The Scio Tribune Country Correspond en re SHELBURN NEWS GILKEY STATION * • «• June 30 JORDAN ITEMS ■w --------- ~------------ --------- ♦ June 30 June 30 Frank Jungwirth ar.d brothers are Waller (»eorge ar.d Fred Bowman Thoee from here attending the went over to the Tillamook country Sunday school rally at Waterloo last ■ quite busy shipping lumber the past last Saturday to visit Frits Bowman Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. R. H i week. and family, arid to have a good time Struckmeier and family. Mr. an«* ■ Mrs R. V. Combs and daughters fishing. Mrs. S. P Crenshaw and family. motored to Scio Thurwiav to have A. Shanks and Cerl Follia and Mr. and Mrs J F Surnmur and her daughter’s broken limb dressed. wife arrived from Levene. Oregon. family, Mr. and .Mrs W. A Gilkey Mrs Clark and daughters of Port- Sunday morning. They will remain and son and daughter. Franklin and land visited a few days this week Marian. Iva Weinberg, Prrev and with her mother. Mrs. Privett. until after the Fourth. C. M. McLain returned from his Freddie Chappelle. Warrm Goar Andrew Saixel. our tvet-ready Alaska trip Monday morning. He nod Herman Zeller. blacksmith, is laid off this week on had lieen away 17 days on the Navy Harry Jones of Stayton and Kelt) ace> unt of a severe cold. Ro«erve outing. He came to Scio Moore of Salem are visiting it the Henry Jungwirth was taken seri- and took his family home late Mon­ J. G. Holt home. oualy ill Sunday while attending the day evening. | Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sommer and picnic at the Catholic h»ll. A Stay- Clinton George was home over the son Ronald. Mrs J. H Kelly and ton doctor attended hifft, week-end. Mrs. J. G Holt drove to the home .Mrs. Mary Privett and daughter. T. M. Russell purchased several of Mr. and Mrs Edward Iff >rd at Mabel, returned to Portland with tons of Hay from Delmar Churchill Lacomb Saturday night tn atb-nd • her daughter, Mra. Clark. Friday, and hauled it in Monday and Tues­ meeting of the Farmers’ Uni -o. where they intend to make a few day. Jack Goar, who ha« been forking days visit. Mr. Bruner, Elmer Galloway, W. Miss Joanna Holxfuaa is assisting at Camp 17. Mi l l ily, came h- ■ ■ H. McLain and Dillon assisted Weibe Mrs Phillips with the housework Thursday. Kuiken with his hay Monday and | Some of the young |>e<>ple of tV « the nasi week, a« Mrs. Phillips ia Tuesday. neightiorhoodenjoyed a w« iniv n-'tsl employed at the store pretty much T. M. Russell butchered a fine I nowadays. at Green’s bridge Saturday night. veal Tuesday evening. | The Jungwirth boys here received Mrs. Mary Burkett sc I Lee George and Jesse Wells re­ a phone message that their broth­ turned from the Hammond logging ’ slifurnia. who have !• n v. • er". James and Henry, had lust their camp Saturday evening to stay at at the home of Mr. an.I Mr« T. W. I homes and contents Thursday at home until after the Fourth. | Cooper, went to Ranier Saturday Newberg. No insurance, lhe loos Mr. and Mra. Carl Follia and Lee evening to visit her brother. sjatained is upward of several thou­ The local bao-ball team was de­ George were shopping in Albany sand dollars value. Th« folk» were feated Sunday in a game t lay< have children and matches. house July Fourth. been attending the summer school Joe Zavodskv has rented Mra. at Corvallis, returned home We lie- Qirfbcy Crumes place. Mr. Crumee day evening. Lona Z/ao-t. wii■> hit health is so poor he could not attend also been attending, remainded until it. and he and wife will live with Saturday evening. the children. Mr. and Mrs. F 1. Jone« >f Stay­ Iva McCrae called on her father I ton and Will Moore and daughter Tuesday for fruit and jelly. of Salem were Sunday visitors at CARE OF CONVALESCENT IN John Bentx and wife were over to the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. SUMMER their farm Sunday evening. Holt. Frank Miller has purchased the For thowe who are Just recovering C. C. Nanny and *u«-Sunday to the I Four S. mill nesr Sublimity, where spent Sunday at Newport. Mr. Scott ia interest' d in a lumber Mrs. Esther Ray and daughter. mill. Mrs. Lynn Lambert, and Louie Ray. The Jess Fox sod Clint Surry fam­ wife and eon Lyle attended lhe Ir­ ilies left Monda» on n trip to Idaho, vine reunion at Salem Sunday. Mrs Russell Bickford and son of Port­ where they expect to spend the 4th land accompanied them home to with the Ray J. F«x family. Floyd Martin was a Lyon» caller spend a few days. Monday morning. Quite a number of friends front Jack Johnston and family were Mt. Pleasant and Cole districts at­ Silverton and Salem visitors Sunday. tended the birthday dinner at Wil­ Al Friedel of Sublimity was a Ly­ son Park for Gaandma Fleming ia ons visitor Sunday. honor of her 85th birthday. The Hammond company closed Mrs. Esther Ray and daughter. down Friday for about two month« Mrs Russell Bickford, visited at Thia will put lota of men out of Don MeKnighl’a in Scio Monday af­ work for the summer ternoon and Tuesday. I Harold Darby and Clarence Over­ T. J. li'jnaura. holts made a business trip to Paul W. A. Ewing. President Viru Free Limbeck’s .Mondav evening, E. D. Myers. Cashier Carl Limbeck was a Scio viti tor Monday evening. The Scii State Bank Does a General Banking Business. Interest paid on time deposit a . Baptist Church Notus Sunday school at 10 o'clock every Sunday morning. Everybody is in­ vited to attend. Christian Endeavor every Sundav evening at 7:00. Prayer meeting every Saturday night at 8:00. Junior Endeavor every 2d 4th Friday at 2 JO. and Catarrhal Deafncss le ofteiC ■ aoaed by an Inaanni r. - G'.on •f ___ tba «nuceua llain« ot tfte tu«-, t m W'ben Hile tube la '• 1 v . bave a rambllng Sound or Importe« t Haarlng. fnlaaa tba MhSHMUon on _ _ _ ba redursd, hosrtnc n.ay bo de- _ ------- • -------- your P ■ âll - s catahrh «trt>t< iyf . wi do what we rla.m ter ll-rli your ryiUrn Dearnssk cauaoU by altullallon. purity and sterility. Throe are Important in any food but eepe cially so when th« consumer la not strong and healthy. In most cases, the one who la con vale»|ng roosutnes milk In large qu»ntltles. This food contains all of the elements that are essential to the body. If milk la purr and germ les*. It la easily digested and assimilated Where the milk supply la uncertain or the quality not of the beat, evap orated milk should be employed It is sterile; It Is Just pure milk with ab"tn sixty jwr cent of the water rrmnwl It« double richness may be mo 11 fled If desired, by the addition of water or It may tie used Just as It la, arber- rt< b, creamy dishes are desired. Many people make the mistake ot confusing evaporated milk with cm den>ird milk. They are not at all atm! lar In appearam-e. composition or taste. They cannot be used for the same purposes. condensed milk is ■ combination of sugar and tullk ; evap orated milk has no added sugar, belnv pure milk of double-rich quality food «slue. Following are recipes of easily pared dishes and foods that era suited for th« Invalid and the valeseent. Loqsnbsrry Crum. X ni» ««»poralaS milk b cue water W can loganberry Jules t tbsp lemon Juice t’lach Mil Put nil Insreglents tn a M*snn trull Cklll and jar and «hake thoroughly serve la slaaeee Sited S full of I«-» chip«, •nd Raspberry, blackberry, cherry Jules may be seed InaiMd st th« l^gasbsrry lost Cecea. 1 t«p reeos 1 tap aaxar H rup waisr Finch salt W rap »vaporstsd mtlk aliata« with H rap water U tap vanilla * Ml« <•<><«• and s »r thorn IV •« *d.l ths % rap water and ball over a low f!»m« for 14 minute* Sr»id the diluted milk aad add e«roai syrup and •all Continue eook'.ns tor 14 mlau'ea In doable boiler Add vanilla t.’hlll at.d serve with chipped lea. Top will* whipped «ream M. C. (James is the proud owner of a new Ford touring ear with bal­ loon tiros. Ting is his third b'oed • touring ear. Pago «*» Summer Seasonables We have anticipated what Old Sol would do when he quit id- ing behind the cl ml* and have, at right prices, for your approval 5un Shades These are fancy juittcrn* and all colors: Priced at 6Oc, 9Oc and $1.25 Also a nice line of men'« and boys’ Summer Underwear -keep cool. comfortable anti happy in them; rca*onal>lr in price, too. Fancy Ihcaa Silk S om and work soa for men ard lays; and fur the women and girls, sec the styles and quality n show window. Yours to live atul let live. J. F. Wesely, Grocer Chinaware Fumi«’ -iiigs Notions ’ Garden Seeds Bathing Suits Good selection of colors, both wool and cotton Hibler & Gill Company Scio, Oregon Scio Independent Cash Produce Co. Open ror B ubwivm . LEONARD JORDAN. Proprietor Densmore Building, on Main Street Scio. Oregon If In Need of a Necktie or a New Hat for the Fourth of July, we have sev­ eral styles in men’ neckvcar (new ones): Bows m red. blue and orange; Four-in-llands (knitted), latest cross stitch in bright colors. Other* for the men ol more quiet taste. THE PEOPLES »STORE .1.1» < ’< H'E V, proprietor The ô'cio Meat Market Ilavùu. J inclin ed the ‘.wo meat markets in Scio. 1 consolida’cd them under the alxtvv name, and will strive to render efficient M-rvice ami give courteous tieatmcnt at all timi». Will cany a full line of Fresh and Cured Meats I will kray your beef cattle, veal ami hog» (alive or dressed) and pay you the top prices. Sec me first. Herbert Shelton. Mgr. Shop. C. J. BRUCK. Proprietor