I Â ■ The Scio Tribune Local News and Classified Prof. O. V. White and family of Stayl<>n were in Sen. on business Saturday Mr. White is thinking thinking of making a bid for high school students front this community J. F. Wesely I* in Scappoose thi* for the Slay ton high school by furn­ ishing transportation to them if Scio week on busin*«*. doesn't care to do it. That was a good rain Saturday Gov, Pierce has been invited and and quite general. ha* accepted an appointment a* a Th* Piatt sale was well attended committeeman from Oregon foi the and price* realized were fair. Sesquicentcnial Celebration to be Bilyeu'* Garage for Batteries and held in Philadelphia next year to Running Board Bat wry Box**. commemorate the |50 birthday of T. M. Russell and Harvey McLain America as a nation. The celebra­ tion begin* June I and end* Dec. 1. . were in from Shelburn yesterday. 1926. Rev. Summerlin is her* on a visit I Prof, H. L. W alenpaugti and fam­ to his daughter, Mr*. Paul lardon. i ily relnrned Sunday from a two- Fred Bilyeu and family visited hi* month visit with his parents at On­ sister. Mrs. Unger, in Lebanon Sun­ tario, Calif., and in touring Utah. day afternoon. Nevada. Arizona. New Mexico. He Mra Glenn Holland of Washougal. says they enjoyed the vacation and Wash., visited relative* in and near all are feeling fine. II* is now get­ Scio the last week. ting ready for the opening of school, Attorney Paul M Long and fami­ which will be about Sept 21. Specials Nesco Pure Greystone Enameled Ware Preserving Kettles, Covered Kettle». Di»h Pan*. Water Pail*. Coffee Pot*. Mixing Bowrls. Bake Pan*. Your Choice Another Big Special $4 00 Household Scale», 20 Ila. by ounce*, enameled in grey, white or blue, with scoop; made by Lander*. Frury & Clark, Your Choice $2.98 While they last Savage Electric Washers, no better l.an* •*! Universal Ranges beat made ett one dav recently. Owing to the busy time of the farmer*, a good many have laid off road work, but will likely resume occupation* soon. The Wrrch and launb famtliea de­ parted Friday by auto for eastern Oregon, having rented out their farm* for th* coming year, we un­ derstand. —Oregon Mist. ---------- - --- -- You'll Find Your Want Here For Sale Mrs. G Blue and Yellow Plums. M Smith, Gilkey Station. 4p For Sale ■ Rye - el. "i cents per pound. See F. T. Thayer. Scio, 3-p Oregon. Farm I -sn* M ney at with n>>minnl commt^don; prepayment privilelge* after first year. Wm. Bain. Albany Dre. 52-c Cash paid for false teeth, dental gold, platinum and discarded jew­ ly of Portland visited last week at elry. Hoke Smelting & Refining Gerald Hassler of Toledo visited the E. J. Holland home. The tneo his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Henry I C> . Otwgo, Michigan. 25-tf are cousin*. Hassler, the first of the week, Hisj N<)TICE In order to have the eh» >i>pit:g knives ground, we will hand ha* so far recovered that be. n>-l be able to do anv chopping expects to soon resume his work at from noon today until Tuesday. the mill there. The thumb cn the! Scio Mill A Elevator Co. injured hand became so infectwi that it was lanced Tuesday, accord-1 Notice We pay the market price Mra. N. E Gill returned Sunday for Evergreen Blackberries and ing to word from him to hia parents. Bartlett Pear*, and want all you from Wheeler, where she had been Mrs. Hassler and bain- was here have. Station in old produce visiting her daughtei. Mra. Francis with him. building, back of meat market tn Arnold, and family. Scio, W. E. Burton. cltf Rev. W. A. (Billy) Sunday will Ralph Gill and wife and Mr. and hold an evangelistic campaign at the For Rent 22j acre* with house and Mrs. Waite of Vancouver. Wish., barn, near the city limits east of Sunday tabernacle near .Multnomah' and l>r J G. Gill and family an* (prepay privileges)at® /O ■Matings. Jack Griffin has returned to hia horn* in Paradise. Mont., after a month** visit with hia mother. Mrs. 8. W. Gainea. Complete Dispersal Sale of the R. R. Preever Herd Head of High-Producing Registered I /V 30 HOLSTEINS 30 Henrv Stepanek was up from hi* ; homestead near McKinley, in south- i ern Oregon. Ia*t week visiting rela- ' tive*. He it looking fine and *av* Rale to be held st the It, R. Preex-r farm near Scio, Or*.. about half a mile south of Albany Highway, on R M. Cain and family and Fran re* and Evangeline Wesely went to Newport Saturday morning to spend the week-end. Mina Agne* Wesely kept store during their abeei.ee. Labor Oay, Monday, Sept. 7,1925, al 10.30 a.m. Lunch will be nerved by th«- Crabtree Lsili.-c A>1. C«>mr for the day and make it a picnic. gg^t-or term on purchase »«c the clerk at the I .ch- anon National Bans. I. Yes, we hsye 'em, also Philco Rubber Cass Batten» You will want to install a lighting system on the Ford now to complv with the law. Ford lerw* and reflectors p.i»* the state test wlien properly adjusted. They not I«-*. Batteries, batterv boxes, lenses and reflectors, also head lamp*. I_«-t u* figure with you on your lottery and lamp equipment. Genuine Ford Part* and Honest Ford Service Bilyeu’s Garage and Service Station Service With a Smile Fred T. Bilveu, Prop. Scio, Oregon Phone 27 SPECIAL For Friday and Saturday Several piece* of GINGHAM priced from 11c to 21» per yard. I am now ready to receive Berries at the station <>r patch, way* want Cream. Egg* and Poultry. J. I.. Joni Scio Independent Cash Produce Co. i Otis Compton is over from Silver- ton visiting hi* mother. Mrs. Jane Compton. He had the misfortune to break a wheel off his car when a lady driver force«) him Into a ditch, he saya PRi I VER, Scio. Or*. Owner. Ford Storage Batteries i ' homesteading is the life. Your Opportunity to secure some good ones at Your Own Price Il See S. T. ZvsaiT. rt. 4, Scio, Ore Baptist Church Note* Sunday school at 10 o'clock eAery Sunday morning. Everybody i* in­ vited to attend. Christian Endeavor every Sunday Chas. Soukup and family of Ed­ evening at 7:00. monds. Wash., ar* visiting Mr*. Prayer meeting every Thursday | Soukup's mother. Mr* Anna Stidha. night at 8:00. and h*r sister and brother. Mr*. J. F. Wesely and J. S. Stieha. M*r The cattle in this herd arc all exceptionally good producer*. Some of the young one* are g>'<>d enough for any man's «how herd. There i* not an animal in the entire herd that will not make a profit for it* owner. COL. GEO. A GUE, Auctioneer. Hr.KHKKT F. WHtTt, Ht7 w. Park street. I*ortlsnd, Ore.. Rate» Manager, « D. C. Thom* and wif* came out from Portland, where he is employ­ ed. Saturday night to look after the I ripening fruit on their place. Mr. ■ Thoma likes his work, but Scio i* " i «till their home. :: JORDAN ITEMS i i ■ August 25 Mi*« Josephine Render was a Jor- j dan Shopper Monday. [><>c Jungwirth returned Saturday 1 from Newfierg. bringing with him some fine boxes of peach*«. Mrs. Zelinski assisted Mrs Comb* to cook for thresher* the first of ■ the week. Mrs Haman Shelton of Crabtree visited a few days with her son,John, remaining to assist with the thresh- ing also. Little George Zelinski. who broke hi* arm recently, is improving and will soon be out again. Misses Ryan and Schult* of Mt Pleasant called on Miss Mallei Priv-1 So far from a local standpoint, we are informed that T. B Prospal has th* record for wheat production. From two acres he averaged a little Rance al Cheap M Rime better than 39 bushels per acre. Is None* la Haas eV G iven That on the 15th day of August. A. I). 1925, the there anyone who can beat it? C. M Donovan and family have decided to cast their lot among u* for the winter at least ami have rented the Sam Stoller place on Main street. We are glad they like ' our company and are to remain with us. Mra. and Mrs. J. L. Davenport and Sid Stringer returned Thursday night from a short visit with Mr. Davenport's two sister* at Granta Paas. They made the trip down on Monday preceding and back in th* one day. C. C. Bilyeu and family of Kel*o. Wash., spent Friday night in Scio visiting hia brother, Ira. and other relative*. On Saturday they went Belknap Springs, where Mr. Bilyeu will recuperate from a recent opera­ tion for appendicitis County Court of Linn County. Oregon, made and entered an order and decrce changing the name of Twmdy Anthony Morgan from said name to Thoma* An­ thony Morgan and that hereafter the «aid Tweedy Anthony Morgan i* to be known by the name of Ihoma* Anthony Morgan. listed and first published thi* 27th day of August. 1925. It. M. County Clerk of Linn County, Oregon, and ex Officio Clerk of the County Court of Unn County, Oregon. I ■ Ml 1 C4UIS SUPREME I* MOMENT’ STARRING Houli Colmai mi Blanche Swift A glowing romance— set in »pk-ndor an«*•, - i» r-1. . é. Tks ÙNH /ERSinr ol OREGON nmUtíf» O h - CoBq:«■ d Ltctaturr Scimi* »«d tsd- s.-iir Si ltd r n»l »am—-Ln w—> Mra’tnrr- CTvfiCX i- *?■<» A>r « ratal UiT.i-F /W* vfl’ÂJ’il. CA ii */ k Year Ogra» S-yemte« 24.142 5 >