THE SCIO TRIBUNE Hi» /10," she replied. "Oh. goody.1* spok« up the oldest son. **ln two mor« payments th« baby Is oura.“ FOIL YO UK HEALTH Dickey’» OLD RELIABLE Eye Wafer relieves sun and wind-burned eyes, th lean t hurt (tsnulna In Hed raiding Iles, lie at all druggists ur by malL Dlt'KBT DllI’Q CO.. Bristol. Vs. Tons. ' " - ■' . .a Honor Memory of World War Heroee Fooled by Scarecrow For several days a patient fisherman baa t>een noted standing on th« shore of a certain pond In Wilton. N H. Pa, after day he stood there A par­ ticularly constant watcher felt sure the man was getting abort trout, and notified a game warden. However, the watcher's eyes ar« In need of cor­ rection. for the man turned out to be a well-fashioned scsracrow. Tribute to Brave Woman A monument to Mrs. Edith l-acey. an American welfare worker who lost her life In the Japanese earthquak« of lid. han been dedicated by th« Yokohama Young Women’s Ohrlatlar association Mrs. Lacey was a leader In the association. The monument Is In the form of a house which Is to b« used aa a rest and recreation center for the girla of Yokohama and la th« gift of Mrs Lacey's father. Pr. Charles C. 11 uosa of Buffalo, N. Y. . » Take Tsalaa Vegetable pule pstiou. Ma. Is au J lemuswJ ataaufsetursrs at Tasha, Some Glasses THE FEATHERHEADS In th« ancient castle of Itovereto. near Trent, which la being ueril aa an Italian war museum, a huge hell has hewn hung In memory of the war «lead. Th« bell la one of the largest In Eu­ ropa, coming neit after those In Mos­ cow, Cologne and Vienna, weighs five and a half tons, and la beautifully carved with a prureealun of warrtors and other figures marching round Its circle. It la to be rung every evening for one minute after the Angelua. and on groat anniversaries of the war. fur five minute» Th« government has art aside apse rial datra which will commemorate the dead of Italy, France, England. Amer lea. Belgium and Csechoaluvakla. A a a final touch of modernity, radio ap- paratua Is to transit tbs tones to all the world that earea to listen.—Liv­ ing Aga. k Saka«aatl«l HKWAMI» Thi-usati t. | p|« m Amari, a have bssn liberally rewarded for Inalslln« ns having UHKIDE Holes on their abuse VmCIPK wears and wears and wears. It la made only by llu I'nltrd Htataa llubbsr Company, the world a larseet manufacturer of rubber products The money II oaves on shoe bills la remark able. Have your old above re-bottomed with t'HKIDE Huy new shoes with genuine I NXIIH Hole« iHKIDK Is oomfortable healthful. waterproof, good-loohlng Protects against sllp- ftng l»ok for the name I HKtliR os be sole—Adv. Making Signal» Secret Invisible light la oftenlng up a new method of sending secret signals In warfare. Flash signals are Invlslbl« to all but the receiver of the message, and can be sent tn full sunlight for a distance of front five to eight tnllen. Infra red rays, to«» long to be seen, cause certain dyes and pigments to become more luminous. The receiver of the message Is equipped with a tinted shade for his field glasses, sim­ ilar In color to the shade used in tbs signal lamp. Jap» Extend Phone» In a plan to Improv« the telepbons system of th« routtAy th« government of Japan plans to Install 60,Olio tele­ phon ra and lO.Otil miles of new loU line« within th« neat Ove yearn. "Excuae Me" or "Pardon Me” Both of these phrases have Item In reputable literary use In England for more than three centuries and ar« thoroughly eetabllahe«l ns Idioms. (See Nhake«|>«arr'a "Troll us and Creselda." act I. scene 2.1 Only a per­ son who Is Ignorant of thia fact would condemn their use. which continues among the cultured people of our time Purlously enough St» years ago “El- cuse me” found favor with ua and "Pardon me" was preferred by th« English. Ten years tatrr the table was turned and "Etctise me" found favor with th« English while “Pardon toe” was preferred by ourselves. "I beg your pardon" when an apology Is made “Horry" Is an English vulgar­ ism of the near-polite who are In too gre t a hurry to say "I am sorry" or "I am very sorry" when they wish Io espraa regret In different degrees — . Literary Plgesl Making Sure "Oh. Gondollto, do you love m«T* “I'll say so." "But «io you lov« m«F Say “Bayer Aspirin ’ HOME, SWEET HOME INSIST I Unlejj you see the “Bayer Cross” on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe by millions and prescribed by phy­ sicians for 24 years. WIDE OPEN Patriotic "Frr 10 cent a." bellowed th« «treat faker, “yousa kin look at Mars t'rougti de telescope.* "No." spoke up th« passerby. “I ba- I lev« In seeing America first."—Amer! can Legion Weekly. Bayer package whlchcontains proven directions riarvfv "Heyer" bole« at It tablets Also bottles ut t* and 10O— Druggists A Mi»under»tanding Aaafrta Is ths trsAs mar« ef karer Mass- Floorwalker (solicitously)—Is any lies—Just look at th« hooey drip­ one taking care of you. Mias? Lisa (from th« backwoods)— Taint ping out of my front door. That hive non« of 'our concern, mister. sura la “Hom«. Nweet Homa»* RIGHT i.<«aslblllty of metals Into gold, Mr. Dustin Ntat. I don't depend e-n deiwnd on commn- Teach Children TO'Uea All in the Family Fly—That', things they knock out files with I Joys ara sings; sorrows. spurs. Thomson—fa »es Wllauo take any In­ terest in society! Johnson— No, b» supplì«« the capital and bla wife and daugbtera taka all tbs iniaraat. /•» Cowatlpatlea, hndkgastlet, and Torpid Liver 1 ■ ■ > Mi f u i far M rears. ■So m »4 IBr MUSS­ ALI. DRUOUIgTg Cuticura T*u you U»o»k bis pons wi.i work I" i “fiura they 11 work- U b« »UL* turili»« sad Heals Rashes •»