The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, July 09, 1925, Page 3, Image 3

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Cenerai Xew9
The 9cio Tribune
McCully Mountain News
| o.i the mountain road the past few | Truth ia (here is plenty uf traffic f>-r
. —•—-I _
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k. 1
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. I it,.. ■» v «» e . • - Ol ’> r •
both highways and
the more impro*
i . week*;
cars are ■ — now
to cmsc
vc I road» we have leading through
Mtaa Kathvrn Kuiken of Fox val- up without any trouble.
lev and Mi«a Effie Kuiki-n of Midi Mis» Freda Holxfusa spent the the mountains the butter off the
City scent the week end with home last week end with her »later at the state will be. Certainly we need
better connection« with eastern Ore
Earle Phillipa home in Jordan.
gon. Its a narrow view to oppose
The e young
f.>lk» of the Mountain
George Nydegger of Kingston Albany in her attempts to Improve
•pent the Fourth at Martin» Grove «bent the Fourth visiting here.
the Santiarn road.
picnicking. Tnose pr^wr,' were.
Miser» Freda and Hannah lb ’xfu-s.
1 See By The
Turnor Tribune that the deal was
Kathyrn. Elbe and Minnie Kuiken.
duerd Monday wherel y the Turner
Nurrll Hoiison and M -er» Ray-
Hubbard Enterprise that it has
Flax and Fibre Co’» holding in Tur-
mood and William Holxfus«, BUI been »old by 1. C. McShane to Alf
ner became tic property of the
Kuiken. Forrest Nyd-guer. D-i ior. M Rhoads, a newcomer tn Oregon
Mile« Linen Co. of Salem. Accord-
Brown, Oral William» and Haim nd Mr McShane ha» formed a pratner-
■ Ing tn the term» of the deal the in­
Berry. All reputed an cn; yablc »h'p with the Bertiemn Printing t-o.
corporator» of the Turner company
at Salem. We wish both transac­ retain »lock in the Mile» Linen Co.:
Hannah Holxfum of Jordan v^it- tions will prove successful.
D. F. Eastburn and Arthur Ih-mytt
Reconditioning Shop
Parts for All Car»....
*212 E. First
Phone 379
The Highway
Repair Shop
Telephone 442
ed with home folk» the pa.t week
Cylinder Rcboring
('renerai Auto Repairing
A. R. Bi
M. A. K lapotx
Albany, Oregon
-~w Albany’« Oaly
’ Exclusive
Optical Parlor
Bancroft Optical Co.
lid Wett Fmt fttiwt
Albaajr. Orvrtm
The lietter you eat
The lietter you live
Imperial Cafe
Ha'vev Enterprise that the Ore­
gon supreme court, with Pipe» out
Several from here attended the and Belta in. has icversad a former
dance at Shelburn Saturdav night. decision and rule« that wherever lb
Mr. and Mr». Earle I11 p-> and quor is »me I led a search warrant is
family of Jordan »pent Sunday • se­ justifiable.
tting at the Holxfum h me.
Benton County Independent that
Considerable win* hae b.-.-n •! r e
it's not ail roses by any mean« luut
week a fellow rust tit for printing
nis name in the paper, and hi» wife
reproved us because we ha! left
hers out
We carry a Full Line of
Wheels, Rims, Springs
Albany. Ore.
Farm Loans
Write for booklet describing our
twentv-year amortized rural cre­
dit farm loan. Insurance compa- •
ny rate» are very low.
No com­
mission or other expense.
you need to re­
pair your barn
and shed».
Beam Land Co.
Albany, Ore.
If you arc in
town, we can
supply you with
what you need.
I)R. .1. W. GOIN
Sterility. Alxirtion, T. B. Testing
• Phone» -Office. IHt J, Kes. 7U2
H'< Deliver
________ t.
Mr. Farmers
You Imve the grain and we
Ita ve No. I second hand gram
We can save vou money on
»acks. Don't forget to come
and get our prive» I * I orc you
buy your sacks.
Albany Bargain Rouse
Corner 2«! ft Baker
Pt-one 4ll-|
AU any. Ore.
They Work While You Sleep!
IV* are proud of our Claasirt«!
column, because it is full of hu­
man interest—it bring» peopfc to­
gether as nothing etee can do. If
you have anything to »«II. or want
to buy something, there is noth­
ing quicker nor »urer. And the
cost is cheap. Yea, w. ere ateo
proud of our job department an.i
the work we do. See us for any­
thing in lh<- printing line.
r- ’>:***/»vvr«
. ‘T-.* ”
'e?” **>*
The Tribune. $1 75 the year
Stayton .Mad that Frank Stud- ( If
- one of the Tribune ttiivertii
!*’ V°u, tell us; if he
riicka had his collar Itone broken |
treats you right, tell him.
while bull-dogir.g a »teer nt thr t
le gion piundup at Prineville, How-J ~
after the Injury he rode buck­
Good glasses pi event more acvi-
Abstracters of city andi .-unti^ proja rty in Linn county. Work
dents than good brakes. It pc-.i- ing horses and secured some prizes.
quickly completed, (ho certitii.itc-- guarantee safety. I new
blc take the Ix-st. 'l our ey. . nr-
Conform to the established rule» throughout the Country.
and demand the best glasses that
Silverton Tribune that an Over.
V ila M itv w i .
L- M. C url , Pre^knt
money will buy.
' land car licensed under the name of
Attorney and Manager
Z H ThiMSen went through a guard
fence un a turn vrv*t of the Howell
School on the Silv, rton-Salrm road.
Blood was on the pavement and on
the car. but no one stsiM to be able
to locate the owner of the ear or
Manufacturo g Optician what caused the accident which
happened some time late Friday
afternoon. In spite of the fact that
lx»lh wheels were broken and the
Thia ad i»
badly damaged, the windshield
was intact.
and arc
do all k
trie fi Gas Welding.
404 E. 2d st.
will remain with the local plant with
Arthur Demytt a» Manager. Lo
Detnytt, who »till retain» an mtvr--»t
in the company, goes to Wv»l Stay­
ton a» manager there for the Ore­
gon-Washington«-n Co. Huild-
ing of new warehouse» and retting
vat» are to be started in the near
future. Thi» and other ojx-irtion«
in the tlax Industry that ar* sure to
follow will mean a bright future f< r
Sacks Sacks Sacks
0/?/o/// e trist.
¿¡.mur o*£a
I’ at M urphy , Proprietor
Albany, Orc.
■ —
Order Your Envel­
opes Now—$5.00
per T housand
J. W. Copeland Yards
Q uality : Sritvice
Silvert >n Appeal that the rear
wheel« of the (». M. (’. freight truck
of the Pacific Transfer Company,
driven by Arthur Dill, and loaded
with oil from the Standard Oil Co.
of Portland to the local S. 0. Co.
of the city in crossing the lower
Silver ('reek bridge Friday, broke
through the board planks of the
bridge and hung suspended for
several hours until workmen succeed*
ed in getting it level again. With
the driver was Mias .Mabel Stortz an
employee of the Transfer company.
Neither of the occupants of the cab
was hurt. No damage was done, it
is reported, either to the truck or
the load it conveyed. The bridge
was protected with fencing until the
floor was repaired.
Springfield New» that aim« pen-
pie of Eugene and the press set up
a howl every time Albany tries to
get the Santiarn road Improved.
They think it will cut down the
traffic on the .McKenzie Highway
Paints, V anishes, Wall 1 ints
Brushes and Wall Paper
ThirJ St.
Albany, Or.
Albany Planing Mill
g. W. SCARS. Prop.
Sash, Doon, Moulding. Gists Gcn.-r< Mill Work. Windshields,
Kitchen Caph «rd». Window and Door Screen»,
lianlwuixi 5louring, etc.
Briny Us Y<tir Estimati s
Prompt Service
Albany, Oregon
Pilone 140- R
All kinds of Iron and Bra»» Casting»
Fro.’1 ,ml H«p<urwaew
Repair Work arai Blacksmithing
Albany Iron Works
Engines, Mill and Mining Machinery
Live Roll». Head Block», Log Turners. I og Haute,
Cable Conveyors and Rope Feed Work.
Albany, Oreg
Second and Ca'apooia
Phone 276
Al BANY. O re .
Bring us vour job Biinting.
Semi-Annual Clearance Sale
faltar Warkmaashl»
yA Ratte» Sarriae
At Banks’, Albany, Ore
Jenning s Auto Top Shop
Auto Trimming
Begins Saturday, July 11
Stationary Tops and Winter Inclosurcs
N. L. J ennings ,
T klkthonk
This is a stirring event which interests the whole county, fur it ha l»crn our policy never to Say
»ale unless we really meant S ale , and thr public have come to expect a real event, and we will
not disappoint them.
I office » i
* » Re. .H>3
office Hours. 9 to 12 a m.. 2 to 5 p m.
And by Appointment.
Dr. Geo. J. Kenagy
Summer Wash Goods, Sheets, Cases, Sheetings, Percale
Silks, Woolens, Knitwear, Hosiery, Curtain Fabrics, Neel
wear, Parasols, Ginghams, Blankets, etc. J,”.’.
up of Summer Merchandise, and to make room for the Fall G ikx I i which will soon lx- arriving.
A lbany . Gatter
. 4 A” ■
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