THE SCIO TRIBUNE OUR COMIC SECTION *• . \ ' m . kit’i om .‘J VI* .> ■ p .aratlona The Soap to clean»e •nd purify, the Ointment to soothe and heal, the Talcum to powder and per­ fume, No toilet table la complete without them.—Aiivvrllacment. J f PRICE $lUk At VOUH ORUC SIQRl ¡hilt for fret linuhltl KOENIG MIOICINE CO. 1045 N. WU.IS ST CHICAGO. Ill Natural Hittory "He'» full of nmnkej bualneaa.“ “That •or "Yea, own» a bird »tore Wrtahi'a tad:»« V*«*<»bi* PHI» mattln •air laeraiunia whl. h art aa a • tall* »uftallaa It) pearl »' N T ad* A Creditable Act Madge I'll give Jack credit fur get ting a nice engagement ring Marie- I understand tbat'a what the Jeweler did. too. ' Resinol eyewater HELPTUl EYE WASH lia> fcvvr Trv, X T. •>«■»!*< Experience 1» a good achoul. becau*« One different <• between marbles and the pupils can't play truant I billiard» la the age of the players. They haven’t missed a single day at school!” Far From It Heartlee*» Wife—I suppose you've married a mere butterfly Iler Husband—Not on your life, butterfly make» <>ue coat u me laat her a lifetime and It cuata nothing at all to feed her Tome acroaa m>w Wl pot them diamond» V "1 shoved 'em back, air. Hack whereF "Bark with th* r**t of th* deck.“— Pitt I'snlber. The Wind-Up Take Him Au>ay •Who la that mahf "That la a man with «ne eye named Everitt." •What’» the name of the other ey*r —Texas Hanger. Lower Caae O—rm terribly III. Capital r—Ah. yea. a "little •ick r O* Local Pride Round Handkerchief a Kansas Maa------ Ire I went to I too. Friend— They're proud of their pob- lie library, I bear. K M — They ar* a* proud of that library as If It was a winning baa*, ball team "Your handkerchief» are run nd, pro fraaor Why la that? “I used to tie knot» In the corner» to remember thing», but thia la my wife'» plan to cure me of the habit"— 1 w ¡trammer. Iterlln. Oye*, Oye* "1 J'iat aaw our next door neighbor dewrending a ladder from her aecood alary window." •fiepend on't. there must been a man at the bottom of IL Une'i the bualneaa goingr l.lka clockwork .• •Why. I heard you had failed.’ "No I hare. They've )uat wound the business.' kmwik I'lirber—I bear Juu »m caught la the rainstorm last night Kell— tea. and 1 g'X ringing wet. C/tanging Time* Blink—Time» have changed. Jink»—DI »ay It u«ed to be when a man waa run down he took a tr-tc, now bo take» an ambuianre "Thev’re well all the time. The doctor says they are the healthiest children he knows. "He told me eonjtipation is what makes so many growing children sickly. Poison« from the waste matter spread through the little bodies, and lower their resistance to disease. So I’m very careful to guard against constipation. 1 simply give them a little Nujol every night. “Nujol isn’t a laxative at all, you know, but it keeps them just as regular as clockwork. They like it, and the doctor says it’s just the thing for them.” Nujol hr I pt Nature in Nature'» own way Mothers are the best friends matter and thus permits of Nujol. When their chil­ thorough and regular elimi­ dren’s health is at stake they nation, without overtaxing aeek the remedy that med­ the intestinal muscles. ical authorities approve be­ Nujol can be taken for anv cause it is so safe, so gentle, length of time without ill so natural in its action. effects. To insure internal Constipation is dangerous cleanliness,it should be taken for anybody. Nujol is safe regularly in accordance with for everybody. It does not thedirectionsoneach bottle affect the stomach and is Unlike laxatives, it does not not absorbed by the body. form a habit and can be dis­ Nujol simply makes up for continued at any time. a deficiency tem­ A»k pW druggm fur A«k your porary or chronic NuH .<« today and Itt •PPlyof JNUJO1 r-rchM chdJrvitenyoy the —in the sui — - prrwrt. health that ■ natural lul bruant _____ p««»ihle only whaa in the inteatines. their elimination ia It softens the waste normal and regular. .5