Tho Scio Tribune PAGE FiVI Con n try Correspondence | Good Will Page—Somebody Will Win Beginning Dec. 11, 1925 J Holiday Season On I F L F Our Christmas stock is arriving now and we invite you to come in and look it over, ami you'll l«c sur- prised st the remarkably low prices. You’ll timl [; r our other stocks most complete ami at a caving in price. Make our store your headquarters. ■ F; 1 F I will give IO See Our Prizes ETJ grimier; third. Aluminum Sauce Pan. Ask for a ticket w«th every «lollar c.«ah purchase or paid on account. See our window. Rca«l page 1. \\ ith every 60c cash purchase or paiil on account y-«u chance on: First prize. 4 2-piece set of dishes, sc« ml, Flowered Jardiniere; third, Bake-o-Lite Pipe. . . The Pacific Coast Biscuit Co. also offer« three prize«, on- listing ol two 3-IL. boxes of Family Grahams and one 1-lb. I >« of Soda Crackers for each prize, or 9 boxes altogether. Yours to live and let live. Grebe ~ J. F. Wesely, Grocer Radio Chinaware Furnishings Garden See«!» Notion.« F Our Price Is R ight, Our Service Is Good. Correct lest«. Accurate Weights and Cash on the Spot. J Scio Independent Cash Produce i' L First prize, ll in trade; aecond, it in trade; third. »1 in trade. 1 icket with each Ji, either buy or sell. See front page. Jn,t a iew9i Our Prices on Groceries J 2 pound* Seedless Raisins............... i 1 paskagaa Cara Hake* ■; I I L ' 2 package* Shredded Wheat. ................................... ............ I'rramery Butter, per Bound.................................................... SO«’ Bulk Coffee, per pound ....................................................................... <•**' 4 V Coffee, in can*, per pound............................... .. . ............... 49c. JO«' an«! SSe We have received our Christmas t'andi« ». special prices to Schools, Bunday Schoolable I p Our prizes: 1st. pair of Wool Blankets. 2d, l-t in trail«-. M, I.: in tr:«d- Ask for tickets with 50c cash purchaae or paid on account. -«■<• pa.-.- 1 J*c ......................... THE PEOPLES «STORE We now have a Full Line of Cherry City Feeds A Flour We also buy empty sacks. Bring in vour F.( .:«. We buy Poultry, alive or dressed, ami ¡»ay top prices. at The Dairy City Produce F red M umper , Proprietor. Sec Front Page. Tickets with every 60c cither buy or sell. See our prizes. First prize, Turkey; second, one sack of Ha rd wheat Flour; third, five pounds Cream Cheese. Sec front page. CONFECTIONERY Ice Cream Candy Soft Drinks Cigars Tobaccos Popcorn Bread, Pastry, Lunches and Short Orders First prize. 5 lb. box of Chocolates; second. I lb. (an of Prime Albert; third, 3 lbs. «Mixed Candy. Ticket with « very 25 ash. Mrs. Nell Bilyeu................. Proprietor iJ SC IO, OHr GON -Mf You can get the station want dear and loud with the mini­ mum amount of dial twisting. Ask Us for a demonstration at your home. There arc no obliga* tions — Bartu Motor Co. SCIO CHRISTMAS GIFTS Suggestions For Him For Her It Is Free f N. I. MORRISON A Delight to Liten In With’a V P Discount on my entire line until Dec. 25 Now is the time to buy your Christmas Goods. •»« I his will be niv first big annual sale. OREGON Perfun e* Candy Stationery Combs Brushes Toilet Set» Novelties Cameras Water Bottles, etc. Silver and Gold Pencils Fountain Pens Razors Strops Cigars, etc. Cameras Stationery Flashlights Brushes Baby Water Bottle* Children'» Toilet Set* Children’« Brushes Stationery Every 50c cash purchase entitles you to one chance on our three priies. < I Yours for Service. Red Cross Roll Call Ended Concluded from page 1 solicitor. Total collected. $16 f>0. Contributors; James Trollimrer, F Perry. E. A. Maine. L. C Osborn. C M Peery. J. L Arnold, Charley White. R. S Thurston. J. I. Shelton. E. S. McCrae. L. E. Covell. J. H. ItoekNII. J. T. Funk. A. I. Arnold. M. O. Arnold. C. L. Donohoe, B A. Hol teen. Jordan district: V. E Shelton, solicitor; total collected. 913. Contributors: W. H Grimes. J. II Geddes. E Philippi. John >hel- ton. Fred Zeglinski. Frank Rohwein, With Cox. V. E Shelton. T L Phillios, Fetor Schwindt. John Sib bernagle, Geo- Rak, E E Parrish. a ■ Gilkey district. J C- Shepherd, solicitor; total collected. |5. Contributors: Wilson Young. H- L. Godwin, A I.. Godwin, Peter Peterson. Mrs. J. Shepherd. - e " ■ Thoma» district: Mrs. Fred Mes- pelt, solicitor: total collected. 97. Contributors; Frank DeWall and wife, Herman Zeller. Jess Freitag and wife. O. J. Goar and wife, John lteWall and wife. J. G- Holt and wife, Mrs. Hattie Kelly. * u •5 ? . ►. 6 IJ (0 X X Od u «0 V A h y Kelly’s Drug Store Christmas Suggestions z Suitable Presents for the Ladies J Silk I’ndcrwear Silk Hosiery Gloves B« ads Purses C>llar anr paid on account. See front page. • ’ J Silk Umbrellas Handkerchiefs Hibler & Gill Company i The Scio Will give two chances with Tribune eTjy on su j 'I>iî aasaz oß i ri,ÿ>n; or See prizes in our office. First. Aluminum Coffee Percolator sec­ ond, Kiddie Car. third, I < X » Fnvelo|>cs and paper. Scio Mill & Elevator Co. Pheasant Brand Products Qyuality Guaranteed First prize, 2 49-lb. sacks Western Blend Flour; second, I sack Golden Pheasant Flour. 1 sack Germea, 1 sack Graham; third, I sk Golden Pheasant Flour. Tic kets with $1 cash or paid ac’t s parage j B ilyeu Firl Strrlct iM Repairing Fif Sumi lord Parts and Grease : Oils : Gas j .1 Special This Week J <2 t u 2 7 □ »4 I 8 ■5 I ? fr-s 3 9 J 3O».T»J inch Grey Tube* 30*3^ inch Oversize Cords 12 SO 9 95 Ford Batteries : Radio A and B Bat- J teries and Supplies j First; Spartan Speaker, just the thing for your Radio. Second’ 30x3j CTC Tulie Third: Lightning Oil Tea* ter for your Ford. j , , r I j One ticket with every Dollar Cash Purchase or paid on account F J Our Premiums Are: Ask for Tickets. Phone 27 Scio, Oregon dr A