>? " »vT Jlw . .— '• .. - . JI.~ k«.’ Aki *WV"’ '• • ■'Xi- v *7 THE SCIO TRIBUNE •ADIRONDACK" MURRAY o Old Standby /lew Dress •—the same dependable remedy more than that over • f period ” ‘ of ---------- filtv years haa has MM Lund n rellabls in the I treatment ot catarrh and diseases ot catarrhal nattire. The outside of the only has he*n alterad. Itate packing and reduce break­ age in shipping, the paper wrap­ per which has identified the Ft-ru-r.a bottle for many years has been displaced by a substan­ tial pasteboard carton, o Pe-ru-na cannot be made any better. Three geurratu>sh you till you gsve her a go«»! deal bigger tip than you bad Intended to" hausss (Uy Star Champion NotH-Maktr ’Your eon haa a fine voice!’ Yea Ile arila new »;•«;>» r» ou!aide the of>era house." fituTonic^äJ HOSTETTER’S CKLt KHATCO STOMACH BITTERS q J juî M youjLip ERUPTIONS unMfhtly annoying Ir and MMl « —TW • • • proved by < mm appfeatMm Hi» Buiintu Six« Two of hla friends were discussing nick, as friends will, “I beer.’ re- marked one, "that Dirt la doing a big business." There was a alienee, ■■ there often la under auch circum- stances "Well, Isn't he?" persisted the W. N. U.. San Francisco. No 19-19.'». first friend. There was another alienee •nd then the *ec«ud friend replied: The Reaeon Why "A big business? I'd hardly say tint, Mrs O'Nsgg What are you driving but he's doing a near mahogany d<-*k the ear ao fast fori also business" Mr O'Nsgg—You want to go to Bluffport, don't y<»u? /n th» Fathion Mra. O'Nsgg Yes. of course. “They any abe'a a alive to fashion" Mr O'Nsgg Well, I ■ ti> trying to "Well, her burden la light enough, get there before you change your goodness kunwa mind. Resinol JzZrs $775, J. ». ». L»»nt[, Hub. M ore P ower ! M ore P ull ! M ore P ep ! Low-cost Transportation Star® Cars Fstcasi /. * ♦. COMMERCIAL CHASSIS ROADSTER TOURING COVPSTSR court COACH SEDAN Hl» >5» nn i?91 |6H DURANT MOTORS, Inc «50 Weit 57th Street, New York General Sales Dept. —ll 19 Broadway, New York Dttltri tû itrriit Sutiei thrttfhttt tht VmtJ ¡Ulti ùttü tté Mreu» > -