Editorials Page 2 The Scio Tribune ■—1 • THE SCIO TRIBUNE trinity to try it out aa warden or| I INDEX Manager Gilkey of the county * fair announces that be has been as sured that a young couple will pre- e srnt themselves for the public wed- a. ding one day during the fair. Takes quite a bit of nerve, but young peo- i ¥ pie are nervy these day a -BUYS- I >. Hogs Eggs I * ¡a2 We remit for all shipments on day of arrival. Rir.gling Brothers Big Show at Salem Aug. 29 Top Market Prices W atch the date following your At last the five-ring circus! name on U>is pa|>er. It tells when i your time expires. If a blue pencil For years reporters have used this "" mark is under vour name, it means 1 figure of speech to cescribe the big- i j INPEX PRODUCE Co. vour paper wit) atop in two weeks, Does u General Banking ness it the Greatest Show on Earth. j _ unless renewed. Starts when paid Business. Interest paid Now. for the first time in history for, atona at expiration. on time dspesita. patrons will actually find five rings THURSDAY. Aug 27. 1925 when the greater Ringling Brothers THOM AS LARGE.tatfHlAfni and Barnum & Bailey circus of 1925 City and Earm Property I comes to Salem on August 29. THU I HS< ERSEL Y TOLD Hr will l>c prepared to liu.v all tbe grain offered for sale at mar­ BHnging more than SOO of the ket price. be" Store your wheat with us and sell at any time during the winter; wc guarantee the market price when you are Saturday was a great day for the world's premier men and women Liat with me—No exclusive- anln.i t ready to sell. Bar W ill receive grain train at West Scio warehouse, stars. 350 performing horses and believers in a t wet regime—it lArrr Kingston warehouse or at the mill in Scio. many big new foreign features, the «ut fine rain. Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Grouse and pheasants are expen­ Bailey circus is to give perform-, Real Estate Broker sive meat, we understand, costing antes at Salem on August 29. and Nularu Public about 112 per pound at this season Here is a partial list of its won- _ jlhlrntli Obtained, ftamtned of the year. der» 100 railroad ears Five rings Ttttetstes 3C1O . . . OREGON High .peed, a sharp corner and in place of the three heretofore used I an overloaded coupe are three dan­ Six arenic stages 150 trained hors­ DR. A. G. PRILL gerous "weapons" on a dark night. es presented at one time in a mag- j Prr.ulrnt Vice Pre E. D. Myers, Cashier 151 Front Street, The Scio State Bank Portland, Oregon Grain Farmer, [' h S ! Sold ifliÆY sjçeL’POi; Physician and Surgeon District Surgeon S. P. Railway Scio, Or. D R . C P E N T I S T Scio Mill & Elevator Co. Experience is a dear teacher. N<>w that it has rained, wouldn't ; Il I m * proper to clean up the debris on ths business streets down town* If the business men will set the ex­ ample. the residential sections no doubt will follow. Like targets like. I nifievnt "Equine Ballet” Fhra herds! ¡of trained elephants A troupe of., 20 leaping and long-distance jump- < ing horses, and many other imposing ' acts and features The addition of two more circus i rings has been effected by setting ! circular curbs on two of the elevated i stages. This makes it possible for ' Ringling Brothers to prrsrnt for the ! first time in history five separate ' companies of performing horses at : one time. I Gorgeous pageants. 100 clowns, J Since Murray. Kelly and Willos, the three who made their get-away from the penitentiary on Aug. 12 hate been captured and returned, it it said Geo. Warwick is aide to eat Veteiinnrinii and sleep regularly. He is said to STAYTON, • - - OREGON have overworked himself when the and a menagerie of over 1,000 rare < break occurred. animals are a part of what is the < t alks answered Pay or Night Tuberculin resting Too bad some of our big editors biggest and most amazing circus ever wi re not in Dalrymple's place or as 1 on tour in America. AI banv < )rvgnn G. F. Korinek DR. J. W. (JOIN guards nt the pen. Neither having occupied cither place they have of­ Sterility, Abortion, T. B. Testing fered much free advice, hut how Phone.:—Office. U4-J; Res. 7ne will ever know until ALBANY.OREGON i >rtir of them are given an oppor- Do you know that you can Dispose of a cow in a day, but to Produce one requires from 2/4 to 3 years? Oregon Milk Company Condensery, Scio, Oregon Veterinarian COL. W. F. WRIGHT Auctioneer 1144 Kerry St. Salem, Ore. 2‘r for All Sale* Satisfaction Guaranteed This ad is add resse« I TO HAULING Aay Kind « Aaywhere SEE Any Time Fred Sturges, Scio,Oregon BONDED CARRIER Lowe A. Morrison If you are <»n the farm, we have the Reliable UaSertakera AU funerals given personal attention by .Mr. l-owe N. I, Mossi«*« N. C. Lowe Ubinoti Phone yl Phon* -l»ay. W7 t'horw—Night. 38« PATENTS Lumber you need to re­ pair your barn anil alleila. Obtained. Send model or sketch and we will promptly send y«-ti a report. Our book on Patent« and Trade-marks will be sent to you on request. If you are in town, we can supply you with what you need. D. SWIFT & CO. H'e Deliver, — PATENT LAWYERS — 305 Seventh SL. Wsthington. D. C- Over M Year.* Eap.ri.ne. Order Your Envel­ opes Now—$5.00 per Thousand <1. W. Copeland Yards Q uality : S ervice Second and Calapooia A lbany , O be . Phone 275 Mt. Pleat ant Cole Newt Ornar Hour«: 9 to 12 a m., 2 to & p m. August 25 Mrs. Esther Rav. lx»uie Ray and family and Maud Smith made a trip to McMinnville Sunday, where Maud is to be employed at housekeeping for awhile. ('barley Peters and family spent Sunday with home folks, H T. Dar­ by and family. Otto Peters and wife of Valselz I and Rarnev Peters and family of Scotts Mills spent Sunday with their mother, Mrs. Carl Peters. Mrs. I Aston Darby and lady friend J spent Saturday afternoon at Robert Daiby’s. Frank Hora spent Sunday af'er- noon with Harold Darby. George Day. Mrs. Shanks and daughter Grace were I^banon visit­ ors Sunday. Robert Darby is now busy hauling wood to Scio Jay Shanks is now employed at Camas. Wash., where he says it is easy for anyone wanting work to get a job. D. Gardner and wife of Stavion spent Sunday evening at the John Sandnes, sr.. home. John Sandner, jr.. called on the George Sandner family. They have a baby girl, born Aug. 7th. She has been named Deloraa. Some of the George Sandner fam­ ily have t*en on the sick list fwT the past few days. • And by AnpoifiUnmt. Dr. Geo. J. Kenagy Chiropractor Aol-2 Finir National Bank ItulMing A I S ANY. OREGON —ALBANY ABSTRACT COMPANY— Abstract«* of • Oakville community is the first to i The time for Glasses is right at the beginning of the trouble with your eyes. Delays are dangerous. The eye is the moat delicate member of the human body and every mo­ ment you delay after the trouble starts you are getting just that much toward possible blindness. Have your eyes examined t>> lay. ..... •<