The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, October 01, 1925, Page 2, Image 2

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Watch the date following your
name on this paper. It tells when
your time expire*. If a blue pencil
mark i* under votir name, it mean*
vuur pafier will »top in two week*,
Notice i* hereby given that under and
by virtu* of a decree and order of sale unlnis renewed. Start* when paid
duly made and entered of recon! in the for, »top* at expiration.
above entithu! Court tn the above enti
tied cause on the 27th <lav of August,
1925. authorising and directing th«- un­
dersigned a* n-ferce to make sab- of
the real pr»|ierty hereinafter deecrilw t,
1 will on Saturday, the 10th «lay of Oc­
tober, 1925. at the hour of on«- o*cl»>ck
in the afternoon of said «lay. at the
front door of the County Couit llous«-
of Linn County, Oregon, at Albany,
Oregon, offer for »ale fur cash in hand
to the highest bidik-r *11 of the right,
title aid interest of the platnliffs and
«defendant* above natn«-«i in an<l to th*
following described real |>coperty, to-
Beginning in the renter of a
County road 57.50 chain* North
of the
corner of !»ee-
lion 17, in Township 10, booth
of Range 1 West of the M ill-
amette Meridian. Oregon, run­
ning thence North .<• degree*
East along the center of «aid
road a dlataiH e of fi.&2 chains;
thence bouth l'.H feet; thence
North MS degrees East ¿42 feet;
thence Mouth 8K. 52 chains;
thence West 16.05 chains to the
Western boundary line of said
Section 17; thence North along
the Western boundary line of
said Hection 17 to the place of
beginning. • containing 6 .t. 15
acre*, more or levs, situated in
Linn County, Mate of Oregon.
Haul sale to lie made subject to che
confirmation of the above entitle«! Cir­
cuit Court.
Hated thi* Nth day of September,
T hurha Y Ort 1. 1925
Have our citixrna forgotten why
they waited until it rained?
who dancre cannot consistently teach
a Munday aehixil e!**a. nor ran the
church member who flirt* with bomte
lead a prayer meeting nor preside at
or take part in a moral uplift cam-
paign It to these Billy Sunday tries
to show the light of day. and it is
these who make the work of Billy
Sunday and other ministers so neg
ligible. In thia day the real "sin-
their name* enrolle*! on
tier*" have
some church roster it make* no
real difference so long a* it affords
them their best field to reach their
goal. If there to eternal damnation
for the sinner in a fire of hell, how
will the hypocrite escape it? That
is the individual Billy Sunday to try-
Ing to save, for a hypocrite to the
•? , .*-‘i
i Index Produce Co.
- ^*-
V eal
1 E
? We remit for all shipments on day of
I Top Market Prices Paid
151 Front Street,
Portland, Oregon
| |
Scio Mill & Elevator Co.
Off)«-«- Hours; 9 to 12 a in.. 2 to 5 p.m.
And b| A|>| intment.
<By C. J. McIntosh)
Way* of conterting the raw ma­
teriato of farm, factory and home
into finish««! product* of the most
desirable form, rather than mere
advertisement* of past achievement*,
are *tre**e«i in the stat* fair exhib­
The Pacific International livestock it* thia year, including those of the
Exposition will be held in North stat* college and experiment station.
Portland, beginning Oct. 31 and Among the many showings of the
ending Nov. 7. If possible, it will wealth of Oregon resources aod
their manipulation, those are highly
lie bigger and better than ever.
The weakness of the farm man-1
To exonerate Frank Hora from
agemint system that like a merry-
any criticism of an unsavory nature,
the Scio Tribune take* the blame for go-round to always busy, but get* no
F rank R iiiiakp ,
¡where, to shown in merry-go-round
Refer«-*. I the error in his prune ad when it
810-17-24-01 -a
I printed 50c instead of $1.00 per form with 10 horse* representing the
10 most common weaknesses, such a*
I bushel; the error was not noted by us
Miliislntni Nitict
wrong crop*, lac* of rotation, low
¡until .Mr. Hora called our attention
Notice to hereby given that Neil Hit-
unit production, and poor market­
We hope our readers will not
yeu has been, by the County Court of to it.
A little farm, all laid out with
Linn county. <>rvgt>n, duly appointed condemn him for our error—rather
administratrix of the estate of C. C.
building*, orchard, garden, woodlot,
Bilyeu, «ieceased. All persons having humiliating for both of us.
pasture* and field*, shows the way
i-lainu agaiiMt *aal estate arc hereby
notified to present the *airw to the un
the beet farmers are putting it over.
Stranger* are making inquiries t Handling the crop* to .get the best
dersign«<d, either at Ncio. < iregon, or al
th« office of L fit. Curl, in Allumy, Ore­ about thi* community every week
gon, with proper vouchers therefor,
of production and the least damage
within aix months from the «late her»' now, and some one come* in person
from insect and disease injury to
almost every week, seeking a new
Hated this 26th day of August, 1925.
shown to be tHte easiest way.
location,some want to rent and some
N ki . l B ii . yku ,
A house of health large enough to
to buy. Spme one’s duty should
L. M Cvai.. Atty, for Admrx.
accommodate many visitor* shows in
Date of first publication Sept, 3. 1985. be to show the visitors around and
Date of last publication Oct. I. 1925. help them find a suitable place. He its structure and colors the funda­
mental factors of child health and
who help* other* helps himself most,
vigor. A young lady, seen building
MMitsinltH NBict ol Salt »I
snd it’s high time each of us extend
her beauty from the outside from
Rtal fratti!!
a little help.
Notice to hereby given that the un­
rouge pots, to told by her more pre-
derstated administrator of th* estate
sisters that the real Am­
of Mary J. White, ik-evaaci. will on
"It’s by far the strangest caste I erican beauty products are carrot*
Monday, the 2nd day of November. 1925.
al the hour of ten o'clock a. m. of said ever heard of four men in a loaded
for vim. -beets for rouge, and other
day, at the office of th* Ncio
Ncio, Unn County, Oregon, sell at pri canoe, wiped out without a clue, foods that build beauty from within
vate sate for cash in hand on date of without leaving a scrap of birch
—how "evolution” beats "involu­
sale, all of th* right, title am! interest
of the estat* of the above name«I Mary bark or a piece of their $18.000 car­ tion," at least in building beauty.
J. White, deceased, the same bring an go of fur!" The old man was baf­
Retrieving wealth from waste for­
undivided one-thiqj interest in ami to
Read of exciting adventure in est products is seen in small distilla­
the Southwest quarter of Mention 22. in fled
Township 9 Houth, Range I East of thr the Hudson’s Ray country in a serial
tion plants taking cedar and myrtle
Willamette Mrrhiian, I inn County. Hr
egon, subject to the right of court«my novel soon to begin in the Tribune. oils right out of sawdust and leave*,
of C. C. Whit*, widower of san! dece­ Don’t mi** the opening chapter.
in which these essential oil* are
dent, and that sealed bats will be re­
ceived by th* undersigned, for the abut c If not a reader, start now.
abundant. A plant is now actually
_ d**cribrd reai property, at said otfl«e
............. 111
at work at Marshfield converting
up to ten o'clock a. m. of sab! day.
That thi* sale is made under am! by
Visitors to the state fair should the waste sawdust into valuable cé­
virtue of an onler of the County Court
of the State of Oregon for the County i not fail to visit the O A C and U of dât oils, and showing that the in­
of Marion, duly made and entemi of t) booths this year'. You will find dustry may be made to pay good
record in the estate of the above namr«i
there exhibit* >f many way* in con- profits.
decedent on the 2l*t day of September,
I verting much material that goes to
Th* puaslbilili** of the beat al fai-
R onald C. G uivkm .
waste into usefulness and cash. Th* fa rightly used, the moat profitable
Administrator of the Estate of
women will find that it is better to grain* and handling system*, and
Mary J. Whit«-, decease«!
Oct. 1-8-15 22 29
use the real American beauty pro­ going ways with dairy and other
ducts. such a* carrots for vim. beets livestock, are other feature*
for muge, an<! other foods that
build the beauty from within how
Hot Shot Batteries and Ford Bat­
"evolution” beat* "involutioa." at teries. la wood or rubber case, at
least in building beauty.
Bilyeu’s Garage
S ¿
The Scio Tribune
These are real autumn days, and
the farmer is making the dirt fly in worst of ail.
hi* field. Seeding will soon tie over
and the winter will hold no terror
Beet* For Rouge
for our fanners.
The ln-*t of the agricultural dis­
play at the Linn county fair to on
display at the state fair. It should
be a winner, for that was a great
display at Albany.
Joe Batate, Joseph me
Hindi. Anton Holub and
Emma Holub, hi* wife,
and Mamie Herman and
Frank Herman, her hus­ I
Plaintiffs. I
Agrur* lK)t*on snd Eli
Benjamin Itotaon, her
husband, Frank llotub
and Emil Holub.
Nolic« to hereby given that the under-
signed Administrator of the estate of
1^-ona V. Goin, deceased, late of l.tnn
county. Oregon, has filed hi* final ac-
couiil IO said estate matter with tiw
Clerk of the Counts Court of I .inn coun­
ty, Or egot i. and said Court has nsed Fri­
day, the 23d day of October. 1925, at the
hour of eleven o'clock in the morning
of said day. in th* county court room
of the eounty court house in the city of '
Albany. Linn county, Oregon, a* tlw
time and place for hearing of objection*
to said final account, if any. and the
final settlement of said estate.
hate«! and first published this 17th
day of Heptetabsr, 1924.
NTStRUNO H G oin ,
Administrator of I lie estate of
lo-oiia F. Gom. deceased.
A K M c M ahan ,
Attorney for Administrator.
S17 24-ot-te 16
' *3 **
: •••*
k* ♦- **#■ *
• ***•/»*
A Salem man. after attending the
Billy Sunday meeting in Portland
last Friday night,.*aid "it was the
best ssrmon he ever heard and seen."
Quite right. Mr. Sunday know*how
to pul over hi* message, both in ac­
Our phone number to 42-5; call us.
tion and word*. If hi* hearers had
A ssisi ani torma*
ear* for the sublime a* he preaches
Mrw Frawl
the gospel, and nut a tongue to rid­
taMsl» I. Ärtas
icule the preacher, there would lie
more good noticed in thr world to­
day than of evil. If th*re is a place
for mankind to show his charity to
mankind, it surely is after he h»>
placed hl* name on a church roll.
One hypocrite in a church does more
barm I than a hundred saint* can do
good, A church member that playa
cards ha* no influence upon the
young and the gamblers know they
are their equal; the church member
Page 2
Order Your Envel
opes Now—$5.00
per Thousand
J Office 880
non«», j
;W;J (
Dr. Geo. J. Kenagy
40l 2 First N*t>. n»l Hank Building
A i . hany , O regon
------- —----------------------------------------- ----- ---------------------------------------
All kinds of Iron and Brx»« Castings
Fruit and Hop Furnace*
Rc|>air Work and Blacksmithing
Albany Iron Works
Engines, Mill and Mining Machinery
Uve Roll*. Heat! Block*. Log Turners, I og Hauls,
table Conveyors and Rope F««-d Work.
Phone 61
Albany, Oregon
rM-stractcrs of city an«l country jiruperty in l.iim county. Work
«juickl.v complctril. Our i-ertiiicatcs guarantee safety. Price*
conf«>rm to the established raid throughout the country.
L eila M itchell .
L. M. C url . Preaident
Attorney and «Manager
Tell the Advertiser you saw his ad in
The Scio 7 ribune; he’ll appreciate it.
If one of the Tribune udverttseri* "sting’’ you, u«!l us; if he
treat* you right, lellliiin.