THE SCIO TRIBUNE 75 HEWHY/ SUPERSTITIONS WISHING ON LOAD OF HAY 'T'IIE custovn of wlahlng whea ■ load of hay paura 1« common In «ha turai <11« tri et a all over «ha country. It la a aurvlval trota «hot anetent na Iure worahlp wblcb manlfsnted itself la varloua calta and mytha barine to do wltb live «pirli of vegelatloo. Iba peraontflratlon of tba "klndly fruita of tba cariti" ea tba emtmdlinent of a ■od. The growlng crup la Oalrla. Adonta or Italdar alita and tba harvewted crup la thè asme goda temperarti? dead. At thè gatbering of all crup»- tba felli- Ing of tba god— tbe ancient« were ae- ■ ustotned lo practlee aolemn ritea. maay of wblcb In a mal ni ed form. ella* aneng ua today aa popular au persiItlona. A load of bay la a galli- ered crup- Il la thè body of Haider whlrh la paaalng, and a wl«h U|xm a load of hay la an appeal to tha aplrlt 1 <>f Ibat god for a fulminimi of tba. « tah Thoae who ara Indlned to queatlm thè aurvlval of ancient religione In fragmentary form under tba guisa of ■-tirreni auperatltlona ahould ronajder flint. nlthnut ronaldertng thè vigniti canee of thè faci at ali, we attll cali SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT By F. ! the town and «biro of Montgomery In Wales took their names and from them several men la turn took the name of Montgomery In a great many raeea tbo name waa given to a piace and the place la turn gave Ito name to a good many men who lived near It. but perhaps tbe facte can be more clearly traced la this live days of tbo week by tbo namae of i cane than la most instances. John beathen gola and taro after the mon Montgomery, who waa a member of tbe goddeea and the aun god reop«r*lvely ; Continental congress, waa born la tbe while of the months four are dedtrated north of Irelamí In 1722 lie came to to heathen goda or godtlewaea. one per- the new world for a rather unnaual pet nates a very anctrat heathen featl- renano because he Infieriteli a smell val. and two are dedicated to deified fortune Msnuy first settlers came lloman amperora Which, It must be i over to mend their fortune, but John ark now leticati, la a rather etrtklvg es­ came to ef-end hla lie settled In «'ar ample of the survival In our da ly Uvea Hale, Pa. and area a captain la tbe ex today of fragmenta from ancient culta pedltlon against tbe Indians under and mythologlee Gen John Forbes In 173* Tbe fam­ ® cera Nlintl.KY -Thia name haa been traced to the old Engllab first name leuallls that also gave Kewell. How­ ever. aa a surname Rhlrley waa adopt­ ed from tbe manor of Mblrley In j Itorfiyaltlre. The family was well ea tabllshed In the reign of Edward III IS IT MONTGOMERY? III 1 I I II ANU Hi I I U.K Appar rally there la little or no connection ■’I'llERK la an IntereMlng ph ave of I between these two names Helller Is the origin of names exemplified by , from tbe old English bel 11er. meaning Montgomery To begin with there waa ! one who covers It had the signifi­ la France a man named < tomerie Illa cance of thalrher or tiler, and It Is was an old Teutonic name, Gomerth. therefore an orruiMitlonsl name akin from «loma. This Gotuerte lived on a to Tyler. Mieter, Mhlngler, etc llelye hill which was therefore called Mont la a variation of the same name. Ilei (lomarle. This ta a place near Usleug , 1er. however, la a German name, the In Normandy and a family of French first of the family here having been counts. tiecause they lived near thia ! Ckrtetopber Heller who waa born hill, were given tbe title of the munta near Worms. Germany, tn 1«WW He of Montgomerie Koger de Montgom was one of the many Palatinates who evie was a kinsman of William tha came to this country In ('olonlal times «'onqueror and went with him to Eng­ lie was the founder of Hellertown. land where he led the center of hie I’a The Hellers Heed In Nuremberg. army at llaatlnga Ila varia, la the Twelfth century. Trom thia Roger de Montgomerie <• Sy M*cl«»* N*■■*■■* eresicelo A. WALKER HAT the world need« moat, and hands unafraid to perform hard work In tbe face of complei difficulties And wltb these hands It needs sturdy becks, nimble feet and willing hearts, loyal to themselves and to ethera To feed, clothe and satisfy filmaci f. man must constantly esert hlmaelf. This la the price be la compelled to pay for life. If man falls to sow he cannot hope to reap. And. likewise. If hs stubbornly re­ fuses to use and train his hands In tbe direction toward which they nat­ urally Incilne, the llkellhoud la that he will go through tbs world at tbe tall end of the proccealoti. blaming others for hla failure when the fault really Ilea with hla timid hands No two hands are cast In exactly tbe same mold. Each band has an Individuality, and a peculiar ability and aptitude of tta own. Just aa haa the brain, the eon trolling force which directs lhe hand The world wants hands detached from lusts and superstitions, dlaln dined In momenta of excitement to double up Into bony fists. It wants hands with sensitive fin gera and specialised knowledge, com petent tn perform accuralely the work entrusted to them, whether they grip machinery, pound the typewriter, push the carpet-sweeper. embroider a dain­ ty tapestry or play the piano. If you will consider the cause of the rise or the fall of natloua, you will find that It resulted mainly from tbe good or evil works of hands An Industrious community shows Its handiwork In neatly painted bouses, shaded streets and a general air of prosperity and contentment Where the shacks are. where misery and crime sulk in the shadows. the hands of men ara Idle. At the root of all discontent lie dormant hands, responsible for moat of the human failures and sorrows. Do you know that you can Dispose of a cow in a day, but to Produce one requires from 2Vt to 3 years? OUR Oregon Milk Company Last Name HANDS UNAFRAID W which It cannot hire except In limited numbers are capable, willing Mr. Dairyman A j SCHOOL DA1JS | A- Condenaery, Scio, Oregon AH kinds of Iron and Brass Casting« Fruit and Hop Furnace« Repair Work and Blacksmithing ALBANY IRON WORKS Engine», Mill and Mining Machinery Lira Rolls. Head Blocks. Ixtg Turners. 1-og Hauls. Cable Conveyors and Rope Feed Work. Albany, Oregon Phone 61 ALBANY ABSTRACT COMPANY Abstractor» of city and country property In Linn County. Work quickly completed Our certificates guarantee safety Priera con­ form to the established rate« throughout the country. LgLA MITCMgLL, a«*r*l**y U ALBANY PLANING MILL E. W. SEARS, Prop, Sanh, Doors, Moulding, Glass, General Mill Work, Windshields, Kitchen Cupboards, Window and Door Screens, Hardwood Flooring, Etc. Bring Ua Your Eatimatea Phone 140-R THINGS FOR WINTER HEN the cucumbers are site try this recipe: W finger Company Sweet Plekles Just Take one pound each of candled eberries and layer raisins left In clusters two or three on a aient, all doten of the Tiny Tim cucumbers IHt a quart of the best cider vinegar Into a |»orcelaln lined kettle, add one pound of granulated sugar and boil to a sirup with two teaspoonfuls each of white pepper and nutmeg, one tea spoonful of mace and one-half tes spoonful of ground cloves Bring the sirup ts a boil, then add the cherries. when they are plump remove them with a skimmer and adii tbe raisins Prompt Service Albany, Oregon DR. A. P. HOWELLS Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeon office Phoa» < Residence 110 Mend for Osteopathic Literature Office Flret Savings Bank Building. Albany. Oregon FARM LOANS Write for booklet describing our twenty-year amortised rural credit farm loan Insurance com­ pany rate» are very low No commission or other expense BEAM LAND COMPANY Albany, Oregon «hatever your ea|>able of doing, do It with all your might. Give no heed to the Jibes of Idlers but remember always that by the hands which are unafraid of grime, determined to do. amt to do nobly, great cities are built, fortunes are made and humble names lifted to fame and graven on monuments which shall endure for ages and become an Inspiration to those yet unborn. The Scio State Bank K D Myers. Cashier Does a General Banking Interest paid Business oa time deposits. The Highway Repair Shop .Second and Baker Ma. Imperial Cafe Cylinder Reboring Pal Murphy. Proprietor Albany. Oregon Aa soon as the raisins are plump, skim them out and add the cucumbers Roll two minutes, they ahould bo tender but not soft Fill glass with cucumbers in layers, with cherries and raisins pour over airup boiling hot and seal <* l»i* w « m «* s MtwspMu Vases) T J Munkere. Vice-President The better you eat, The better you live <* Sr McCtore N*w*n«»** Sr*-ii*«i* ) Repper Jam. Wash and remove seeds front sweet red |>ef>pera l*ut through a food chopper, sprinkle with rail and let stand three hours I»raln. rinse •n cold water and put Into a sauce­ pan. Add one and one half cupfuls of sugar, one cupful of vinegar and boll all together nntU of the ronalatency of Jam Pour Into glasses When cool cover with paraffin W A Ewing, President EAT TO LIVE [* IRotiier’s Coole Book] If Ufa ware all fair weather As the Reatina days ■» by. We ahould nevar know th« baasty Of the rainbow la the shy CUSL. PreeMeat, Attorney end Maaeger ale tisi 'Bills •S' Telephone 112 General Auto Repairing ■. A. Klapota Albany. Oregon A. K. Bert