The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, July 09, 1925, Page 5, Image 5

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    The Scio Tribune
Page 5
Country Correspondence
; ;
July 7
July 7
Mr. and Mrs T. W. Cooper went
to Portland Friday morning to at-
tend the reunion of Mr. Coopers
family. Thov returned Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. Hsskins of Agate
Beach. Oregon, visited at Lee
George’s home last Thursday
their way to Mill Citv to vlstt .Mrs.
Baskin’s parents.
Jul» 7
Mr. and Mrs. All»crt Ring arc
having their home remodeled. The
work is alx>ut complete with the
exception of painting the exterior,
which the men arrived from Port­
to do this week.
Carl Follis and wife visited his
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Brey and
children of Albany were callers at father at Stay ton Wednesday.
People from our vicinity cele­
ti»e home of Mr. and Mrs. J. G.
Oral Bates purchased a new Ford brated in various places, some go­
Holt Sunday afternoon.
ing to Silver Creek Falls. Taylor’s
for his wife last week.
('»rove. Stayton. Jefferson and New­
Mr. and Mis. Carl Smith, Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Goar and
family went to Newport Friday I Carl Follis. Byron Bates and family
morning, returning Sunday after­ and Orval Bates and family took in
The W. F lianlison family of
the roundup at Stayton Friday and Portland were callers at Lyons on
Saturtlay and Sunday.
Mr and Mrs. S. B. Holt and eon Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs Otto Lyons return­
Melvin drove to Silver Creek Falls
Mrs. Alex Bodeker ami daugh­
ed home from Oakland, California, ter. Cotutance, accompanied the
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Needham of laat Friday. They have lived there E. Hiatt family to Salem Saturday
Salem were Sunday Viaitora at the since last November.
Glen Shilling and wife of Seattle,
S. F. Z»sset home.
A number of friends of the John­
Leonard Gilkey and family of A1- Wash., spent the Fourth with home ston and Wood worth families were
banv visited relatives and friends folks.
Salem visitors .Monday to attend
here Sunday.
Carl Smith had the misfortune to the funeral of Mrs. Jane Mayl»cc,
T. M. Holt took in the celebration run a pitchfork tine through his V>e who passctl away Friday morning
Monday coon. After treating the at the home of her daughter, Mrs.
at Jefferson Saturday.
wound it was greatly improved by Bertha Woodworth, where she has
Miss Chamberlin, of Rainier, vis­ Tuesday.
made her home the past five years.
ited Saturday and Sunday at the
Mayber was a dear old
Lee George and wife had their
home of her grandparents, Mr. and
lady, loved bv all who knew her.
Mrs T W. Cooper. She went to annual family, reunion at the North
She was a resident of our commu­
Monmouth Sunday evening where
nity for a good many years, mak­
she is attending summer school at
Lee George. Walter. Clinton, and ing her Rome during ‘he time, and
Iola George, Marion Brown and later witn her youngest dau fbt er#
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mespelt and wife and Clinton, Earnest. lh-lm.t .M rs. Frank Johnston.
Stic was
daughter. Opal and Mr. and Mrs. and Helen Brown of Shelburn, about 93 years old.
Wilson Young and family and Mr. James, George, Earl, Cira and Wal­
Rev Rol»ert Gatki of Salem con­
and Mrs. Morris Hoff and wife and lace Gooch and .Mr, Huekelson of ducted the services and burial was
son of Portland spent the Fourth at Portland. Carl Follis and wife of in City View cemetery in South
Levene. Ore. A fine dinner was Salem.
Mrs. J. F. Sommer and Mrs. T. served at noon and the children had
M. Holt visited Wednesday at the great sport playing in the water
Mt. Pleasant-Cole News
home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Weddle, during the afternoon.
near Jefferson.
Archie McCrae >f Munkers spent
July 7
Will Moore and daughter, Eileen Saturday night with his grand­
George Sandncr ami family ami
of Salem visited at the J. G. Holt father. H. O. Shilling
and J. H. Kelley homes Saturday.
Ralph Shilling is helping with the (.irMsIma Dart, also Win. Dart
at Earnest McCrae's this week and family of Woodbum, spent
Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Jones of
last Sunday witli Mrs. Harvey
Stayton called at the home of Mr.
Iola George returned home from Dart ami children of Scott’s Mills.
and Mrs. J. G. Holt Thursday even­ Portland Friday night.
Grandma Dart went home with
ing. Their son Harry who has been
M. C. McLain and family o f Wm. Dart and family to make an
visiting at the borne of hie grand­
Portland, and T. M, Russell and extended visit with them.
parents returned home with them,
family spent the Fourth with W. H.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Robinson and McLain.
, latter part of the week with her
three children of Medford spent the
Arch Russell, wife and family, of sister, Mrs. Louis Geisler, She re*
week end at the home of Mr. and
Grass Valley. Ore , and Karl l^entr turned home Monday.
Mrs. Ira Robinson. The children
and wife of Bataeada spent Sundav
remained for a longer visit.
Clarence Overholts is helping
night with their brother, T. ,M
Chastain haul hay.
Mrs. E. L. Whetstone end
Russell and family.
ren of Albany visited at the home
Ed Rolwrts. wife ami mother
There was a good crowd present I
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. M.
attended campmeeting at Turner
at Shelburn school house grove on
Holt, several days laat week.
last Sunday.
July 4th where a good d >ner was
Misa Lucille Crenshaw went to served and al) had a fine visit.
John Sandncr, sr>. and family
Portland last Saturday in company
spent Sunday with Mrs. Sandncr's
A. Shanks and family are living
with Miss Ixils Watson to visit
brother. Martin Lawrence, at Sil­
in their house at Shelburn.
friends and attend the Christian Ea-
Karl and Alma la-ntx called at >
dravar Convention.
Reva Sandner spent Monday
W. H. McLain'« Monday morning
Mr. and Mrs. Tony VanLydegraph
and Tuesday with George Sand-
O. G. Wyman and family »pent ner'a and John Sandncr, ar., and
and daughter. Faith of Albany at­
tended Sunday school and church the Fourth with his mother, who family.
at Riverview and were dinner guests had been visiting her sister, Mrs. 1
Louis Geisler and family attend­
at the Will Weinberg Home Sunday. Gooch, since Decoration Day.
ed church at Sublimity Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Gilkey and
daughter Marian and Lucille and
Loette Summer drove to Ashland
Thursday to visit Mrs. Caroline
Sommer, also Herman Sommer and
family of Talent They returned
Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Kelley and
E. H. Kelley, wife and family went
to Crawfordsville Saturday to attend
the celebration and round-up.
Mr. and Mrs. John Mitchell and
•on. of Eugene, came Friday to
•pend toe Fourth at the home of
his mother, Mrs. A. Mitchell, re­
turning home Monday.
John DeWall, wife and family,
•pent the Fourth at Cascadia.
Mrs. A. Mitchell’s daughter. Mrs.
Chas. Punzel and her husband and
two children of Salem, spent Sun­
day at her home.
Those home for the Fourth were morning and then motored on to
Carl Follis and wife of Levene. Earl Salem. On Monday they made a
Gooch, wife and son, Wallace, and trip to Albany.
James George. M C. Mellin and
family of Portland. John Ransom <>f
Hammer Disappear»
Oakridge, J. S. Oglesbe»- of Marsh-
field, and Clinton George of Oak-
Recently (¡«forge merdian left a
land. Ore.
hammer which he had owned for
lol» George railed on Mrs. I*el- about 50 vears at a coffer dam he
mar Churchill Monday.
nax l>een building on his land, which
Mr». Tally G ibbons sprained her Thomas creek has seen fit to make
left ankle quite badly Saturday another outlet through, and some
one passing through took it with
them. A great many com plaints
Iola George was shopping in
keep coming to the Tribune about
Shelburn Monday afternoon.
small articles disappearing, and
H. O. Shilling aaslsited with hav which cannot be found. It is al­
hauling at W. H. McLane’s Tues­ ways the best policy to remember
when going through private prop­
erty that anything found laying
Will Donovan and family and Mr. around there, n belongs to the own­
and Mrs. Snyder and eon. of Cres­ er of the property, and it is wise to
well. and Mrs Ward an I son. Carol leave it laying there. Mr. Merdian
and Mrs. Lena Peterson of Portland (eels keenly the loss of the hammer
spent the Fourth at CL M. Dooo- oeeauae of the long years be has'
owned It.
Here to Serve
We pride ourselves on ti»e service *e extend our
.11 ! tin i !t t i. M-rvicc we enjoy the
i'ontitlmir <>i the p<-plv of this community, Our
Grocery Line. Furuisl.inp, Chinaware. Notions,
etc., is complete and the l>cst obtainable and all
very reasonably price»!.
Yours to live and let live.
J. F. Wesely, Grocer
Garden Seed»
Summer Underwear
For Men, Women, Children
I ’riced Reasonably
Hibler & Gill Company
Scio Independent Cash Produce Co
Is * l’era ting independently ami can pay the li eh­
est Mark'<-t Price for Cream and Produce. Now
Open For Business.
Scio. Oregon
Densmore Building, on »Main Street
W» The Scio Meat Market *
IInvilir i uithasctl tlir I mo meat market! in Scio. I
ccimolidatCii them unde; the abov t name, and will
strive to render rfficirnt *rviot ath I
tiratnu nt at all times.
ill carry a full hnc of
Fresh and Cured Meats
I will buy your I-erf cattie. veal and bog» (alive or dressed ' and
pay you *** top prices. See me first.
Hcrl>ert Shelton. Mgr. Shop.
C. J. BRVCE. Proprietor
Ant, anali» in
every waj¿ ; 120
» pr hwur ami up Prices
call« na£cr
¡100 and up We also c»<r-
fr>m Ft-----
ty a xrtnplt’te line of
Rod wood Tan': ft
Pumt fx
Gas Ingin
Wind Milin
t x»s figure with you
w hi and »ec them
The I Vdrtin
I’li mbing and Heating
Geo. i.. Hurley, Prop
l 3o Ferry 5t.
Albany, Crc.