The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, October 15, 1925, Image 6

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3« /•-
> r- -'••i’
ro-xn. father, before wo
dine." railed a woman's voice. Turn
Ing. Hteele sew. <>|<enlng the gate In
the dog stockade surrounding the fac­
tor's quarters. I»e<vlae Nt (Inge, trim
(set Ing an sot bar
la while arrge
ra«ae-l look at his frayed jeans, hie
hand sought bis unehaven chin as abe
joiner! them.
"Welcome, again, to Walling River,
monsieur, she asid cordially, gli Ing
him her hand
"My daughter seems tn need tu la
I reduction Nhe has told me of your
meeting st the river
I tea I «e M ob
•ieur Hteele Is bound for tl-e Neplgon
by the Ogoke trail." Tho eyre of fa
lher and daughter met In a significant
look. T4ráamme. monsieur, can give
you anything you wish—include
X im A sc ./
Nrotch whisky."
The girl's dark eyehrowa cnetract d
Tolim of ths Trail"
at tho mention of tbe Ogoke trader's
"The V helps of ths WolT
"Bo he's giving the Indians whisky.
(Co*reteh< Sr <«• r«aa rakitolUM Cs >
be?" said Hteele.
( w N U Swvua )
"You are surprised?” laughed the
“For Monsieur La-
factor bitterly.
fiaoMM It eeema that Canadian law
does not exlM. With hla whisky be
gTNOpnia with David, haif-
will soon have the fur trade of the
brssd siulde. Ilrsat Sísela of tko
whole district."
American Museum of Natural His­
"Tliey said as much st Fort Hope
tory. Is traveling la northern
Can a 4 a Hr a stream ho hears
But the authortllse -why don't they
tienleA Oauehtsr of Cot Hilaire
at <>nse. factor at Wallins River,
Bt. Onge eh rugged eloquently, I '•
play tho violin ouporbly He In­
do not know. He Is running things
troduces himself and accepts aa
Invitation to make the poet bla
with a high band -has rapport of the
home durlns hlo stay
strongest at Ottawa."
Hteele turned with a smile tn David
who had l“-en an Interrated listener
CHAPTER 1—Continued
to the conversation.
“I think that we shall have to pay
In front of the trade-house. in roe Monsieur Mfiamme a visit. l>avld *
versa tlon with David, stood a tell,
(mgr and bls daughter ex-
military looking man. with Iron gray changed glances.
hair and inuatacbe. Around the door
"Daveod like to shake de hen' of
lounged a group of curious <-oui|>any Mister l.aflamuie,'* replied the UJIb-
Indiana Advancing and gripping tbs way. dryly.
nswcumer'a hand, tbe factor of Wall­
T pity l.sftsmms when you do.
ing lllver exclaimed:
He'll carry hie arm la a allng for a
"Bon jour, Monsieur Steels! Wel­ month If he ever falls Into that wolf-
come to Walling River! My daughter trap of yours
and Ihivld have told mo of our good
“You see. colonel. David Is under
tbe Impression that leifiamme la an
As Ibe old aoldler continued. with old frisad,** Hteele enlightened bla
a alight French ac<-ent. Hteele was hoot, whose face refi ret ecl acuta In-
awara of being secretly appraised by tercet,
"HornetImen In meeting
tho keen syee of tho other
friencta he forgets la bls joy that bls
"You are to t-o our guest for as long hand ahaks Is famous from .heplgoo
aa y<m will honor ua In thli vtUef. to Norway House
In this case,
for a man of science, there la morii David," he added grimly, “you'll have
of Interest."
to remember that we’re nut on ibe
"You are very good to • étranger, Neplgoo and must not mletake M>m
sir. I»avld and I have bren out from sieur I-afiamme a throat for hla hand."
N ept gun since May. We need supplies
Hteele smiled Inwardly as Kt. tinges
sod my stuff should also Ise over
eyes shifted to meet those of hla
hauled. Home of It got wet bur king daughter, then focused qululcally on
this river of yours"
the grinning face of the half breed
"Too bad!
You found It a bard If the situation at Walling lllver was
river Io polo and track T'
a source of myMlficatlon to Kt. Onge .
"We certainly did. David hae a guest. Hteele was satisfied that tbe
none for quick water as kern at B guests had now balanced tbe ecore, to
mink’s for fish, but wo look too long the truth of which surmise the face
a chance In tho big while-water"
of tho Frenchman patently testified
Al the mention of tho rapid tbe face
"But curoe. I forget my manno«
He leaned monsieur We have a room and bed
of Ht Onge hardened
•agerly toward the speaker
f»r you as long as you will honor ua
•The Devll'a mile! It got you toeF My head man. Mlctmi. will take care
"Oh. we pulled out of It with a of {»avid."
wetting, You see. I was with ths
"Thank you. sir!" And picking up
beet bow man on tho Neplgnn, so ws tho bag containing hla personal be­
saved the canoe and our own skins as longings, Hteele followed hie hoot,
The bouse of the factor of Walling
Klowly the Frenchman shook hl« River was built of »I'ltre-hewn spruce
head; then suddenly asked:
logs. carefully chinked again« the
“You saw nothing on your way np- January winds at the ilelghloMjuid
river- nothing peculiar, no signa of a country. In front, a roofed porch of
hewn slab« commanded a view of the
Hteele wondered at tbe quratloa at river which here gave no Intimation
he answered:
of the swift metamorphosis which, i
“No. we met no one I Imagine the
Indiana don't travel It. too much
strong waler, and then there's the
taboo they're shy of the lower river.
aren't they?"
At the words, the narrowed eyes of
Kt. tinge shifted to the ground. He
made no answer to tbe men who
watched his set face, wondering, as It
vitally affected the trade, why tbe
factor avoided thia suhleet of the In
dlans* fear of the Windigo. Presently
Hl Onge broke hla silence.
“You will pardon me. Monsieur
Hteele. I am a poor hoM If you were
In the water you spoiled your flour—
you are hungry F
Hteele glanced at the grinning I »a vid
who plaintively placed a sinewy band
on hla stomach
“Yea we lost our flour and we «aw
no game, had to fish our way up the
river, so. colonel, we are a bit h regry "
Knapping hla fingers with impa­
tience at hla seeming lark of hospital­
ity. the factor called tn the loungers
at the trade-house door:
The Valley
of Voices
Bring up
Monsieur Str-- •• • stuff fr-m the foot
of the portage; and, Michel. IHvtd
bare will eel with you.
Hee that
there's plenty of caribou Mew for «up-
He's starved out." Turning to
Hteele, the factor added: "My daugh-
ter Is now nveraeelr.g tbe rooking <-f
nur dinner, monsieur. I trust you will
And It Io your taste "
"Ton are mighty hind to a couple of
bush battered etrangers. Colonel Nt.
We are not exactly starved,
you know We travel with a net. but
a straight diet of pike and trout grows
a bit tiresome To« can aril ne sup­
pliée to take ns through to NeptgonF
“You will not need to outfit for
Neplgon." the factor's eyes grew bit­
"You will peas Mflamme's poet
at l4tke Ogoke,
•teeie War Thankful That Mio Duffle
Bag Contained a Change of Clothes
and Moccasins.
third of a mile below, turned it Into
a riot of white rapida.
Beside tho
porch a led of violeta and wood
anemone were no— bloomleva, but be-
yond. In their second flowering, white
(anadian violeta and the blue of
fringed gentian and harebells against
a background of northern golden rod
bore gay witness to the care of one
who loved flowers.
Familiar with the bare and uninvit­
ing Interiore of the houses et tho fur
poeta, often presided over by an In­
dian or halt breed, wife of tbe factor
tbe living r<*um Hteele now entered
bore resemblance Io those be had sees
solely In Ita huge sheet Iron stove.
The rough walla hung sparingly with
small French etchings framed in
white birch, tbe rnMIc furniture
ei-aiMMi from spruce and cedar poles,
tbe shelves of books, and tho ruga of
inoooo and beer and wolf. bad. by the
alchemy of taste, been fused into e
room a homo.
"I did not know there was a room
like thia north of Winnipeg, made­
moiselle." Hteele said In frank ad­
Kanltary floors are a flrut require
"Oh. monsieur' would you have us ment to a Meanly dairy. Non-abaortv-
live like the Indiana? Hut you are ent material and without crevices
where dirt and filth can lodge ta
laughing at our poor little home. "
It should be easily
~l*1eeae d--n t," be • eggnl
“It iS recommended.
- harming- thia room,
And all the washed and dlalnferted.
In building a dairy barn floor, all
"It was hard on our par A era," broke rubbish and refuse within the enclo­
tn Kt onge, "but I InalMed on Hav­ sure should be removed and the floor
ing the books If I was to be marooned area graded to tbe required level, al­
up here In thia valley. The winter lowing. of course, for the thickness of
would l>e long without them ami tho the fluor. Tbe soli should be thor­
oughly compacted. If It la possible
'I envy you tho winters here with ft>r water to get under tbe floor at any
that violin, sir." ««Id Hteele, smiling time, this possibility should be re­
at hla boctaea "I hope to hear It duced by using a All of clean gravel,
mademolarlle — your
supeeb cinders or crushed stone and provid­
ing suitable drainage. The gravel or
playing "
Iler face brightened
"It waa only cinder sub base, if used, must bo
a mood today at the rapids mon­ thoroughly compacted end ctmaolidat-
sieur. I go there When lonely, to play ed by tamping or rolling.
Forma for defining floor slabs alley­
to tho troubled waters You thought
ways or other srre« to bo concreted
me and I saw It In your face; but I
waa only homesick for Touralne To­ should be of smooth lumber, rigidly
night we shall have something gay." i braced In line and carefully set to
But Hteele frit that It was not lone- proper grade. The manger curb Is
usually placed first. It should be not
llness which bad driven l*enlso H l
lees than four Inches thick and ta
Onge tu the restless waters.
Some Bucket of Water
"Muoaleur. you will wish to see your usually made about six Inches high
our tljibway servant. Char i on the stall aide t'prlghta supporting
Robert M. Beebree alleges in a suit
lotte. will bring you hM water." And stan-hlona are of several types Borne for 83.U0U damages against the Mis­
Kt. Onge led Steele to a room oo the are attached to anchors which are set souri Pacific that the station mlMreaa
second floor of tbe house, tho rapac­ In the curb and others are embedded at Neer man. Mo.. threw a bucket of
In the concrete. Feed and Utter alleys water out of the station door.
ity uf which waa slralord by a cot and
That tho water ecared a mule tied
washstand, whither a equare built, are usually placed after the curb, then
the stall platform and manger are to the rear of hie wagon.
half breed woman followed shortly
That the mule then kicked a horse
with a steaming bucket.
The length of stall platform, that la. tied best de It,
Hteele was thankful that bla duffle
distance from tuanger curb
That the bocee then reared, scaring
hag contained a change uf clothe« and the
will depend U|>oo the breed another home hitched to hla wagon.
Hut waler, a shave and |
That the latter horse then ran away.
freeh clothes »t-eedlly worked a mira­ of cattie kept. For Jerseys or Guern­
That before It was stopped he wao
cle In the tattered stranger who had seys tbe average length Is about four
from the wagon and hie leg
startled l>enlae Hi Onge at the rapid*.
When Hteele rejoined hla hueteea five fret Is necessary. The platform was broken.
One of the defenses of the railroad
he felt more at eaae lie even had a ahould be pitched about one Inch from
Io thst the water was dishwater,
suspicion that
she approved hie .
The surface of the manger should TYiervfore. It was not used In scrub-
changed appearance, At the thought.
ting the station and the railroad Is
ooturthlng like a thrill swept him •to . be finished smooth, with corner» care­
not responsible for the long chain of
to followed by a shrug of annoyanre.
circumstances alleged by Seebree.
He bad not aeen an attractive woman
face for the animals to eat from. Ut­
In months and waa paying the i-enai
Watch Cutlcura Improve Your Skin.
ty. Yet. aa ha watched her pour the ter and feed alleys should be finished On rising and retiring gently smear
tea while her father dlepene«>d earil on
the face with Cutlcura Ointment.
Mew and fried trout, a quality -rarer but gritty surface, thus providing se­ Wash off Ointment in five minutes
than mere comeilneaa; an evident
with Cutlcura Boap and hot water. It
fineness ef fiber, a savor of personality
la wonderful what Cutlcura will do
In this factor's daughter, which meant Good Appearing Cows Not
for poor complexions, dandruff. Itching
race and background—Imp reword It­
and ml. rough handa.—Advertisement.
Always Moat Profitable
self upon him. and a strong curiosity
to know the history of three people
In dairying It la entirely possible to
Woodman Run» Wild
whom he bad Mumbled upon In the gel nothing fur something This la the
A woodsman In a Tokyo suburb
bad lands south of the Albany- to conclusion of the New Jersey Mato
suddenly stopped chopping down s
learn the raune nf the fear and heart- dairy specialist after reviewing records
tree and ran wildly down a street,
ache which thia lonely girl had oo of dairy herds In the Mercer County waving hie ax. Before be
was over­
l>ulgnantly revealed In the gorge, poo Cow-Tooting association. It was found powered be had killed one man and
erased him.
that though some cows bad unaatlat Io wounded twelve otbere with his
"You are collecting Indian retire and oppetltee end good appeerance tbey wee pea.
utensils for tbe American museumi' were niggardly in their milk output,
asked the Frenchman. "You are an whereas other rows eating but little
Why /• Thief
more would give four and one-half
ethnologist Y*
Although m<>et people Insist their
"Yea. I have been In tbe field four times as much milk.
feet grow hotter In warm weather
Three cows ate |7V worth of feed when they wear shore with compoat-
years for the museum "
"Ton have found much of Interest?" spiece in one year and returned tbelr tlon sole«, teata by the bureau of
"Mat year and tills summer. I owners S.2U2 |x>unde of milk each. standards Indicate the composite ma­
shipped by Hudson's Bsy esnoee con­ Two other cows each ate I UM worth terial does not conduct any more heat
siderable stuff from Fort Hope end of fee-1 and gave tbelr owners 14.817 than leather.
Henley House I-aks Maksklbetsn on pounds of milk each. Thus, for XI
Indolence it seldom enjoyment.
the Albany has some remarkable times as much feed the good cows
burial place«, unlike anything I've gave four and one half times as much
seen. And the Ojlbways up there are milk.
Ry calculating further, the special-
still very wild and superstitious-
medicine men sorcerers, fear of spir­ 1st found that It cost tbe owners of
the poor cows 12.40 in feed for each
its and the Windigo, and all that.'
100 pounds of milk, against 11 13 for
The factor paused, fork In air.
an equal amount of milk from
Klowly he replacwd It <>n bls plals, un
good rows, When labor, housing
touched; then asked:
haulage ripeneee were added, it
6 B ell - ans
"You have never been In this val
found that the root of producing
Hof wafer
ley before?"
pounds of milk with tbe poor cows
M Sure Relief
"No," replied Hteele, puaaled at hb was greater then prevailing sale
host's tense manner, "but what 1 prices, lime«, thee« low-yieldlng ani­
heard on the Albany Interested me mals were eating up the profits made
It aeeme to be Wlndigu country among on the high producers.
the Albany Ojlbways—under a aort
This Is a clear case, concludes the 4
of taboo. It muM be a serious hsndl- state specialist, of wasting feed, labor
2S< end 75< PkflvSotó L ver y where
rap to your trade, although tho very and barn s|»ace on worthless cowa, er
fact that you're here prove« that It Is of getting nothing for something.
not generally considered
"That Is onr problem, monsieur
Tho company rashly builds a poet on Save Young Live Stock
thia river which, for a hundred miles
to Increase Net ITofit
below the rapids here, la to tbe Ojlb-
t'utting down the high and costly
ways a place of evirila; then aendt
death rate among Infant live stock Is
me here to fet the fur of the appo*
country, At Albany, they laugh at
the farmer must apply the solution
thio talk of Windigo and opime keep-
♦ng the Indiane from trading here himself. The causes of early deaths
They even order me to send bnnterv In live Mock fall Into three getiend
to trap the valley below ne-when
1. Conditions little Influenced by
they have nvoided It for gcnerntlona"
Malformation, extreme
"They only betray their kgnoranev treatment:
by belittling Indian superstition, air feebleneee or extreme prematurity,
I »«a followed end shot at on tho .* I- certain accidents during birth.
X Conditions capable of consider­
tany thia summer for photographing
some OJIbway children
They be able reduction. chiefly through proper
lleved tho lens wan an evil eye and hygiene sanitary Isolation, and medi­
cal treatment:
Tuhereuloeta, acute
that the children would
respiratory dtseaaee, certain acute
tA« wonderful fact bleach
contagious dtseaaee. soma forma of
maha» the thin beautiful.
animal parnaitlsm.
Th< factor has hie troubles,
Condi Ilona capable of a very At all drug and dapt stores or
by mail 31.25. BooKlat free.
evidently, and la worried by
great reduction through proper fe»-d- tN.d R. tlsrvy Os>, m B. Mkhlsua Are.
What Io the true In­
Ing. care, and sanitation: Acute gae-
trvlnlesllnal disease«, goiter troubles,
prematurity (If not extreme), many
forms of animal parasitism
Good Fall®¿^
Sure Relief