Assessment Roll for 1913 5 Help those Sick Kidneys I How many times have you had your work, sleep, or your leisure I hours interrupted by recurring pains in the region of the kidneys? 1 ■ 1 Did you ever experience anyhting more unpleasant and annoying? You probably neglected it too—let yourself believe it wasn’t seri- >us—be over it in a day or two. When the kidneys give you yarning of inability to perform their duty, assist them in every way, hely them get rid of poisons that are accumulating, waste natter they cannot throw off. They are weak and need strengthening. See that they are built up, back to normal, and it won’t be many days until you are built up, eager for work and enjoying your rest and leisure hours ! I : ■ . j ‘ All You Need is to Take i Nyal’s Stone Root Compound There’s a wealth of wisdom in that assertion, ¿his preparation is 1 one of the most prompt and effective preparations we have and . .we are confident that it will do as represented. ’Make us prove it. If we can’t, your money will be refunded. I 50 cents and $1 the bottle Kerr & Rowland Drug Co. Phone Main 144 Lebanon, Oregon j j A Wide Spread Interest is Being Taken Seems the General Report -----------Meat------ ----- and Produce Market When in Lebanon go to the Home Restaurant For Your Dinner Osteopathy We furnish the best dinner in the valley for 25 cents BRUER BROS. Props. LEBANON, ORE. W. J. LAWRENCE CITY OFFICERS General Merchandise A Large and Complete Line of GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CURED MEATS, LARD, ETC. I have a large assortment of Ladies Shoes which I am closing out at 40 per cent discount from the Retail price Highest Market Price paid for all kinds of farmers produce. I aim to give my customers satisfaction in every respect. W. J. LAWRENCE - Directly East of the Bridge - - - - Isabel Karney, Osteopath Special­ ist, will be in Sweet Home for some, time and will give treatments at the residence of C. Stone, near the new High school building. Successful in all lines. Official Directory DEALER IN FOSTER HOLLY GRANGE FAIR SEPT. 11 County Assessor Fisher has com­ pleted the summary of the Linn county’ assessment roll for 1913, which follows: Acres'tillable land, 199,096 value............................ $6,671,750 Acres non-tillable land value 798,356 .....1.......... 11,208,195 Improvements on deeded or patent lands.......... ,.„„1,282,135 Town and city lots... .... .......1,631,110 Improvements on town (Continued from page 1) and city lots.>.:........... 1,904,305 Improvements on lands not deeded or patented.. 27,920 GREEN FRUIT 80,000 Railroad bed . ................... Best box of commercial apples .............. ........................4..... 1.00 Rolling stock on logging “ display of fruit................ ....’........ 1.00 .75 16,000 roads..... i..... “ display of vegetables__ ___ _________ _ .______ ___ 1.00 “ .75 Miles of water ditches, 2.. 6,700 “ five one pound boxes of honey ............. 75 Automobiles, engines and All other articles brought in for exhibit will receive recognition by . manufacturing rtiachi- the committee. nery....... .................. 316,920 Merchandise ....... ..... . 837,320 Mr. Crocker Mrs. Crocker Committee Farming implements, D. C. Swann wagons, carriages, etc.. 209,360 Money ............. ; 79,080 Dead Easy. Notes and accounts..... 573,040 Two guests missed the first courses Shares of stock....... 2,123 355,150 of a dinner at a suburban home, which had been arranged partly in their Horses and mules... 9,393 658,210 honor. Hand bags had been searched, Cattle........... .......... 17,718 454,085 distant homes called on the telephone 80,365 Sheep and Goats... 33,400 for information, much nerve energy W. B. Thompson & Son Props. had been expended, all because the- Swine..................... .7,672 40,020 key to the trunk containing the neces­ Dogs__ __________ 1,141 8,160 sary dinner raiment could not be Total taxable property found. Finally a locksmith from the town four miles away came by auto­ exclusive of public mobile, was led to the trunk, and in service corporations... $26,448,825 less than a minute the lid was turned OREGON You May Pay Less Mayor.................... H. M. Mver Recorder................ R. W. Van Fleet Treasurer................ F. L. Gilbert Councilmen M. Story, O- L. McClure, Monroe Smead, J. A. Thompson, David Doerpher and Everett Post School Board R. W. Morehead;- J. E. McClure and Harry Watkinds. Justice of the Peace ■ W. H. Daugherty Constable and Deputy Sheriff Henry Slavens Mails. Arrive from Lebanon.......... 1:30 p.m. “ Brownsville....... 3:30 p.m. “ Cascadia.......8:45 a.m. Depart for Lebanon........... 9:00 a.m. “ Brownsville....:.....4:00 p.m. “ Cascadia....... .....2:00 p.m. Will Get Them All (?) BUT YOU WILL NOT GET WORK THAT IS SO GOOD AS WE DO. You May Pay More BUT YOU WILL NOT GET WORK THAT’S ANY BETTER, IF AS GOOD These statements refer to Photograph work. Our facilities are complete. We use only the best material, aud our prices are reasonable for first class work. We do no other kind. We always satisfy our customers. Last Sunday afternoon Wallace Perry, Frank Perry. Guy Funk, N- B. Moses and Dr. T. K- Sanderson, all of Scio, passed through town enroute for the upper Canyon creek country for a few days hunt. Of course there will be no deer or bear left in that section when the party returns. It is understood that Doc Sapder- son proposés to catch a bear, extract a tooth or two, then give his bear­ ship his liberty again as a sort of walking advertisement. Doc thinks he may establish a dental office in that locality and he wants his skill known to the inhabitants. Fairies. A. E. EDWARDS, SWEET HOME, OREGON The Tribune, this week, received For Sale from Secretary of State Olcott the the pamphlet containing the argu­ Two good dairy cows, one a Jer­ ments for and against measures to be Submitted at the Referendum sey, also two high grade Jersey election, next months heifers. A. E. Weed, Holley, Ore. The best of fresh and cured Meats, Lard. Poultry, Etc., 'con­ stantly on hand, for which we will pay the highest Market ---------- Price---------- back. “Good work,” said the maid. ( •‘Dead easy,” said the locksmith; “the thing wasn’t locked at all.”—New York Tribune. Up to Date Milkman. “What are you giving your cows now in the way of galactagogues?” asked the Irvington professor of the milk­ man. “Oh.” said the milkman, who has just been graduated from Purdue and is not to be stumped by any Butler college pedagogue, “their sustenance is wholly of vegetable origin, rich in SWEET HOME - OREGON chlorophyl and opulent in butyraceous qualities.” “A pint, if you please.” said the pro­ A tiny, wide a wake three-year-old boy fessor. that the .writer sees often takes a very “Git up.” said the milkman.—Indian­ optimistic attitude toward the things apolis News. he tries to do and toward operations in which he sees other people engaged. The Speaker. His inspiring declaration as he looks It was his power of protesting that up at you is. “I cart do ut,” and this in the first place gaVe the speaker of very attitude causes him to'tackle a the British house of commons his great many things that but for it name. For the early members were would be largely impossible for him. not great at oratory and soon realized This is a refreshing note in one so the desirability of choosing a spokes­ young and is in striking contrast to-the man with a ready tongue and the cour­ indifferent, uninterested and often lazy age to argtie with the king. Hence attitude , of many children and grown came the title of “speaker.” which was' folks. This youngster will get some­ first given* to Sir Thomas Hungerford where sopae day unless we miss our in 1376 guess, and it will be because of an at­ Intermouutain Tribune $1.25 titude of mind and will which he start­ ed to develop as a three-year-old. per year. When in Lebanon stop at the Depot Livery Barn Ladies Wating Room WE WANT YOUR TRADE AND WILL TREAT YOU RIGHT. B. O. BELIEU, Prop, Phone Main 101 LEBANON, OREj Goings, Tittle & Goings ■ DEALERS IN Farm Implements, Wagons, Buggies, Harness, Plumbing Supplies Flour, Wheat, Oats, Ground Feed, Etc. How many kinds of fairy were there? A good many. For an elf dif­ fers from a troll, who must not 'be confounded with a pixy. Then in ad­ dition there was the kelpie, the gnome, the brownie, the kobold, the nls and the urisk (a hairy Scotch spirit).—Chi­ cago News. Circumstances. You might as well expect one wave of the sea to be precisely the same as the next wave of the sea as to expect that there would be no change of cir- cnmstimre» . Good stock of rough lumber on hand East Main Street SWEET HOME, ORE. á