The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, October 01, 1925, Page 5, Image 5

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    Country Correspondence
The Scio Tribuni
Valve Grinding
Sept. 29
Done quickly on a machine
tlxat is scientifically accurate,
and is the only on* of its
kind in Linn county. Try us
next time. Auto parts both
wholesale and retail.
•C. H.Torrance
212 E. First
Phone 37»
For Sale
Very Reasonable
Several Thousand
No. I Potato Sacks
Albany Bargain Haute
Comer 2d & Baker
Albany, Ore.
Phone 411-J
The Highway
Repair Shop a.»./."«.
TclejJionc 442
Cylinder Reboring
General Auto Repairing
A. R. B urt
M. A. K lapotz
Albany, (Oregon
Albany’» Only
Optical Parlor
very bh in^fCpbioal
Bancroft Optical Co.
W m <
ITrM Stnm
Alksar. Owe»»
The better you eat
The lictter you live
Imperial Cafe
Mrs. T. W Cooper entertained
the Wide-Awake class of the River­
view Sunday school Sundav after-
noon with dinner at wx o’clock.
enjoyed a good time al the R F
Darby home Sunday.
Mary Hora was a visitor at the
lien Darby home Monday afternoon.
Maude Darby called on Mr» Ed
Roberta Sunday afterdoon.
Mrs. Andy Shindler called on Mr»
C. J. Peter« Monday morning.
Mabel Long »pent the latter part
of last week with(her sister. Mrs. R.
F. Darby.
Mr. Hora and sons. Joe and Frank,
attended the county fair at Albany
last Wednesday.
Mra. Louis Geialer was a viaitor
at the Ben Darby home last Friday.
Frank Hora. Harold and Earl Dar­
by and Gael Trexler spent Sunday
afternoon with the Belcoe boy».
Charlev Peters made a trip to
Scio laat Wednesday.
Fxl Roberta and wife made a call
on her folk», the Rahna.
Mr. Hora waa a Scio caller Mon­
day morning.
Elsie Limbeck attended church at
Mt. Pleasant Sunday afternoon.
Joe Hora made a business call Bl
Kingston Sunday afternoon.
Will Moor* and children. Kelly
and Eileen, of Salem and Mr. and
Mra. F. I. Jones and son, Harry, of
Stayton were Sundav visitors at the
J. G. Holt home.
Our neighborhood was well repre­
sented at the Walker i Walker hup
yard, near Independence, by the
Crenshaw, Goar. De Wall. Gilkey.
Sommer. Young and M «spelt women
folk and boys.
School started at Riverview Mon­
E. H. Kelly and family and J. H
Kelly and wife started t<> Prineville
Saturday bv auto to visit their old
Mr. and Mrs. T M Holt received
a box of grapes frojp Modesto, Cai.,
Friday, sent by Mr and Mrs. S. II.
Holt, who sre visiting relatives
♦ -•• • •
there. They said thev were sterl­
ing to Yoeemite I’srk Saturday and
News From Lyons.
may go on to Ixw Angeles.
Mra. Ira Robins >n ar 1 - n. Frank,
Sept. 2»
left Tuesday for Medford to pick
Joseph Barry and wife have rent­
the Collier farm near West Slay­
Hazel and Lona Zyaset received
and are moving there this week.
first and second prizes, respectively,
Bass and family are mov­
on sewing at the county fair,
to the Fred Vaughn
Mra. T. M Holt and Mra. Fre i
farm, which Mr. Bass hgs leased for
Sommer were called to Albany last
week by the illness of the infant a term of years.
The l.vona community was well
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. I..
represented at the Ed Siegmund
Whetstone Mrs. Sommer remain« I
several days. Little Mary.Beth ac auction sale on Fern Ridge Satur­
company mg her home for a few day.
i Floyd Martin and family were Sa
lem visitors the last of the week.
It is reported thst A. C. Nanny
Jack Johnston and family spent
has sold his place to the Krosman
Sunday wi ’J i the Fred Von Behm
The high school puntJ» from this' »family at Aumsville.
Mrs Helen Vaughn has rented the
neighborhood who are attending the
Bert Morris house in Lyons and ex­
Jefferson school are Mary LiisGoar.
pects to occupy it SOM.
Marisn Gilkey. Ivo Weinberg. Opal
Albert Baas and family are mov­
Mespelt, Frances Struckmeier; Lu­
ing into the Clarence Bass house.
cille and Lloyd Crenshaw. Welton
Everybody Is on the"mov*. If Il’s
and Warren Goar are attending at
only to change houses.
Crabtree. Ronald. Lucille ami Lwltc
like it before iq Lyons.
Sommer and Lona Zyaset at Scio;
The 0. S Berry family are atill
Rose. Harry and Faina Heine are at­
at the hop yards. Most all the hop
tending at Albany, where the family
pickers have returned home, and
will soon move.
schools are going In the rural dis­
J. F. Sommer, wife and sone vis­
ited st the home of Mrs. J.
Vaughn at Jefferson Sunday.
Winter Approaches
And we are ready to serve you with the kind of
Undergarments the men and children need whose
duty calls them outdoor» a great deal
The lines
embrace the l«»t on the market in Heavy and
Light Woolen llcwigry for men, women and child­
ren, and both Heavy and Light Woolen Under­
wear. and other grades, for the entire family. All
carry a very reasonable price.
Use Bergman’s Shoe Oil
lust the thing to keep out the water
Yours to live and let live.
J. F. Wesely, Grocer
Garden Seeds
Umbrellas & Rubbers
for the Rainy Days
P at M urphy , Proprietor
Alliany, Ore.
Hibler & Gill Company
* The *Scio Meat Market
Having purchased the two meat market« in Scio. I
consolidated them under the almve name, anil will
strive to render efficient service and give courteous
treatment at all times. Will carry a full line of
Fresh and Cured Meats
I will buy your l<ccf cuttie, veal and hog« (alive or dre»*ed) and
1»? f you the top price*. Sec me first.
Herbert Shelton, Mgr. Shop.
BRUCE. Proprietor
Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon
Other— Phone fl
Residence; 2H>
Semi for Ostvopathic Litcratiire
Office first having» Bank Huilding
A lmany , OMStXih
Call and Get Our Price* on
Paints, Vanishes, Wall Tints,
Brushes and Wall Paper
404 E. 2d at.
Albany. Or*.
Third St.
Allxany, Or.
Sept. 29
J. L. Oglesbee is s|x-nding a few
days doing repair work on the fenc­
es on hia farm.
Arthur McLain and wife drove in
to hia father's Saturday evening
from St. Johns, Wash , where they
have spent the summer in the harv
set field.
Arthur McLain is running the
truck this week for T M. Ru
trucking wood to Shelburn.
M C. McLain called on home
folks Mondav.
Catherine Ransom and Lenore
Miller called on-their friend. Opal
Shilling. Saturday aftsmoon.
Mrs. Lee George is still in Port­
land helping to care for their son,
Clinton, who is quite ill.
Dillon McLain commenced drilling
grain Monday.
Frank Sutton of Aumsville called
on A. G. McLain Sunday.
Mr and Mrs. Isaac Bennett have
gone to Comstock. Ore., <m a visit
to relatives and hunt.
Mr. and Mrs. Gray of California
are visiting his meter. Mm. J. J
Ransom, thia week
We have just installed a new
machine for tightening wheel».
long in your car or truck
nd . let us show you how sci-
cntifically this machine works
cither on steel or wood felloe
wheels without the use oT
shim* and at right prices.
Farm Loan.*»
Write for booklet ‘b-scribing C air
twrntv-year amortised rural c re-
■lit farm loan. Insurance coon »»•
ny rates are very low.
No co a i-
miseion or other expense.
Beam Land Co
Albany, Ore.
Io what »• clam for It—rid
"f Catarrh
HAU’S CAT «naw ■:
>l.t, of an IHntnwmt
n. II.
th- catarrhal Infl
th» Internal MnMrfns. a
»• ta thr '¡«h th» Hlood <
flurfa.-«a. thua
F 4d by <tru<*tata for ev»r W Tret
F. 1 chenrv A CB. Tola*» Ohm
Pago 5
Albany Planing Mill
C. W. SEARS. Pro*.
If your child failed to make hit or
her grade, don’t handicap them an­
other year. Have their eyes exam­
ined by some reliable Optometrist
who make« thia line of work hia »ue-
Sash, Door«, Moulding, Glass, General Mill Work, [Witidsliichls,
Kitchen Cuplxiards, Window and Door Screen«,
Hardw-ood Flooring. etc.
Bring Us Your Estimates
Prompt Service
Alltany, Oregon
Phone 140-R
We are Blocked again with
Manufacturing Optician
Come in and bring your cream and produce.
The Dairy City Produce
Snbtc r i p tiow
Cherry City Feeds
The Scio Tribune and
Portland Telegram one
year for $4.75.
ends Oct. 31. See tm.
E rro M umper , Proprietor.
winter is almost here
Perhap« you will need a new llcittr or Range. If so, we will
l»e glad to serve you. Maybe you need a Cream Separator,
Chum, Milk Bucket or Milk Pan.
Then conic to us.
Advertise is Tbs Selo Tribune aud geu
Mt. Pkaaaat Cole News
Subsevihe now-11 75 the
* «•