* • * ■. J» • • i I THE SCIO TRIBUNE æ In me OOOOOCXXXXXXXXXXJCXJUOOOOOUC Ricardo Cortez oooooooooocxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx: JUNGLE Mr. Dairyman Wifh Cheerupj and the Quixies ty Grace Dii» Steward Do you know that you can Dispose MRS. OSTRICH TO MARKET •he found lieroelf In Iba third. ear right In front of me to unravel It. Mlraculou* I My, simply miraculous!" "First, please tell nw who you are," amlled fhtarups. "and whal la your trouble I aurely don't deserve th* fame you speak of, but I shall lie very glad to help you If I can." "Oh. thank you. Mr. Cbeerupa; you are ao kind. You see. 1 am Mrs Oa­ trich and I hav* at home fourteen as handaom* llttl* Oatrich l.ablea aa you could aee any day In a twenty-mil* run" "Hui I couldn't run twenty mile* ' cried Cheerup*. “oh. eicuse me." replied Mra. <>» trich "I forgot that you hadn't th* long distance apparatus," and aha "Now. Father, Don't Ba Croon,“ Said looked proudly at her tall, atroug leg* "Well, my bablea had litelr gravel Mr*. Oatrich. ineala for two or three day*, aa waa m* aa If I could And something which right and proper, and then they didn't would be good for the children 1 aeem to Ilk* the leave* and vegetable« don't bellev* you looked far and wtda. which Father Oatrich brought them. I ahall go a long distance away to­ W* juat can't And anything they will day, I am a fatter runner than a eat. And If they don't rat. they will bora* ao it will be easy " die. Oh, Mr. Cheerup* I'm almost “I don't know how far you'll go.“ distracted I" Mid rather Oatrich a bit (>e*vlahly. “Don't be anitou* Mra oatrich, I for he didn't Ilk* Mr*. Oat rich'* crlfl- he« of you," Mid t "beero(i* In a tone clam, "but l"m aur* you’ll go wide If full of kindness “I hav* a plan Just you go around In circle« aa usual And Uy a few eatra eggs out al do th* neat mind, don't get frightened and bide and feed tha wee blrdllnga on them until they ar* old enough tn eat other your head In th* sand!" "Now. I n l her. don’t be cross,“ aald tiling* And when you hatch the neat Mr*. Oatrich. You hav* tha Mtua brood. you might lay the extra egg* bad hablta that 1 hav* you know Brat. ao th* babies' breakfast will b* Good-by. I'll b* back before dark.“ and all ready and waiting for them when ah* trotted away over the deaert. her they com*" “That's a splendid Idea." cried Moth­ leg* moving ao faat that her toe* •ermed scarcely to touch tbe ground. er Ostrich “Thank you a thouaand “I'll hav* to go toward thoae tree* time*. Mr Cherrups; I'll do Just a* and growing thing* over there." you My.” and off »he ran al top si»eed thought ah*. “There'* nothing here on toward home. Ever alnce. Mr* Oa- the deaert At for my bable* to eat." trich haa followed Chceru|>a* advice with aucceaa. And *h* ran ao fait that all at one* of a cow in a day, but to AA'-- UlHII WM troubled Something waa wrong with th* children Iler fourteen beautiful egg*. Ilk* Ivory globe* bad hatched Into fourteen lively young bird*. They bad eaten gravel for aevvral day* after they came out of the shell. which all oatrich mother* know I* the brat thing for tbelr young atumach* but after that they didn't aeetu to thrive Father oatrich had brought them tbe tender* rat leave* and twig* and even some of tho*e wonderful watermel>>na which grow on th* edge of th* deaert. but nothing agreed with them. “Wlmt'a to be done, my dear?" roared Father (litrich tn hla loud. Im- l«>rtant velllng or algnlAcanc* |* t* »vldrm-ed »vldem-ed In Viola Viola. Il la I* uoe uo* of tbe few name« which haa has not t>n<1*rgvne un<1*rgvn* a lengthy proc*«« of procea* ot evolution from some a<>me root In a dead language. It haa not even sub­ mitted to ravivai but haa passed down | through the centuries as th* Ijittn word for "violet" and will remain a femlnlr* proper name signifying vlol«< to th* end of time. Thera ara many Instance* of the use of Violet in England and ttcotiand. Thera la th* equivalent Yolande In Franc* and alan Violetta Rut In Italy, where the Viola aroa* there la no rec­ ord of Ita having bees used aa a proper name. Th* common opinion of etymologist* aeem* to t>e that It waa a fanciful nam* Imported from Italy by Shake- atwara and bestowed upon one of hla heroine* i In "Twelfth Night" But bowev*r It may be. the Viola wfci loved Oral no endeared th* nam* In English heart* and It haa continued with great popularity ever ainc* th* time of Mhakeapewre Th* amethyst la the tallsmanlc • aalgned to Viola, It promise* aucceaa In lov* and freedom from atloa. Friday ta her lucky day S her lucky number. I Produce one requires from 3% to 3 years? Oregon Milk Company Condensery, Scio, Oregon All kind* of Iron and Ilraaa Caatinga Fruit and Hop Fumate* Repair Work and Blacksmithing Ricard* Cort** wall known a* .• "mvvle" actor, wag born &apt*rv>b«r 1k, IMS, In Vienna. He I* Ave feet eight Inch«* tall and weigh« ISO pound* H* ha* black hair and br*wi ay*.. Bef«r* becoming a motlon plc- tur* actor he had played minor partv with atock compania* —. .... O--------- IP HO SAID “Mart ia fe man .ither god or a u>oU.” n ESIDKRIUR F.RASMIR. th* au thor of the above quotation. was l>om at Rotterdam, Holland. In the year 14dT Hla real nam* waa llernrd. but thia he changed a peart Ice which waa greatly In vogue In hie day. Eraatuua had been left an orphan at an early eg* and tha effort* of hla guardian* wera largely rraponalbl« for hla entering a monastery and aw ear Ing he would become a prleat Thia determination he later ralinqulabed and by *t>rcl*l dlspetiMllon from tha l"»pe *1 Rome waa relieved from inonaallc vow*. In tbe year HW lit year that I'o- lumbu* fl rat act foot on tbe shore* of the new world— Er* am tie left hla home In Holland and, with tbe pee tn I a* I on of th* blabop of Chambray, who *a* In ebarge of the monastery where the lad «as living, traveled to Part* There be studied theology and literature and there he formed ac qualntance with many wealthy Eng liabmen whoa* Instructor ho became n In 141'7 Erasmus accompanied Lord Mount Joy to England, «here he waa gracloualy received by the king and where hla learning secured him con ■Iderahle attention from th* men of letter* of that country Soon after Erasmus returned to the continent and secured th* dl*|>enMtlon from the pop« relieving him of hla monaatlc vow* Upon obtaining thia release he pub­ lished several of hla worua in 1510 he again returned to England where he waa given a professorship at Cam­ bridge. In 1514 he returned to th* continent where he lived until death overtook him In 15M. Eraanius waa eaally on* of the moat notable acholar* of hla day and to him can be given much credit for th* reviving nt arholarahtp In that age Ha attacked the dlaorder* of tnonaa- tlciam and superstition and waa ac- tlv* In th* reformation, although h* waa erored by Luther fur lukewarm- neaa. Th* "Praia* of F«»llv" la. per­ hap* lila work Wayne McMurray i • sv Wheel»» Brsaieate is* * --------- O--------- Laty On. for Moth.r Listening to the conversation of grown up* as children often do. Dun can. Ave years old. learned there were suck thing* aa stepmother* H* rolled th* idea around In an active and eager (• w MM3 brain for nearly an hour, without get ting anywhere, then a>»ught Inform* Personal Attention Hon from the encyclopedia often**» “Never send a man on a foot'* er­ consulted hy llttl* boy* "Mother." he rand." admonished th* Wla* liny "No, asked, "bow does a at ep mother step?" It I* better to go youraelf." suggested - Capper’* Weekly. th* Simple Mug , » f ALBANY IRON WORKS Engines, Mill and Mining Machinery Live Rolla. Head Block*. Log Turners. Log Hsuls. Cable Conveyor* and Rope Feed Work. Phone 61 Albany, Oraron ALBANY ABSTRACT COMPANY Abatractero of city and country property in Linn County. Work quickly completed Our certificate* guarantee Mfety Price* con form to the eatabilahed rate* throughout th* country. LILA atlTCHtl L. Beeeeteey L. ■ CURL. PreelMat. Atteraey as* Ms»s««r