• • L » * < • « • * • ’t* *• r;* •.? 3 X! -« ' ♦ M, •-S-c. 4*/ - * I < > « <* * » ♦ Y- : - Local Neus anil Classi fi eil Jess Rodgers has a ne w roadster. Ford D. C. Thome was in Salem on business Saturday. Master Jack Kellv is visiting his Ralph Donovan, who is working grandfather. Jack Jones, al Stay­ on state highway work at Wolfe Creek, apent the Fourth at his home ton. D. C. Thorns and wife were R. L Aixon and M. B. Cyrua hrard Jordan and family spent the highway, for the road was well the Fourth with his parents at W. A. Ewing and parked with troubles of that nature. Lebuno*. pdyeu and their wive« W. S. Carpenter and wife came a few days at Netarts. Fred Mumper was confined to his home bream*«* of illness the first of up from Oakridge last week and Mr. and Mrs Herman Eckhardt spent the Fourth with the latter's the week. of Portland spent the Fourth with parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Balsh- Mr» Fred Ohlemier returned to Mr. und Mrs. P. H. MacDonald weid. her h<>mr in Portland Munday M»s. Annie E Shannon and M iss Bobby Thavcr came home afternoon. Oracle Bashor, who visitr-l at the Monday from Cannon Beach where Ih-an Morris has traded his old Je«s It.Migurs home the pa*t month, she had spent a week with friends Ford coupe for a new one. making have returned to their homes at from Mill City, who are encamped the trade Tuesday. Kelso, Wash. there. • .g -V: -ib ¿1 * ¿l.-.-í- “ " JCvafCft an? vLioSapoii ?cnt of tita fia Millions Paid in Claims A Non-Discriminating policy. Physicians' and Surg<<»ns‘ In »• ■- are Covered. The Polley Covers All Accidents and Every Disease. Covers First Week's Ihaability. NoMetlical ExamiiiHtK- it a Financial Aid. - rtdhC the .omitter mnaiha. m« w ar* t» forewl to take tbelr chlidr* with them Purtiu theee »«. th»* pereti» t» f«»rve«1 to •«•et«-n>aa i food for the « bild As tn aliuoat every other <•»■«. tlw, chief aour>*ti of worry, durit.£ tl--e period«. I* the milk »up|»ly. Ha aourve It* purity ami Its forai value it is not alt*ays convenient to get market milk of dependable quality for. In mm se> ilrn- M Ha. «and wife of Albany vis­ in Scio. Mr. Doyle says work is flral form of milk for uh » a» n f »s' sun. C. C. Bilyeu pliantiful down there ami at fair rrvommmd l»w tr the fol in win* fonnuin and family Sunday. wages. From Siath Weak to Third Worth F -r S». I « Terrier puppies at a bargain, t has. Chrx, on Wear Sci<> mad. <4-c For Salt Three-burner Perfection oil stove; used only a short time. Mt* J. D. Densm >re. 46 if. F or Sale 6-foot McCormick binder with truck», cheap. See ('haa. Tuoek, West Scio road. 46-t-2-p Wanted Flax pullers. 70 acres. 1) mi ■ » South of F'rovidencr church. Conte ncdiately. C V. Dan­ gerfield, 4N-p MflMfl at with r im.; Coinmiaaion; prepayment pm :1c tgi * after first year. Wm. Bain. A«i-any Ore. 43-c t>nd fur fa!»e teeth, dental g hi. platinum nnd discarded jew- »•!ri H«ki- Smelting A Refining C<».. Otwgi«. Michigan. 25-tf Any i-:rl in trouble may communi­ on i- with Ensign l-ee of tip- Sal- vat ion Army at the White Shield Home, Siifi Mayfair Ave., Port- land. Oregon. For Sale Vaughan Drag Saws, slightlv uxed, in first class work- itig < minion. I ho each with two »« * If», at 1073 E Harrison -tK .-t. Portland. Oreg >n. by Hy. Jaterka. 47tSe E. IL Hol - m and wife and Mrs. There will be a game of ball next Milk, •vaporat»«! ■ r Sale 314 acres of good land, Victor McKenzie of Salem called on Sunday at the ball park between Lima w*t«r . •.* Milk «usar ,... »ix n ilci- from live town of about Scio friends Sunday. Stayton and Scio. Our neighboring Bui I *4 walrr ... I mm population; good graveled lUten fradiara la tweniy-f city is Mid to have a strong team 4 to I ana«*« at fbrrw'hv'tir r i i hve miles of the way. four Mr and Mrs J. N. Weddle went thia year and a good game ia ex- durin« the day and four■ hour ii.il<» from railroad station; one to Stayton and later to Jefferson to at ft lab I and ora half miles from good parted. From Third Month to Fifth to the I. O. (). F. picnic the Fourth. echo. I; has good seven room house, Milk, araporaird For violating the parking ordì- large barn; Hit acres in cultivation |4tna water ..... Mrs Amanda Hudson. of Pull­ nance last Saturday night, when he Milk aurar ............ balance in pasture and timber; (tolled waler .... man, Wash., arrived yesterday for h i plenty of good w ater, one run­ parked his car on the sidewalk next Hi* (rwdiawa In ty-f<»ur a few days visit* with Mrs. Sarah & to A oMfi','« ?»< t h>h1 <*U4*« • ll-.il-S watvr........... Aunt Ik-ckv Morris. I to > ir te ti rea at Ynur-I tir InirrvAf On account of haying and holi­ '-aval ft* di « a at t«u Surins th« i From Ninth to Twelfth Month. their wires drove to Crown Mines K. of P. lodge has been postponed ... IS owner Milk. «vap<>r«i* «surtirá whin* they spent Saturday and until next Tuesday night. 11 is Lt nt* w ai*r ...... .. . 1 hoped the membership will keep Milk aif^ar .............. Sunday fishing and picnicking. -X OUfit r ila ria > water <«« • In » ounce« ■< ft»ur ■ t-<* ur latarYai this in mind and turn out strong. durine 4*x lat.t reading at laa « J.— i( igi-rs. wife and daughter, F'rank Shin oat and L. 0. Porter, BUghL Sifen’s hjoint Depirtmeat Stift ticraldine, have returned from a W.‘ F. Gill and wife and Mrs. Gill’s Where sty I»-, I Quality and vi»:t with relatives at Kelso, Wash. Dr. S. L. Brown, wife and child- mother. Mrs. V. A. McKnight, G Low Prices are • Combined. They spent tne Fourth at Long­ L FTanagan and family. Paul lar­ ren. of Portland visited Mr. and A Cordial Welcome Awaits view, W’a«h. don and wife and the Messrs. Mrs. Fred T. Bilyeu Sunday. Mrs You Here! Burn On Wednesday morning, J. B. Couey and Wm Abbott spent Brown and Mra. Bilveu are cousin« .MaasseasBi si ___ __ te __ I <> s. to Mr. and Mra. Russell the Fourth at Newport. McD nald an eight-pound ton. Mr. and Mrs. E. G Arnold have First child He haa t>een named rented there home at West Seto to Rob- rt Ruswll. Mother and babe Mr and Mrs. 8 Phiilipi for uM are doing nicely. year and are moving to Albany this Mon tie Ije-lie and family came up week where Mr. Arnold is employed, Sport Hosiery fr >m Eugene to spend the Fourth in th County Clerk'a office. Mr. with Mrs Le slie's parents. Mr. and and Mrs. Phiilipi expect to move (7. G. Mr*. G W Morrow. Mr and Mrs. Saturdav. This leaves the Phiilipi Quality Merci amlixe Popular Prices Marrow accompanied them home for house unoccupied. a few days* visit. Women's Wear <.ilein. Oregon Rev. J. Y. Stewart will be at the Aon Becky Morris returned Christian Church Sunday morning Sunday from a two-wecks visit with The Lord's Supper will be observed. |>cr son, Ira, in Portland, while The subject of the sermon will be there die attrmbel ’he Oregon Pio­ "Thia do in rememberance of me." neer Association meeting, and was A cordial invitation is given to all of the honored guests <>n the Christiana to unite with ua in thia form. service. Preaching at Mt Pleasant Fax Thayer and family of Port­ at 2:00 o. m. We Buy Stock Hogs Flolechek Brothers Vacation Togs Knickers Sweaters Bathing Suits Shipley Company Tuckerize Those Loose Wheels ia io- '«-d over the Fourth with relatives in Scio. Little Miss Edree <-r, who ha-< been visiting them, nrmd wuh them and her water, Juariiee. acconypanied them C. V. Dangerfield, who about a year ago purchased the St. John farm of 270 acres 1J miles south of How aiK'Ut a new Coni lire and Tul>e. Providence church, and his son were in town yesterday. Hr has for a visit 70 acrea in tiax and is advertising Jack Grffip of Paradise, Mont . for tiax pullers. For the past few Service With a Smile irnvrd Thursday. July 2, for a months Mr. Dangerfield has been Phone 27 Scio, Oregon J vi it with his mother. Mrs. S W. unable to work on account of sick- I » ooooeoaoseoesaeoeeoeeooeeoeeooeoesoeeeeeoooee»eeesae' ! Ih>s Is his first visit here neea. Gaines Bilyeu’s Garage and Service Station nee 1921. He ia just recuperating Mr. and Mra F. W. McAdoo om a »ick «pell, and says he likes arrived last Thursday by motor s old home and the Scio Tribune. j from San Francisco to visit h i s parents, the editor and wife. On Friday of this week the two families are leaving for a week's vacation during which they will take in the «Mount Hood loop, go over the enroute to Portland to attend the Dalles-California highway by B«-nd ('nri-tian Endeavor convention now to (3ear Lake for a few days camp­ in session there. They were acting ing and fishing, and return by way a.» chap-runes for about 30 Camp Fire girls. Ir. and Mrs. Arthur Rice of Klama h Falls took dinner last Th ursday with Mrs Rice’s brother. A L. Riddle acd wife, They are f Wool Carding Your own wool scour«! for fic a pound, x t ir a pound, net weight of the clean wool. Wool comforters, mattress i sds. ahd mattr» «- w made from your own wool. Wool bedding for sab*. Writ* for catalogue, information or ship­ ping tag*, bend wool by parrel piwt. eXpfisas w freight. The largest and iwyt equipped ( ustom Woo! Scouring and Carding Plant in the W est. Cresce«! Batt A Betiding Ce., Stayton, Oregon saaaoan— I