NK1CI It HtH StitliMftt Notice is hereby given that the under­ signed Administrator of the estate of l.eona F Goin, dweeased. late of lann county, Oregon, ha* Aled hi* final a> count in said estate matter with the Clerk uf the County Court of t.mn coun ty, Oregon, and said Court ha* fi»rubli»hed this 17th day uf t-eptemlier, 1925. NTKRUNU II G uin . Administrator of the estate uf Leona F. Goin, deceased A K. M c M ahan , Attorney for Administrator, *17.24 «14 15 IN TIIK CIRCUIT COURT OF THF STATE Or OREGON IN ANO FOR T1IE COUNTY OT LINN. t>r.l'ARTMKNT NO. TWO Joe lioiub, Josephine Snidi, Anton Holub and Emma Holub, his wife, and Mamie Herman ami Frank Herman, b«-r hua- band. I'laintiffs, vs. Agnes I lutson ami Fili Benjamin IkitSon, her husband. Frank Holub and Flmil Holub, l*efendanta. Th* Rcio Tribun® Editoriali Pag® 4 I THE SCIO TRIBUNE t. ini ic.MiAY, (Jet. 8, 1925 STATEMENT of the ownership, management, circu­ lation, etc . required by the Act uf Fun- gresil uf August 24. 1912. uf The S«»o inburc, pubiisbed weekly at Scio, Or­ egon. for October, 1925. .-itsti- • f Oregon, County of Ijnn. II* fur* me. a Notary i*ubhc in and for the state and county aforesaid, person­ ally appeared I. V. Me Adon, who being sworn according to law. dcfmsa* and says that ho is the owner of th* hcio Tribune »id that the following is. to till last uf his kniiwleilge and belief, a true statement uf the ownership, man­ agement, etc. of tit* aforesaid publica fun for the date shown in the above raptrrquirwi by the Art of Aujuit ¡ 24 1912, ciu I mm I i «! in aeeltuti 444. l'urial J Laws and Regulation*, printed on the r«vera* uf this form, lo-wit: ’I list the name ami address of the pudsher an-1 editor is I. V. McAdoo, managing editor and business manger, E. J. McAdoo, Scio, (hrgon. Th» owner I* I. V. McAdoo, S<-to, Oregon, and hia wife. FI. J McAdoo, hciii. On-gun. I fat the known bondholders, mort­ gagees, and other security bolder* own­ ing or holding 1 iicr cent or more of to­ tal Amount of Imnd*. mortgagee, or other -.»•»•uritics are: None. I I. M c 'A ihmi . Buainesa Manager. Sworn to amI subscribed before me thi* 29th day of September, 192'» Rll.KV SHKl.TON, Notary Public. My commlsoioti eipirca Feb. 15, 1929. Notice is hereby given that iisli-rs'il by virtue of a decree ami order of sale duly ma»1<- and entered of r»-cuni in the above entitled Court in the above ct ti­ tled cause on the 27th dav of August, 1925. authorizing anti directing th»- un­ There m cotiaiderable improvement dersigned as referee to make sale of i the real property hereinafter dcscriUd. going on in Scio at prefent, which 1 will un Halurday, the 10th lay of < •■ toiler, 1925. at the hour of one o'clock »'.<>»• that the citizen* and business- in the afternoon of said day. nt the mm are keeping up with progreaa. front door of the County Court llotn--- of Linn County. Oregon, al Albtmv, Oregon, offer for sale for cash in tin - I A life that ha* a motive, some- to the highest birof»erty. at sai l ofllir up to ten o'clock a. m. of said day. That thia sale is made under and by virtue of an order of the County Court of the Stall of Oregon for t of Marton, duly made and entered of record in the estate of the above named decedent on the 21st day of September, IVZf. R onai . u C. G lover , Administrator of the Estate of Mary J. White, deceased. Oct. 1-6-15-22 29 For Sale VeryReasonable Several Thousand No. I Pololo Sacks Albany Bargain House Corner 2d & I Valter Phone 411-J Albany. Ore. Subacrihe now—11.75 the year of this am uni about 25SÌ goes for 'fancy radiator caps, 5U'< fordudad* on the instrument board* and the other 25% fur mending tack punc- lure*. The state supreme court ha* AU»- tained the veto of Gov. Tierce when he vetoed the bill passed by the last legislature authorizing a special election thia coming November,hold­ ing that an expenditure of $100,000 for this was nut warranted. Saved again from the politician*. Allan Bynon. a young Salem at­ torney who lx-c tne a»«i»tant U. S. district attorney, haa lieen drawn into the Kelso. Wash , triangl« by selling evidence to the authorities. »•> the metropolitan paper* say. He needed lite money, we guess, and ha* ruined hia future. Il pays to go straight. Cooperation mean* working to­ gether for mutual benefit. Can there lie a more sound foundation for true nnd profitable buaineaa relationship*? It not only means that two may pro­ fit together but each will profit more. Combined interest* and com­ bine I effort* will create greater sal- j ¡«faction and a happier people human monstrosity who hasn't and Vthss Hoar»: 9 t<> It a in.. 2 to 5 p m. And by App intment. won't dim. Within a short time the Albany Democrat-Herald will issue an anni­ versary number commemorating the 60th year of its existence a* a newt- paper in Albany. Every MMÜMI »»f Linn cuunty is to receive its share of publicity and will be a* authentic a* poMtble. A feature of th* issue will be the non-apprsrance of dis­ play advertising, so common In such undertakings. A Santa Crux. California, poultry­ man is try ing an experiment with hi* ehicsen* in forcing them into an early moult. Thi* rear he is cutting out ths mash and soft feed* and feeding only hard feed*. Already hi* flock !■ down to a few eggs daily and the yards are filled with feath­ ers. He believes this will be a bet­ ter method than the one of cutting out all feed for a few days, as aotne poultrymen do. Dr. Geo. J. Kenagy Chiropractor 401-2 First Nsi»»»<»»l lis»>k liuiMmg 7Ae ULLS EYE tmd ÇtmrtlMtntatr Valve Grinding I Vnc quich|y <>n a machine tl t »• scientifically accurate. And it tin- only one of its kind in Linn county. Try u» next time. Auto (»art* lx»th wli»>lcsalc and retail. C. H.Torrance 212 E. ETrst Phone 379 ALBANY, OREGON SON SNYDER 4. 10-1 l\ 2< llier iiicct here if home builders would use the fire twu weeks frutu nuw. Luuk lur IL problem would almost be solved. It was a peach of an advertisement, and we came near falling for it. It is hard sometimes to tell what is le­ gitimate new* and what-is not. Wn want to serve notice on the dear public, and moochers in particular.' that space in the Scio Tribune rep­ resent* labor and service, which we» •ell at the published rates. Here- 1 after anything that bring* money into the treasury of a society, or benefits an individual or group, the coin of the realm must accompany the advertisement. We have made an extra effort to further srveral local movements, at a great finan­ cial loss to ourselves, but our efforts have never been appreciated so far Some car owner* haven't had the as we know, but they have been se­ : light* adjusted <>n their car*, aa the verely condemned. We sell service, ight* prove when meeting them at and the service is the cheapest in night. »Neither do they dim them, the county when measured by results which *how* the driver derm* him­ obtained. Henceforth press agents, self above law. It is a pleasure to publicity grafters, hokum handlers, drive at night when you meet cars blurb slingers, good will campaigns, with adjusted light*, but the joy is etc . are stricken from the free ser­ taken out of it when you meet the vice of the Scio Tribune. A ijiany , orboon WIU ROGERS The handicap Bob Stanfield placed on himself as hia own successor in the U. 9 senate, coupled with the demand of President Coolidge that Bert E. Haney resign as a member of the shipping board. is making it hard for “favorite'* sons to launch their name» for th»- ■ I’ hti<-» is dangerous these day*. es|«ecially when the politician doesn't play on the square What is needed is a real man. but he i* hard to find. An eight page paper this week, which will be continued as long as the subscription and advertising pat ronage will warrant, and we hope it will be fur all time. If you like the change, please tell vour friends and the publisher* We arc just human* (a* you) and we like to get a pat on the shoulder and a compliment (as you), and not all kick* and cuffs All department* are there we prom­ ised. except the radio, which will appear shortly. The (lory is full of thrills and peculiar situations, and the funny page tickles the funny bone of the whole family. Owing to the great expense in going to an eight page paper, no reduction in subscription rates will be made this year. Don't let your subscription expire, keep up with the story, and ask your neighbors and friend* to subscribe. The price Is SI 75 per yesr in the U. S. and posscsaiun*. In Canada and other foreign coun- tne* the rate i* $2.50 per year the extra postage make the difference. ■*. j Office 3RD rwowes. | We Lave just installed a new mac Line I -r tightening wheels. Brin; in your car or truck and let us show you how sci­ entifically this machine works cither on steel or wood felloe w! cels without the use of shinix and at right prices. This ad is addressed TO You If y»»u arc on the farm, we have the Lumber you need to re­ pair your Iwim and sheds. If you are in town, we can supply you with what you need. B't Deliver. <1. W. Copeland Yards Q uai ity : S ervice Second and Calapoois Phone 275 A lbany , O re . COL. W. E. WRIGHT Auctioneer “B ull D urham Guaranteed by 111 Fifth A New YwACiry 11 14 ferry St. Salem. Ore 2' < for All Sales Satmfac tion Guaranteed HOW’S THIS? < iriHHii tinnii ink win ! a what ws claim tor it—rM your sytrtom I ’£ Otarrh ar D«afi>ese caused by CWO m h HSI4.-S CCTCHRH KKntOJIK eon- •i»ts "f >n Otntmrnt whleh Quickly ItrU-v»» t»o catarrhal Inflammation. MUI 'ha latsrnU M-dlr I ns. a Tonic, which thmush the ntoofl on th* Mu.ouo ' «>:rfar»a. thus r-atortnt: normal rondl I lions. S’*4. bT -IruaslM* for over «A Tear* hail -* E. J c'hMoy « Co.. THM s . Ohio