The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, July 02, 1925, Page 6, Image 6

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The Scio Tribune
Load News and Classified
W F. Pepper is painting hie resi­
George Brock has gone to Detroit
to work for Roll Morris.
Antone Beunoa of Walla Walla is
Misa Mildred Cuuev was in Salem
visiting at John Becicka’a
Allan Dannala of Portland is visit­
A Edwarde was in from Shelburn
ing at the John Wesely home.
on business Tu«-sdav.
Clyde R xlgers ami wife of Dallas
Nicotine Spray for your rose
spent Sunday with Scio relarivee.
bush«-«. 35c a can at the Drugstore
Herlwrt Shelton has traded hie
J. I). Dewamore and John Wcaely
Star touring car for a Ford coupe.
were in Portland on buslne« * Thur«-
Mr* D. C. Thoms has returned
fr> m a two weeks’ visit in Portland.
Master Gerald Schürer of Klick i-
George I.. Hurley and young ton
tat. Wa«h„ ia visiting at C I. Pen-
of Albany were in Scio on buainesa
The Bartu Motor Co. delivered a Thursday
naw Overland touring car to I
Protpal Tuesday.
W E. Purdy and wife, and H. P.
Ilayre of Salem were in Scio Satur­
day on business.
When you are ready to sell your
Mrs P. II Ma.-Dbnald and her
lambs call J. L. Rodgen» and get
hi* price* at West Scio, Will l>e mother. Mr« Sarah Morris drove to
Eugene Saturday.
shipping every week.
QKutlUlC otk»u|¡t
an? ¿1 cei­
Millions Paid
in Claims
A Noo-Diwcritninating Policy.
Physicians* and Surg* ■ »«’ tve»
■re Covered.
The Policy Cover« All Accident*
and Every l>i»e«*e.
Cover» First Week’s Disability.
No Medical Examination Kniuirvd
Financial Aid.
Covers One Day or More. Either
Accident or Sickness.
S alkm . O kkoon
D W (.rill.l >
A masterpiece of a master
ir. J
Here is the »ymnntli.v oí joy
and »uiTcring, and of love un
Only Two Day»
Next Sunday - Monday.
July 5 ami 6
* r
Globe - Albany
For Sale Shepperd Puppurs
Joe*ph J. Roner. route 1. 47p
R I. Hixson, wife and daughter,
IFrame. *p«nt the week end with
relatives in Salem.
Mr. and .Mrs. Frw! Veal of Albany
Mrs. Veal’s
Frank Shmost returned Tuesday
from Nebraska where he spent the
month suiting hi* people.
D C. Thom* went to Portland
1 hur-iay to attend a meeting of the
state highway commission.
W A Ewing and wife and E D,
Myers ami wife attended the camp
meeting at Turner Sunday.
Gordon vtc«ely and wife of Sa­
lem visited Sundav at th« home of
Mr. nr>d Mr*. John Wesely
Ray Hassler, wife and Imbv of
Portland are visiting at the home of
Mr. lliu«ler's parent*. Mr. and Mra.
Henry Hamler.
G. M. Tri.¡linger. Jama* Trollin-
ger and son. Howard, and John
Stnallman went to Upper Soda on
Tu« »day to try their luck at fishing
for a few days.
J. B t'ouey say* he is going to
take a vacation the Fourth and that
hi* «tore will be CUWKD AlX D ay .
He wilt keep open until 8:00 c’clock
Friday evening
Farm lz>an« — Money at 61k with
nominal commission; prepayment
priviledge* after first year. Wm.
Bain. Albany Ore.
For Sale —Fox Terrier puppie* at a
bargain. Cha*. Chrx, on Wes' Cash paid for fa!«e teeth, dental
<*. I»**. W«M«r» Newa»aeM Gate a I
gold, platinum and discarded jew­
Scio road.
Hoke Smelting A Refining
CHICAGO’S UNDERGROUND For Sale Three-burner Perfection
Co.. Otaegu, Michigan.
oil stove; used only a short tima.
Any girl in trouble may communi­
Mrs J. D. Daoam >re
4*5 tf
The main retail so<1 skyscraper dis­
cate with Entign Ixe of the Sal­
trict of Otlecgo Is Jammed Into what Fur Sale ~~ Vaughan Drag Saws,
vation Army at the White Shield
slightly used, in first clam work­
baa been aptly tanagd ttw dreaded
Home. 666 Mayfair Ave.. Port­
ing condition, 6x5 each with two
“tails square" end known as “The
land. Onegon.
lx>-v" Tlte traffic oa>a<-«(l<»n which
saw Nad«*«, at 1073 E. Harri»on
aatnraily re*ult«Ni and *te«dlljr grows
One black Perchmm Geld­
street. Portland. Oregon, bv Hy For Sale
worse s* loislne«* Increase«, produce«
ing Six year* old. sound and
myriad« of vetatloue delays which re­
true, weight about 1600 pounds.
sult tn costs
corupu'atloo nu­
Will sell for cash or trade for cat­
merous mi»ba|Hi end the unneceaaary
tle. sheep, or hogs. Inquire of
use of countleaa (Wear words
Cha« A. White, route 2 Scio, Ore.
In so large s city, the ineroannt
40 tf
traffic necvwaary to move *u|-i>n«-«
And pay p<««I price«.
from rail depute to atom and fee
For Sale 24-in. Belle City threah-
lories, shlptnrnts from salesrooms and
Imr machine. Just the size for a
factories to freight terminals, mall,
Fordeon tractor, and in good run­
coal to boiler rooms, ashes end exca­
ning order; ha* aelf-feeder and
vated material for new building» to
straight startrr. Also two fresh
dumps, etft. reaches a startling mag
cow», with calves, for «ale cheap.
nltude and I hhihuc « an Increaatngly I
serious orobletn - tbs corner of Mtate
Chas. Vaetecka, Rt. 1. Scio, Ore.
We Buy Stock Hog
Holechek Brothers
E A. Wagner, wife und »on. El­
den. of Dallo «pent the week-end and Madison streets, for instance, la
said to be the bueleet corner In the
with Scio relative«.
visited Friday with
aun^ Mrs. N. E. Gill.
I'lit’ i.ariteat
< Irguni/.nt ion
of Ita Kind
in the World
Ear Sale -6- foot McCormick binder
with truck*, cheap. See Chan.
Tucrk. We«t Selo road 46-t-2-p
To relieve the congestion and cut
down the delay, a far *ight<d corpora­
te* Coiiatructrd an Intrl- ate system
of underground tunnels through wt h
a railroad «qx-rale« Now much of thia
traffic la e<><nonilcally. quickly and
couvenliuitiy trsndled through thia un­
derground artery <-f cuiwiw - dur­
ing a recent year about «1 !.«■■• t-m»
of freight, M.tssi ion* of <• «1 ami Zll»,-
(XX) wagonluads of excavated material
and cinder«
Hix fret wide and TH feet high, «nd
surrounded by a 12 inch wall of solid
concrete, these tunnel« am from 42 to
4S feet ttelow the strict stirfnce The
method of construction left no chance
for cave Ins or settling and ha» not
Interfered with the foundations of
buildings. Thera Is little waler seep­
age. the average temperature la M de-
grrea. winter and slimmer, and the
frequent passage of trains provide* a
natural and adequate ventilation
There are ft! nith-a of th»«e horse
ahoealiatmd tunnels. In which there
ar» t*O croasltiga. <JT>2 Interact tlmi*.
and 1.2M aw Itches
The equipment
Include« 132 electric motors and 3,(»»i
cars, each i feet wide, 12 feet long, at
and holding from 1 to fl tons. <lej»end-
Ing on the nature of the load
track gauge Is 2 feet. The tunnel amt
tta equipment represents an ln><-«t-
ment <>f about »♦ o . i «« ii <»*> The opera­
tion require« about 570 people.
Train movements are controlled hy
telephone—-e system of alrnnla operat­
ing to avoid collisions at street Inter
sections. In case of Are. a deluge of
water la presented by heavy tight fit-
ted iron doors over all shaft« leading
Io the tunnel.
Thera are connection« with uniter
aal frelght-recetving statloaa, retimed
de|w>t& freight terminals, bualtmwa
bouses, office buildings, etc.
Reconditioning Shop
Parts for All Cars....
212 E. First
Phone 379
For Sa <
314 acres of good land,
six mil«-* from live town of about
I itoo population; good graveled
r a<t five miles of the way, four
mile* from railroad station; one
and one-half miles from good
scbtx.l; has good seven room house,
large barn; 80 acres in cultivation
balance in pasture and timber;
has plenty of good water, one run­
ning stream. Terms can be ar­
ranged on part. Addrew. Owner,
care Tribune. Scio. Oregon.
The HÌQhway Sscon«
Repair Shop BakarVÙ
Telephone -442
Cylinder Reboring
('«•neral Auto Repairing
A. R. B i
M. A. Kt
Salem's LtJdifif Departiaut Str»
ai - otz
Albany, Oregon
YES! we have “500” Score cards
Wl'cre Style, Quality and
Low Prices are Combined.
A Cordial Welcome Awaits
You Here!
2r each at th«- Tribune otiice
M um Rhoda Hudson, who was in­
jured bv an automobile near her
Thomas Cain and wife of Chicago
holm- two week* ago Sundav night,
t* r--|. rt- d by her phyisician to b« visited at the R M Cain home the
getting along nicely. She ia now last of the week while enroute to
San Franciacu to visit their daugh-i
able to sit up some.
ter. The men are cousins. The)
Leonard Jordan, who sold hie
had not wren each other since 1904.
cream-buvmg station to D W. Dor­
mer in the spring, ha* decided to
Anna May Price of San Francisco
again engau«- in the business, and came Friday from New York to vie
has lea->*d the Ih-nsmore building on it her cousin, Mrs Mylo Bartu.
Main street where he i* now open She has been studying Dramaaic Art
for buttinem.
and will teach next year at San
Mr. and Mrs. Will Kina of Han­ Mateo.
ford, Calif., ere visiting Mrs. King’s
brother* and sister, Frank and
Miles Cary and Mim Rhoda Hudson.
Mr. King is a Baptiet minister, and
expect« to g<> on to Seattle where
they wii! attend the Baptist conven­
E. J. Irvine, wife and daughter,
Mr«. Irma Howard and children, of
Echo visited relative« and friend*
here a few dava after attending the
Irvine reunion.
E. L. Daley of Medford called on
hie mother, Mrs Elizab««th Dalev.
The Shelburn base hall team de- brother. Fred,
last Wednesday.
.'rated the lh-Van«y team last Sun­ He *ii enroute home from busin«*««
day <>n the Shelburn diamond by a trip to Portland.
»core af 2K to 2. A large crowd of
Tom Konopa, who came here from
fans watched the game. Another
Nevada and for a time «hared the
game will be played next Sunday be­
Abbot house with hi« brother, ia now
tween the*«- trams on the Shelburn
employed al the Nebergall meat plant
in Albany.
Oscar E Eichinger and
Mr» Anna D. Door and children
daughter. M iim Ruth, returned Sat>
and a lady friend came Tuesday from
urday morning to their home in
Kelso. Wash . to visit Mr*. Door's
Portland after visiting for a few
slater. Mrs. Mylo Bartu.
days at th«- J. N. Bilyeu home at
J. D. Densmore went to Albany
Crabtree, and attending the wed­
ding of their son and brother. Cecil, Saturday to bring out a new Ford
to Miss Wanda Bilyeu at the I. O. coupe which he had recently bought.
0. F. hall on Friday night.
A. B. Cain of Portland visited
J ’
; *
Better have tho*e hands relined Iwiorc the Fourth. You may
want to »top quick. I-ct us time up your Ford today.
If j our wh«rels are loose, bring them in and we will make them
tight as new.
Everything for vour FORD.
Wheel. for Fords, Chcvorelets. Starr am! Overlamls.
Buy that New Tire Today
; *
; ’
hi* brother. R. M (Tain ami family ! >
Bilyeu’s Garage and Service Station
Service With a Smile
Phone 27
Scio, Oregon
Radio B Batteries, new »tuck.
the la* of the week.