The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, July 02, 1925, Image 1

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Vol. 2M
____ ____
No. 17
$1.75 the Year
A Pretty June Wedding
Sunday. June 28, 1924. Grandma
Fleming was 86 years old. and her
children ami friends fittingly cele­
brated the event by going to Wilson
Park and enjoying a picnic and bas­
ket dinner.
The occasion was made exceeding*
lv happy for her because her four
children were present— Edwin. Ad­
am and John Fleming and Mr*
Maude Grimes
Five of her si*
grandchildren were also present, as
follows; Stella Pettit. Connie and
Wilbur Fleming. Hazel Shelton. Lo­
raine and Berlin Grime*, and seven
About 100
people enjoyed the occasion, and the
honored guest was th* recipient of
many presents.
Grandma Fleming came to this
community about 61 years ago. and
ha* lived here ever since, coming
from Ohio. She thinks thia is the
best place on earth, rnd we agree
with her. i-ate in the afternoon
the guests left for their homes, after
wishing Grandma many more happy
Other pioneers and old friends of
Grandma Fleming were Aunt Naney
Bilveu 97. Mrs. Grimes 83. Mrs.
Stewart 81. and others in the 80»
whose name* our Jordan correspon­
dent did not learn, were present.
Issue* Proclamation
Governor Pierce has issued a pro­
clamation calling upon the ciliums
<>f the state to attend the formal
reception as a permanent gift by
the government of the battleship
Oregon to the state of Oregon, in j
Portland tomorrow at 2:00 o’cloc*.
The exercise* take place on the deck
at its moorings near the Broadway
Following the governor’s example
Wild Cat* Duly Tamed
ami in conjunction with other may­
ors of the state, the undersigned
If anyone donbts that S<- •• c.n
urges as manv of our citizen* aacan
tame Wild Cats, they slmu • I :i -
to attend the exercises above named
been here Sunday. To be *ure. t •
ami help the event to be a memorable
feat looked very difficult f
one in the history of the state
time, but when our tamer« 1». an
I. V McAdoo, Mayor.
to trim the claw«, there wa* no
City of Scio.
more ferocity in the invaders wl
came here from Salem to wt p’.be
Linn County Represented
Scio rubes in a game of ba
I Ci> s
Linn county is represented at this
I) *-
veer’s Citizen»’ Military Training
Camp at Camp lorwi* by the follow­
ing citizens, who will devote one ed. In the second, the visitor- t>> -
month toward acquiring a knowl­ another; Scio 0. The third prowd
a blank, but from then on S i > U-
edge of the military art:
gan to find the ludl and defeated th«-
Howard M Ruhl, Lebanon.
by a score of 10 to 3
Cormack Roucher, Paul C. W.
will tar no game this week,
Green, Lawrence F. Schmitt, Al-
as the team will be badly -split up n
Clyde F. Carlson. Charlev Jack­ account of a double ho’iday.
The attendance wa* not what t> •
arm. Clyde A. Perkins. Sid Piper.
was entitled to, and it tan-«
William F. Tanton. George R. Wil­
to run a successful tram.
helm, Harrisburg.
200 Attend Reunion
The first reunion of the descen­
On Friday evening. June 26lh. the
marriage of Misa Wanda Jane Bil­ dents of the Irvine family of Oregon
yeu, charming daughter of Mr an <1 w aa held at Marion square in Salem
Mrs. J. N. Bilveu of Crabtree. and last Sunday with about 200 persons
Cecil Sprague Eichinger, son of Mr. urvsent. The day wa* spent Infor-
and Mrs. Oscar E. I aching,-r of Port ' mally, a basket dinner at noon being
land was solemnized at the I O 0, F the main feature of the day's enter-
hall in Scio.
. tainment.
The original Irvine family, Includ­
The bridal party entered the hall
the grandmother and her five
to the strains of la>hengrin's wed­
and three daughters, located In
ding march played by Misa Hazel
Meyer, and before the *,-rvtce. 'At Mari-m county In the year 1852.
Dawning, I Love You" was sweetly The grandmother died later that
year and was buried at Jason Lee
sung by Mrs. Horlrnne Applegate
The Altar wa* effectively decorat cemetery. Several of thoae in at-
ed with roaes. and little Mieses Lu- I i tendance at the reunion Sunday vis-
elite Bilyeu and Opai Gearhart scat­ it, - I the grave whicli was decorated
tered rose petals in the path of the with fl >wer* *ent from different
bride a* she approach,-1 the altar on 1 part* of the state. Irvine Claggvt
the arm of her father: attended by age HI years, of Independence was
her bridesmaid. Mis* Velina Gear­ was th«- oldest member of the clan
Members of the Irvine clan who
The bride wa* beautiful in a hand­
prominent in the slate, and who
some gown of white satin canton
crepe, lace trimmed, and carried a attended the reunion are: U. S. Sen-
shower bouquet of lillies of the val­ at r C I. McNary, John McNary.
ley. The bridesmaid was bewitch­ Salem attorney, Millon A. Miller of
ing in an orchid gown of Crepe de Portland and Frank Irvine, editor
chine, silver Isce trim, and carried of the Oregon Journal,
I h<- «-vent was *o successful that
a bouquet of rose*
The groom, ac­
companied bv hi* best man. Ardle it was decided to make it an annual
Westenhouse. met the bride at the event. An organization was formed
altar where Rev. J. Merle Applegate and the following officer* were elect­
read the marriage service in an im­ ed. Milton A Miller, president;
pressive manner. The groom is a Mi«* Nina McNary of Salem, vice-
former resident of Linn County, pri-sident; and Mrs. Frank Cham­
ber* of Eugene, secretary.
and is well and favorably known.
Members of this pioneer family
A hundred guest* were present,
and many handsome gifts were living in thi* community who were
shower ci upon the happy newly- pr«-*ent ar«- Mr*. Father Rav, Mr*.
D. M McKnighl, Mrs Linn Lam-
After spending their honeymoon la-rl and daughter. Wilma, lxiuis
j at Newport. Mr. and Mr* Eichin- I Uy. wif«- ami son. Lyle, Zona Ray.
' ger will lie at home to their friend* Max Shelton, F. T Th'iyer. wife xml
at 234 E 18th street. Portland. Or. 'daughter*. Freda and Bobby, Mrs.
F. D W > rat andchildien. Floyd 8h«-l-
Larwood Hatchery Is Mecca Shelton and family. Fax Thayer and
family, Edres Thaver. C W. Beard,
School Board Meet*
and son, Oliver, .Misses Mar­
Work on the state fish hatchery
beyond Larwood i* pretty well com-, tha unit Bertha Irvine.
The school board met at the office pleted. according to Lloyd Hauser’
of Riley Shelton on Monday evening and Ben Clelan. Albany i»>r'<:ii<-n.
Scinuphore* Placed
of last Week. The new member of : who visited it Sunday, I’h«- hatch­
One of the best way« for a driver
the board. Archie Lindley, was in­ ery house ha* been completed and
(me hatch­ to know there are semaphore* at
itiated. The bond* of the clerk j one pond constructed
were accepted and an insurance on ing of fish fry has liven ma-b- and street inter sections is for him to hit
the gymnasium was taken for the the young fish are d'sporting in one one with hi* front wheel, then lean
current year. The board voted to of the pond*, which has l-een fin­ out to see what he had hit just as the
•vs! and paint the Domestic Science ished.
hind wheel goes over with a thud
Work will commence right away and nearly plunges out of the car
room and one class room on the up­
per floor of the building and to on the superintendent's cottage, for on l>is head. Al least one driver
make some improvements on the which lumber is on the ground knows of the semaphores in Seo,
lawn. Henry Shelton ha* been re- lake wine work is just «tar Ung on and there may be other*. The sem­
aphore* arc safety valves for drivers
1 the second pond.
employe I as janitor.
Both men speak highly of the at intersections, so keep Pi the right
Telephone Directories Out | hatchery and say it will I m - n fine mde of the street and It when mak­
attraction to tourist*. The hatch­ ing the turn.
ery Is ideally located and will prove
The Scio Tribune finished the big a moat popular resort.
SubacritN* now, SI.76 uer year.
task m a country office of getting
out a phone directory last Tuesday
Mis* Doubeck Married
morning, and Scio Mutual Telephone j
C<> n >w ha* it* first exclusive direc I
Mr. and Mi*. Mat Doubeck have
tory. The book is now ready for received a letter from their daugh­
distribution and can be secured at ter. Ml** Albin*, who ba* t>een work­
the telephone office. Only phone ing in Portland for the past six or
owners or renters can «ecure same more years, that sne wan married.
until rightful users are supplied.
Wednesday. June 24. in Vancouver.
Make the Eagle Scream on Joly 4
but don't let the Liberty Bell
toll over any reckless­
ness on your part.
To See Specialist
Santa Barbara Shaken
A L. Teidman and three children
went tn Portland Monday.
Teidman took his son. Johnnie, to
see a specialist
Johnnie ha* a tu­
bercular leg which ha* been in a cast
for ab-ut three month*
ho(>e* are «-etertained for this boy's
ultimate recovery.
Main street. Santa Barbera,« a!if .
badly devastated by earth­
quakes on Monday of this w«-«-k
Prof. H. L. Watenpaugh of Sd<»
with his family are spending th«-
vacation in that part of the «(¡itr
Several Scio people hav«- relatv«-*
living in that section
So far no
word has been received from any of
them and it is hoped that all are
safe. Parts of Montana was also
badly shaken up.
Every Wednesday and
Saturday Night at
Carnival Dance Next
Saturday Night
Special Chicken Dinner
Sunday from b to 11
j. m.
Stayton is now all set for the big
Round-up and two days Fourth of
July celebration tomorrow and Sat­
urday. Parade* on both davs. a bar­
becue on the Fourth, music by the
Turner band and entertainment for
every hour of the two days is prom-
M kF «be aeMgement
Wash, to Henry Roberding. her
age being 25 and his 30.
In her letter. Mrs. Robe rd ing says'
they are happy and will not take
their honeymoon trip until later
They will make their home in Port
lard. Mr. Roberding b an oversea-
veteran and remained with the Am-i
er «can army in Germany until the
army waa called home.
The many friend* of the bride In
Scio extend congratulations to the!
happy ouple.
D. C. Frab*. wh<> recently bought
the August Kramps place, has moa- i
ed onto his newly acquired home, j
Mr Fraba cornea from Canada, ar.d
Mr. Kramps ha* moved to Canada, (
** Kodak %
on your week-end trip*.
have them from
$1.00 to $22.50
I-et us do your
Kodak tinishing
Yours for
S ervicb I