'•V’l ■’ ' - 'r-Cc »igz/C Country Correspond enct The Scio Tribune -a SHELBURN NEWS ♦- — — — Oct 6 Monday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. W H. MeLain and son. Clair, went to Hellefountain to visit a verv dear friend. Mrs. S. K Haines, who waa ill. but ahe had passed away at nine Jersey Sale! Being overstocked. I will sell my entire herd of high grad* JERSEYS at a pub­ lic sale on -■ Thursday,* Oct. 15 at the farm known as the llnke place. 3 miles north­ east of Brewster station and 2 miles south of Prov­ idence church. 11 head of cows from 3 to 8 years old. coming fresh; 4 head com­ ing 2-year-old heifers, not bred. Usual Terms Urban Shrode, Owner a. m. Monday. They met the un John Bents has sold hie farm to dsrtaker on their wav over but did Wyman Bros, and Oral Bates. Wy­ not know who it waa until they ar man Bros get 12 acres on the north rived at the home of Mrs Mclann's side ami Bates 30 acre* on the south brother at Belief >untain Mrs side, which include the buildings L------------------------------------------------------- Haines was M3 years old Her re­ mains were taken to Portland where Mt. Plea tant Celt New* the funeral waa held t «lay and the body laid to rest be»i lc her hudiaml (Jet. « who died 30 years ag«>. G. C. Miller war transacting bust- Quite a number from these vicin- Mas in Albany Tuesday. iti< s attended thr state fair at Salem Clinton George waa improving the last week first of the week, but is still quite Ivan Pearson and wife of Me- weak His mother is still in Port­ Mmnville scent Saturday evening land with him. and Sunday with her mother. Mrs Mr*. Carl Foilis came in fr n lx-- Esther Ray. vene last Wednesday nn«i la in Port­ Ben Darby ami son. Harley, spent land helping to care for her brother Sunday with t'harley Peters, hunt­ Clinton George. ing rabbits Walter George was in Portland Carl and Ted Belcow spent Satur­ the last of the week to see his day and Sunday morning with Har­ brother. old and Earl Darby, then leaving Zink Bros bussed * I fr W Sunday forenoon for their new home H. Mellin Tue-lav afterm n at Mt. Vernon. Wash. Mr. Belc«>e Mra. Mollie Miller made a busi­ lift Saturday morning on the train ness trip to Albanv fue» lay. with the stock and household goods, Heating Stoves At R. M. CAIN’S Scio Mill & Elevator Co Home Products while the remainder of the family left Friday morning. Ixiuie Ray and Mrs. Ivan Pearson H>rnt Sunday afternoon at the Ben Darby home. Miss Allene Mumper of Scio. Mrs R. F. Darby. Mrs Ed Roberta and Miss Emma Rahn made a visit at the Ben Darby home Friday. Louis tieislcr called on Clint Trex- ler Sunday evening. Ask us about clubbing rates with the Oregonian Winter Approaches Aral we arc ready to -erve you with the kind of Undergarments the men «nd children need whose duty calls them outdoors a great deal The lines embrace tlic Iwst on the market in Heavy and Light Woolen Hosiery for men, women and child­ ren. ami I n . th Heavy and l ight Woolen Under­ wear. and other grade», tor the entire family. All carry a very reasonable price. Use B ergman’s Shoe Oil Just tlic tiling to keep out tin- water J. CIlllLdW Are s»kY* ♦’»•-¿AS -, ' J.-V Wesely, Grocer Furiiuliings Garden Sec»!* Notions Umbrellas & Rubbers for the Rainy Days AT Scio, Oregon Hibler & Gill Company ^The Scio Meat Market The Daily Oregon Journal and Scio Tribune, both for |*> 25. Save 50c by clubbing with us. Having purchased the tw» meat markets in Scio, I consolidated them under the almve name, ami will strive to render efficient service and give courteous treatment at
«cf cattle, veal ami hogs (alive or dressed) ami pay you the top prices. See me first. Herbert Shelton, Mgr Simp. C. |. BRUCE, Proprietor Joe Holub has bought property in Albany and is moving there, lie expects t«|hm»h moving this week. Wm. Young and wife of Camas visited a few days last week with the latter’s mother. Mrs. L. C. Alex­ ander. W. F. Gill, who has been confined to the house the past month tiecause of a broken bone in his leg. was able to be down town Wednesday. Mylo Barta, Frank Shinoat and Ed Palon returned Sunday from a hunting trip near Crawfordsville They killed one deer and me coyote. Earl Browning has bought 32 acres across the road from Haman Shelton and is erecting buildngs thereon. FZarl «avs he just had to get to good roads. M P. Long io suffering from a mashed foot, which he sustained the other day while loading a cow onto a truck, when she reared back and stepped on hie foot. Chester Coffey passed through Scio last Thursday enroute to Gold Hill on business. Mr. Coffey and family have recently moved from McMinnville to Salem. À Cascadia Mineral Water Bottled at the Springs Distributed by Albany Bottling Works “Quality’’ Our Motto Albany, Oregan John Madras is building an addi­ tion to hie residence, just west of the city limits, and Anton Benes is painting the house he recently pur­ chased from Frank Zavodsky. Mrs Ella Munkers received word Thursday that G«<>rgr Marlatt. the only surviving uncle of her deceased husband, J. P. Munkers. had died at his home in Beuna Vista that day. He was well known here. Paints, Vanishes, Wall Tints, Brushes and Wall Paper ' Third St. F. C. IWNNALS Albany. Or. Deer Season Is On Duck Season Opens Oct. 1st Remington and WimJie-dcr guns and ammunition. Filson Rainproof Hunting Clothing. Cleaning r«>v the case ami save dollars. Used Guns taken in on new ones. Rawlings foot bail and basket bull supplies. Albany Gun Store 225 W. First St., Albany, Orc. L. J. Hauser. Prop. We arc stocked again with Cherry City Feeds Come in ami bring your cream and produce. The Dairy City Produce F hki > MfMi’Fii. Proprietor. Subscript ion dubbing rates for the Portland Daily News and Scio Tribune, both for one year, is $4 25. The Portland Telegram and the Scio Tribune is 14 75. Save 50c on one ami 75c on the other. This offer ends on Oct. 31. For Sale— Good clean papers, suita­ ble for wrappin* lunches or fruit jars, or to kindle Area Large bundles for 10c, at the Tribune ■ • H ’ %