count stove has a jacket of sheetiron lined year 1913-14. It is to the end of continued the president, in an ad Court, in the betterment of the c< with asbestos, which completely stimulating effort on the part of dress which was cheered to the echo surrounds it, leaving an air space of the teachers, pupils, school officers by throngs which cartie to Mobile about six inches. There is an intake and school patrons to the better- NAME from every section of the state. from the outside for fresh air which ment of the public schools. The president hailed the completion opens into the bottom of the air As soon as a school complies with of the Panama Cannl as the “Eman space. This air, on becomming any of the points, upon notifying 1 cipation of the Latin-American states warmed, rises and circulates over the supervisor a gold gilded star will from foreign control.” < the entire room and is finally drawn be given for the point gained. This . out through an open pipe, the lower star is to be pasted on a tabulated To the Intermountain Tribune end of which is about one foot from card bearing the points. At the the floor. The suction in this pipe close of the school year a pennant A lady admirer and reader of the is caused by the heat from thes,£pr- will be given to each school having Tribune, sends us the following nace, thus the ventilation is solygd. become standardized during the laudatory verses, this week: Pupils receive fresh air and the im 'school year. The Intermountain Tribune pure is removed without draughts. The following are the points as ’Tis a paper small, yet great, Also; pupils sitting near the furnace they are arranged on the card: Just buy a copy of it, are no warmer and those in the Flag—the United States flag kept For the news it does relate. remote corners no cooler than oth- floating, according to the school You will like it, once you read it; i ers. The furnace is quite attractive law; School House—^properly heat Help us make the city grow; | and is located in one corner of the ed, lighted and ventilated; Condi Read the weekly news that’s in it, room thus leaving the middle and tion of school room—attractive; Buy it now before you go! most useful part which is too often Drinking Water—either fountain or ’Tis a dandy little paper, filled by a rusty stove, for seating tank and individual drinking cups; You’ll enjoy its contents too, ; room. Out-buildings—proper sanitary con For its filled with newsy items, The people of the Greenville dis dition, (a) boys’, (b) girls’; School You will enjoy it through and trict feel that the best is none too grounds—general condition good; through. I good for their boys and girls and Spelling contests—every pupil en Read about the current gossip, j are equipping their school with tered, according to rules, discipline Of the country round about; modern apparatus that they may and satisfactory work on the part You’ll be glad you bought a copy ' have every advantage of the 20th of both teacher and pupils'; Li And you’ll buy again, no doubt. I century schools. They have long brary books—properly labeled, re ¡done away with the old saying, corded and eared for; Attendance— “what was good enough for me is at least 95 per cent for the school good enough for my children.” This year; School board, teacher—(a) Notice is hereby given that I, the saying is now changed to the follow proper enforcement of the course undersigned, will not be responsible ing: “I had to put up with condi of study, (b) subscribing to at least for any debts my wife, Meda E. ------------------ tions as they existed then, but thank one educational paper, (c) reading J. S. Knight and wife have gon Whitcomb, may contract from this God I can help change them for the at least tyvo books in the reading the 30th day of October, 1913, uptil to Portland to Spend Hallowe’en, rising generation.” circle work. further notice. Frank Sheffield took a trip ove Boys and girls who spend seven Geo. B. Whitcomb. to the North Fork mining districtjc hours a day in arclean, well lighted, At a meeting of taxpayers of Foster, Oregon this week. 3t heated, ventilated and properly fur Union High, School District No. 2; Harry Waltz invites those of th nished room, are far easier To con held, in this city, last week, it was neighborhood desiring grapes, ; t trol and teach than those who. are' voted to levy a 2-rhill tax upon the help themselves from his arbor. forced into a dirty, poorly lighted; .property of district to' apply on and unkept room. An average child' payment for the school building W. A. Lembrick, having complet will adapt himself to his surround now being erected in the east end ed his new cabin, moved into samL last week. <east side of the valley and back to ings, becoming gentle and refined of town. Since Beel is deprived of both i Portland on the west side, or vice on entering the former or boistrous MYERS & ROSE, Props. and unrefined on entering the latter arms, his neighbors lent a hand dur • versa. Clean Wheleieme Beds. Mountain Air Clean and Airy Rooms and Beds. ing the construction of his new This meeting will be held in the kind of a room. My plea is for better conditions house. The tables are supplied ' Albany Commercial Club at 2:30 for our boys and girls. Let us see with the best the The boys of Sheridan Canyon are o’clock. to it that our school buildings and market affords getting their winter’s supplies while grounds are made .a fit place for the the water is low. The pack train Parent Teachers Meeting proper training and educating of can now ford the river and go to future government makers. Let us each cabin door; for th% trail is like Newly refurnished and A parent teachers meeting will be visit our schools and see what is a railroad grade, so carefully has it painted inside. Tables held in Sweet Home at the present needed, then provide it., It will pay been constructed. are supplied with the ' high school building on Saturday, to visit some of our modernly built While superintending the falling November 8, 1913. All parents and best the market affords Special Orders---- Special Prices and furnished schools before build of a tree at Waltz’s ranch, “Blanch” patrons are cordially invited to at Feed barn in connection ing or furnishing. Very frequently exhibited good execution, but poor tend and take part in the discussion. Feed and Livery Barn in with the Hotel............. ., a little paint, soap, labor and a few judgment. For further particulars P. E. Baker, Rural Sup. connection with Hotel pictures change our school rooms ask Blanch. R. W. Van Fleet, Prin. H. S. into wholesome, pleasant abodes. Prices are Reasonable. Hungry Run cabin is sporting a F. B. K napp , manager L. K. Geil, Prin. Pub. School Let us each enlist as a booster SWEET HOME new lid and may acquire an addi OREGON EOSTER OREGON Intermountain Tribune $1.25 a year tion. Please explain, Mike. (Continued on page 5) Sweet Home , Hotel Foster