/ Vol. 28 THE SCIO TRIBUNE f 1.75 the Year Trade Hotel Property 8CIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGI&T 6.1925 Fire Horses Paia Through Leg and Shoulder Broken Scio Severely Swamped Last Thursday C. M. Donovan and wife traded the hotel property fora 263 acre ranch, 4 milee north of M<«roe, in Benton county. Every­ thing on the farm goee with it ex*, cept personal effect», and the time appiie« to the hotel and Its furnish-, Ings. The new proprietor» of the hotel are named Thom, but are not re-1 Kntervd at »b*- •*** al !Ww D iri — M aeVttlV» **««*« MMbtUNT. N<» 52 Accident on Highway Bob and Dan. two dapple grey Scio’s ball team went to Albany home» that served in Portland’» tire I Sunday full of pep and «ails all set department fur more than 18 year», i to wia a ball game, and they came were gue«t» in Scio over Thursday back home the «ame day with the night while on their way to remain wind knocked out of them and their the reet of their live» with T A •ail» torn down, for Albany trimmed Ere wen. who own» the w< «t half of them to the beautiful /»Id tune of the old Pitchford place, two mile» 13 to 0. ea»t of the Roaring River Fi«h Hatch­ The Albany Democrat-Herald wm ery. humiliated beyond redemption be- lated to out fellowtownaman, D. C., While the hor«ee are n»»w aged caus Scio’s team and fan« did not Thom», and come to our eity a» a' and have earned their keep many start a row, and all through its dedr able place to live and aa a great timee in their run» to fire*. they are write-up of the same had to make opportunitv for business. The Doo- i pensioned out to Mr Frewen who 1« ■m otion many times of the expected oven'» have owned the hotel for the to give them a n.»me and good care row. It was too bad the llrmocrat past two yean, and by catering to aa long aa they .live. ' While here «V disappointed, and we are sorry the public and business acumen have they were petted and fed candy by It feels so hurt over it. but as Scio built up a good business. some of our people who yet remem­ (•lit *O1-» srr real ittvv ,«akr dr It is the intention of Mr. and Mr». ber that a horse is a noble animal feat ns gentlemanly a» they welcome Donovan to move to Salem to make and has done much to assist man- victory, but when an umpire delib that city their future home, while ¡kind. We believe they are in good erately steals a game i» when their Sunday night about midnight, ns 1 V. McAdoo and wife were return­ ing from a visit with relative« in Salem and a day spent in Het me park in Bulk county, they came up on a rear-end collision of two cars about half a mile north of Ankeny Hill road. The car bumped into was driven by Elbert Bede, editor of the Cottage Grove Sentinel, who wa« forced to stop suddenly by a voung heifer jumping off a bank on the r>»ad just in front of him, while the car behind him mashed bls gaso­ line tank and spilled gasuhne all over the road, and the windshield and rs’hator of the bumping car wa« .« I. .-’ll Phi» car was driven by two young men about 13 years old. one of whom was badly lascera’.ed on the face and head, his nose being their eon Erank will operate their newly acquired farm. We are sorry to lose thia estimable family from our business and social life. The Tribune Itespeaksfor the newcomers a hearty welcome by our people and hope« all their plans materialize two fold. They are said to be energetic and promise to give Scio a hotel to be proud of. The transfer of the propertie» took place Tuesday. split open we were told, while the driver only suffered a few minor cuts on the arm. We took the dri­ ver to his home, about three mile« off the highway on the Ankeny«Hill road, but were so excited we forgot to ask his name. Mr. Bede wrote us Tuesday that he arrived home at 6 a. m. Monday after being towed to Albany. No blame was »«»«chi' I t - n >•< ;>v'iy. Jost one of those accudofi:-« to happen any time IN MEMORIAM hands and will receive kind treat­ ment. Two Get Scalped J. E. Wendy is wearing a band­ age on his head thia week while a lacerated scalp is healing On Sun­ day Mr. Wesely and some friend» were »wimming on Thomas cr«-ek The water was more shallow than Mr. W’esely expected it I > be. and when he dived hi« head struck on a rock which cut it. While shingling the roof of the leonidas Lodge No. 36, Knights Tribune office Tuesday afternoon E. of Pythias. Castle Hall, Scio, Ore­ C. Shelton struck at a wasp which gon. Aug. 4. 1925. he thought was going to light on Where»«, The Ruler of the Uni* his face, in some way he mi»« d verse haa removed from our lodge hie mark and cut himself on the ton our beloved brother. C. C, Bilyeu, of the head with the claws of his by the messenger of death. We bow hammer. our heads In sorrow as we submit to the will of Him who holds our New Grain Coming In destinies in His hancs. Therefore, be it Resolved. That the lodge has lost an untight and faithful member and brother, his dailv walk and actions in life truly exemplifying the beau­ tiful teachings and principles of our order. Resolved, That we truly sympa­ thize with the grief-stricken family in their bereavement, and that we commend them to our Heavenly Fa­ ther. who doeth all things well. Resolved. That a copy of these resolutions be spread upon the rec ords of this lodge. • copy thereof transmitted to the family of the de­ ceased brother, and a copy be pub­ lished in the Scio Tribune. John I. Shelton, C. A. White. Guy Johnston. Committee. la Eight Years Old IJttle Miss Geraldine Werst of Portland, who is visiting at the home of her grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Thayer, reached her eighth birthday Sunday. On Mon­ day afternoon she errs given a par­ ty at the Thayer home, having nine litile»girls as her guests. Game« were played on the shady lawn and later refreshments were served. Those present were Ange- line Wesely. Loraine Hixson. Eunice Jordan. Evelyn Dudley. Joyce Peter­ son. Edris and Juanice Thayer, Zel- la. Franc and Geraldine Weret. Geraldine received several nice presents. Fred T. Mtyep The threshsng season is now on in thia vicinity and the Scio .Mill & El­ evator Co. is receiving quite a lot of it. Because of the extreme cold weather last winter and the unususl weather in the spring the yield i* light. Trolhnger Bros, brought in the first and to date the best grain, while the C. C. Bilyeu place is »«id to have produced the largest yield per acre. A. L. Arnold, who is th-.«hing this week for th« boys al ng the West Scio road, «ays the eheat is averaging from >6 to 25 bush«*!» There Are Twelve Gates Next Sunday n> «rning in the local Christian church Bev J Y. Stewart will preach. W • are told that there are twelve ga .es leading into the Baptist Church Note» Heavenly City.. In the nme of the groom in Scio Monday I i unde«. Uncle Haman Shelton, ra-t evening, where they have been re­ of the l.and Settlement Department of the State Wide D«-vel«>pement i of Scio, and .Miller Curl of Jeffrr- ceiving the congratulation» of their Fund for the past two years, and «<»n. Their father wa» count» com- many friends. Both have grown General Secretary of the Oregon I miMioner of Linn county, when the children. ThCy are said to be the State Chamber of Commerce over a j court house was remodeled and built oldest people to secure a marriage period of several month*, ha* neen over, hi« name being inscribed un license in this county for many years chosen manager of the n«*w company the outside of the building near the and make up the third couple whose entrance. Arthur Footer, who has been ages total more than 110 years thus charge of the Ashland Gateway of­ far during 192.5 Bring us vour job Printing, fice during the past six months, will retta Butter«* and Opal Wood of Pen­ dleton aadi Eevrett Rigg« of Lake View, all of wh»*n have thken not­ , Dodge Touring. 1923 model, bal- able part in World championship loon tires all around; in fine shape. Rodeo ccsateotw. have signified their Also a trailer for sale at a small intentuas of taking past ip the Chi- price. Mrs. Ivy Abbott received a letter yesterday morning from Mrs. Oliv-*r Powell, who now live» nt Toledo, saying that her n>n, Alfred, ha« the mump» and that the family is under quarantine. Alfred is getting along fin-, she said. While looking out of her window, Mrs. Bowell says she saw two people carried into the hospital, and on in­ quiry learned it was Mrs E J. Cal­ loway and her son, McKenzie. Mr«. Callowav has a broken leg and Me* Ken Lie a broken shoulder How and when the accident occurred tog writer did nut state, but probably Monday and from an automobile wreck. This is indeed »ad new«, and their many friend» here will be sorry to learn of the misfortune that will lay them up for «»me time. blood boils. We understand the Later word from Gerald H»s«l«r umpire Sunday was very fair, thus is that they were hunting agates on he had the respect of Selo’s team the beach at Newport and a car ran and the Scio fans. ! into them. He «aid he helped to Scio arts outclassed. that’s a fact. carry them Into the hospital, and The Scio team wa» over-confident, that Mrs. Calloway’« leg Is broken that’s another fact, and blew up at in two places and McKenzie'» face the start. Scio’s team are laborers, is aleo badly cut. that’s fact three, and do not get the Gerald also said that hie hand in daily practice. But thev are not which he has blood poison 1» giving fighters and plsy the game because him a lot of pain, and that he had they like to, win or lose, and not to it lanced Mon lav. quarrel with an umpire or their op­ ponents. In thia respect, we opine. Eastern Capital Attracted Albany would have ’’rowed” had she l»een beaten aa badly a» Scio— ! Oregon*s vast undeveloped re­ just the difference in sportsmanship source« and the dawning of a new a*» expressed by the Democrat. era of industrial activity in the Bn- cific Northwest ha« attrreted addi­ * .Vext Sunday the local team plays tional Eastern Capital. Toledo again at Toledo. Threel Announcement ha« been made by weeks ago Scio defeated Toledo, and the Commercial Investment Trust they are going to try it again. Ad­ Company of New York that they vance tickets are being sold here by will open headquarters in Portland members of the team. Get yours for the purpose of financing manu­ ; today and make • good showing of facturers, dealers and industrie» do­ , fans at Toledo. ing husmea» on time paper. | succeed Mj Ide. Makes Record Trip N. I. Morrison made a record trip to Portland with his truck last , Friday. J. T. Brack and Wm. Do- brkovaky needed lome parts for their binders, and not having iu»t the right pieces in stock. Mr Morri­ son decided to go in for them Hr left after daylight, drove to Port­ land got the parts, deliver I t! » m tn the eustomerd and was back m Scio before five o clock in toe even- Ing. Messrs Brock and Dobrxovsky were well pleased with this quick work because It enabled them to get back to cutting their grain one day earlier than they expected. Mrs. Albert Young is suffering with a nervous breakdown. On Sat­ urday her condition was such that Dr. Prill called Dr. Wallace of Al­ » r#r ban* in eon «nil elk»» ed to be much uopressa •* hi* Utbe. Free ! Free! I Buy a 31c TuU PALM OLIVE S If A V I N G C H F \ M and ww U you 4 can of r.\Li Free Your» for SroviCB ! KELLY’S