The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, December 03, 1925, Page 3, Image 3

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iW f r»M‘
“Ts« VV ve-M -w Ik. W -or
ww«»»,st s« -a« r«e« r«» .«si«s cwt
-WMV »•«•-<« I
Probably one
reason for the
popularity of
WRIGLEY*« Is that
It laws
so long an J returns such
great diiidrndi tor eo small
an outlay. * It keep« t
clean, breath sweet, appetite
keen, digestion good.
Fresh and full-flavored
always in ics waa-wran-ed
“The women any they are going to
sweep the country.”
“All vrry well Hut are wo men else-
stifled as trash?"
It doean't fatten a hungry man to
make him laugh.
\U: --
“What yon told me has been re
stM-cte-1. air.” Interrupted Steele, Ir­
ritated at the manner of the older
- iU
fe Uaw> WawLsau
Carnation Muth brings to
I our breakfast bowl all the
avor, all the nutriment, of
golden wheat fields. And docs
u in 5 minutes—thanks to the
Albers process. A4^ your
grocer I
United State» Rubber Company
Loa Angeles Nowo«t
M sin Street
bet. 6th & ?th
± 32®
CHAPTER IV— Continued
l'oaltlvr. bet; compera Uve, better;
eu|>erlative. better not.
Cuticura for Soro Hands.
Rook hands on retiring In the hot auda
of <*utlcum Soap. dry and rub In 1NJ-
tlcura Ointment.
Remove surplus
Ointment with tissue paper. This Is
only one of the things Osticura will do
If Soup, Ointment and Talcum are used
for all toilet purposes—Advertisement.
Laws are vain without morula
Sure Relief
B ellans
Hot water
Sure Relief
2S< and 75< PkfiSoM Lvgrywhgr*
natty as tie started to read the lettrr
handed him hr the factor. Then the
muscles of his jaw bulged as his teeth
ground in anger.
"Monsieur St Ong»,
“ilevlllon Frerew, Walling River
“For the third and last time I am
writing you in an attempt to make
you ar« the light as a sensible man I
have reason to know that Ijiscellea Is
now ready to force your hand The
post has proved a failure, aa he In
tended It should, and you have
to decide between leaving the
pany or giving your daughter
man you despise.
"The offer I have made to you. I rw
l-etit. From Ogoke Lake we can keep
the lievlllon Frerea. and the Hudson’s
Hay company out of the Walling River
valley, and control the Swift Current
and browning River trade a> Meil. |n
the tears we will retire rich
“1 offer your daughter a name hon­
or«*! for generations In Three Rivera
Although I have S|wnt my life In the
North, my education has been of the
beat not picked up In the barrack
room like that of I.a«-',-liea M<m»i>-ur
le Colonel. the time has come when
you are for-rd to make a choice be­
tween tu. Join with me, and In a few
years your -laughter wiil live In luxury
In Montreal or <juet-«*c. and your old
age will t-e provided for; choose
--riles and you will never see the Ice
break up on the Walling, for your tn
■Ilana will leave you. I have love-|
your daughter since I saw her at Al­
bany, and can make her happy. Con
• Ider carefully before you decide tn be­
come the dog of I .as--el lea. If It Is to
be that nit of a sous lieutenant, I
warn you now that you will flml my
arm long. intll the snow dies 1 will
wait for your canoe.
Steele returned the letter to St.
Onge with the comment. “Monsieur,
y-u were a soldier of France. To a
letter like this there Is but «me reply—
for a soldier." There was a gllttrr In
the eyes of the American as they met
those --f the older man
"For a eol<iler," repeated the French­
man with excitement, “there Is but
one reply, 1»n guard !* I would kill
her with my own hand before giving
her to that renegade Why, there Is a
white w—man now at Ogoke—and tu
write this Insult!"
The American leaped to hla feet
“Colonel.“ he cried. "Mflamme says
you won't see the Ice leave the Wall­
ing. Let's call that bluff! With your
leave, I’ll come back on the snow, and
well watch the Ice go out together!”
The hands of the two men met as
they silently pledged each other. Then
Steele's face solw-re-l as hla mind
turned to the greater prublem that
confrr-nted him.
“Hut Lascelles how doea latflamme
know eo much about him?"
“Laflamme was at Fort Albany, four
yrnrw ago. attempting to make a deal
with latM-ellea. He was suspected of
trying to lure him from the HevIlion
Frerea' employ
It was there he flrwt
saw I-enise Sin--» then he has writ­
ten ua many letters, time he stopped
here on his way up river, and threat­
ened to take her away by force If she
did not listen to him. She Uvea In
constant fenr of him."
Steele, “And the letter she sent to
l.ascellea—-when did It go downriver?“
“With the search party from Albany.
Ix-ng before you reach«-«! here—aa
much an two weeks"
"And thia letter evidently accounts
for her depression— her sadness."
"Yea Thia matter—and her fear of
Laflamme. She believes that he will
keep his word—try to use force. As
for the letter, sh» refuses to tell me
what she wrote, but I can güeña”
"And of course Las-'elli'« will show
up here before the river closes, since
she has at laat llstrned to him?" Her
Inexplicable. "There Is no way out for
the lost.” was now clear.
“That 1a what I fear—"
"Hut what d» you Intend to do. mon­
sieur? You must have sora» plan."
Impatiently demanded Steel»
"What cun I do? I've told her that
I shall never consent to it• that I
would kill her and myself flrat."
There was no solution of this prob­
lem In the mind of the American. It
waa a situation which seemed hopeless
Indeed. If she refused to listen to her
father site surely was too proud to
brook Interference from a stranger.
She had burned her bridges, yet some­
thing must I m > done—something to pre­
vent her self destruction. But what?
And then, he remembered with a start,
there was thia Windigo matter.
"Yea. monsieur.'* mollified the far
r, "we have found you a gentleman
Hut for a time I suspected you of
being a member of the provincial po
lice, and that would have complicated
"What do you mean?”
"Why, If It were ever known up
river that the poll«-» had stayed here
with me for some time before acting
agi-lnat Laflamme, the post might be
burned over our heada. They are a
lawless crowd, monsieur."
"According to your story yon are
bound to lose the post whatever
"Yea. but there la Denise"
"I d-n’t understand.
has never
"Monsieur, Ln 11« in me
stopped at anything. He might not
atop there."
"Y-u mean that hets In lovs with
Mademoiselle St. Onge?"
"I’rwlsely !’’
"And might attempt to taka her
by fi-rce?”
"He might attempt anything,
haa never rcs|-e«-te-l the law -la a
desperate man."
"But they would hunt him tfown.
He could n-t get away In thia c->un-
try. He would be a madman to at-
tempt IL"
"He la a madman. monsieur “
Ultrele was tempted to laugh In the
fa>r ■>! hlv host
lie would ahortly
have the opportunity of measuring
this madman with hla own eyes. St.
ongr certainly wan painting him In
strong colora Hut they bad wandered
from the polnL
“I have asked you for your con­
fidence." hr began abruptly. "If you
cannot see your way clear to allow
me to aid you, I shall regret If He
was thinking of the girl up at the
"Monsieur Steele, we have decided
that you deserve our confldenc*-—
I teniae and i; but I fear it will do
no good now They have got us."
“They?" demanded the American.
“Yes," and the blood mounted to
Mt. tinge's bronied face aa he talked
"I told you that I.ascrllea had pur­
sue«! my daughter since the winter we
spent at Albany, And now, with the
disappearance of this fur, the pœt
can be closed, as It shows a loss un­
der my management. tie can force
me from the company's service—ruin
In France I have no property
left ; it la all gooe, and 1 am an old
man, monsieur ."
The faca of St. Ongs was yellow and
“But you will not consent to your
dsughter—" vehemently protested the
younger man. when bo was Interrupt­
ed. with :
“Ah, monsieur, you do not know her.
1 fear that already she may have in­
volved herself.
I have Just learned
that she sent a letter by the last canoe
to Albany.”
Steele's dr«-pe«t Instincts revolted at
the thought. It was mmatrou»- unbe­
lievable! Small wonder he had found
her playing her heart out at the
rapids. He knew now just what hope­
lessness what heartache, lay beneath
the “Farewell1 she had played on the
hili. To shield her father’s old age
from the bitterness of failure and pos-
alble penury here. In thia new land,
she had deliberately offered to de-
etroy that glorious youth of here—at
last capitulate«! to ibis Intriguing cur
of an Inspector.
The follow Inc morning the three
“But that Is not all." went on St.
Onge "Shortly before your arrival a friend« were loading their canoe pre­
canoe brought this letter from <>g-»ke." parstory to ascending the river <»n a
Steete’a lena ffcce lighted with curl- round of the fall rsmps of Indiana
-, f
. I
Mutual Life
trading at the p-wt. when the flash uf
a paddi» far upstream aroused their
"I»at res queer t'lng.” comment«!
Michel, ac-iwllng darkly. “Kef M «leu
Laflainuir -x>me to mak' trvuble. be
wm-l On' plenty here"
At the mention of Laflamme. Dovld'a
•ti.all eyes narrowed, the musetas «f
his thick forearms worked nervously
aa though he already fell tils Angers
at the throat of the free trader
Steele's curiosity was keenly aroused.
f««r It was too late In the year for the
canoe of a trading hunter to visit ths
(Mist; this boat was undoubtedly from
Whs! new scheme had Iw
flamm» In mind? It would be four
weeks beik-re the winter would break
— the limit ha had given St. tinge for
his answer,
It was not long before the h»r«1-
driven craft wns dose enough to dis
close but .1 alngie occupant
shortly, as It n-'nre-l the shore. Ml- bel
called i
"Bo-Jo! bo'Jo! Pierre! W'at you
do here so far from de Feather lake?"
The In ilan grounded his boat on
the beach and shaking lhe band of the
head man. replied In ItJIbway as l»a
vid and St«-v!e Joined them:
"H-- Jo. Ml- hel! The hunters at the
Feather lak«*a are leaving fur the
Medicine Hills country. For I three
nights the Wln«llgu howle«l on i the
burnt ridge by Illg Feather lake The
l-e-ple are* weak with fear; lh«y will
not trap there thia winter."
"I'ld you hear the vole* of the Win-
dig- Pierre?" aaked Michel gravely.
"No. I was netting whlteflah at the
t-ake of the I>r--p Water Whrn 1 re­
turned to the camp they were Imvlng
there will be no trap llnea In that val­
ley this long vn-mx"
"I’ld the
--pin see ths tracks of
the Wln-llgo?"
"No. their blood was cold In their
veins They dl-l n-t stay to look for
a trail Why should they? They were
“Hut why did you leave your family
for the Windigo to eat and come here;
last spring y-u trailed your fur at
Ogoke?" rasp*«! Michel so savagely
that the ojlbway backed away, for the
raw boned Iroqunla was feared ths
length of the Walling.
“I nee«! shells for my gun. and
Ogoke la far." weakly replied the other,
hla eyes shifting uneasily.
The swart features of Michel twlatc!
with anger. “You He. you have plenty
shell.he replied, fiercely, returning
to English for Steele's benefit. "You
travel here to inak' trouble wld your
beeg talk of de Windigo.” And th*
long arm of the exasfierated headman
shot out a crushing blow In th* fac*
of the Ojlbway.
As the Indian staggered hack with
a cry from the attack of the Infuri­
ated lr«M|Uuia, Nterl* step|-ed between
them, and pushing Michel aside, or­
dered sternly:
“That's enough !"
The cuwr<| Indian, nursing hla bleed­
ing lipa, and protesting bls Innocwiee,
left the men on the beach and Joined
the post people who were excitedly
discussing the coming of the stranger
and hla rv<-eptloo at the ban-la of
"Kvldently you don't like that
Pierre.” laughed Steele. “What made
you so mad?“
“I t'lnk he cum here to talk to Tete-
Boule.” was the significant r*ply. ”l»ey
weel mak' dr medicine tonight to
scare de Windigo.”
"What, la be s shaman—a conjuror.
"He claim he ees beeg medicine man.
one -f de Mldewlwln, ao I l ink he put
dr devils een me now.” Then Michel
related what had passed between him
and Pierre.
“But you can't blame him for fear­
Ing the Windigo, er for cornine here
If It la nearer hla hunting grounds
than Ogoke."
The Inscrutable Iroquois fac*d Steels
with snapping eyea.
"Many long anowa fall, m’ateu.
-wo-n-e de ’Jlhway starve out on de
Walling riviere
Maybe ten maybe
more. Many die all tru dees countrae
dal long snows, for ret was de year of
de rabbit plague and dere were no
moose l»--r« Pierre cum to Fort Ma
mstawan «1st ai>neeng an’ aay bee«
woman die, but I go to her» camp dat
summer, an' I r.n’ her bones wn de
bush ren two, three place- all roun*.
lie keel hers woman—and left her In
de snow for de wolverines an' fog-—
she nevalre starve. He eea no good.
He rum her» to mak* ds troubl» an'
scare our people."
à •
r* Y*.’?«
In His Home
Mr. F H. Fricke, whose address
is 625 Pontiac llldg . St. Louts, Mo,
writes under the date oi June 25.
1V-’A —
“My family and my«elf have had
splendid results Horn your PerU’HA.
\Ve are never without it in our
home. I wouldn't take a thousand
dollars lor what it has done lor
my family am! myself
When I
contract a cold I immediately take
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1 recommend Pe-ru-na everywhere "
For coughs, colds, catarrh and ca­
tarrhal conditions generally
Pe-ru-na has been recognised as re­
liable lor over fifty years.
Sold Everywhere
Tablets or Liquid
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-a-a- -S i
CataarKal Ftwx Epiioolk.
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Mule« A Dog«. jT
S fomn M i okal C o
I 1 a tl II71 ’J
(b«s«saee «0. tee«»-
Never Grows Older
He feels like s boy at forty. Whenever
constipation troubled him Beech«
auv'e Pills brought certain relief.
"For over a year I suffered from
heada-hes and constipation, other
remedies having failed. I told some­
one at my club, who suggested that
I try Reecham's Pills. I tried them,
and they relieved me. I'm only forty
and I feet like s boy again after tak­
ing Beecham's Pills.
wwh ««MHflUWt MhOI «K-tadd f*ho
!Wg. ham'« hilfi fot < cmMtivofkcsfk. M ummum
•tod Otoi h««da« h« **
VW ma n y
TX*» «MR ftoe» r
hrilsw N.
R aw Jtofa ib jsgotm« .L«w4rr»_ .ssawrtfwrw*« « m J
I4 m » si*wot dw smsgoggRtog hy heoaXtMto i hilt.
FRFF 9AMPUU.WH«« tod*? 6^ few «.mpU
•»HF. AlUn Co., 417 < onal M., Now Y.»gfc
Huv frx»m rv»r -Imn'»’ "» II «n-l IH I akm
for 'Hrllrr Health, Take
Beecham*« Pllle
haarlem oil has been a world­
wide remedy for kidney, liver and
bladder disorder«, rheumatism,
lumbago and uric acid condit ions.
q OVD ME£?4£
correct Internal troubles, stimulate vital
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oil the original genuine (iotu Mm*U
Cuticura Soap
la Pure and Sweet
Ideal for Children
No more
T8 GONE! That awful agony!
can't stand the rich,
I red Rheumatism
blood that 8. 8. 8. helps Nature
But rheumatism will bring pain and
misery to your joints and muscles just
as long as you are without plenty of
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It's the red-blood-calls that 8. 8. 8.
helps Nature build that drive out of
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up your blood to where It la pure and
rich and red. you simply can't get rid
of rheumatism.
And 8 8 8. Is the thing. Red blood
conquers rheumatism. Everybody
knows that
Pierre also apparently baa a
8 8 8 means millions of red-blood
part In the conspiracy.
tells—means health all
rest. No more rheums-
Laflamme back of ths Windigo
'.lam. Nlghta of rest—•
lays of joy, filled with
he happiness of sccom-
jllvhment — — made poo-
ilble by a T body brimful
of red blood, led ____
___ ____________
life, _ energy
and vitality.
Germany'» Pioneer School
That's what the end of rheumatism
The first open air school wan eatah means—that’s what 8 8. 8. brings to
llshed in Germaay over a hundred you Get 8 8 8 from your druggist.
The larger buttle Is more economlcnL
years ago.
.*S .',