The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, December 31, 1925, Page 8, Image 8

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The Scio Tribune
Local .Vetes anA Classi/I m
Mr» Erneat McCrae ha» returned
Prof and Mra. H L. Watenpaugh
from a two week» visit at Tillamook. drove to Corvallis, Dallas and Mc­
I V. McAdoo and wife »pent Minnville Tuesday.
R M. Ruesell and wife of Albany
Christmas with relatives tn Fort­
and W A. Ewing and wife spent
See Mr» Thoma for facíala.
Mow Pauline Sim* of Albany »pent Christmas day with Edwin Jones
Lorens Isaak io reported on the the week-end with her parents, Mr. and wife.
sick list.
•*. Vj
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A el
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*»• ■»
> and Mrs John Sims.
li-ln I have Mar > •
vc addresa but she knew that
Aunt Mary mua' have it. •»» she
wrote Ibe fottowlng letter lo
him and wot it In rare of “Aunt
Mary New Y-»rk.‘ having tlr«l
read It to her mother:
I »ear Manta (Taus ;
"I hope you are well Are you?
Won’t you have to come this
year In your alrpialn. or your i
atonvot-lle? Here la my Hat:
•Too teddy l-ears In ■Irv-swes
A duit'a writing desk, A doll.
not a girl doll A doll'» h-»u»e
(It la In the corner bookshop
that Is kept by Miss SinHa tr).
<*ow bear brown and the other
white. I think that la all. Your j
loving friend."
The letter must have arrive.!
for the presents did.
G I lag
a rd
l*M. Wwtwr»
Henry Stepanek and Ivan Balsch-
who are working with an S.
Robert E»pey of Portland visited
D. C. Thoma and wife went to
P. bridge crew, were in Scio over
l>r. and Mrs. Prill Sunday.
Portland yesterday to remain over
Bartu Bros, installed a Grebe ra­ the New Year weth relatives.
dio for Jas. Stalcup Chrbtma» eve
Nolan Parrish. wife and baby of
tary of the Linn County chapter of
Roy L. Hixson and family «pent Albany «pent Chii«tma» with hia
parent», Mr and Mra. J. W. Parnah. lhe Red Cross, called in Scio Thurs­ I
Christmas with relatives in Salem.
day evening
I). C. Thom» and wife and James
Dwight Peterson and family went
Cortis Bilyeu and wife of Kalama.
to Portland Sunday to spend a few Johnston attended the St. Johns Dav
Wash . were Scio visitors Christina*
banquet in Albany Monday night.
This was Mr. Bilyeu's first visit to
John Denamore jr. of Portland Scio in »everal years.
A. L. Bones and wife of Turner
were in Scio Monday calling on Fred
Mrs. Nell Bilyeu. Mrs. Fanny
home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs.
Lindley and the Misses Mary Dono-1
J. D. Densmore.
D. A. Stoddard of Aumaville veil­
van and Myrtle Hollis were in l»eb- '
T. L and L. H. Rice of Portland anon Monday afternoon.
ed hia son. George, at the Scio State
Grandmother Compares
called on their sisters. Mrs. H. S.
Hank Saturday.
Miss Ruth Watenpaugh. a student
Present With Long Ago
Johnston and Mrs F. F. McCarter
Frank Hough is suffering from ar.
at O A C, is spending the Christmas JKNNY «nd her great-grnndn<<>tt»rr
of Scio Saturday.
Infection in his hand caused by run
ware having a little chat while
vacation at the home of her brother.
they waited for the announc.-riirnl from
Cha» Bates is confined to his bed Prof, H. L. Watenpaugh.
ning a sliver in it.
the innld that <%risttuaa dinner »»«
with pneumonia. Mrs. Bates is in a
Mrs. J. L. Parker was taken to
reaily. Grandma Smith had been bora
i Salem hospital recovering from an
and reared la the South.
She wna
Salem Monday where »he enter d s
o|h ration for gall stone».
»¡»eudtug the holidays with her daugh­
hospital for treatment
Christmas dav. Mr. Murphv attend­ ter in lhe .North. <Jr»ndni<»ih-r was
Glenn Holland, wife and baby re­ ed the Scio High school, graduating In her early ulneti«**. but a remarkable
E D. Myers and family vi-dted
woman for her ago. Tail, ena-t spry,
turned to their home in Washougal.
with the ’19 class. He is an employe
hl» »toter, Mrs. Fred Weid and fam­
would never grow old menially for
VS ash . last Monday after «pending
of the S. P. Co.
ily. at Jefferson Saturday evening
■he was too progrv-,M»v» In her think
Christmas with relatives here.
B A. Holteen has recovered from
"Jenny, as I looked arvund the house
Mrs. Mae Jones, who had been
just now, I couldn't help but renllie
a recent Illness and is back at hi-
what a dlffer~u<-e a g.-uerutlon or la •
duties at the Scio Mill & Elevator vi? ting her mother, Mrs. S. F. Mor­
has made in our ni-Ht»- of living
ns, and sister, Mrs. Ollie MacDon­
B ♦ ♦ ♦♦
♦♦♦ ♦ 4» ♦
couldn’t keep from comparing thl* day
ald. returned to Rortland Christmas
■nd home with a I'bristma» l»ny ati-l
Dec. 30.
Murrell Gilkey and Arnold Zy •• t tnornt< g.
home I knew long ago
You know,
have returned fn.m the Crown
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mespelt and Jenny. Andrew and I were married on
Tom Doyle, who is working on daughter. Opal, spent Christmas at on»- Christmas, y.-iirs
An ire v
Mmes, where they had been work­
built a little cabin on a plot of ground
Albany at the Joseph Kitchen home
he owned. It was per- lied up -n a
the h 'lidays here. He says about
Mr. and Mrs. John Hooker and hill. 1 thought It was the lovell. «1,
J. F. Wesely receiver! a fine new
•Join» men a'e employed on construc­ three daughters of Albany were most twmillful cabin ever built in the
accord eon Monday, and with it he
tion there.
Sunday visitors at the J. G. Holt whole world. And It was It w as the
expects to enjoy many a plea-ant
last word In cozy, home architecture
J N. Weddle went to Albany on home.
of the times, ini-lde It hail a dirt f "-r
Mr. and Mrs. Wm Weinberg and and a few piece» <>f hickory furniture
I'u. -day. where had his knees lanced
Theodore Gaine» returned tn Port­
lo secure relief from his rheuma­ daughter, Iva, and Mr. and Mrs. J. which Andrew had made I wove all
the linen« and other doth which we
land Munday after »pending Christ-
tism. Mr. Weddle is surely having G. Holt attended church below Jef­ used. We Were ao happy " * bed a
maa with hia father. 8. W. Gaine«
ferson Tuesday night, where J. M. big home we.lillng < *n<- of my wed­
his share of suffering.
and wife.
Harrington is holding meetings this ding ¡.ri-«rnts wa» a tin cup. That cup
was a prized po»-w«»!->n. much talked
Mr and Mr». Art Shelton and El-
Mr. Brandes, of the Brand«» Pro­
■bout and envied by my neighbors.
den Knauf are to go to Camas.
duce Co. of Portland, and famih
Mrs. E H. Kelly and Mrs. J. H. Sometimes I wonder, we lived so »Im­
Wash., this morning, where they
visited at the J. F. Wesely home
Kelly made a business trip to Salem ply—ami happily and now how com­
plex are"
will remain until Sunday as guests
The dinner gong boomed forth a wel­
of Wm. Knauf and family.
Alvin Hardman of Lebanon is come sound. The family gulhrred and
Pansy and Violet Garland of Al­
In a letter to hi« mother. Mrs making his home with the Fred with joyful chnttertngs hurried In to
bany are spending the week with
the festively arranged Christmas din
their grandparents. Mr. and Mrs Aiming Pomeroy, Eugene Pomeroy Mespelt family.
ner table
Ueam-r E. King.
UaloB 1
Christmas guests at the J. H.
write» that they are having tine
Joe Poindexter.
weather at Kimberly. Idaho, and Kelly home were Mr. and Mr» A
encl.... <1 a III* bill for a Christmas M. Byrd and family of Salem. Mr
White Christmas Trees
and Mrs. Ernest Kelly and children
prepare white • ’bri«lnuv» tree»
Mi-» Mary K »tan, who is teach­ and W. R. Kelly.
take branches of evergreen of dratrvd
The Oakview school gave a Christ­ site and dip In thick »larch to whl< ii a
ing school in Albany, and M im Em­
program Wednesday night and Mini 11 box of borax has t-.-en added and
ma. who is teaching near Halsey,
school and Sun-lav while tree» are still damp «priukle
ate spending the holiday season at
each with artlHciat »now. The tree-»
the home of their mother. Mrs. school gave their program and I when dry may he placed In pots or
Christmas tree Thursday night.
basket» and the lop of earth evtered
Frant*« hotan on route 3.
The Will Gilkey family and Mr« with moss A larger tree may be iua<le
Newton Crabtree, w ife and daugh­ Cora Smith »pent Christmas with to gllller with «rtltl-Tal »now by
■prlnkllng It on while the bran- lies are
ter. Tom Crabtree and Mr«. Ander- the L. E Gilkey family in Albany.
moistetied with glue. Tufts of cation
->n came out from Albany and took
Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Holt and son and glass leiele» may be used for
Mrs Alminu Pomeroy to the G. W. Melvin. Mr. and Mrs. T. M Holt, J. trimming.
Arnold home east of town where a F. Sommer and children. Ronald and
For Golfing Friend
»plendid after - Christmas Sunday Lucile, »[tent Christmas in Albany at
For one'» goltlng friend, a nice gift
dinner was enjoyed.
the home of Mr. and Mr» E. L. would be a small score pad in a leather
wrist »trap. It provide* a »¡>ai-e for
keeping one'» own *<<>re. that of th»
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Young and opiMinmt. and the number of boles
family and Jim Young spent Christ­ played.
mas in Portland at the home of Mr. 1
and Mra. Morris Hoff. Mr. and |
Child Welfare in England
I ¡v si
< »a» reusing at ten
■ iji-l welfare work sin-w ths
war. tl . re being '¿.112 mstrrnlty and
c! -I a. : ire ..liter» in that country
l irt> a»l<ilUunal centers are
hi lee <
The Increase In
f •
-I ».
- • n at the rate .»f
25 a uionlh.
Three I- -xen Jersey Giant
' Mr- J D. «
For Sale
Money at 6*4 with
ti minai commission; prc(>ayment
privile-ige- after first year. Wm,
Bain. Albany Or«.
Pig f- r
Nine head of dandy
3-month» old P>g» al 12c per lb.
on foot. See H. A. Hol teen at
Munkers station.
21 p
Surry for Sale or Trade In good
»hupe, with top and two double
See it at Fred Roadarm
I Ulf
For Sale IH pure-bred ewes, not
repi-tcr- I. y- irlingv and 2-year-
o I-
8» •• th-- she. p and make an
offer ->n al.' or part. A- C- Ver­
non, Scio, Ore.
Taki-n I'p In mv barnyard. Black
S-w. Owner can have same by
p iv ng for this ad. her keep and
diitnug--. Inquire of L. E. Covell,
route 2. Scio. Or.
l a v (.
fr on h-althy stock of
uure II-» » •
1 Strain White l»eg-
horn-. JI per 100 delivered lo
Sci<>. orders taken now, Anton
Faltus. mute 4. Scio, Or.
Flano Must lie Sold Piano in stor­
age m ar here will lie sacrificed
for imini-liate -ale
Will give
e.isy term? t>> an established home.
I r full i irtieular» and where it
may be wen, address Portland
Mu-ic C . 227 6th St.. Portland.
Or . n
“The Road to
I. It
lloudai. Vers Rcyi old», William
I he photoplay you have
waited years in vain to see!
Don’t Miss It
Globe - Albany
Next Sunday, Mui-day. Tuesday
Carnival Dance
at 1 uinble Inn on
New Year’s Eve.
Don’t take any
chances, but fol-
low the crowd to
Tumble Inn.
Mrs. Young remained there until
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Kelly went to
Silverton to spend Christmas with
the latter's mother. MissEdaaSer-
fling and Frances Higginbotham ac­
companied them home for a few days
Mr. and Mra. John Shepherd and
son. Barrel, and Mrs. Stewart spent
Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
Harnisch at Dever.
Sunday guests at the J. H Kelly
home were Mr. and Mrs Arthur
Kelly and children of !^*banon and
Mr and Mrs Ernest Kelly and chil­
Christmas guests at the J.G Holt
home were Mr. and Mrs. F. I. Jones
and son Harry of Stay ton, Gail of
Albany and daughter Gladys and
hueband of San Francisco.
Tie has proposed, but does ha real­
ly lave me to
“Walt and see whet be send« you
for Chrlatmaa, girlie
Then give him
year answer."
Christmas Eve Bread
According to an old
bread bsked on Christmas Kvs will
n«»rr becomes tuvldy.
Named From Gad of Sleep
Morphia or morphine Is an alkaloid
of opium, discovered by Kerturoer In
P»n. It la a powerful narcotic and la
used In tne-lblne to alleviate pain In
large it is a deadly pol-M.n. As
It Induce« sleep It was rallevi m--r
phlne from Morpheus, the nan«e of the
g-»l of sleep in the ancient luitln
Not Pronn
!• L thinks he has proved his case
kgalnst a Scot having a sense of huiuor
becauae be told four >-ke* to a Med
Without getting a »Ingle smile lie fore
accepting thia evidence, we want to
Joke«.- Load»» TH Hila
. A. •'
UatMry 3-4-5
305, Price $95
I • -. I -luii-mcnt
siSTcn : rib:l!ra'inex>
Matchsd-Unlt Radio
Ht complete group of
Matched Radio Units
— an achievement in
ndx> manufacture—perfeu. har­
monious performance.
Let y ur own ear» tell you that
the Stewart Warner i» the Radio
you have bcm waiting fur.
Ojx-n evenings by appointment
Model 300 n«»t i’lirstr.ifc»!) com­
plete with tide, I ..((cries and
loud sp*.iker. SI 16.20.
Willard Electric Store
" Exclusively Elctlhc se
I5M W. 1st st.
Phone 20
. -c
• >«k*
< ■