The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, September 24, 1925, Page 5, Image 5

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    The Scio Tribune
Cou try Corrwpondence
Valve Grinding
Phone .179
People of Scio!
We handle New ami
Second Hand Furni­
ture, so get our prices
l>efore you buy or
sell elsewhere. Best
I trices paid for all
liml* of funk.
Albany Bargain Hause
Comer 2d & Baker
Allxsny. Orc.
Phone 411-J
The Highway s.con*
Repair Shop Bab«/su
Telephone 442
Cylinder Reboring
General Auto Repairing
A. R.
B urt
M. A.
K i . apotz
Albany, Oregon
Albany's Only
* • • 4» •
Phillips to Scio Tuesday.
Frank Hilgar is helping the Jung-
wirth boys saw stove wood, but says
“it's uphill business" when the aaw
Andrew Saliel drives twice a week
(Tuesdays and Fridays) to his black
smith shop here, ami fr»m appear­
ance is kept busv.
Mr. Limbeck of Stay ton was buy-
I ing sheep in our neighborhood one
day recently.
Mr. Siglinsky. wh<. has been quite
ill with stomach trouble, is able to
be up again. Quite a few. however,
have been similarly afflicted, but all
J. N. Bilyeu began his tth term
Munday as teacher at District til,
and from indications it will be larger
than last year.
E. J. Pepperling and wife of I ji -
cutnb called on relatives and friends
here Saturday.
Mr». Pepperling,
who has been in the hospital most
all summer, is not much improved
and will likely return then- soon.
F. N. Jungwirth, one of the busy
ones of Jordan, is getting hi* win­
ter’s wood up and fall plowing done
just in the nick of time. Frank
says the early labor buys the easy
chair for old age.
—Oregon Mist.
Optical Parlor
Sept. 22
11 very bit in£, C/^b ic 1
Bancroft Optical Co.
IIS Ural linrt Mtrwwl
Albany Or*«uft
The Iwtter you cat
The I «etter you live
Imperial Cafe
P at M urphy ,
Albany, Ore.
404 E. 2d st.
Albany, Orc.
' Welders
We have just installed a new'
machine for tightening wheels.
Bring *n Jour car or truck
and let us show you how sci­
entifically this machine works
either on steel or wood felloe
wheels without the use of
shims and at right prices.
Child ren’s Hosiery
• • ♦ * +
Ollie Bender was a visitor to our
burg Saturday.
Albert Pepperling ia working for
hie uncle. E. J. Pepperling, at La­
comb thia week.
Mrs. R.V. Combs transacted bust
ness in our vicinity Saturday.
J. H. Wortman accompanied Erie
C. H,Torrance
SepL 22
Done quickly on a machine
that is scientifically accurate,
ami ia the only one of its
kind in Linn county. Try us
next time. Auto parta both
wholesale ami retail.
212 E. First
Page 5
W H. Mcluiin made a business
trip to Albany Friday.
Shelburn school opened Monday
with a good attendance for the first
M. C. McLain and family of Port­
land spent Sunday night with T. M.
Russell and family.
Wyman Bros, were in Albany on
business Monday.
T. M. Russell and family spent
Sundav with her parents. Mr. and
Mrs. W. H. Mctain, it being Mrs.
’Mellin's 61st birthday.
She re­
ceived many useful presents.
Ijester Kuiken, who had hie ade­
noids removed a week ago, is im­
proving nicely. On top <>f th«- ope­
ration he took the chick ••nix«x. which
has made his recovery slower.
H. 0. Shilling was shopping in
Shelburn Tuesday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair and s<>n of
near Chehallis. Wash., and Mr. and
Mrs. James Hay, and their son-in-
law and family of Silverton, visited
H. O. Shilling and family Inst Fri­
day. Mrs. Hay and Mrs. Sinclair
were sisters of Mr. Shilling's wife.
Wc have some broken lines in Child ren’s Hosiery that
wc will dose out at the extremely low price of
IM<1 you ever stop to fi»«ir* out tho
exact mvonlns of "Evaporated kt Ilk" 1
Th« wurd "evaporated" may give you
th« Idea that Ui the process of ex apo
ration the milk kaa halt aoo>A <»f Ita
valuable ijualtttea. It baaa't. It has
loot only water. Sixty per cent of th«
water Is evaporated from the milk
after it co«n«a freak from the row
Th« first step tn processing the iuUk
Is th* evaporation, when a portion of
the water content la removed.
aecund stop Is the homogenisation,
which insures the cream being dla
trlbutod evenly throughout the milk
The third Is the canning The fourth
la atertllaatlon. which take» place la
the can wh«n the milk la subjected to
sufficient heat to destroy tho bacteria
Thus eva|a>rated milk remains as pure
and fresh in the container as when It
trained Into the pail tn ths fanner's
Evaporated milk la now generally
recognised as the frvvhevl milk avail­
able to those not living on farms an«l
producing their own milk. Fur fresh
n.-o in milk nwana purity.
Transportation of milk from the
dairy country to the city la well »»sto­
mal lied and rapid and yet owing to
the Immenae quantities of milk that
must be rushed in dally, much of It
must be obtained at considerable dis
lances and a large per cent la necew
■tartly aurne days old when It ia de
llvered by the milkman.
Evaporated milk, on the other hand
la Inst night's nd thia morning's milk
From the dairy barn, always under
rigid lns(>«cllon, it la hurried by farm
era to factories located In the heart of
the dairy country and delivered whet
It Is fresh. Evaporated milk la cnansd
Just at Ita "fresio-st moment.'* when
It la In Its finest state
tt Is never
allowed to get old. The whole pruc-
•■»» from eve to can requires only a
few hours. It may bo Interesting to
know that the process of stertllxlng
takes place after the milk ban been
sen lol In Ita container«. One» tn Its
aterlllied containers, there Is no pus
slblUty of deterioration.*
The stertlUlng of evaporated milk
insures Ita purity—-tt makes a aafe
milk for the children.
milk la boiled milk, and thia makes II
more digestible.
It may t>o used for any milk need
with safety and economy.
Fur ordinary cream needs, use It
)uat as it come» fnan the can When
a rich milk is •leslml. add an equal
pnrt of waier
For cooking and tank­
ing. Iwo parts water and on» part milk
• U1 usually suffice.
15c a pair
Friday, Saturday and Monday
To make room for new stock now arriving
School Supplies Strictly C ash
Yours to live and let live.
J. F. W esely, Grocer
Garden Seeds
Children’s Sweaters
for School
Hibler, & Gill Company
The kScio Meat Market
Having purchased the two incat market» in Scio. I
consolidated them under the above name, and will
strive to render eilicicnt service ami give courteous
treatment <tt all time». W ill caryj a lull line of
Fresh and Cured Meats
I will l>uy your l»ecf cattle, veal and lio> (alive or dressed) ami
pay you the top prices. See me lirat.
Herbert Shelton. Mgr. Shop.
C. J. BRIX F. Proprietor
Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon
Send fur Osteopathic iJtrraturi*
Oflirv lost -.ivi>'./» Hunk Building
Office—Phone 6
Ai.HANT, <>HK<. on
Many Namtt Beatoivad
on Spact a» of Duck
A study of the lucni names of Amer­
ican blr«la leads ->ne to tiellwvs that
our citltens delight to Invent natuen
for the »{iscles tn which they take In
In almoet any region naiiww
for certain birds can be found that
are not use-1 elsewhere, lienee It la
possible to cullerl rather long Het a at
names for birds that attract popular
Fur instance, W local
names are known for a single spe«1en
of wUd duck, th« ruddy, tn ibis <•»■«.
as tn others, »»me of the names have
a touch of humor or local color that
ren<l«r» their study a pl«s»ure
The ruddy dock, for Instance, gets
eu> h appellations as booby, dumb bird
and sleepy l>ea«i. because It is slow to
take alarm, and others like hard head,
leather brewhe» and allot pouch. Im-
cause au often tt safely etnergss from
a |>erfect xuln <>t «hot. It baa various
snrnng the
mildest of which are dinky, blather-
aklte and fuol duck, aaya Forest and
Kt ream.
You’d l■cttcr hurry
Call and (let Our Prices on
Paints, Vanishes, Wall lints,
Brushes and Wall Paper
Third st
Albany, Or.
Albany Planing Mill
C. W
SEARS. Prog.
Sash, Doors, Moulding, GUk*.
neral Mill Work, Windshields,
Kitclien Cupl«»anls, Window ami Door Sneens,
IlardwtMtd Flooring, etc.
Bring Us Your Estimates
Prompt Service
A It »any, < begun
Phone 140- R
We arc stocked again with
Mt. Pleaiant Cole New»
Farm Loans
Write for booklet describing our
tw»ntv-year amortised rural cre­
dit farm loan. Insurance compa­
ny rates are v«ry low.
No com­
mission or Other rxpens*.
Beam Land Ca~
A llutny, Orc.
Catarrhal Deafness
la often -«used by an infiasved «vadltfcw
of the mucous lining of the KksU'hm
Tube. When this tube la InAnined yew
tiav» a rumbling sound or Import».»
Hoarinc. t'nl«e th» Indamnaatlon <an
I» reduced, vdur hsariag nmy be de­
stroyed f<.r»v»r
II *1.1.*» CATAMN ■■n—IWE Will
do what ws claim for It—rid year system
nf Catarrh or Iwafnaas aaassd by ,
_ ___ _ _
Sold bv all druggtsts for sear •> Tears |
F. J t-heney A Co„ TnleCK Ohio.
Advertise ia The Scio Tnil—i and get
Subsetib« now—SI IS the year
The Tribune, 11.75 the year.
Cherry City Feeds
Sept. 22
, Mr. anti Mrs. Louie Ray arc the
proud parents of a 9-pound girl,
born Monday afternoon. She has
been named Vanita May.
Charley Peters and family and
Harley Darby spent Sunday with
Floyd Shepherd's at Mill City.
Harold Darbv ia now employed at
the Rawleigh Harold home.
Several of Otto UmlM*ck*s neigh­
bors are hauling h|T winter'supply
Come in ami l-ring your cream and produce.
The Dairy City Produce
F red M umper ,
winter is almost here
Perhaps y ox» will nerd a v>< ■« ll< ¡hr -r R.c
of wood.
Louis Geisler and family spent
one dav last week with home folks.
Chris. Silbernagri. of Jordan.
Is ehetper and will bring greater
Dave Aeg«rter, Jr., and Frank
Hora spent Sunday at Bell's hop results than if you had a bov to erv
your wares. If you have anything
yard, south of Salem.
to sell or want to buy something,let
.......... . . ..... . ■ '< " '■
it be known through the Tribune.
Bring us your job Pointing
Putting an Ad in
This Paper
I m *
glad to serve you. Maybe you nerd a (. ream Separator,
Churn, Mol. Bu< kel or Milk Pan.
Tlven come to us.