The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, October 15, 1925, Page 4, Image 4

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Kai fori ah
Page 4
Ntlict it Rul SetlMtMfit
and Dwight Davis of St. Lottis, first
assistant secretary, has been promo­
ted to the position. According to
the papers. Mr Davis is a wonder­
ful tennis player, and we are won­
dering if that ia the necsraaary qual­
ification to make a good secretary
of war. If this is true, we know a
lot of able men who should take up
tennis to help them general a minia­
ture war at home.
Notice is hereby given that th- un-L-r
r- W l sS-d K««rv TkarsSse by
signed Administrator of ttw estat- of
nn tanti ••• pibijnhisu coMrANY
Leotta F. Goin, deceased, late of I .in’
st Sr«. Lisa C mmhs . Orse w a
county, Oregon, ha# filed hia final ac­
I V.
IU im
count in said estate matter with th-
I V M. V4«o
h..—«« a < .rr«latta» Nsr
Clerk of the County Court of Lina • • .n
ty. Oregon, and said Court has fixe-l I r»-
day,the 23>l day of Octobor. 1926. at u><- Our phone number is 42-5; call us.
hour of eleven o'clock in th«’ morning
of said day, in the county court r
of the -uunty c.airt InUM
Albany. Lmn county, Oregon, a- th«
time and place forhearit-g of obp tK-n -
to said final account, if any, a.'wl l: ■
final settlement of said entateu
Dated and first iMibllshod this 17U
day of Nepttinibcr. 1925.
Administrator of the <-sti
Ixrona F. Goin. dt-Ta
A K. Mt:M ahan .
•»d St-Mx
Attorney for Administrator
MBiilslrilifs Miet af Stil il
Rtil Mtrtg
Notice i# herebr- given that th<
detogned adminlstratr-r of the <
<>f .Mary J. W hit-. decease«). w>l
Monday, the 2nd day <>f Nov« ml ■
our of ten o'clock a m <
the office of the helo I rii
nn County, Oregon, sell
vate sale for cash in hand on dal
•ale. all of the right, title a tul inlet-
of the estate of the above nam-.! Mat
J. White, deceased, the same lu-mg it
undivided one-third intcr-at in ar«l t<>
the “outhwrit quarter of -cct».-
Township 9 Houth, Rang- 1 Eu»t <>( t •
Willamette Meridian, I inn County. Or­
■gon, subject
sub lec t to
t< the right
of i.'urt«--.
<« it C.
T. C.
— White, widower of said
dent, and that seahtl bids will be n
eeiv«»i by the undersigned, for tl -- n -n '<•
described real pr«j|>erty. st sat i -dii <*
up Ui ten o'ckxx a. m. of ».n l-Is.
That this sale is made under and by
virtue of an order of the County C- irt
of th«’ State of Oregon for Ibi ( •
of .Marion, duly made and «-nlerrd of
record in the estate of th«’ above nam-d
decedent on the 21st day of S< ¡>tt i or,
R<1NA1I> C. G i . ovkr ,
Administrator of the Mtat. • f
Alary J. White, d- • «»«• t
Oct. l-b-15-22 '29
Department No. u Two.
Erma II. Hoge.
Otto C. Hoge.
To Otto 0. Hoge, the above mined ...
I n tiik N ame of th »; R tati of or »:-
gon : Y ou are hcrebv require«! t«> ap­
pear and answer th«- Comnlaint of li e
above namtrd Plaintiff in Inn above < •
tit ltd Court now on fil- with th- « . t k
of said Court, on <>r before the
th -!«*>
of Novemlier, 1926, that being th. 1« >:
day of the time pn-scrltx-d in th- « >rder
for the publication of thia summ ■ ■-«,
ant! if you fail so to apiwar and ai.«.v--r
the plaintiff will apply to tuu-i Court for
the relief demandctl in said Complaii t.
For a Decree of mm ! Court di- -olving
the marriage contract now eii-tirig I-
tween Plaintiff and Defendant a -I
awarding Plaintiff the car«-, etn-L-dy
and control of Herting i'-allani Ilogs
ant! Frank Virgil lloge, minor «’till* ren
of Plaintiff ami Ih-ft-ndanl, and such
other ant! further relict aa to th<- t irt
may seem proper in the premises.
This summons ............................
is published in the ‘--■io
Tribune by order of the Honorable
II. McMahan. Judge of the nbo«<- en­
titled Court, made an t entered or the
lOth .is« •( October
summons Is ordered anti directed to be
published once a week for six cons-. u-
tiye and succtutsive weeks, being <nn
weekly publications Ih- rcf
Th«- date of the first public stum of
this summons is the loth day of O- to
ber, 1926. and the date of the last pub
lication thereof is the filth day of N >
vember, 1926
H ill , M arks A M c M ahan .
Attorneys for ITamtiff.
Poattiffiee address of Attorneys
for Plaintiff: Albany. Oregon.
Watch the date following your
i an • <.n this paper. It tells wh»-n
y< ur time expires
If a blue penc'l
mark is und<
■ If name, it incans
v< r | :i; ■ r wiH stop in two weeks.
■ fl! * renewed. Starts when paid
for, stops at expiration.
1 lit i. <l»AH Oct
15. 1925
That aircraft inquiry has taken
a terri e tumhle since Wm Mitch*
til's attorney would not let him tes­
tify the other day. Yessir, it's tum-
bb-d from front page to somewhere
on tiie inside.
Several Thousand
No. I Potalo Sacks
Albany Bargain House
Corner 2«l A llakcr
Albany. Ore.
(Io what «• cUlm n.r it r-.l > .
ot CWtarrh or Ooarneaa r» . . .1 M
haia .* s rtTtssit wiriuiM <•
slats ot aa Olntmant *hHh
RalWrea the catarrhal mn»m-nat>< t, i
the Internal M~t'r|-<- a T ■■
•eta through th« Blond on th« Mu
Surfaca. thus roMortaa aornakl
Sold by «ruestota Bar arar «• Yearn
F. J choaev A Ct»_ TWUSo Ohio.
To the Taxpayers of the City of Scio
Octob« t . 1925, at 7:30 u'cittck P m
the council chamber of the t ti
proving the Budget •• prepar«
with, which
irh constitutes
the ba
ing year, begi nmg January I
th s meeting objection# will Iw
• t ' I ur-lay. the 22d day of
• i!u ¡/-t ( -mmittee will meet at
■ • g . f r the purpose of ap-
! <
'.'tee, nod published heran
. the tax lev* for the follow-
«■ d i- i.<
g Daecmbar 31. 1926. At
if there be any.
S 500 00
900 00
Street lighting, beginning Nov. 1.
Interest on bonds
.. ...
Sinking fund, redemption f
Electric power and water rent
600 (H)
>3040 00
Gt Nt.KAI UM» » XF4
$ 25 00
. loo oo
. 60 00
60 00
. 20 00
. 150 00
Flie Chief
Total........... ..........................
Leas income from fines and lie«
$115 00
100 .00
815 00
President Coolidge is p ti .« i
disturbed over the hap|«eninga in
Total to l>e rained by taxation
>3355 00
the shipping board that he hastened
F rank R artu . J r .,
some time ago by demanding of B J. S. S ti - ha .
Budget Committee
E. Haney that he immediatelv re­
sign, and which Haney refused to
Approved by the Council of the City •f
Oregon, and ordered
-Io. Instead. Palmer, who was fast published this 8th day of October, 1925.
turning American shipping over to
I V. M c A doo . Mayor.
foreign ships, has been forced to re­ E 'J. Mi'Attoo. City Recorder.
sign. The president's next step is
to refuse to piece Haney's name be­
fore cungreaa when it meets in l>e-
I-hone»; {
cernber. a» he was named on the
shipping board during recess And it
looks like Coolidge is going to make
Haney U. S. senator from Oregon,
u. Chiropractor
and democratic senators may ala» l«e
elected from other stales because of
401-2 First National Bank Bu
A lbany , O regon
thia seeming desire of the president
to uphold Palmer in turning over
American shipping to »hips.
Dr. Geo. J. Kenagy
Th«- m rond installment of "The
V« • of Voices” appears this week
and i getting better. Read it and
a»k e ur m-ighbor who borrows your
paper to subscribes for it he'll save
the price in shoe leather.
The radio has become a household
nee- -*ity. Nothing has done more
to promote the home-loving instinct
than the ever gi wing |M>pularity of
the radio. Wherever the installing
of radio sets is <>n the increase the
iiuii.i' loving instinct is ct rlamly not
on the wane.
The man who tied a rope around
I. - bw's neck and then dragged it
to d’ ith b- hin-i his auto, receive*! a
>500 fine and six months in jail the
other day. when h<- plead guilty be­
fore a Portland judge. z\ll hail to
this judge, who had the back bone jlo
make the les» n one long to be re-
On this t>age will l>e found the
report of the budget committee for
the ensuing year. Read It, study
it. and then if yop think it ia too
low or loo high, then go to the final
ry> eting next Thursday night and
express your sentiments and have it
changed to meet your ideas on what
should be the rcveral amounts.
The proposed powdered milk plant
for Albany may prove successful to
those who are taking stock in it
and the chances nre it will not. F
a certainty, it will be more succès»-
ful to the manufacturers of the ma­
chinery , as they never sell it out­
right. but collect a big price down
and a nice royalty thereafter an long
as the plant runs, it ia said, whether
the plant makes a profit or not. It
is highly meritorous to want to in­
vert one’a money in a pay ing pr-ipo-
ait ion, and since there are so few on
the coast where the demand for pow­
dered milk is said to be«
the falsity of the investment. If it
were a fact, every condenser? on the
coast would have a powdered milk
auxiliary t<{take up the slack sales.
With the fall plowing and seeding
alm st fit.i-lied, and Jack Frost rip­
ening the jHitati <-s. the farmer with
a radio cun take things easy during
the winter evenings and enjoy most
any kind of entertainment he likea
in his own home. It's a great age
we re living in, but a little too fast
for an old-timer like ye editor to
keep up with. We have no radio,
but w>sh we hail.
C. H.Torrance
I irst
Phone 379
Il Von are on the farm, we
have the
Salem. O h
James Workman of Grecly, Colo. 1144 Ferry St.
left the first of the week for Los
Satisfaction Guatali teed
Angeles where he will visit fur a
short time before returning to Colo­
rado. Mr Workman and his father.
Wm. Workman, also of Grecly, had
spent two weeks here with relatives.
They were very favorably impress­
ed with the Oregon country.
Heating Stoves
Order Your Envel­
opes Now—$5.00
per Thousand
I km« quit klv on a machine
it i- « 'cntilically accurate,
>s tl
--illy one of its
kin in I inn county. Try us
n« t time. Auto parts both
!.. '«■ ale and retail.
Any girl in trouble may communi­
cate with Ensign Lee of the Sal­
vation Army at the White Shield
The home town paper ian’t worth
Home. 565 Mayfair Ave., Port­
subscribing for. so »mi« tell us, but
land, Oregon.
just the same a subscnlier telle us
he didn’t get to read hie paper last For Sale-Good clean papers, auita*
ble for wrapping lunches or fruit
week Itecause a neighbor borrowed it
jars, or to kindle fires, large
and didn't bring it back. Another
bundles for 10c. at the Tribune.
t> ! a us of a party who scours the
neighborhood for three copies—the
copies are sent away, but neither of
the four are subscribers, No. the
home pats-r is no good!
8,-cretary of War Week« has re-
■igne«! hia post because of ilia
Valve Grinding
The same energy and money expen­
ded on the creameries in Albany,
and other like instutions in Linn
county, would bring greater rewards
and more prosperity. It is a poor
policy to foster something new until
we learn how to support what we
already have in the county.
They Like Oregon
For Sale
Tbe Scio Tribune
We heard of a man the other day
who said he had a bottle of moon-
ah me cached in a conveyance he is
in the habit of riding in, and he ia
reported to have said "It will take
more than six men with aix-ahooters
1 to Ret that bottle.” C m it be pos-
! aible that a bottle of moonshine and
»< ie a guilty conacienc* is preferable to
_ I good health and happiness* Have
men forgotten that the first step m
I i Wr< a.'Wílw»<* te
mr rt*4f
is defiance of law’ Surely no
for «h zh H
> *
ìndi» M m W».
would court murder over
With tJlwrty and Jut-
la« ft* all,
a bottle of moonshine.
sit.24-o! H
Phone 411-J
* >
Suburipl ion
The Scio Tribu ne and
Portland Telegram one
year for 24.75,
/ ends Oct 31.
BV Deliver
J. W. Copeland Yards
TY : S ervice
>n«l and Calapooia
A lbany . O re .
( fregón