THE SCIO TRIBUNE Paire Seven OUR COMIC SECTION 1 LAjIUnlAI AUflDIAl .MOTHER:- Fletcher’s ' Castana is a pleasant, harm­ less Substitute for Castor Oil. Paregoric, Teething Drops and Soothing Syrups, espo ctally prepared for Infants in To avoid Mtationa, always look (or the ugnature of /Z Zía^Xí U I’hyticiaiu everywhere recommend it. pr.iern directkww on each I'-“ kJKr Rumor tiiotr« with lightning rapid tty. It la how It keepa ahead of fart. A S ynthesis of The Oíd dnd the h/e kv THE FEATHERHEADS FANNY /- HEY TE5, COME ffl«r RIGHT IN FANNY.7 WHERE DID YOU PUT’ MY SHAVING CREAM f HUM f - WHY THE FEATHER HEADS HAVE DECIDED to sub let VlElR AFWITMENT, AND T he first applicants have just CALLED id look AT ST. DEVIL don ' t Y0U o . ANSWER ME f j Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Headache Colds Pain Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis Lumbago Rheumatism DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART ,^»>Acc‘T( onl-V “Bayer" pack^o which contains proven directions. Handy "Bayer“ horra ot 12 tallirla Alto boUlct of 24 and 100—Druggists, irt W ntytr MMwOHW» «T M«M*ttUrM«4*M»r «r a«llr>l>rarl4 Brtwren being trtxlrr henrted and timid, there la a thin line On fanny / CAN'T YOU < ANSWER A C ivil QUESTION HOW DO YOU AND S« 'WHAT A LOVELY View WE GET OUT Of \ T his WINDOW R i GHT T, ahead f p ♦k - V '? 'I Sur Cttrfntr $Y)3, f. a. A. Ltuiug, Stub, SOME BENEDICTS KICKERS IN THE FOOTBALL CLASS MORE POWER Low~cost Transportation Star®) Cars Dtlicatt Compliment "Tv* got a great deal of water In my ear«.” ha aald as ha eatua puffing oat of the surf. **l thought tha ocean looked rather low.’ answered hie friend. AT THE BREAKFAST TABLE WAR AND POLITICS DURANT MOTORS, Inc. a JO West 57th Street, New York General Sake Dept. — it 19 Broadway, New York Du!tri mJ Streut SniMi tbrregbtat tie UrittJ lutti CeetJe trJ M/jri.r