The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, October 15, 1925, Page 5, Image 5

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    The Scio Tribune
Cou nfry Corre spon(fence
............... a
Oct 14
John DeWall is a Salem visitor
Carl and Otto Yunker come home
fr<>m Mill City Thursday,
have been working for th* Ham-
mond Co.
Mr. and Mr*. Ben Bair and son.
Allen, and Mr and Mrs. Clarence
Rigg* and eon. Paul, from Colorado,
have been visiting at the 0. J. Goar
home, but are now located in lhe
Devaney neighborhood in the houee
formerly occupied by Mr. and Mr*.
Fred Eckengren. Mr. Riggs and
Mr* Bair are »on and daughter of
H I*. Rigg*, who formeMv lived
l«eo and Herman Zeller were busi­
ness visitor* in the Riverside vicini­
ty Saturday.
Scott Hawk and family have mov­
ed to the Price place.
Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Holt went to
Carlton Saturday to visit their »on.
I«e*ter and wife. Sunday they all
drove over to Pacific City for the
day. stopping at Willamina in the
evening to visit Mr. Holt’s brother.
Fred. They reached home Monday
night, having spent the day in Sa­
lem with a brother. Grant Holt, and
a sister, Mrs. Wm. Nieeolson.
O. L. Holt and son. Nolan, and
Miss Nora Holt of Portland visited
their parent*. Mr. and Mrs. T. M.
Holt, Sunday.
Otto Scheimari and wife moved
on the August Scheiman place Mon­
day. They bought the place some
time ago.
Mr. and .Mr*. E H. Kelly and
family and Mr and Mra. J.H. Kelly
arrived home Saturday from their
eastern Oregon trip.
Mr. and Mr*. Frank Galloway r*>
turned last week to their home neat
Madras. They have been viaiting
relatives in the valley for about a
month, taking in the county and
state fair*. Mr*. Galloway is a sis­
ter of l«eo Zeller.
Mr. and Mr* Cha* 0 w a id fan -
ily of Bend visited Mr* D»w'*
New* From Lyons.
mother. Mr*. Anna Scheiman. Sat
urday and Sundav.
(»et. 13
Mr. and Mr* J G. H It were re­
Mr and Mr* Joseph Barry of
cent hoala to the Farmer* I't.i n
After the butineaa seaai n. a weinie West Stayton were Lyona business
roaat was had in the back vard. and caller* Thursday.
Mra. Helen Vaughn made a week­
pie and coffee wa* al*» served
Jim Young i* suffering with bio I end visit with relative* and friend*
poisoning in hi* finger. cau»-d by a in Salem.
Orval Downing and wife of Rich­
•planter under lhe nail.
Gap were Sunday visitor* at
Morace Munsell and wife have
Downing home.
rented their place to Hi Rr- an. and
and family spent
have gone to Marshfield to vo> t a
in lx*banon.
Later they will visit other
in thi* sec­
children in California and Washing-,
The farm-
Mr. ami Mra. W J Kelly gave a «•« *»"
fortunate to have the
farewell party for Mr and Mr*. R r,‘rr’
th» «•*»• before lhe froat
R. Preever. who will spend the win­ hurt II.
Lea Shelton, who has made hi*
ter i»» California
M re than thirty
wer* present. Cards formed the home with E. E. Trask'* the past
diversion, and at a late h >ur iunch year, returned to hi* aunt'* in Leb-
anon the last of the week.
was served
The Eox Valley school gave a very
The ladie* club met with Mr*.
educational program on Friday
Anna Holl recently, 13 m<ml«r*
Quite a few visitor* and
being present. Visitor* were Mr*.
school attended.
Horace Munsell and Mrs. Ru*«*ll
gave a birthday
S. B. Holt, wife and *>n have re- party Saturday in honor of her two
turned from * visit to California small daughter*. Marjory and Thel­
ma. A number of friend* were
present. The afternoon was spent
with game* of various kind*, after
which a lovely dinner was served,
Mt. Pleasant Cole News
with a beautiful and delicious birth­
cake being a prominent feature,
Oct. 13
lhe girl* each received several nice
Joe Hora and Harley Darby spent
pr< sent* from their friend*. Among
Sunday evening at Kingston.
those present were Dori* and Max­
Roas Chrisman called on E l Rob-
ine Huber. Thereeaa Lyona. Hilda
er is Sunday on business
Johnston. * Mildred Berry, Geneva
Maude Darby *|>ent Sunday after
Vaughn. Ellie Downing and the
noon with Mra. Clinton Parker.
Trask *i*ter*.
R. F. Darby and family attended
ehurch at Albany Sunday evening
Ben Darby and wife an,I Louie
Rav and wife were trading in Ai-
bany Tuesday.
Oct. 13
Come in and bring your cream and producr.
The Dairy City Produce
F red M umper . Proprietor.
The Brown Broom
Outlasts three ordinary brooms
Si 50
1 35
. 1 40
We have House Broom*
Push Broom* at..............
Warehouse Brooms at ..
Mineral Water
Bottled at the Springs
A. G. McLain wa* »hopping in
Shelburn Monday.
Mr*. Crumes, who I* here helping
to care for her mother, has been
quit* ill but is improving and hope*
to soon to be able to be up again.
Dillon and Arthur McLain drove
over to McMinnville Sunday after­
Mr. and Mra. Isaac Bennett have
reurned home from their vi*it in
southern Oregon, but he failed to
bag a deer.
Mr. and Mr*. Levi Bennett visited
hi* mother last Thursday.
The first frosts of the *eaa»n oc­
curred Monday night, which cause«I
the lender vine* to wither and start­
ed the leave* to fall from the trees
Ben Denny of Albany »pent last
week with T M Russell and family.
Ami we arc ready to Nerve you with the kind of
Undergarments the men and children need wluae
duly calls them outdoors a great «leal
The line*
embrace the l«est on the market in Heavy and
Light W»x»len Ibwiery lor men, women and child­
ren, and both Heavy and Light Woolen Under­
wear. and other grade*, lor the entire family. All
carry a very reasonable price.
Use B ergman’s Shoe Oil
fust the (lung to kwp out the water
j. 1 . Wesely, Grocer
Albany, Oregon
Genien Serti»
For the Cold Nights
Hibler & Gill Company
The aScio Meat Market
Having purchased the tw « meat market* in Scio. I
consolidated tLcin under the *I h > vc name, and will
strive to render elio lent -ci vice and giw courteous
treatme it at all tune*. Will carry a full line of
Fresh and Cured Meats
I will buy your Iwcf cattle, veal «nd hog* (alive or dressed) and
|>ay you the top price*. See me first.
C. J. BRUCE, Proprietor
Hcrl»ert Shelton. Mgr. Shop.
Sale of High Grade Wall Paper
One-Half Off
Suitable for any room in tic house. Other attractive
designs in or new Wall Pafrcr ready f‘»r your inspection
IO East
I bird St.
With Genuine Ford Parts
What It Really Means
It mean* Genuine Ford Parts, Ml j>cr ivnt of which
retail for less than 10 cent*.
It means a repair shop
where Expert Ford Mechanic» perforin the work.
It mean* giving Honest. Courteous, Prompt Atten­
tion to the Ford Owner"» every need.
Witnesses before the District of
Columbia federal grand jury testi­
fied that there are many persona
now confined in St. Elizabeth'*, a
government hospital for the insane,
"who are not now and who never
were insane.” It is charged that
these person* were sent to the hos­
pital for ulterior motives.
More than 1000 war veteran* are
confined in thia inatituilon. The
hospital house* 4400 patients, and
the report infers that they are
packed in like sardines.
It means to constantly « ipply you with a Fort! Ser­
vice timt will make you an I keep you an enthusiastic
niemlier of the great Ford family.
Fonl Batteries, 13 plate*. $16 50.
Batteries for your Radi a.
We will repair your Batteries.
If you want a *<|uarc ileal, w<- solicit your patronage
Fir itnant fori Farli ao4
X>| Ftrt Servlet atf Itpinoi
Phone 27
Albany Bottling Works
Sane Persons in Asylum
Distributed by
"Quality’’ Our Motto
Winter Approaches
The Daily Oregon Journal and
Rad cold* are lurking around. W.
Scio Tribune, both for $<• 2‘>
Save H. McLain and Arthur McLain and
50c by dubbing with u*.
wife are the latest victim*.
John Wolfe has been down with
When you entertain, let us furnish
thi* week.
you. with 500 score card*.
W H Mcljiin and son, Arthur,
made a business trip to Scio Satur­
We arc stocked again with
A A. Bender called at W. H
McLain'* Sundav afternoon.
Cherry City Feeds
Pago 5
Subscription dubbing rate* for
the Portland Daily New* and Scio
Tribune, both for one year, is $4 25.
The Portland Telegram and the Scio
Tribune i* 54 76. Save 60c on one
and 75e on the other. Thia offer
' rods on Oct. 21.
Scio, Oregon
Tell the Advertiser you saw his ad in
The Scio I ribune; he’ll appreciate it.
Bring Your Job Printing to the Tribune.