The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, December 24, 1925, Page 8, Image 8

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    .- r i
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With this expression of our lliani -
for your past cooperation, we «end
you our sincere wishes for a Jo* ou»
Christmas and a bright New Year
of haupmeM.
A. W. Hng»v.
Notice the data on your paper. If
it says "Jan. I, 192«.** it means
your subscription expiree on that
data, and unless renewed the paper
will I m - discontinued on that date.
Women'• Good S«-rii. . .»!■!«■ <’ itt> Well Tailored.
Good Materials Plain or Fur Lined
»12.41. »16 00. »19 76. »24 75
-r <
Prii < -I far I t ’ ow regular price»
U. G. Shipley Company
Salem, Oregon
Vinti $ Wear Eiclemtly
• v"
The Scio Tribune
Local News arul Classified
Reduced Fares
For example:
Io Portland and Return
New Year »
A»k «ceni for Sals
dates, limits
Sdc ilatri r*r«rml-vr "K 21. limit January 4.
Pr..|••.-rti. run» to many other points.
Ail Agent
Southern PacÈfic Lines
C. W. Bragg. local agent
Oscar Pomeroy. w»n of Mrs. Al-
mins Pomeroy, has traded his farm
near Lacomb for lhe store at La-
comb, which was owned by Merle
Poe. This news was conveyed in a
letter to hts mother the first of the
Dorris Weddle was in Salem week.
There is one man in this commu­
Mrs. Thoms specializes in all kinds
nity who reads lhe a>ls and acts on
of beauty work.
what they say—E. C. Shell«.n is the
J. N. Weddle was in Albany on man. He read our special offer ar.d
business Monday afternoon.
acted on it without further solicita­
F. T. Thayer and family were tn tion. He knows a bargain when he
sees it.
Albany shopping last Friday.
Automatic in every wav
.1 -. jx-r lour and up. Prices
from »100 00 and up. We also carry a complete line of
Baptist Church Note»
at the home of her parents, Mr and
Sunday school at 10 o'clock every
Mrs J. W Parrish, returning home
Sunday morning. Everybody is in­
Mr. and Mrs Cuarles Leffler are vited to attend.
Christian Endeavor every Sunday
the parents of a baby daughter, born
at 6:30.
Tuesday, Dec. 22; third child
meeting every Thursday
oldest child is 19. All concerned
are doing nicely.
Mr. Ered Waehlte will preach
Mr and Mrs Fred Ohlemeier of
next Sunday morning, and evening
Portland esme out Wednesday to
at 7:30.
spend Christmas at the home of
Mrs. Ohlemeier‘s parents, Mr. and
School Note»
Mrs. J. N. Weddle.
Please note that the Peoples The­
atre is also showing on Friday night
this week as well as Saturday and
Sunday nights. It is a good pro-
gram and all should see it.
• />
• ♦ .*•■
. bl k
.. a f.w
V u T’T
l«et us
with voti
r • i
67>e Martin Ludwig Shop
Plumbing and Heating
G fo . L. lit hlf . y . Prop.
135 Ferry St.. A i . i - vny , O hkoon
Ü7>e Rains Are Here
Now is the time to have your
Auto Tops Repaired or Made New
Ottr facilities are the I- t in I nm Cunty. Rex
Enclosures installed if you wish. Prices reasonable
Vulcanizing, Retreading, Oils and Greases
The Dark Angel
M ith Ronald Colman
Vi ma Eanky
Sei -at ¡onal post-war drama
of blind hive, from the spec­
tacular stage success. Anoth­
er hit Lv the producen of "A
Thief In Paradise.**
Next *un., Mon., lues., Wed’y,
December 27-2129
Globe - Albany
The entertainment given bv the _,
pupils of the upper grades at the
school auditorium Tuesday night
was well attended even though it
was a very stormy night
The pro­
Herbert Shelton held the lucky
number in the drawing at the con­ interspersed with music by a mixed
fectionery Tuesday morning and he quartet and by the Scio Glee Club.
is now the owner of a Japanese siik About 150 were in attendance and
report that all did their parts well.
piano cover and table cover
This is the second of a series of three
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dobbins and
entertainments planned to provide
•on. who visited at the Mrs. Sarah
music fur the three grade rooms.
Morris and P. H. MacDonald home»
recently while enroute to California,
The Scio schools held their Christ­
stopped again last week while en­
mas exercises in the school audior-
route to their home at Garfield.
lum Wednesday afternoon. After
the exercises the pupils returned to
Mr. and Mrs. John Wrsely enter­ their respective rooms where gifts
tained at two tables of 500 at their were exchanged and the teachers
home last Wednesday night Mr and treated the pupils with candy and
Mrs. J. I). Densmore. Mr. and Mrs nuts.
C. L. Pennell and Mr and Mrs. B.
A. Hol teen.
Refreshments were
The Kiris* and boys* basketball
served after the games.
teams went to Turner Wednesday
Model 305. Price $95
I .<•»■, Equipment
You Must HearThe
^tcurnt>-llra ‘inen?
Matched-Unit Radio
( y H E complete group of
night to plav a double-header Kame
How About
That Top?
F,<r S»
Three dozen Jersey Giant
Inquire of Mrs. J. D.
Earn: Ixiar.«
Money at 5'v with
Mrs. Anton Rosprofka was shop­
priviolg« after first year. Wm.
ping in Albany Monday afternoon
¡lain. Albany Ore.
a daughter of Mrs Almina Pomeroy,
John Jiroeh is now riding in a new
writes that the family likes their Surry for Sale or Trade In good
Ford Coupe which he has recently
shape, with top and two double
home there and extended her Christ­
-• its
Sc-’ it al Fred Roadarm-
mas greetings to mother and all her
el’s. Scio, Oregon.
EJden Knauf's fiine German Po-|
former friends here.
lice dog. which has been sick for
For Sale G • —I clean papers, suita­
Joe Zavodsky and wife have sold
ble for wrapping lunches or fruit
some time, died Tuesday evening.
j their 70 acre farm, east of town, to
jars, <>r to kindle fires. Large
J. C. Robinson of Portland was a
bundles for 10e. at lhe Tribune.
Rudolph Wescly. the transfer taking
dinner guest at the G. L. Flanagan
place last Saturday. The Zavodaky's Tw > Heifers Strayed from my place
home Saturday.
will remain on the place until next
1 th about 10 months old; one is
a yellow color and the other is a
Wm. Young and family of Port­ fall, when they will move to their
brown. Finder please notify J.
land are visiting hia parents, Mr. farm near Monroe, in Benton coun­
G Holt, r ute 4, Scio, Or. 20t2e
and Mrs. Albert Young.
Incubator» Three to five Charter
Miss Freda Thayer, whois attend­
The difficulties between the West
ratterr. Incubators for sale at a
ing the state normal at Monmouth, .Scio line patrons of the Mountain
bargain; g. d as new. Also one
is home for the holidays.
■ Slates Power Co. and the company
E.-ono t y ti-horse gasoline engine,
\t It tUincur,
Robert Espey of Portland spent
Shi burn. On-gon.
last Wednesday night at the home
rate but lose the free pole light. It For Sale fw > is months old White
of Dr. and Mrs. A. G. Prill.
Ix-ghorn cockrels. "Hanson Tan-
is said the Gilkey line patrons voted
Mr. and Mrs. P. H MacDonald
crcds’’ with pedigree papers; also
to keep the old contract and have
and Mrs Mae Jones were shopping
several Ro«-nkranz Brown Lag*
. the pole lights.
horn cockrels. Mrs. J. H. John­
in Albany Monday afternoon.
ston. L> on*. Oregon.
This community was shocked the
It is said there are quite a frw
other day when it learned that Joe i'l.-ii.o Must Be Sold Piano In stor-
cases of mumps in this section of
Young had Iw-en adjudged insane
age near here will be sacrificed
Linn county, and also several cases
for immediate sale. Will give
and sent to the asylum
His hallu­
of chickenpox.
<• isy terms to an established home.
cination was looking for company
F t full particularsand where it
Fred Sturges is having the kitchen and placing a light in the yard. He
may l»e seen, address Portland
of his home worked over and new I recently had an eye removed and
St . Pi rtland.
cabinets built in. Otho Wallace is had become quite deaf, and this is
Or gon.
doing the work.
thought to have caused his malady.
Mrs. Ixiis Parrish-Hoagland and
baby of Portland visited last week
Crane Water Systems
7*o Each Hit Tath
• I» here because th STS
is •-
t! -ig we ran do which Bo <«•
et«.- • I. 4
If we fall to d»> It. we
rot. the
of whaler re It may be.
>:»erv so h-nz .» he does hla task,
la tn»ti»pen».»Me to his fellow man.—
’ Carnival Dance
at Tumble Inn on
New Year’s Eve.
Don’t take any
chances, but fol­
low the crowd to
Tumble Inn
The upper and intermediate puoils
finished the county examinations in
arithmetic and spelling Monday.
Prof, ('aidwell will go to his home
at Cottage (»rove, Mias Pentney to
her home at Roseburg. and Mrs.
Edwards to her home at Grants Pasa
to spend the holidays.
Bou’lfd ffim Over
The prise for absent tnlmh-«lti«**»i sue»
to the man who was knocked down by
lhe surf and looked for Its Ucease num
Matched Radio Units
—an achievement in
radio manufacture—perfect, har­
monious pert ormanec.
Let your own cars tell you that
the Stewart Warner is the Rad»
you have been waiting foe.
Open cv cninp* by appointment
Mod fl 300 'not illustrated) com-
Clcte with tube:, batteries and
>ud speaker. $116.20.
Willard Electric Store
“Exclutivcly Elrdric
15H \\ . 1st st.
Phone 20