« * ». » • « • « ' f . if *. » ! • * • C9 i ; • » V« • • % .» ■’n -*• . » » A» » . % ' .-a V « • « " » L '’•s • >•' * i** ♦ - 1 T’ • ’ J. ali a n a ■ --«»■ ’ . a..i a ’VM"1 < '•A-r * •"* ' **•* >■ ' •' * « : -c V ’•* ' ♦. 1 «-W * - L. » ; SS ««W >. ■afti. . vmmmmmm X» ! , ¿.La % The Scio Tribuno PAGE EIGHT ’ INDEX PRODUCE CO. INDEX I Dr P. T. Tweed of Albany was here on veterinary buainaas Monday' • PRODUCE CO. His phone is 2£> or hF2. X Z. w ft. 31 Index Produce Co 8 N U Z) —BUYS— Q O -- Veal Poultry X X a z. I z. « ft. X - w u 3 Q O - ft. a A We remit for all shipments on day of arrival. Top Market Prices Paid Portland, Oregon 151 Front Street, INDEX i Hogs Eggs PRODUCE CO. Mi»s Pauline Sims of All>anv s(«ent For Sale T--am of horses, or will trs-ie f<»r a good cow. See Mrs. last Friday at the hum« of tier par- < A Hetxendorf, route 3, Selo. Or­ J L Kelly was in Albany Monday. ents. Mr. and Mrs. John Sims, at egon Up M C L Fennel has Installed a new Seto For Sai«- F waive Jersey ited Pigs, Halowat radio In hit home. E D Myers and family and Mrs. fine stock, at reasonable prices. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Stollei spent a Riley Shelton attended the chrysan­ S>— J -hn A White, route 3. Scio. . themum show at Albany Sunday af-, Oregon. l*o part of last week in I «rt.and. ternoon. For Sale -God grade Jersey, giv­ Mrs. J. F. Wewly ami Mrs. J. S. ing » x gallons rich milk per day. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Tom and Sticha were Salem visitors lot Fri­ Price >7 >. See C. L. Pennell, at daugnter. Miss Faye Thompson, at day. Scio Mill. 14c tended the dance at Shelburn Satur­ The condition of Matt lloubek is For Sal« G «1 clean Goo« Feath­ day night. still critical, with no hopes of re­ ers at 90c per pound. See Joe Wm. Montgomery ami Ivan Bal- covery . Menhart, mute 3. Scio, Oregon, schweid came in Sunday from Oak­ Pl or phone 12 &. 14p Mr and Mrs Fred Mumper were X land. where they are working at Salem business visitors Tuesday af­ Farm Loans Money at 5% with bridge work for the S. P. Co. i i n il c- rnn iMion; prepayment ternoon. privil«- after first year. Wm. The Baptist Christian Endeavor Albany Ore. 13-c Miss Almeda Smith of Portland society held their monthly business j spent the week-end with Mias Ve la meeting and social at th«- him -> of Went« I 1 > kn<>w name of party to Brenner. whom Jack Bilyeu sold sulkey Mr. and Mrs John Legner Wednes­ Ó I iw • me years ago. Please see Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Jones and Mrs. < day evening. Wm. Brenner. Scio, Ore. 14p >1 Herbert Shelton were in Albany D. C. Thoma was in Albany last Saturday. i*. ai» r and envelop»-« are going up. X Friday where he participated in the ■ ■ -.- « I- r i-nve- W A. Ewing ami Chas. Tucek Masonic ceremonies at the laying of I t «. g<-t them n->w while the i have quite recently inenalled radios the corner stone of the new building prie, ih î»i per I(Mio at the Scio in their homes. Tribune. for Albany College. Mrs. Belle Daley of Medford is Mils Freda Thayer, who is attend­ Any girl in trouble may communi­ cate with Ensign l-ee of the Sal­ visiting at the home of Mrs. E J. ing State Normal at Monmouth, vation Army at the White Shield Daley and son, Fred spent the week-end at her home here. Home, Mayfair Ave., Port­ C. E. Kendle and family have re- Miss Robby Jefferson, a school land. Oregon. friend, accompanied her. turneil frmn a visit of four n Cows for Sale-One Durham |60. with relatives in the east. • regi el«- lloMein I3Û, one grade Lloyd Lukenbach, Al West and 7. J. Clark, a former reaident of Elden Knauf, who have tmen work­ thia community, was here Monda> ing for the government on the for­ est ri*serve above Cascadia, have re­ He ia now living at Arlington. Misses Vella Brenner and I>orria turned home for the winter. Í J Office Hours: Í» to 12 a m.. 2 to ' p m. And by Appointment. 1 hot«-«, j ;Hi3 Dr. Geo. J. Kenagy 2:17::.. Chiropractor <, frjKEHftO *012 Finit National Bank Building A i . iukt , O rrgon Bring Your Job Printing to the Tribune Mrs. Fpank R-mcr, who lives on Weddle went to Portland Tuesday afternoon to spend Armistice Day. route 3, was taken to Albany Mon­ day night where she underwent a G. L. Locke, who« home ia on major operation. At last reports route 4, w»i in Scio Tuesday and she was getting along nicely. called on the editor ot the Tribune. The Christian church at Jefferson Mrs. D. C. Thoms and Mrs. I. V. will dedicate its building next Sun- ■ McAdoo were «hopping and trans­ day with appropriate exercises, with acting business in Albany laut Fri- services at 1U a m., 3 pm. and at day. 7:30 p. m. Everybody invited. The Scio business men are plan- Mr. and Mrs Robert Elliott re­ ning on establishing a rest room for turned last Thursday from Baker women and children, which is badly City, having l«een called there the needed. Saturday previous on account of th«- sudden death of Mr. Elliott's broth- ! I ■ Set these at Jam« s Milligan’«, on Ferebee farm, near Crabtree. Ore. 15 d I F I ( ’ Q l> K A IbanV < )regon CHANCE” R«1 BtRfb a Kkadtkr TkrdUr With Anna Q. Nilsson Ben l.yon Viola I)«na I lol >a rt lb»*worth \ a tor McLaglen Reports from Salem say that W. I » J ■ C JOUCU. } our hrislmai Gift Problem for 1925 The gift that carries the vpirit <>i Christmas; the gift iiiai I c for the prop c «ho an tired of the extraguncc of meaningless Christma-- pre­ sents; th.- gift that increases in value as the years go by; the gift that strengthens friend­ ships and >s always appreciated; ti c one and only gift that will not leave your Lank ac­ count a total wreck alter vmi have remem­ bered all your fricmls. Your Photograph As more people each year are giving |Jmt<»- b--/- gr«|Ju it is abaolutelv ‘ necessary ------------ „ that a large share of the pictures l>e t>c taken early carl; in Nov., ami as an imluccmcnt to do so will give from Nov. 2 to lt> an I lx 14 enlargement with every $<• order or over. Poaitively no large picture will l«c given after that date. (Nitside of a small c called for till Christmas. Clitìord Studio 333 W’«f Um A. Neal, who wm operated on about a month ago for bladde» trouble, is| getting along nicely and that he will j be able to return home the last of next week, if nothing happens Albany, Oregon See Big Bill« Old Jupe quit crying long enough yesterday for the many parades in memory of the boys of 1917-1K, and the dawn uf peace. Seto stores were closed during the afternoon, and the streets wire appropriately dee- ■ orated. The new cottage at the Roaring River Fish Hatchery has just been completed. The superintendent.Mr. Tucker, left Tueaday on his 2-weeks vacation. His father in law of Eu- grne will superintend the work at the Hatchery «luring his absence. See Big Bill« J. N. Weddle. N. I. Morrison, J F. Oupor and Otho Wallace attend­ ed a meeting of the I O O I- Encamp­ ment in Albany Monday night A large number of Grand officers and Past Grand officers were present. The Scio visitors report having had a very pleasant time. Given by Z C. B. J. Lodge of Scio, Oregon, at their hall S^i wo Days Wednesday and I hursday, Novemder 25 and 26, 1925 Commencing Wednesday noon and night, and Thursday afternoon and night. Good time and good management r Thankgiving Dinner at 7 p. m >• Two Brass Bands and Orchestra Dance Afterward Everybody Welcome i * I N«trabtI 15-16 II Globe - Albany "The Ten Commandments" ia coming to the Peoples Theatre next week. Saturday afternoon and night, Sunday night. Noy. 21-22 An ex­ ceptional picture, one that will live. Be sure and see it. 25c ami 50c. i •i Coming Next ‘•tmdsy, Monday. Tuesday. I he Princess Frame In shape and colors made to blend not blemish style beauty comfort — »Hti»facti«»n — and the right price. cade QcZ on ¡e trist. QAÍO, HAROLD AI.BRO. Manufacturing Optician P. T. Tweed, D.V.M. Veterinary till ANY. OREGON Plume 25 or MF2 us