Intermountain tribune and Linn County agriculturalist. (Sweet Home, Linn County, Or.) 1913-1914, October 09, 1913, Image 1

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VOL. 2.
NO. 24.
In Union There is Strength
me over.” No one knew what the
legend meant or seemed to have P. 0. SITUATION
sufficient curiosity to investigate
In past years this editor has
the stone was turned over by
written many articles, urging har­
a little child and the letter which
Words Purporting to Have Been Writ-
' ten by Christ Appearing in
Public Print
A subscriber to the Tribune at
Holley, Ore., has sent the following
with the request that it be publish­
The following clipped from the
Manistee (Mich.) Daily Advocate
was received from a friend in that
city with the request that it be giv­
en space in the Enterprise:
The following letter was received
from a friend in Lodi, Cal., with re­
quests that it be published in the
A subscriber has sent the follow­
ing to, the Sentinel Lodi. Read it
for what it is worth:
In this letter was an injunction
that it shquld be published to the
world whenever found, together
with the statement that misfortune
and bad luck would follow the per­
son having possession of it in the
event that it was not given publi­
city. There was likewise a promise
that whoever may have a copy of
this in his or her • possession will
prosper and be followed by good
According to the history of tire
letter it was written by Christ just
after his crucifixion, signed by the
Angel Gabriel 99 years after the
Savior’s birth and presumably de­
posited by him under a stone at the
foot of the cross. No one knew the
legend “Blessed is he who shall turn
J. M. Thompson, our popular
butcher, is making extensive im­
provements to his Market property.
He will soon be in shape to handle
poultry along with his other line of
The Tribune family makes its
politest bow to Mrs. Cora Swink for
the necessary ingredients for a chick­
en dinner, last Sunday. Such
neighbors maketh the heart of ye
editor glad.
Wanted—This office can place a
loan of $500; first-class mortgage
security. If you have the money,
call and see us.
Suieet Home
MYERS & ROSE, Props.
Clean and Airy Rooms and Beds.
The tables are supplied
With the best the
market affords
Special Orders---- Special Prices
Feed and Livery Barn in
connection with Hotel
Prices are Reasonable.
follows was discovered:
Whoever works on the Sabbath
Day shall be cursed. I command Postmaster F. L. Gilbert Gives Reasons
you to go to church and keep holy
For Refusing to Surrender
the Lord’s day without manner of
the Office
work. You shall not idle or mis-
soend your time in bedecking your­
self in superfluities of costly apparel
and vain dressing, for I have order­
The Tribune, in the spirit of fair­
ed it a day of rest.
ness and with a desire that our post
I will have that day kept holy, office squabble shall soon be settled,
that your sins may be forgiven you. publishes the following rather long
You will not break my command­ explanation by Mr. Gilbert:
ments, but keep and preserve them,
I read in the last weeks issue of
they being written by my hand and the Intermountain Tribune that I
spoken bv my mouth. You shall had resigned as postmaster of this
not only go to church yourself, but office. It is true, I will admit, but
also your man-servant. Observe my it was to fill my part of the follow­
words and learn my command­ ing contract:
Contract—This agreement made
You shall finish your work every and entered into in duplicate by and
Saturday at six o’clock in the after­ between F. L. Gilbert, party of the
noon, at which hour the preparation first part and R. W. Van Fleet,
for the Sabbath begins. I advise party of the second part, Wit-
you to fast five days in the year, nesseth: That the party of the
beginning on good' Friday and con­ first part hereby agrees to sell to
tinuing the five days following in the party of the second part all of
remembrance of the five bloody the real property in Sweet Home,
wounds I received from you and Oregon, now belonging to the party
of the first part. Also the following
Thou shalt love one another and named personal property:
cause them that are not baptised to
One postoffice cabinet, valuation
come to church and receive the $60 more or less. 1 peanut roaster
Holy Sacrement, that is to say bap­ valuation $100 more or less. 2 show
tism and then the supper of the cases now in use, valuation $15 more
Lord and b? maae a member there­ or less. All the stock of confection­
of and in so doing I will give you ery and stationer goods now on
long life and many blessings. Your hand, the valuation of same being
land shall be replentished and bring $100 more or less.
forth abundantly and* I will comfort
The consideration of the above
you in the greatest temptation, and agreement being seventeen hundred
surely he that doeth the contrary dollars ($1700). Also if the partv
shall be cursed.
of the second part is not appointed
I will also send the hardness of to the position of postmaster of the
the heart on them, and especially postoffice of Sweet Home, Oregon,
on the hardened and unrepentant this contract shall be null and void.
unbelievers. He that hath given to
It is hereby agreed that posses­
the poor shall find it profitable. sion shall be given April 1, 1913.
Remember to keep the Sabbath day The party of the first part hereby
for the seventh day I have taken as acknowledges the receipt of $20 on
a rest day myself.
the sale of the property.
And he that has a copy of this , Dated at Sweet Home, Ore., this
letter written by my own hand and 30th day of December, 1912.
spoken by my own mouth and keep­
Signed by
ing it without publishing it to
F. L. Gilbert
R. W. Van Fleet
others, and he that publisheth it to
others shall be blessed by me, and
This contract having expired on
if their sins be as many as the stars the first of April, Mr. Van Fleet
at night and they truly believe, they Came, saying he had no money but
shall be pardoned, and they that be­ expected to get it in a Tew days and
lieve not this* writing, and my com­ asked that the time be extended
mandments shall have plagues upon until the close of school. Thinking
you; will be consumed with your him a man of his word and promis­
children, goods and cattle, and all ing me before witnesses that if he
other worldly enjoyments that I could not raise the money, he would
have given you. Do but once think never cause me any trouble over
that I have suffered for you; if you the office, I extended the time as
do it will be well for you in this asked for.
-world which is to come.
Not two weeks after. I began
Whosoever shall have a Copy of l dealing with Mr. Van Fleet I was
this letter and keeping it in their informed by men from Holly and
house, nothing shall hurt them, Crawfordsville, both former homes
neither pestilence, thunder or of Mr. Van Fleet that he would
lightening. If any woman be in beat me if there was any chance
birth and put her trust in me she whatever as he had no money.
shall be delivered of her chjld. You
Beginning to see that this might
shall hear no more news of me ex­ be so and that I was in a tight place
cept through the Holy Scriptures, I made him an offer that he pay me
until the judgement. All goodness $500 down and give me notes for
and prosperity shall be found in the the rest with good security and I
house where a copy of this letter give him a bond for a deed. This
shajl be found.
he said he was sure he could do but
only wanted a little time.
The next thing I heard he was
The story goes that the little girl
(Continued on page 5)
(Continued on page 2)
monious action along various lines.
It is only by harmony of action that
any public action can be carried to
a successful conclusion.
There is, also, a matter of ex­
pense connected with almost any
enterprise, especially of a public
nature, which is too burdensome
for the individual to undertake.
The accruing benefit is usually in­
direct and the individual usually
refuses to undertake a proposition
unless he has assurance that the
benefit is direct.
The following letter from the pen
of Manager Stewart, of the Albany
Commercial club, concerning har­
mony of action by Willamette valley
counties in advertising our splendid
resources, is along the line wherein
a harmony of action is absolutely
necessary. The benefit to accrue
from this campaign will be general
in its character while, incidentally
it is individual. The plan or move­
ment, refered to in Manager
Stewart’s letter is most meritorious
and is worthy. We hope a general
effort along the lines indicated will
be made:
Asher Ferris Hamilton, After Lingering
Illness of 18 Months, Makes
the Final Journey
Asher Ferris Hamilton, of Holley,
Oregon, »departed this life, about
noon, Friday, October the 3rd at
the age of 68 years, 9 months and
17 days, after a lingering illness of
a year and a half, suffering untold
agonies, all of which he bore with
the utmost Christain fortitude.
Always cheerful and thoughtful of
the comfort of those that attend
him, to the last.
Deceased was born in Waukegan
County, Ill., on the 16th day of
December, 1845, an only son of Silas
and Andana Hamilton and obtained
his early education from the com­
mon schools; later he attended the
Eastman National Business college
of Chicago, graduating from that
institution on the 30 day of April,
1866, with honor and with the
degree of Master of Accounts.
Albany, Ore., Oct. 4, 1913
Shortly after this, an opportunity
Editor Tribune
offering, he crossed the plains to
Sweet Home, Ore.
California with ox teams where he
Dear Sir:—I suppose you have' remained only for a short time,. re­
noticed in last nights edition of the turning to Wisconsin to engage with
Herald and Democrat, an account of his father in the mercantile busi­
the preliminary meeting held at ness. But here again his restless
Salem last Thursday, to make ar­ spirit would not allow him to re­
rangements for concerted action on main, and again he turned his course
the part of the eight valley counties towards the Pacific coast. • After a
to properly advertise the Willamette year or more sojourn in California,
valley as a district at the Panama Oregon and Washington he once
more returned to. the land of his
Pacific ¿xposition.
years and on March 2, 1873,
This movement has so far met
with the warm support of all to was united in marriage to Miss
whom it has been explained, and we Elizabeth Crane.
But the west was still catling him
hope that as one of the moulders of
public opinion in Linn county you and for the third time, in company
will get behind it and give all the with his wife and infant daughter
assistance you can. By getting the and his father and his family, in
counties together and putting up a 1875 turned his face towards the
joint exhibit, the expense to any setting sun, arriving in Linn county
one county need be only a very and settling on a farm a few miles
small amount. Also, if, by concert­ above Waterloo, on the South Santi-
ed action we can prevail upon the am.
In 1885 he -sold the farm and
railroads to issue stop-over tickets
out on the valley a few miles
to people from the east, and arrange
for excursions through the valley from Lebanon where he remained
from Portland, we shall have ac­ until 1888, when he moved to Sweet
complished a great deal. At the Home to engige in the mercantile
present time, when a tourist starts business with his father, remaining
up the coast from San Francisco, it there till the store burned in 1893.
From thence, alternately, he en­
is a very rare qccurence for him to
in farming and in the store
get off the train until he arrives at
till the1 time of his taking
Portland, and most of them pass
through the Willamette valley at away.
Mr. Hamilton was the father of
You would place us under many eight children, all of whom with the
obligations and at the same time wife and aged mother, survive him.
render valuable assistance to a The children are Mrs. Lula Barr, of
worthy cause, if you give this move­ near Sweet Home, Mrs. Fannie R.
ment favorable editorial comment. Mealey, of Foster; Chas. A. of Hol~
If you do so, kindly send me mark-» ley, Wm. S; of Altona, Wash., Mrs,
ed copy, so that I can read your Ruth Hand of Prineville, Mrs. Jennie
Rice o£ Holley, Mrs. Bessie Dicken­
article before the club.
son of Raymond, Wash., and James
Yours truly,
Harley of Holley.
C. H. Stewart
Mr. Hamilton was a conscientious
Mgr. Commercial Club.
Christinn man, as was attested' to
J. M. Goings is busily engaged in by his every day life. He was a
hauling lumber, these days. He member of the Christian Advent
will soon have quite an extensive church of SsVeet Home, and at one
lumber yard. He talks of establish ■ time was an ordained minister of
ing a planer in connection with the ¡ that denomination.
(Continued' on page 6)