The Scio Tribune Editorials Page 2 — IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE* THE SCIO TRIBUNE COUNTY OFJ.INN. l-.Misto* »■«> TkvrwSa» to Tur TaiHuar pvrijsming company U tota, taaa Causer. Oraava i V. Mr A*»........................................ Salta* E mma H anson , i Plaintiff. SlMHl vs. A ltomd H. H anson , Mi» I V Mquirvd to appear and answer the complaint of th* above named plaintiff, in the above entitled Court, now on file with the Clerk of saai Court, on or before the !1bth day of July, 1926, ami you an hereby notified that if you fall to ap- tiear aid answer said complainl hot* >y required, the plaintiff will apply u , the Court for th* relief prayed for in plaintiff's complaint on file with the < lerk of said Court, which is for th« diaaulution of th* bomla of matrimony now existing between plaintiff ami AÜVKKTUING II A TIC* tzsraf advertigm^ tv»aj»r» Kilbe rrt * < Ja*4 <*f TI nmi A l « » • • • I at < wMt i WKt e i * ta* ! every day throuuhiMit the Rimmer season.Stopover wherever and as long as you pl»-.i- w ¡thin final return limit October 3ht. » , Now pl n your vacation journey« to e ea t. Lxt fin ’ /i nts .i -’st in fixing your itinerary. And in hide CALIFORNIA cithcrgoi »gorrvtur.u; .:.« 1 hways, if you chiK S e it's tnuofold won­ der .it litile, if anv. exptnse. July 2N Watch the date following your name on thia paper. It tells when your time expires. If a blue pencil mark is under your name, it means sour paper will stop in two weeks, uni- -• renew«-»! Starts Vhen paid for, slobs at expiration. SUMMONS Joe Holub. Jo»cphin<» Nnidl, Anton Holub ■nd Emma Holub his wife, ami Mamie Her­ man and Frank Her­ man. her husband, Plaintiffs. vs. Agnes Dot*>artmcnt No. Two W. J. Bryan is dead, having been called to his long rest Sunday while taking a short sleep tn the after­ I noon Loved by all and knowo the world over, no private citizen had ever before attained such promi­ nence and universal respect Three times he was chosen standard bearer of the democratic party, and as many times defeated He was un­ compromising with crookedness in high and low pieces, and this no doubt caused his defeat. f«-r he was 30 years ahead of the people. He was fearless, honest and above all a real man. and will be mined a» no other private citizen. Hr will l«e buried in Arlington cemetery, near Washington, D C. I RI 1HS TERSELY TOLD In ii. ti • r. C .«ml sh ><>ts on sight Break fast bacon is educated fat meat. , The hardest thing about loafing is buying things on credit. The driver that hit the semaphore on Main street and broke it must have got nn awful jolt. The fellow who makes "moon- shine" »■ <>n finds out that the law To Agnes Dotaon and Eli Betijamin makes shadow-« for him. Dotson, defendants starve named: Mrs. Harold Reiley was the in spiration for a bridal shower which was given last Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. John Rciiev. 30 ’ ladies were present. Refreshments of ice cream and cake were served. Mra. Reiley received a number of " useful and beautiful gifts. Mias Genevieve Kuni spent last week al Woodburn visiting friends and attending camp meeting. Miaa Hazel Myer, who has been working in Salem fot aome time, has returned to her home here. Present prospects are for a bump- ■ er crop of cucumbers in this section. Ixveal growers have been picking for the past two weeks Misses Velma Gearhart and Gladys Kuni were in Scio on business Fri­ day evening. Ml. Pleasant Cole News Southern Pacific Lines C. W. Bra Kg. local agent Grain Farmer, L‘; h ^! We will l«c prepared to buy all the .- i.tin offered for sale at mar­ ket price, ►»-- Store your wheat with us and sell at any time during tl>e winter: «<■ g< iiar.mlce the market price when you are ready to sell, awr Will I receive grain cr.tin at West Scio warehouse, warehouse. Kingston warehouse or at the mill in Scio. Scio Mill & Elevator Co. MR. DAIRYMAN Do you know that you can I n thk N am »; or tiik S tat »; <>r O k » July 2« When you see two men in the OON: You. and each of you. are here­ by summoned and required to appear front seat of a car and two girls in aid answer the complaint of the plain­ Jay Shanks. Harley and Violet tiffs above named in the above entitled the back, they are married folks. Darby made a visit to Oregon City Court now on file with th«»Clerk of s*i»t In lime it may — be deemed Court on or before th«- last «lav of ti- I............................... ------------ expe-1 ,— laal Sunday. ,h‘’ ,,rdpr |h" «hent to sand the r'escue party in Mri P. P. Crabtree and daughter IV ! a . publication of thia summons, which dav , » . . ih advance to wait for the polar explo­ Edna and Elsie Peters visited at C. for appearance and answer la tire till, day ot August. 1925; and you. ami each ration party. J Peters' last Monday afternoon. of you, are hereby notified that if y«-u fail so to appear and answer salt! com­ Elsie Peters spent last Sunday Our popular bachelor »ays that a plaint for want thereof the plaintifi'a night with Edna Crabtree, return­ will appi ly to th« above entitled Court woman who treats her dog better for lire relief demanded In said com- than »he d wwk'i supply of groceries. Beginning in the center <»f a last Tuesday evening Condenaery, Scio, Oregon County road 67.50 chains North "We must talk leaa.” save Trots­ of the southwest corner of *«e- tion 17 in Township 10 South of Nitict H ifthCiiKiri ti CMnce Name ky. Another has been studying •"»♦♦••••♦•••eaea Range 1 West of tn« Willamette i Notice is hereby given that Tweedy j President Coolidge. No man ever Meridian. __ , Oregon, __ _ __ _ running thence Anthony Morgan has filed tn the t <> 85 degrees F'ast along the North 86 knows how far his influence may ' ty Court of Linn C-ounty. Oregon, a pe­ center of c. said road a distance of Office Hours; I» to 12 am. 2 to 5 p.m. 'reach. l’honwi- -‘ a"° tition to change his name to Thoma« 6.52 chains, thence south ltd fe«-t, And by At pomtment. I Res Anthony Morgan, and the County Cour? thence 5 or th 86 degrees East 6*2 Ye*, your hon >r. we plead guilty of said County ha* fixed the 15th day of feet; thence south 38.62 chain«; to carvl*-«M»e«s we placed the Gil- August, 1925, al th* hour of t.-n o'clock thence West 16.06 chains to the a. n>. of said day in the County Court Western boundary line of said : key heading over the Shelburn news Room of th* County Court House in the Section 17; thence North along last week. Too much speed since ¡City of Albany, I inn County, Oregon. the U astern boundary line of said GÎ17JL. Chiropractor a* the time and place for the h«-aring of Section 17 to th* place of begin­ our vacation. (« ’Ti-GIX’a ■aid petition and the objections thereto, ning, containing 63.15 acres, more , if any. Any and all peraon* »hall be 401-2 First National Rank Building A lbany . OaaooN or less, situated in Linn County, Clarence Darrow'a agitation of . permitted to offer and show cause, if rio State of Oregon. the evolution question would almost | any they have, why the stud petition And for a further decree that said should not be grant«*!. real property is so situated that a par­ seem to imply that friend Chimpan­ Dated and first published this 23d/iaj tition thereof cannot be made without zee was in turns way threatened of July. 1925. great prejudice to the owners thereof R. M. RpaaKLL. and ordering and directm« th* sale of said with capital punishment. County Clerk of Linn t 'ounty and ex- real property tn the manner provided ’ Olficto Clerk of th* County Court of One <>f <>ur oldest residents said j Linn County, Oregon. by law by a referee appointed for that purpoee by the above entitled Court the other day he could remember I Au«. 13 and that the proceeds arising there iron be divided between the parties, plain when a young man never thought tiffs and defendants, after the payment t.f asking hie girl for a cigarette if of the costa and expen»«-« of the above entitled suit, including a reasonable at he was out of them. • tomey'a fee and costa of sal*, accord­ The idea at Geneva seems to be ing to their respective interests a* njay be determined by the above entitled that the United States wants an Court and for such other, further or different onier or «lecree as may »cen agreement to limit traffic in arms, i>r2f*r *° ,h* ('ourt- but it wants to do it without enter­ All kinds of Iron and liras. < sitings Fruit and Hop Furnaces 17118 summons ia published in th« 8ete> Repair Work and Blacksmithing Tribune pursuant to an order of G m ing into an agreement with gather Hon. L. tl. McMahan. Judge of th« nations. above entitled Court, made, entered amt date«! June 22, 1926. wherein anu Prestige, Skill. Confidence of our The German women, who are cred­ whereby thia summon* was ordered ano Patients and Confidence in our abil­ ited with having elected Hinden ­ directed to be iiublished once a week Engine«, Mill and Mining Machinery for si« cm*vs for Plaintiffs. —ALBANY ABSTRACT COMPANY— Postolfice Address of Attorneys for him in life are laying the largest Abstracters of city and country property in Linn county. Work Plaintiff*: Albany, Oregon. bouquets on his bier. Why is It? Dispose of a cow in a clay, but to Produce one requires from 2% to 3 Oregon Milk Company Dr. Geo. J. Kenagy « Albany Iron Works fâèiïïleade Can anyone explain why the change from enemy to a loving friend when death comes? Why are we two- faced’ Optom e trist. AÎ.BAMK OAtA. HAROLD ALBRO. quickly completed, (hir certificates guarantee safety' Prices conform to the established rales throughout the country L kila M itchell L M. C url , President Secretary Attorney ami Manager *