.•» ■’* • •. *« » A. .*’•*.* 4 ■ • A •.-"á -j* ?.< >• ‘ V < •V • , ’ - Í t r / /’ * »■’' —--------------- The 8cio Tribun« Local .Vew» and ClaMtÌMd GEORGE MARSH ! D. C Thom» la buildlng a gsrag« at hia home. POSTIAMO ! ORtGON/ SEE THE BEST IN THE LAND ________ MMr^rt L/T.M i - » «•»*»». «»• ivn r*»w< iiviw Ij, »•<»»< u< ll.-Ww.» A*«.* S«. <■ ««««o o< Mra« «I-I t’-u-f ÇA*« «nJ r.«,.,.,, U, «4dox»> r -«>«•» »»S t'«lr> Iti latrai Ati«»« !>)><»* «>4 ih» O*lr Sale Graded Netted Gem Po­ tatoes at market price. Ser J. F. Kukacka or phone 10-4, Scio. Or- gon. 10c Virginia Bilyeu la suffering with an abserss in her ear. it 4 m » wi > latra, Mra. E H. Hobson of Salem ia (visiting fi lende In Scio. HtlHxHl tAMtV ON AU UAILMOAO» Farm Loana - Money at 5% with nominal e mmiwion; prepayment privi < ges after first year. Wm. •* Bain, Albany Ore. 4-c The Bend schools show an attend- ance of 2144. Last year It was 1464. INDEX INDEX PRODUCE CO have r m<- very good cheat seed for sale at 50 cents per bushel. R. R. B< rovicka. route 3. Scio. Ore. Phone 13 4. 10l2 c Grant Froman, county asarasor. waa over from Albany on business PRODU« ». Saturday. 4 Index Produce Co. Herbert Shelton is back at his For Sale or Trade - Drag Saw, in V good shape, Will take sheep.cat- Tkw »utbor iawyer-ssMier, native «4 n post in the meat market after a Few York vtata and d>»«inru«ked rwidvnt tie or hogs as pay. See C. J. 1 week’s illness Pr<>T»u.>n with hi» Fur Rent Four room house, furn- C Mrs Mumper's parents at Junction kna »Tory of the northland. »ntitM "The m»h« i. suitable for school girls to H h«l|*» the Wolf " Prior to th»t he H City Sunday. h».l written ■ number of nnuauol »bort d ■ light houst keeping See Mrs. stone» of the Hudeno Bay dutrvct »nil th» Eda Mlinkers, Scio, Ore. lip Mr. and Mrs Roll Morris are ft id —BUYS— Hogs Eggs Veal Poultry We remit for all shipments on clay of arrival. Top Market Prices Paid Portland, Oregon 151 Front Street, INDEX PRODUCE . All Those Lillie Things You Lell Al Home Kerchiefs Glove» Linger e Umbrellas II. cilery Neck wear Sweater» U. G. Shipley Company Qiahlu hrcUnddt Salem. Oregon Now in the time to have vour Auto Tops Repaired or Made New Our facilities arc the Lest in Linn County. Rex Enclosures installed if you wish. Price« reasonable i Vulcanizing, Rchc.nling. Oil» and Greases F. W. HORSEY A,BANJ'.J,?E_C0N Our Pt ice la Right. Our Service Is Good, Correct Tedls, Accurate Weights and Cash on the Spot. Scio Independent Cash Produce For The«« Cold Nights We Have Blankets In Wool and Cotton Several weight» ami prices. Come m Aixl look them over. THE PEOPLES STORE J. B. COUEY, proprietor down from Detroit to spend a few *c days with relatives. > at Mrs. Elizabeth Sutherland of Aw- toria it visiting at the home of her I brother, F. G. Cary. Mr. and Mra. J. D. Densmore at­ tended the play ''l.ightnin” in Sa­ lam Wednesday evening. W. A. Ewing and G. M. Trollin- "0 ■ ger left Tuesday morning on a hunt­ ** O ing trip on the McKenzie. Heard, «dvenlnrou» who dwell there. 11» b»» reeentt» rvgurarad hl» rvsleat saraeM with "The Vslley of owwa." a tralv remarkable tale of lartbeet » ’¡H-et» the for trade. Mr M»rah w a graduate of Ytl» uni- v ratty and of lUrvard Law school, an-1 k- ran write; indeed, he ran! Jhiring th. » *r be ««rved «» an uffx-r both in the f >n Phone 19-1, or see Walter Wyman, route 2. Scio Oregon. lip at F t Sale -Grade Jersey Cow. will fr« «hen Oct 29 Price cheap, if taken #o.>n. See Mel Arnold, on Scio.JcfT« r»on road, near Munkera station. lOp For Sa Three thoroughbred Jer­ sey H< ifers; two giving mi’k now and 'wo to freshen in February; ñ Mrs. I V. McAdoo waa in Salem "darn good buy.” See these at n Elden Knauf, who is in the forest pi S P. Stringer’a, rt. 3. Scio. lOp on business Thursday service near Detroit, came home Grey Oats and Vetch, Harry Humphrey of Slayton was For Sal< 5. Saturday for a short visit. mixed, right from the machine, in Scio Friday afternoon fre from pink and Canada thistle; > Frank Bartu jr. and I G. and An- G. L. Flanagan was in Albany >n c |>. r pound Phone 3x1. Lo Zel­ ’ tone »'situs went to Tilley, in South­ ler. rt 4. Scio, Oregon. 10c business Friday afternoon. ern Oregon. Munday to hunt deer. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Thom» were Notice I have taken over the black i Mias Roberta Cary, who is em­ smith hup back of the Bartu visiting friends in Salem Thursday. ployed in Albany, is spending a few Motor Co., and will be glad to meet alt the old patrons and many Mr. and Mr» E. II. Hobo>n of Sa­ I days at her home on the West Scio new ones. First class work al­ lem visited friend» in Scio Thursday i road. ways at the right prices. J. W. evening. Mr. and Mrs. E D. Mvers and Elmore. 815 Henry Sheltop and Fred Mumper For Sale 25 S ('. Whi e Leghorn Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Sticha drove tn Portland Sunday to hear Rev. are eontined to their beds because C rkerels, whose records are: sire’s dam's records 25<> to 298, dam's of illtlCM. •’Billy" Sunday. record» 1(15 to 245; April batch, E. A. Weddle and family of Mon­ Nick Enders of the Jordan com- large l< >ne huskies; $2 60 each for I munity was a Scio visitor Tuesday. mouth viaited at the J. N. Weddle E A Weddle. .Monmouth. Oregon. lip Mr. Enders has invented a lighting home Sunday. : device for autos. Mra. .Mae Scott left Monday I Mr and Mrs Herman Eckhardt morning for Victoria. It. C.. on a and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Cyrus of short.busineM trip. Portland viaited Mr. and Mra. P. II. Fred Biiyeu and Audie Unger MacDonah. Sunday. were deer hunting in Southern Ore­ Mrs. J. N. Weddle and daughter. gon the last of the week. (a> Miss Dorris, and Miss Bonita Suth­ erland were shopping in Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mra R. M. Cain made Albany ehurt business calls in Stavtun. Sa­ lem and Albany last Thursday. Mrs. Gilbert Calavan has return­ E. A. Woodmansee of Elam and ed from a visit at Silverton. Her Mr. and Mrs. »id Keane uf Saleoi sister. Mias Amanda Fenride, ac­ visited Mrs. Ella Munkcrs Sunday companied her home for a visit. Fred Mumper and son, Pen. Ralph Ernest Caldwell, teacher of the Hollis and Gilbert Pruitt returned grammar grades in the Scio school, Friday from Hood River, where ¡spent the week-end with his sister they hud been working. I and brother-in-law at Eddyville. A. 0. Hale of Salem and his A. K. McMahan has become a daughter. Mrs. Walter Watkins of ( member of the law firm of Hill & near Green’s bridge, were in town Marks, at Albany, and the firm name Thursday on business. Mr. Hale ia now reads Hill. Marks & McMahan. in the groery business in Salem. Mra E. D My era and Mra F. T. Bilyeu went to Eugene Monday af­ Paper and envelope» are going up. If you need Irttet head# or enve­ ternoon. Mrs. Myers la a delegate lope». get them now while the and Mr«. Bilyeu went aa a visitor to price i» l'> t*r 1000 at the Scio the Grand Lodge of Pythian Slater». Tribune. Misses Bonita Sutherland and .Mildred Couey and Rudolph Meitzer and Roaa Rav attended the coast league baseball game in Portland Oct. 17 ; Sunday. Sacramento played Port­ land. I Charles Rockwell and his hounds Albany, Oregon have killed three coyotes in the last siz months, the last being Tuesday With every pair of “ROL’ IN'” of last week r>n Bilyeu creek. It or "W AYSE KNIT” full faahxai wss a large female, for which he ed Milk Hoaiery aokl on * aturday we will GIVE OWE PAIR of gets a Si bounty. new style Me ail »ilk bkilry Gar» Prof. H L. Watenpaugh and wife ten FREE. entertained the teaching faculty of Special for Saturday At BANKS’ Scio Mill & Elevator Co. Home Produces For Sale HEAVY SHEARING ------ — ANGORA BUCKS U larutti- Valley Farm CiCf Loans vilsgeotat0 < !-ee S. F. Zvs.sKT, rt. 4, Hcio. Ora the schools on Tueadsy evening of last week, the time being spent in music and playing flinch. Refresh- . meats were served UTHORiriVE styles of Glasers for school, reading, library use, sports, golf and tennia. All •hell, or Zylonite shell, and metal combination are recommended by all leading Optometrists. BANKS k, Opt e trtst. ALBANY OMg^, OREGON ALBANY. I î . HAROLD A LB RO. Manufacturing OpUctaa % * ». .• Vxi .j. *br