9 L * * . A ». * / >» ■•’-'ti » ■»/*’» The Scio Tribuné Generai 5ieW< u. A. twin«. t. J. Munì Vice Pr« FEDERAL RESERVE The Scio State Bank HELPS FARMERS President E. D. Myers. Caahier Does h General Banking Business. Interest ¡mid on time deposits. THOM A 8 I , A R< • E. ilrttul City and Earm I’rojwrt.v How Its Aid to England's Re­ turn to a Gold Standard Bene­ fits American Agncidture. By M A. TRAYLOR Vice President A m sr tei ea Bankers Aseoc.stlovi. There han t»«n ne more Importaa« Liat with tnc—No esclusive contrAvt event for the American farmer and stock man since the Armistice than the recent ret am of Great Britain to a gold standard standard. It Real Ertale Rro^er s< «ms a Ion* 1h and Notary Public la new from ths Mom tana farm U> tba ^bitratti OblaintJ. ¿xamined goM 1 vaults of ths IO - - - OREGON of England, lUink but the prie* ths A. G. PRILL farmer r«»(s t«»r his Physician when* and cattle de­ pends m>t a little <«a and M. A. Traylor Surgeon that «old The farmer sells his wheat to the District Surgeon S. P. Railway elevator man and yet the real, buyer, ‘n many dUMFS* la an Fi>«ll-hm«h. a Fr Rist as though an »rllsh buyer STAYTON, - - • oil! «¡ON drove up to your farm bonne. bar- i-slued for yimr wheat and drew up Call» answered hay or Night Tuberculin Testing the com met But when you dteruvand pavm. nt. hr said "Pm sorry I haveuT any good I'nltcd Stales nvonep to pay COL. W. E. WRIGHT you with; I II bare to pay you tn my Jlnyllvh paper money, which Isn't worth ha face value tn «old I don't 1144 Ferry St. Salem, Orc know what It may be worth next for All Sales weak, but that hi your risk " Satisfaction Guarantccil A Deadly Foe of Trade I low many would be wtntnx to sign contracts on this basis? Yet that 1» lb* way moat of the world's trade ha* Any Kind Aay where Any Time had to be carried on since the Arml* tier In practically all countries ex SFK cept the United States the eurrencle» Sturges, have had no flx«ul value tn gold but have changed tn »alno from day to BONDED CAHRIER day Whenever one country eold any thin« to another country. somebody Lowe A. Morrison had to take the rb«k of lows because Reliable Undertakers the value of the money might change All funerals given personal attention before pavmcnt was made Ruch un by Mr. lx>we certainty of payment la a deadly foe N. tX Ixiwa N. I. M omusos of trade and people were afraid tn do lebamm Phone -Day. -R'" any larger International buatneaa than Phone 91 Phon«—Sight, • they had to. Fi r*’r’s of food stuffs from the thilt- rd St.i’ •» fell from two and a half hfthon diitlam tn 1st» to eight hundred This ad 1» million« tn IW3 and the difficulties of addreaacd European btrvers In maktn« sat hi fac­ TV tory payment tor American farm prod­ ucts was one iff the large factors tn the dn>t. hi the prices of harm prod acts lint now the rvai-nt action of Orest I’rltAtn In declaring that It win ar vtn redeem Its paper money In «old mean* that British buyers 4>f A inrrlean products can pay for them with money which I. arc« pled the world over at Its far. vslne tn «old With the return of If you are on the farm, we (ireat Britain to the gold standard, a majority of the countries of Europe have the have paper cum-ncle» equal to «old. How Hrvecv« Banks Helped American banker» have assisted tn th«- British return to the cold «tandard by gtvlur a |t0®,000.000 credit to the British rovemmont Bnt more fmpo^ tant than this was the action id the Federal It«'serve Banks tn granting the you need to re­ Bank of Encland material coopera­ pair your barn tion H»ey placed f?uo ooo.ooo r<>M at and »hca of the Reanrvw town, we can Banka thus to co-operate was an Im­ portant tn fl a- -lc. tn the winingnmm of supply you with the British to take this all Importaat what vou iirnl. atop This action of the Hearrvs Bants was a most constructive step la aid of American farmers and producers who will ben.«flt xrestly by the re­ moval of this rh’m« nt of uncertainty from thdr «sport transact Iona, If all the »tn» of omi’ ion and commission QUALITY : SlHVKt banted axalnls the F«*denil Reserve Hvstem by banker business man. Bve Second an. tically none of them are. th» service rend, -rd commerce and Industry by the FvMetn tn n a «werve him from s detrrmlnstloa to report. Our nook on Patents and ace that the Srst»m la maintained for Trade-marks will be sent to you the future welfare of the country on request. Fundamentally condition» are very sound and we are doing a very lari:«’ Volume of bc.inesa. no little part ------- PATENT LAWYERS — . f wht. h 1» due to th» equalising and MIS Sew Waduneto«*, D. C- »labilialn« effect by the Fed rwr or>< l.-eor e® the credits of • be * of the last 0v» years there have h<-*n no limes of either alrlngen.-y or pie thorn of bank credit Rate« have run along on a rather level k*el and tn my Judgment bare had much to do with the stable volume nt business wbb-h we have eajoywd. a»d which la quite contrary to the old ax perlene* of the aftermath of panics With a credit structure such as only the Federal lUeerve System can raarant> <. I feel we need have so apprehension but on the contrary sound optimism lor lutura Oregon Milk Company Condensery, Scio, Oregon Sell» Hi» Wool Scio, Or. HAULING Fred S< 'io,Orcn Lumber Deliver J. W. Copeland Yards PATENTS D. SWIFT & CO. of a cow in a day, but to one requires from 2^ to 3 years? DR. Auctioneer Dispose Produce jyisY sijeiioi? G. F. Korinek Do you know that you can Putting an Ad This Paper < n- m Endeavor every Sunday evening at <5:30. V. J. Philippi and son. Glenn, re­ 1‘rai er meeting every Thursday turned Sunday night from Southern night at 7:30. Oregon where they had Ik-on look­ ing after some sheep Mr. Philippi had bought. Hey Work While You Sleep! On Monday of this week Mr. Philippi sold his local clip of lambs We are proud <>f our Classified wool t<> a Eugens firm. There wes column, Ix-cauae it te full of hu- man interest—-It brings people to- aliout 5,000 pounds. Bring ua your job Printing. Baptiat Church Notes Is cheaper and will bring greater results than if you had a bov to erv Sunday school al 10 o’clock every your wares. If you have anything Sunday morning. rybody is in­ to sell or want to buy aomcthing.lel vited to attend t be known through the Tribune. . ether as nothing else esn do. If y.i. have anything to sell, or want to buy Home thing, there is noth­ ing quicker nor surer. And the t ik cheap. Yes, we are also proud of our job department and the work we do. See us for any­ thing in the printing.line.