« The Scio Tribune Country Correspondence Page 3 t Valve Grinding I kmc quickly on a machine that is scientifically accurate, ami is the only one of its kind in Linn county. Try us next time. Auto parts both wholesale and retail. C. H.Torrance 212 E. First Phone 379 ALBANY. OREGON GILKEY STATION « « Dollar ♦ • • • ♦0 August 25 j Orville Glikcy, Mrs. W. A Gllkev ■ • I r Mart in > I Mr» People of Scio! We handle New and Second Hand Furni turc, so get our prices liefore you buy or sell elsewhere. Best prices paid for all kinds ot Junk. Albany Bargain Haust Corner 2d & Baker Phone 411-J Albany, Or«. The Highway 8*e®"J Repair Shop b .».-”. Telephone 442 Cylinder Reboring General Auto Repairing A. R B urt M. A. K lapotz Albany, Oregon Albany’s Only > Exclusive Optical Parlor Optical ybh 27 uer Bancroft Optical Co. Il< West Flnt Btraa* Alton EAT TO LIVE The Ixtter you eat 'The bet ter you live Imperial Cafe P at M urphy , Proprietor Albany, Ore. SNYDER 4. 404 E. 2d at. SON Albany, Ore. Welders We have just installed a new machine for tightening wheels. Bring itine in your car or truck us _ show you how sci- BL nd — let ____ cntitically U»»» machine works either on steel or wood felloe wheels without the use of shims and at right prices. Farm Loans Write for booklet .teoeribing our twentv-year amortised rural era dit far tn loan. Insurance romp* ny rate« are vary low. No rom riiisoion or other rxpena*. on which wc are placing attractive price* Special Prices on Glassware By mistake the wholesale house sent us a double shipment oP the aliove and we arc giving you the Ixncfit of a very suliataii- tial reduction made to us Ixcause of the error. Sec them today Many Beautiful Patterns I I I I I Beam Lan dCo Albany, Ore. 70xM0 »n. all wool plaid blankets, now ...SI0.9S 6hxN0 in. H5*4 wool plaid blankets, now ___ JH 50 bt»xW in. nap bed rolxs, nw................................ $4.50 KAIX'S CATABBN UKtilCIMW has b-’» usm I MK.MStulli ia tbs traaunsnt ol Catarrh HIM.** CATSRRH NKDK-IMK re­ sists ot aa Olntmrat which Quickly Hcllcves by local a PhII catton. and ths IntamaI Madlelns. a Tonic, which act» thro'ish ths Rloo* on th* Mueoas Bur- taoaa. thus rol'idM tha in#ammaiton. Bold by all drusrtata. F. J Chaney A Co.. Toledo. Ohio Dinner Sets August Zi«7 Tit Mwtof Jl II Wl Rtft’ar Met FOR OVER 4« YEARS lust received new shipment of S b Z <»» t made a trip t<> Portland and lay. bringing home lira. <>ii Hie Gilkey and baby Ferris, who had st>ent the week down there vis­ ing relatives Herman Sommer and daughters. Marie and Marjorie, arrived here from Talent Monday evening to visit his brothers and sisters. Herman Saturday, OQfh was born and raised in this commun­ itv. but has lived in southern Ore­ gon for about 20 years Sunday dinner guests at the J. K. There will be a regular Kelly home were Mr. and Mrs F W. downpour of Baryain Mespelt and daughter Dual. Mr and Come with your S,<$ and Mrs Joe Kitchen of Albany. Mr. and catch an umbrella full Mrs. Ernest Kelly and children, and Read every word in this Mr an<1 Mrs. R u « m -II Kelly and ad—don't miss one—it's daughter. profitable to you. Harry Jones of Stayton spent *ev- I rral days last week with his grand­ Stamped scarf« ami parents, Mr. and Mrs J. G. Holt. buffet sets ....... Three Mrs. J. F. Sommer and son Ron­ 44 in. »tamped lunch vet cloth and four naps Set ald and Mrs. T. M Holt spent Mon­ 42 in. stamped pillow day in Albany. alifw Pair Mrs E L. Whetstone and children 36 in. stamped linen of Albany came out Tuesday even­ crash table tops......... Each ing to /pend a few days at the home 24 in. stamped glass towels.................. ........ of her parents, Mr. and Mr«. T. M Sii 36 in. stamped linen Holt. dresser scarfs Two r M. Holt went to Portland Mon­ Stamped linene dresses Each day and returned Tuesday with a Stamped and made un­ coupe body on hi» Ford touring car bleached muslin dresses and rompers, 2 & 4 yrs Each The laulies Thimble club met last Stamped ami made white Thursday with Mrs. R, H. Struck- poplin drcssc .Zo I yrs Each meier. The afternoon was pleasant­ Each Stamped crejx- gowns ly spent In sewing some quilt lops 4N in. lap blue &' white The hostess also had some contests. breakfast cloth with four napkins ...... Mr». Pearl Freitag ¡.nd Mr». Effie Set 54 in. lap blue white Sommer winning prize«. Cake and breakfast cloths........ Each ice cream were servrd as refresh­ Women's union suits, ments. summer weight.......... Tkree Mr. and Mrs R. H McDonald, S. Women's union suit«, ill styles, winter weight Each k F. Zy«»et. Franklin Gilkey. Mr*. W. Women’s separate gar­ A. Gilkey and daughter Marian.Mine ments. winter weight Set Emmeline Carson and Percy Cha- Vivette silk & rayon ves' p»'lle went to Pacific City Wednes­ nile,orchid,twach.llesh Each day on a pleasure and fishing trip, Each Dove nainsook stepins Dove crepe or lingerie also visitinir other Tillamook beach­ bloomers . ..................... Pair es S. F. Zyssrt caught a devil fish Dove crepe or nainsook measuring 9 feet long. gowns ............................ Each tine of R. R. Preever’s Holstein t»5c fi H' h brassieres Two cows gave birth to a heifer calf Dainty lingerie fabrics weighing 140 pounds one day last ........ ...................... Three yd» 30 in. Jap crepe Five yd» week. 36 in. trojan percale Will Moore and son Kelly ot Sa- (64 count).. Five yd» lem visited at the J. G. Holt and J. 36 in. quern percale iKN H. Kelly homes Sunday. count). ... Four yd* Mr. and Mrs. C A. Beau hamp of 30 in. serpentine crepe Three yd 36 in. white outing flan­ Stay ton visited at the S. F. Zyswt nel .............. Four yd* home Friday. - 27 in. white outing flan­ Mr. and Mra. F. I Jone» and son. nel .................. Sis V'1» Harry, of Stayton were Sunday 36 in. Comfort challie» Five Is 36 in. bungalo ere times S ;ds * guests at the home of Mrs. Jones* 32 in. tissne it Frcn. li parent*. .Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Holt. ginghams Three yd* All pickle grower* were pleated 32 in. tine dress ging­ * with the rain Saturday and Sunday, hams ........... 4 yd* < as the yield had been disappointing Stevens ”P’ crash (all on account of the dry weather, linen I.............. ... -Syds 39 in. genuine voile- a- Otto Ylinker and »on*. Otto and Suisse dot voi s Three Yd* Carl, who are working at camp 17. 3t> in. everfast Imen O m Yd Mill City, spent Sunday at home. 36 in. everfas' trip* Herman Zeller visited relatives at One Yd broadcloth....... . Silverton Saturday, returning home One Yd 34 in kimono silk« 54 in. grey khaki (part Sunday. wool) flsnocl One Yd Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Freitag re­ Heather hoar Three Pair turned Tuesday from an extended 11.25 hose (good assort­ visit in Missouri. Kansas and Okla­ ment ... One Pair 35c handkerchiefs Four * homa. A sister of Mr. Freitag ac­ Handmade willow bar- companied them home. kets ..... ..... . Each Mr. and Mr*. 1. N. Lemon of Cor­ Koveralls. Playsuits ¿t are visiting at the home of vallis Jane Dandys ............ Pair Lemon ’s sister, Mrs. S. B Mr*. 30x40 in. double blankets Pair Holt. 36’50 in. Naahua ” Eack Banks Store. ATTENTION £&Watch Cards in Our Window Banks’ Albany, Oregon Leonard Jordan and family drove to the Crown Mines Sunday. The prospectors had not yet struck the long-looked-for vein, but had been bothered by considerable water, which ia said to always occur when near a “«trike.” It pays to advertise, says Georg* Patmv, Before hie ad appeared, in which be wanted to sell some pigs and goats, they had been sold. In* tuition or telepathy—but they were sold, and it pays to advertise, be jawys. J. F. W esely, Grocer Chinaware l'umishiogs Garden Seeds Notion* Work Shirts Men’s $ 1.00 Work Shirts for 89c This Week. Scio, Oregon Hibi er & Gill Company _________ The ó»cio Meat Market Having purchased the tw meat market* in Scio, ! consolidated them under the above name, ami will strive to rentier efficient sets ic* and give courteous treatment at all times. Will carry a full line of Fresh and Cured Meats 1 will buy your beef cattle, veal ami hog* (alive or dressed) and pay you the top prices. See inc lir*t. Herbert Shelton, Mgr. Shop. DR C. |. BRUCE. Proprietor A. P. HOWELLS Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon Office—Rhone S Residence: 210 Send for O»lc«>i»athic Literature Office hirst having» Bank Building Al.HANY, OkkooN Paints, Vanishes, Wall Tints, Brushes and Wall Paper f • L. C. DANNALS Third St. Aii»„,.or. Albany Planing Mill C. W. SCARS, Prop Sash, Doors. Moulding, Glass, (General Mill Work. Windshields, Kitchen Cupboards, Window ami Door Screens, Hardwood Flooring, etc. Briny Us Your Estimates Prompt Service Phone 140-R Albany. Oregon -------- ---------------- We are stocked Again with Cherry City Feeds Come in ami bring your cream am! produce. The Dairy City Produce F red M umper , Proprietor, Special Prices on Plows, Drills and Harrows, to prevail only on stock now on hand N. I. MORRISON «Cto. OREGON