Vol. 28 THE SCIO TRIBUNE 11.75 the Year Native Son Passes Attend Reunion Family Has Hard Luck Thursday night. July 23. at eight o’c! >ck. the messenger of death laid its hand on the thread of life and called Chris Bilveu from his earthly troubles and years of silent suffer­ ing. For over three days the de­ ceased was unconscious and so pass­ ed out. On July 14 he underwent an ope­ ration for hemrhoids and same was successful. He was thought to be safely recovering, but on Monday following his fever went to 104 and he soon became unconscious, never rallying. A post mortem examina­ tion, sanctioned by relatives, showed cancer of the intestines and liver, which caused his death. C. C. Bilveu was bom in Scio on Feb. 13. 1876. HU parents were Mr and Mrs. J. A. Bilyeu. He had spent practically all his life here. He was a member of the Knights of iiythias and I O O F lodges of Scio. Besides his widpw. he io survived by one daughter. Grace; his mother. Mrs M. Hayes of Albany, and three sisters. Mrs. Beryl Austin of Albany and Mrs. Maude Conoway of Hood River, who were present at the fu­ neral. and Mrs. Charles Smith of Alberta. Canada. Robert Bilyeu and family of Harrisburg also were out-of-town relatives attending the funeral. The funeral services were held at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon at the Christian church, Rev. Stanley Van W.nkle, pastor of the Presbyterian church at Lebanon, officiating, the services being in charge of the I 0 0 F. The pall bearers were Sid Stringer, Arch Ray, Con Donohue. John Davenport, Riley Montgomery and B. A. Holteen. Interment was made in Franklin Butte evmetery. The floral offerings were many and beautiful. Approximately 200 pe--ple most of whom were f >rmer students, at­ tended the annual reunion of Min­ eral Springs College at Sodaville Sunday The days program con­ sisted of speeches, songs, the ex­ change of retninisenees. a basket dinner and election of officers for the coming year which was as fol­ lows; W. E. Parrish, president; R A. McCully of Eugene, secretary, and Mrs. Flora Childs of Iwbanon. assistant secretary. W. F Gill and wife and Mrs D. M McKn ght sod daughter, Esther, and son, Lloyd, of Scio attended.1 Mrs. Gill and Mrs McKnight as well as many other prominent citizens of this community are former students of Mineral Springs Culls-ize. Hard luck, in the shape of a num- Iwr of accidents, overtook the Jos. Li ska family of the Scio neighbor- h o..d n-c- ntiv. ss>s the- AH-sm D«-m- orrat-Herald of July 24. Of the foui in«-mtiers of the household three were injured in accidents. Mrs Liska first came under the spell of the broken mirror when she slipped and fell down a flight of stairs, causing disabilities that were but partially overcome after a stroke of paralysis. Audie Liska. a daughter, was next when a team of horses ran awav with a hayrack <-n which she was riding. She fell from the ra k but her clothing caught and she was rolled along on the ground by the Card of Thanlu Our hour of sadness has been made lighter by the many acta of kindneas extended us by the I 0 0 F. K of P. Rebekahs and Pythian Sisters and friends during the sick­ ness, i.eathand burial of our beloved husband, father, eon and brother, for which we extend our heartfelt thanks, also for the beautiful songs and floral offerings and to the min­ ister. Mrs C. C. Bilyeu. Mist Grac« Bilyeu, Mrs. M Hays. Mrs. Nita Austin. Mrs. Maude Conoway. IN MEMORJAM Return from Vacation E. D. Myers and wife ami J S. Sticha and wife returned Saturday evening from a seven days trip through Washington and into Brit- ish Columbia. They drove approximately 1450 miles, visited Rainier Nsti >nal Park Victoria and Vanccuver, B. C , ami made short stops at several other points along the route. They did not re-trace but a few miles of the road and found all roads in splendid condition, practically the entire dis­ tance being either paved or go.. | hardsurfaced road. Thev report a moat enjoyable trip Native Son Visits Mr. and Mrs Wesley Howell and two sons of San Francis* > arrived last Thursday on a visit tn Mr. How­ ell*« sister. Mrs N. E. Gill. Over the week end they «fid Mrs. Birthday Party Hall Well Filled Last Thursday night the Z C B J hall was filled to hear Rev Matthews of Gervais deliver his lecture on “Catholicism.” The lecturer was a former priest, hr said, but is now a Presbyterian minister While not an orator, he made a good Impres­ sion upon his hearers. Contrary to most speakers, the lecturer did not attack the rank and file nor the sanctity of the woman­ hood of the church, but he did toss a few red-hot broadsides at the bish­ ops. cardinals, pope and priesthood, saying that most of them were hard drinkers and beasily in their desires, claiming these keep the membership in ignorance and cowered by super­ stition The speaker urged all to rake until badly bruised. read their Bibles, saying there was f Joseph Liska. head of the house, no material difference between the He stepped on a loose plank at a saw Protestant and Catholle Bibles mill near the Liska home and the also said Protestant ministers were other end of the plank planked him spineless snd lacked backbone to at­ •ne >n the face and darkening his tack the fortification the priesthood had built around themselves apt*earance not a little. He said he was not a memlwr of Next Mrs. Liska again started the cycle by falling and tearing several the Ku Klux Klan, but believed in ribs loose from the backbone. The it, and urged “every rad blooded others refused to continue the ser- American to join." He came here ies for the second round was getting under the auspices of the local or­ ganization. it is said Quite a num­ loo rough. Ernestine, the other member of I ber of books, of which he is author, the family at home this summer, were sold st 35c each. was the only one to remain Immune I from the epidemic of accidents. Oregon Piomeer Passes Commission Firm Coming William Thomas, one of the oldest ' residents in this section of the coun­ There is every likelihood of a new ty, died at his home at Gates on business firm coming to Scio—the ¡Sunday. July 19. and was buried on C. N. Reynolds Co. Mi. Reynolds the following Tuesday in Fairview has been making Scio lately buying i cemetery. p >ultry, etc., and is much impressed Mr. Thomas was born in Cooper with the outlook. He is negotiating county, Missouri. Nov 10. 1833. snd for the building used by large A was aged 91 years, 7 months and 9 liackleman. and if he comes to Scio days. When 12 years of age he no doubt will open next week. The i crossed the plains by ox team with Portland house will be maintained as ibis parents, coming to Oregon; thia now. He buys outright, handling was in 1845. Al one time the nothing on commission, finding this Thomas family owned several sec pleases his patrons better, he says, lions of land above Jordan, and will pay the highest cash price At the age of 23 he v <4untoer<-d Gill visited Dr. J G. Gill and family at Lebanon. Ralph Gill and family at Vancouver. Wash., and others. Mr. Howell was born on the form east of Scio now owned by C. J. pruce. This is his first visit h .-re in about 30 years at all times. Breaks Right Shoulder Miso Christine Krosman was tlir inspiration for a surprise i ut a month ago he fell from a chair and this is thought to have hastened his death. The deceased was well known here by the older residents. Dr Browne waa called to the home of Aunt Nancy Bilyeu yeet.r- dav. where he found her suffering fmm a fractured bone on the right shoulder, and the aged oatient with­ stood the painful ordeal of setting it with great fortitude. A week ago Sunday she fell on thia shoulder, which she thought waa only bruised, but as the pain Several Minor Accidents grew more acute site concluded a twine was broken and called a sur­ Dr. Prill reports the following ar- Ice Cream Social geon The pauent is getting along On Tuesday Lorenz Isaak cidents; nicely at this time, and her friends The Christian Endeavor society «>f sympathize with her. had the large toe on hia left foot' the Crabtree Christian church will mashed by a tie while loading cars give an ice cream social at th«- church at West Scio. Last Friday Henry Mrs John Sims passed another I on Saturday evening. August, fir-t Heister cut the large toe on his right milestone on life's journey on the i The program will begin with a 19th foot while working at the l«aak saw All of her children except funnydale parade at R;0o o'clock, Theodore came home to help her I mill. and will be followed by a radio con­ cel>d>rate the event. Tuesday while repairing a build­ cert. bonfire, and other tnusie and ing on Mrs. Karnosh’s place T. B. amusements. Ice cream, cake and Pmspal fell from a ladder, suffering lemonade will be served Everyone an injury to hi« wrist and elbow and invited. left hip. He is confined to the house DierdortT Lodge. No. 64, and laone Relwkah Lodge. No. 84. I 00 F. Whereas, the Great Ruler of the Universe has removed trom our lodges our beloved brother, C. C. Bilyeu, by the messenger of death. We bow our heads in sorrow as we submit to the will of Him who holds our destinies in His hand. Be it therefore Resolved. That these resolutions be spread on the records of these lodges, a copv thereof transmitted to the family of ths deceased broth­ Wheat Yield Poor er and a copy published in the Scio Tribune. All reports coming to the Tribune G. W Morrow Janie Ewing say the expected bumper yield of J L. Davenport F.mma Oupor wheat is poor, averaging from 10 N. I. Morrison Maud Montgomery to 16 bushels per acre. Early indi­ cations promised a big yield, some fields being estimated at 40 bushels, Attention! but the wet spring and the enforced If you have a few dollars to ia- growth thereby, produced big hesds vest, I have something that looks and but few kernels. There is an very good. See me at once and let abundance of straw, but this does not make flour nor bring a g<>od me show you what it to. Tw UMB No. 51 Si’IO OREGON. THURSDAY, JULY 80,1025 People’s Theatre but is doing nicely. Saturday Sunday Presents “Silent Accuser” ( ung Comedy “Seeing Things” Draws $300 Fine Sheriff Richard and Deputies Lil­ lard and Geil raided the farm home of Anton Faltua, 2 miles southwest of Scio. Wednesday night. July 22. and found 100 gallons of beer mash, 68 quart buttles of beer, two gallons of moonshine and a still. The offic­ ers took Mr. Faitus to Albany,where Judge Olliver fined him $800 the OvXl day Farm Properties Sold Antone Denes of Walla Walla. Wash., who came here about July 1st to visit John Becickaand family, became so impressed with the possi­ bilities of this community that he has purchased the Frank Zavadsky ranch a short distance from Scio, on Thomis creek. The price paid is said to lie quite satisfactory to both partiea. Mr. Denes is unmarried. The Zavodeey family have rented a place at Shelburn and will move there Sept. 1st. Another farm deal of importance 1« the ourchsMi by Win. Rhoda of the Z J. Clark ranch, about 4 miles oast of Scio, containing 1584 acres The price paid waa $11.000, who will farm part of the land and run iheep on the balance. Mr. Rhoda considers he has made a good pur- ch ami and is satisfied with his deal, but will ontinue to live on the old home place. Mr Clark held a public sale on Wednesday of last week and di«i> s ed of his livestock, farm Implements, etc., all bringing a good price Mr. Clark has gone to Arlington, and in i letter to the editor sava the wheat crop is good there and that he must have the Tribune. We are surry to lose Mr. ('lark, but wish him well in his new location. The Scio Condenser? reports the purchase of the Albers warehouse at West Scio at an attractive price, l his how assures the company ample storage facilities, which it needed, for years to come. Scio Defeats Knox Butte In a one-sided game Sunday, Scio defeated the Knox Butte team by a score of 10 to 3. The Scio team is growing stronger with each game and we understand two games have t>een scheduled with Albany to be played at Albany in the near future. Albany is now in the Interstate League and is plaving good ball.but no better than our own loam. Next Sunday Scio goes to Jeffer­ son for a matched game with a picked team there, and the fane are promised something good. Fred Mumper received word ’he first of the week from the Qi-*rry Citv Milling Company at Salem Ih-M they will again be operating «'«out th>- fifth of August This eompany • offered a disastrous fire two weeks ago, their large mill being eutiieiv destroyed. Fly-Tox ------ Fhes Moths ——-Mosquitoes Roaches ——Fleas ------ Anta — Bed Bugs Use II On Your Cows Yours for I S ervic * KELLY’S DRUG STORE