’w u • J» « a**T > . - .......--------------- ---------- Editorials Page 2 1 HE SCIO TRIBUNE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT O1 THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF LINN. E mma H anson , 1 Plaintiff, $4M»M vs. Atrotui H. H anson . Defendant. ) Our (»hone number 1« 42-6; rail ua. To Alfurd H. Hanson, the above named Defendant; 1 IN THE NAME OF THF STATE OF OREGON, you are hereby retjuiretl to tpwir and anawer th» complaint of the above named plaintiff, in the above entitled Court, now on flic with the Clerk of said Court, on or before Uw> .Kith w I» of matrimony now existing between plaintiff awl de­ fendant, and that plaintiff be given a decree of divorce, and the car»-, custody, and control of the minor child. Myrtle Hanson, and for »uch other and further relief as to the Court may seem just awi proper. Thia MimiTH-wi is served ui»>»n yau by (blication by an order duly mai it- > j rubiication b dge 11. II. M. F Payne, udge „__ _ Judge w <-f tin-<'» '-i t, , for l inn County, Oregon, awl dated tin- . 11th dav of June. 192b. the first pubb-1 Watch the date following your cation of this Summon» b- itig ma-l< on the IKth day of June. 192b, and the ia«t J name on thi» pu|>er. It tell« wh-fi publication being be mad*- un th- » thly >llr time exp.r«-» If a blue pcnc’l day of July, I'At-. | n irk :» under your name, it mean« WKATn»:KF<>Kti & Wrarr, four paper will stop In two week«, Attorneys for I’laiiitiff. unles-i renewed. Starts when paid Poatoflice Addtw»«; 132 West First St., for. »tons al expiration. Albany, Oregon. June lS-35-July 2-9-M -»-» Tin i ; day . July 9. 1925 A . •(**< i U I SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OX Till RT a TE or OREGON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF 1.15 N Department No. Two Joe Holub, losephinr snidi. Anton Holub and Emm» Holub hi« wife, and Mamie Her­ man and Frank Her­ man, her huaband. Plaintiff«, vs. Agne« Dotson and Eh Benjamin Dstaon. her hu»b»nd, Frank Holub and Emil Holub, Ih> fonda» ta. ! rar ihn tersely The Scio Tribuni Why We Don’t Celebrate r want« to know why ( doarn't eelebratir the Fourth ia year. One reason in that the town prefer» to aava UP all it« energies for the big event at the completion of the bridge. Another thing is this: In these day«of ««rift auto traffic most people are r»«»l content in taking in one eelcl raiion Three or four are none t-- The bulk of the people will observe the greater part of the day on the highway going fr--m <«no town tn another, many of them carrying a report of “nothing d mg" at thi place or that. Patriotic celebration« in «mall towns are for home people, and it is the duty of everybody to take a part. Until the desire aul-ai-ie« when people want to participate in six or seven celebration« without aiding in putting any one of (hem over, it will be pretty hard sledding to hold a live celebration in a small town. Il is hoped to hold the bridge celebration at a time when there will be nothing else going on I*»- tween here and Chicagu The Har­ risburg Bulletin. toid Here’s an Easy One A pair <>f ta autiful eyes are all Owner: "What will it c- t me right, hut n< - d looking into. to have my car fixed?** (¡•rageman “What*« the matter Think of the money you save b. not e-ting so much in hot with it?” “I don’t know.” weather. "‘Forty-eight dollar« a..d fifty A w:-< husband diplomatically cent« mu kt s up his wife’s mind before making up his own. LOW FARES TO PORTLAND and return Con-1 -eraNe. •- -»«wuuk»! «ervtcc daily. $3.30 $3.75 rounder- p w-eek - r nd tl;. «. -mat W'-.-st Scio warehouse, Kingston warrlou'C or -it th • noli in St io. Scio Mill & Elevator Co Some n. n think twice before ¡they speak, while others speak To Agnes lk»l»on «nd Eli Benjamin ■ twice before tney think. Dotson, defendants attuve named; I n thk N amx or thk S tatk or < >itr Nogah s, Arizona, soda clerk OOM; You. awl each of you. ar.- here ; inherited a million. Now by summoned and rwpiired to ap|wai ami answer the complaint of the plain­ i .or w ; L< Inker than ever. tiff« above named in the above enfiti« < ourt now un file with tbet’lerk of mud A man w ill go a long way Court on or before the last da. of th. : •;tve his face. A woman will time prercrii-etl in the order fur the — ff . mm ».4.. .L. .1... . publication of this summons, which powdvr her for an|K>aranc« appearance ‘ and answer _ is ___ the ___ fith day of August, 1925, soil you, and each HUM. of you, are hereby notified that if you An Iowa university has a Nev­ fail so to apfwar and answer «nid corn plaint for want thereof the plaintiff-» er Been Kissed Boys Club. The will apply to the above entitled Court for the relief demanded in »aid r-akani there. Holub are the owner» in fee of the fol­ doe» take a man to dregs a woman lowing described real property, to-wit. Beginning in the center of a County road 57.6« chains North of the ‘-outhwest corner of Sec­ tion 17 in Township IMhlp 10 tMHtth Sodth of th»- Willamette Range I West of the ___ running thence Meridian, Oregon, aS lieg North MS ‘ reo» Ea»t along the of «aiti road a dotane» of center c. mad»- without great prejudice to the owners thereof i a chap who pays the bet with Sj’ÄVtfüTÄ-pn ................. . •..... . 'M»* by law by a refer»-« appointed for that purpose ..... purpo«« by by the above entitled * C >urt and for such other, further o - different order or decree a* may wi n; proper to the Court. Thi» summons is published in the Sei-- Tribune pursuant to an order of th Hon. L, II. McMahan, Judge of th- above entitled Court, made, entered and dated June 22, IS2S, whrmn ami whereby this summon« was ordered an- dirveted to be publiahvd once a »«■! for sixeonaecutive and successive weeks, l-emg seven weekly publication« them of. The date of the flrvt pubheat. >n of this summons is the 25th day of Ju- • 1025, and the date of the last publica­ tion thereof is the 6th day of \vgnet. 1925 Hui. A M ark «. Attorney« (nr Plaintiff». Poatofhce Addie»» of Attorney* for Plaintiff« Albany, Oregon. it from friend aJ|owance. wife’s next week’» The Christian Endeavor conven- [ tion, now being held in Portland. ia I directing attention to the fact that; religion« iuxlie« are paying consider-1 able attention to the need of a gd rttixi-n-hip. Gov. Pinchot of Penn- i »ylvabia wounded thia keynote last Saturday and the delegate« cheered him to the echo. Real men and real women arc needed tn the affair« of the nation, tmlitieally. President C o idge at thia early date ta being groomed for anoth­ er term. Just now he would be elected, but who can tell what n i- I mj-n within another 40 ni ’ti - Hi Johnson mav be the choice of the changing personnel of the republican party, and then it might I* Couxvns. Brookhart or Shipsted. and it may be nei­ ther. Why be in a hurry toahut out a good race anyway? % ust around the Corner tTZ*l7EN bi'i-vity folks mu r have tin r ’’nt'u'i! -rhood 0-7 stores"! Most oT them v hu IJ n - m. a- think of going down town to fight their way through the crowds in search of a roast for dinner than the, would of • walking to the factory to get a pair of shoes. City women know that their n<. ’’ilv iu« J tores can supply them just what they want — a;id that, in moit cases, the service u nu»c alert and Ji.entity. The same thing is true of this “neighborly \ xT. Our merchants—the men whose ads you read in this paper — arc in position to furnish your home with the best and most popular brands - j goods. N\ t only can they save you money, but they gladly relieve you of a lot of worry and loss of tune. Read the Ads hi this Paper ind save yourself money by trading at home I