THE SCIO TRIBUNE Wild Rota Make» 100 YEARS SANTA FE1 Dainty Conf action rX'g rose« «acred to Queen Air« an dr a, which ere now furulahlng the most floriona floral feature of tha hedge row» tn England, |->eeees dl Malic merita sadly neglected tn thana days Moot country bvusvwbva know that many dainty preparations can be obtained from the hlpe of the wild rose, but It la lea widely known that a prweervo of ths blossoms Is also employed in village confectionery, as well as among the north Germans. These flowers are «till considered a luiury by the Chinese, and Mir John Darla, describing a feast given to him at Shanghai, mentions a ragout of dog roses dressed whole II« dteap- proved of ths celestial and ambruslal dish, and theretu differs from old John Gerarde, who affirms that wild rosea are greatly to be desired as a culinary vegetable, well as fur their virtues and goodaeag tn taete, a* also for their beautiful color ” t.ondou Poet flee Library a Memorial The Miller aptcultural library at the Wisconsin College of Agriculture contains more than I.lot) books and bulletins relating to bee culture. After the death of l>r (Tiarles C. Miller at Marengo. III.. In 1830. fellow beekeepers sought Some means of per­ petuating bln memory. A memorial library waa Anally decided on. which was endowed by the be«keepers and others. Hees use of ths Interest which the Wisconsin College of Agriculture displayed in beekeeping the Miller library was established there. The library la an International mon­ ument to beekeeping says a bulletin by II. F. Wilson. In charge of the agriculture department of Wisconsin college Resinol ..... ........... w . I ■ a ■ ■■«.. ■ IS ... ............................ Ha» Brain» to Spar» All brains In oft* are said to bo poaaewwd by Mr Harry Kahn«, an American now visiting In London Simultaneously he will read a news paper, write the headline« upside down and backwards on a blackboard, at the same time spelling the words the right way; »¡>e«k continuously to hla audience; answer questions giving the elect population« and Industries of the biggest towns of Great Britain, Canada and the Tailed Ntatrs; write backward and upside down columns of figures which totaled 7.123.1Md.Bi7. a figure previously agreed Upon by the audience. COUNCIL GROVE CELEBRATES CENTENARY OF INWAH TREATY By JOHN th* Coronado eipee Ark an I, beyond Amari Wire/««« Motion Picturta Motion picture« of a windmill In ac­ tion ara said to hare txwn projected, with tha aid of radio, »n a screen Are miles away The Inventor. Mr Tran da Jenkins, predicts that hla appa­ ratila will be sufficiently refined In a year's time to make wireless motion pictures practical for commercial use. Sure Relief tea BUkHW i IWPlûiSTtO* I Wifr 6 B ell ans ' Hot water Sure Relief B ella ns FOR INDIGESTION 25« «nd 75« Pkgs.Sold Everywhere white man peacw- consideration was goods The head treaty were fa­ ri of the Great daily prepared for Infanta