• • * • - Ir * X •* • r- » r . • Afri/**** * * J-*-. <• .L C ' è- •-.4?' Page 2 Supplement, Dec. 3, 1925 General Newa ‘ ~ The Scio Tribune Mr. and Mrs. L- L Calavan of Laux sawmin at Wren, visited at Mr. and Mrs. 8. B. Holt drove to tarnooo and a aoeeial road tai of Sumner, Wash., vtait»d Mr. and the P. H Lambert home Sunday. Tanget Monday to Daliver a Jersey $500 was voted. GILKEY STATION ♦ heifer which they sold to Mr. Jenks. Mr*. Wilbur Funk and J.T. Funk Mrs- Wm. Abbott laat Friday Mrs- Louis Kay and family and Frank were business visitors in Salem re- Abbott accompanied them to L-ba- Hora viafted B. F Darby s Sunday. Mias Audrey Ferris of Portland, Nov. 30 • non in the evening to visit at the but recently from a trip to Indiana, cently. John Sandner.»r..wife and daugh­ Mrs. Norman Garrison of Salem was a week-end guest at the home hum«*s of their daugnters. .Mrs. J. ter. Ida. mair a business trip to G. Gill and Mrs. Hugh Kirkpatrick, ia visiting at the home of her father. of her sister. Mrs. Orville Gilkey. Attractive "Ad" Salem Monday. Ad ta Kerbsnge- “ For aale, lare» Leo Zeller. where their two sons. C- C- and Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Lemon of Cor­ Ed Arnbrosek and wife called at barn looking boose eight rooms, oo Miss Merle Bigham, teacher of vallis spent Friday and Saturday at Wade Calavan and their families, Bellrvtte pl sea. Everything run down R. F. Darby's Monday. the Oak View school. went home the home of Mr. and Mrs. 8. B. and the poorest neighborhood In the who also reside at Sumner, were George Sandner and wife visited city I am asking twice »» much for I visiting. Wedm-sdav to spend Thanksgiving Holt. the house as It la worth, but I nerd the at Peter Bilyeu's >n Scio Sunday, with her parents at Portland. .Miss Emma Kotan. who is teach Mrs. Myrtle McDonald was hoa- money, as I am auiklng a collection of who has a severe case of blood poto Mr. and Mrs. L>uis Calavan of tess to twenty members of the stiver dollar* Wise | bought th* I mg school at Halsey, spent the oning. Sumner. Wash . called on Mr. and Thursday Thimble Club last week bouse I g..t soaked, and now I want 1» Thanksgiving vacation nt ths home •oak someone else Con» and *ee me.“ of her mother, Mrs. Frances Kotan. Grandma Dart visited Mrs Chas. Mrs. J. G. Holt. Visitors were Mrs. Dwight Peterson —Boatun Transcript Beard Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Needham, of Scio. Mrs. Tom Prtorsm. Mrs on route 3. George Sandner made a business Miaaee Ethol and Coele Zysset of Ed Krebs. Mrs. 8. F Zyseet. Mrs. R. Borovicka and wife have pur­ Household Malhtmaliti trip to Salem Friday, Salem were Sunday guests last week Bair and Mrs. Riggs The laat four llnw many quart* In a tieek! In a chaser! the Albert Randle old home. Grandma Parberry, who is in Al­ at the home of their parents. Mr. named became members. The af­ allot»? a rertaln lioenewHe'* memory Mr. Randle says it cleans him up on bany taking treatments, is reported and Mrs. 8. F. Zysset. ternoon was spent in tying a com­ •llp|*<1 a cog when «h«- g*»» Ihr yrrosu i Scio property. n*«w to the flow question and BprAlerl I somewhat improved. Born. Nov. 20th. to Mr. and Mrs. fort and darning stockings. The «•»»cal hours of cannine Thetnlstakr Harold Darby and Charlev Peters Wm. Weinberg, a 7j pound daugh­ hostess served delicious refreshments will never hai>|wm again, ah* i»nn Mt. Pleasaal-Cole News ma le a business trip to Albany laat Mhe teatri) a number of tier frirtxhi on ter. named Maysel Uella at the close of the afternoon. the two quentlons and several ••Id Friday. J. F Sommer and daughter. Lu­ The local Farmers* Union met ■heir tonguee stippe.) when they Deeemlier 1 I here is going to be a play at the cille. drove to Portland Monday of with F. W Mes|n church house December last week with a load of dreso-d Nov. 21. m>>st all members L-ing Elvin and Norman; Louis Ray. wife 17. Please bring your baskets. turkeys for the Thanksgiving trade. present When Dtrr Drop Antler» Two new members. Mr. and children. Lyle and Vanita May; | Tuny Minter and family, Hal Shel­ They returned home Tuesday. The antirra of North Amerlrsn <1<-»r .»ml Mrs. R. II Struckmeier. were are usually rd In Mart h. hut abogt three or four month». attended. We understand there will Potter Ling, wife and children. Harry, of Stayton »(rent Thanksgiv­ waa served in the basement at a be another at Christmas time. Important Pmnt Opal, Maliel, Eldred; Marvin Lnny ing with Mr and Mrs. J 0 H»lt late hour. At ’ hr man driving a weather Iwaten Mrs. Harry Frreman and sons. and wife; Spencer Long, wife and The all-day meeting at Riverview IJoyd Whetstone of Albany spent mule attached to a rickety buggy csiur Sunday. Nov. 22. was well attended. the week end with his grandparents. near, the automoblllst »topped and James. George and wife, and Cor- .i n. Donald, of Albany; John Couey dus. visited Andy Shindler and wife and daughters. Lets and Mildred; hailed Mm Hour! afternoons were OX 0. A. Burgess of Woodburn gave Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Holt. changed and then tlie automotdllat In Sunday. Wm. E Arnold and wife, lister some Interesting lectures on Sunday qutrod “llow far la it to the next Harley Darby is employed at the Arnold, wife and daughter, Maxine. school work. ♦ • ••*••• www»w»s»»»*s»se*< tewnf* The other reflect«! at length Everett Philippi ranch thia week. hoc nt Thanksgiving with Robert Everyone ia invited to attend the and finally usher!, “Well. Just what la Munkers News your Idea of a townT* Lyle Lutz, who ia et ployed at the Darby and family. revival, which began last Sunday at the Riverview school house J. M Harrington of St. Joseph, Mo., will l>eeember I help conduct the meetings. Mr and Mrs. T. H. Quigley *■- Mr. and Mrs. O D Ecklev a< d tended the funeral of Mr. Quigley'a daughter of Donley. Idaho, and Mr. brother-in-law, Mr. Davia. at Har­ and Mrs. B. F. Cantrell and children risburg on Saturday. of Hood River spent Thanksgiving It A. Holteen and daughter. Loin, with the ladies' parents. Mr. and »pent several days at lone. Oregon, Mrs Peter Peterson visiting Mr. Holteen'a sister and family. John Shelton and wife were Salem visitors me day last week. D. Conner <»i southern Oregon, .Mr». Mary Munker of Elam I, and M rs. Mai Barrick of Corvallis, wrre week-end visitor* of the Quigley family Mrs B A. Hulteen waa a Salem visitor Saturday evening. 'We Urena the Eyes of thr World.” Opal Shilling of Shelburn haa Wa are authority when it comes to frames and eyeglass mountings been visiting her sister. Mrs. Ernest Never ask for a second quality lens McCrae. (iive your eye* the beat, it ia the Mr. and Mrs. Allen Arnold enter­ cheat test in the end. tained Mr. and Mr*. Carl Smith and "The House of Dependable Service" .Mr. and Mrs. M. 0. Arnold and eon. Itavniond, on Thanksgiving day. Claude Holteen and Millard Shel­ ton attended a meeting of the De Molar lodge in Albany Wednesday eyening. A road meeting waa held at the HAROLD ALBRO. Manufacturing Optician Munkers school house Saturday af- >♦ * fâèiïïleade Qpt0me trist. I J ro,.«-.. t Office 360 ' I Itos 363 Office Hours: 9 to 12 a.m.. 2 to & p.m. Ami by Appointment. Dr. Geo. J. Kenagy Grotte Chiropractor 401-2 Finit National Rank Building A lbany . O bruon The Scio Tribune ¿'»V, * Wants more reader«, and is asking its 500 readers to help secure them. This is how: Each suitscriber renewing his sul«< yiptioii at $1.75 (the regular price), with an additional 25c, can have the Scio Tribune sent one full year to some one who is not a subscriber to it now--no renewals will lie accepted at the 25. rate. This will be an eco­ nomical way to make a Christmas pilt that will come weekly. To foreign countries the price is l2 SO but to crs who arc sending the paper now we will make the combined rate »3 76 if taken advantage of during the Deeemlier: it coats a tc stamp to mail a imper to a foreign country. With this rate, our readers can duh with their non-readcr neighbor and Imth save money, and as the home pajier is the eve of the community «nd reflects its progress every family should be a subscriber. 'That’» why it Wants More Home Subscribers ■