The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, November 12, 1925, Page 3, Image 3

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Page Thre«
WRKLEYS The Valley of Voices
A FTert
Probably one
reason for the
popularity of
it Uses
so long and returns sue h
great dividends five so small
an outlay. • It keeps teeth
clean, breath sweet, appetite
keen, digestion good.
Freeh and full-flavored
always in its was-wrapped
STNOIUII«—With I’*VIA. halt-
breed SU Ids. lirent Blasi*, of th*
Americas Muova et Natural
lllalery. I* trav*llas In aerthera
Caned*. liv a *lr«*m he bear*
l>*niM, d*uahi*r of Col Milair*
St o««v. tactor at Waiima Kiv*r,
)•■*> th* vi-.iin eup.rblr
li* In­
troduces bltneelt end aeeept* ••
Invitation l* make the te-et bl*
horn* Surin* bl* stay
He And*
lb* tsclur wurrlsd and m, «tilled.
Th* l*»< chateau" t* a r*ai boni*
From Hi Ong* h* learne ef lb*
myeterloue creatura et evil. th*
Windigo." and tb* dl**pr**ranc*
of a cano* and II* crew. with lb*
season s late* of fur*. Than at
nistet th*
glv** •
weird performance
Eve* Bl**l*
I* my*iin*4 I’avid. Steele« In­
dian and Mb-hel. *' cm«. • h«»4-
man. l*av* tor lbs *c*n* ol tb*
.-•no* * dleappearaac* In aa at*
lampi I* solve ih* myatery.
the day* passed at Walling
and th* dread voice failed to
I m , lei. ‘civr#,
break upon th* crisp September nlghta
trethcr light
with a recurrence of Its horror. the
Flap;*, kt with
people timidly took up the old order
plcnlyot syrup
’>< sweet <aaa •
of their days The ruhhlt snr.rea In
the forest were again visited and re­
can't best this
set by the women, who traveled In
hapry morning
I »a Ira for mutual encouragement, and
one day Tele Boule was prevailed
“Alberi <tan.ii / w
u|w<n by tb* factor to go out with
lietur B<»uA/a»u*
another Indian after nwwwe. for th*
fort needed fresh meat. As h* left,
the OJIbway gravely shook th* hands
of the fearful women and children
gathered on th* ah«r*. bidding them
look upon him for tb* last tlm*. for
by night hs and his comrade would
be mangled flesh tn the maw of tbs
"Did you hear that ftmir Rícele
naked fit. Onge. atandlng near him
on the beach.
"Thia thing han ruined him a* a
hunter," replied th* factor, "b* will
usver recover from IL"
“f think 1'11 run upatream to th*
rlffies thia morning and catch torn*
dore for Bupper." said the younger
man aa they returned to the trad*
Later. a second canoe quietly left
the poet, but when the boat reached
the riffles, a mile above, the occupant
did not atop to fish but continued
W|j] buy ocaan anJ rlv«r trust, aav alas
upatream following the shore
•cr**«a or city property, in Florida rrator
Miami oad l>aytona proportloa.
ffoad 1*1*1
when the flash from the paddles of
<laacrlpli»n * ad larma
Alao bava
the craft above ceased, and the ap'd
Florida proper tic« Cor oala
at Mt ki . < I MMtna
on the river which wan the canoe,
Had«»« Tarmiaal. F. O lla> t. W
V. C.
moved to the shore, the boat follow­
ing. also turned in. and was lifted
Militi in the Lead
Millet Is the world's most prolific and hidden In the alders Then th*
premonition of Tet* Houle attained
grain crop
a partial fulfilment, for on th* ahores
of the Walling started a man hunt;
but the incentive tn the hunter was
not a craving for human flesh, but
a mild curiosity,
Before sunset the safe return to the
of Tete Boule and hie partner
heralded with Joy. although they
failed In their hunt. But It was
after dark before the second
canoe slid silently In to th a stony
"You had no lock this afternoon,
not h I tig?"
laughed fit. tinge as Steels appeared
for supper.
"As a matter of fact. Colonel, I
went hunting, but the game was toa
tame for sport "
fit. tinges black brows lifted.
"You ar* cryptic, monsieur"
"Well, to confess," laughed Steel*.
"1 waa Interested to see how much
hunting your men would really do—
For more than 13 yean
and 1 found out."
standard equipment
"Ton followed Tet* Boule’s can«*F
"Yea. I watched them for a few
on Ford Cara, Trucks
hours, but an they showed no sign
and Fordaon Tractor»
of taking to th* bush. I traveled over
—ample proof of ita
to those ponds Michel told ms about.
great dependability.
Tomorrow, If yon have a man who
Blase Ros fee all other
will help mo pack the meat. I'll fri
cor*. 75 cent*. The sen-
a moos*"
ala« have double*
"And Tete- Bonis never left tbs
•i 11 A*M4*v* ila
river F
"Not while I watched him.“
Tb* factor shrugged significantly.
lie's *buah shy* now and will not
But what la there to doF
"Have you thought that he might
be shamming to avoid work? la he
"No. he always was a good packer
sad hunter. It's th* Windigo"
In th* week peat. Steele had seen
all too little of the girt whose per­
sonality bad on vtvldly aroused hie
tnterest. whose moods, defying analy­
sis. only added to her charm Con­
vinced that beyond a dread of the ugly
alternatives which tbs future might
present to her choice, beyond any poe
aible tear of the manifestations of
the supernatural which the poet had
witnessed, there lurked a tangible
August Flower cause for anilety. hie active mind had
been ceaseless In Its groping for a
clew to Ita Barer*
Two day, fol­
lowing th* ntght of terror, be had
spent searching the big ridge for sign
I tw It
of wolverine, lynx or wolf, had pro-
ALL OBUOOIATa duced nothing la explanation of the
■■ ■
San Francises, Ns. 4L-ISA mysterious cries, but while hla eye*
swept the dry floor of the forest to
' way woman who eat on a rock apart
| from the two her restless eyes sweep
1 Ing the scrub below them,
Wy »h« ••••»•
fohl*« C» >
"Charlotte la not bored now ; she's
>«rvH« )
i scared to dcWth." suggested Klrele
with a laugh.
"Has site not reason. monsleurF
right and left, bls thoughts had dealt
with the reiterated query: "Whom protested Denise “But we have not
did the fear at th* rapids’ What waa been here, she and I. since midsum­
And I mla* It so "
ah* about to tell me when fit Ong* mer
"You fear to mins here novr—be­
interrupted? fib* had said. But you
do not know the danger) and. ther* ll* v* In thia thlngF He welcomed the
ar* ao many -• Many what’ Clearly opportunity to put th* question di
there waa something mor* than the racily.
Windigo tn thia warning
But what
The dark eyes frankly mot hla "Is
could it beF
there not good reaaoti. monsieur, for
fio Steele returned from hit profit fear In a woman? , After the fur canoe
less search of th* ridge to wait for — and that night F
th* return of David and Michel, when
Natural as had l--eo her reply,
a definite plan of campaign could b* Steele Intuitively sensed that she was
dissembling—to avoid hla Ine« liable
questioning waa willing to have him
On a morning when th* warm Rep- believe that ah*, too, wa* a victim
t ember son. lifting the low lying river of th* general superstition But sbe
misty rolled them back on rl-lgea. bad tiefrnyrd herself the morning her
here and there already flecke<1 with father cut short her half uttered warn
the yellow and gold of a frost [minted Ing. Well the day was young and ho
birch or poplar. Iienla* St. ong* ap­ I feared to prrsa her then for an eg-
peared at breakfast In whipcord and ! planation of what she patently ds-
heavy hoots. Steele stared In surprise | sired to avoid. Ko with a nodded as­
al lhe change In face and manner of . sent to her question, be changed tile
hl* hostra*. The ghost of worry had ' subject.
left her eves, which shone with high
"We are to have gay music to "lay.
spirit*. Her mood of silence had given I ma>lcti>oi**-lle
You remember, you
way to a gayety foreign to lilt know I j promised we should t»e merry “
I edge of her.
"Yes, today Ih* violin shall sing
"Thia beautiful morning, monsieur. I of Joy . ft |a foo beautiful here to lie
| Charlotte and I go to wave an au sad Even though the first gray greve
■ revolr to the summer which pasaca" of the year pas* south. 1 shall send
"Charlotte Is to b* envied." he re­ them no message "
plied. chartned with the note of cheer­
"Am! thia message—la It * secret Y’
"A secret, monsieur? What secret*
Her eyes lighted with amtiaemetit ran a woman cherish tn these forests?"
"It Is possible that It might b* ar­ | Her reply had been a|">ntane>>ua. In
ranged that we take with ua a body
nocetit of subterfuge; then. In hla
guard," ahe said archly. "Of course, lifted eyebrow* and humorous <urt of
it la not for ladles to demand (he Up, she esught the reflection of Ih*
presence of cavaliers—
doubl* Implication of her question,
"Take ms, oh fair lady, a* thy i and her face Ituahsd to th* temples
knight !" he begged
"Have you ever longed to Journey
"Laggard though you ar*, you may south with the passing geese F he
escort us to my watch tower, where i quickly asked, gallantly covering her
Charlotte and I go to play the Hiring embarrassment. "As you play them
north, and to wave a b->o voyage to down the ate lew du you not wish to
the last of the geese."
Join themF
"It la charming of you. tnadpmol
"Why. Monsieur Steele, yon have
sell*. to allow
stolen my dream*,' she cried, radiant
the with surprise "Always, as they pass,
girl to himself In her gay mood, I stand here calling to them to lend
Accompanied by the stolid Charlotte. m* wtnga to follow—follow Into ths
carrying a birch bark basket contain south. I try to lure them hack with
Ing the lunch, and whoa* swart face my violin—but no. they pass Ko I
betrayed misgiving* she dared not send them down the wind to a mad
voice. I ten Is* fit. tings appeared at quick atsp- my bon voyage, my
th* trade house.
well- until spring plpea them north."
"You will nut go without your rifle.
Kh* had risen. And her eyes, shin
monaleurF queried Mt. tinge a* Kteele Ing with emotion,
her face, vivid wlt|i
Joined them
th* color of her thoughts strangely
“Is th* Wlndtgn dangerous In broad stirred the man who listened. Tb*
daylightF facetiously asked Mteele.
lines of her straight body, from
The brons* face of the factor red shoulders to trim feet, held hl* eyes
Watching her. Nteel* asked himself
"The Windigo may strtk* lu the what thia strange girl, tens* aa the
day or night, roonaleur. Who knows? airings of her violin, with her moods
It I* well you go armed." And h* of aloofness snd eUetics, Billowed by
handed the Mannllcher to the Ameri­ awlft changes to whimsical gayety and
can. who took It. mystified. Irritated, lightness of aptrit, waa coming to
that the man to whom he had offered mean to him A* her eyes again met
hla services should withhold hla con hla hs wondered what memories he
fl dene*.
should carry down to Nrplgon In Octo­
Led by the girl, hardly recognisable ber
In her sudden metamorphosis from a
"And the message you send with
creaturo of reticence and alAefuees to the geese?" he asked. "There la home-
one quick with life, vibrant to the sickness In It for your France— your
magic of the sunlit Reptetnher hfila, TouralneF
they took th* troll to an isolated ridge
"Ah." ahe sighed, "la It not natural.
about a mil* back from the river
monaleur? I do long for the roses
Tb* Watch tower wa* aptly named, and the poppy fields—the warm sun
for unlike most of the high land of on the white roe<la and the laughter
the country, th* hill was capped by of th* people. Ther* la no laughter at
a bar* brow of rock commanding a Walling River—now." Kh* ralaed her
little valley studded with a chain hands In eloquent geature.
of miniature lakes B*yond, a sweep winter here la so long so cold. Th*
of roiling forest faded Into the has* eternal wind In th* spruce—does It not
of the southern hortson
a|>eak to yoo, too? To me ther* ar*
"la It not beautiful—my valley. always lbs voices—voices of hunger
monaleurF ah* asked with a wide and pstn—and death."
sweep of her arm.
"Yes. summer or winter," h* said
''Beautiful F he repeated. "And you "th* voices ars everywhere, la the
come here oftenF
white-watery tbs spruce, tbs hills
"T*e— fhat la w* used to com* And often, in th* brrese. the forest
hero; but lately—" Rhe caught her
become* one great orchestra "
self up sharply, then continued. "This
"You have heard It. tool" she
valley, monsieur. I call my Vale of cried, “the sweep of the violins, the
Tempe It la enchanting to watch the moaning of th* celloeF
spring slowly sweep R with Its magic
"I always hear them In the sum­
- paint In. hero and there, the soft mer. from a river; with the drum
green of the young birch leavea. the beat of rapid* aa *ccotn|>anlnient."
silver of poplar, and balm of gtlead;
"Ah. there la much of th* poet
then rim that brook with th* rod of In you, monsieur ' And for an Instant
th* willow buds And the I flrat flowers there was a light In the girl's eyes
of the forest—hepatic*, purpls and which set wild thoughts stirring In
pink and whit*; violet* and wood bls brain "But our winter Is besutl-
anemone and trillion»—“
ful. also. In moods." abe went on
Kh* pauaed. the dark
The quiet days with the sun on the
wistful the voice throaty,
snow—I love then to walk In the
tinned: "One* ther* waa no terror In forest
And the winding snowehoe
thee* green forests; one* w* searched, trolls; do they not call you to fol
unafraid. <*harlo«ta and I, for th* InwF
flower treasure* they ¡H>aee**ed Tom*
and find taaF they called, and dell,
we sought them and brought them
Evidently •toste hse feilen In
home to transplant In oar gar,lea. but
levs with the beautiful French
airi. And her feelings?
"But tiowF be repeat*«!, wondering
If he were, at last, to know—to be
made a sharer In her secret.
But eh* eluded him. "Charlotte and
Have Lit tit Sound Power
I often cam* hero to dream and play
away the day—that la. 1 did," ah*
Air waves of human speech carry so
laughed. "Poor CTiarlette at times little power that If fi.twkt.ono people all
»as bored, oh. a« bored 1 Was It not talked at one* the sound power thus
so, ChartottsF
created would be Just enough to light
"Enh. enh! Yes'" mumbled th* OJtb an ordinary Incandaarent lamp.
«ff tb« I rul
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J lie cynical bat Prior observes that
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■ ■re
»f KreplM« Itrffle
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ra«K«-d or “run t»v*r haala Thajr now
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of hffffll (hat la abaoluteljr Rat on fh*
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