Thing» Shaping for Roundup Here from Kelso Preparation» for a good time at the Slayton Roundup, July 3-4, are going forward with each day and the best attraction» obtainable will be there The Turner band ha» been engaged for the two day», the horse« will be on the ground by Sat­ urday; local, Indian and professional rider» will compete; local Shetland ponies will race, and more seats are being pl >red to accommodate the throngs This year Stayton will outdo for­ mer event», i» the belief Mr. and Mrs Glen Baahor and daughters, Grace and Gladya, and Mr» Annie E. Shannon arrived re­ cently for a visit with the Jen» Rod­ gers family. Mrs Shannon ia the mother and Mr». Baahor a sister of Mrs Rodger» Mr». Shannon and Grace will viait here several weeks Mr and Mrs Bashor and Gladys have returned to Kelso where Mr. Baahor is engaged in the lumtwr buMnes», They drove a new Elint car. I’! I June 18, 1925 The Scio Tribune Supplement Tonsil* are Removed Max Wesely waa taken to the Al­ bany hospital last Thursday by Dr. Prill, who removed hi» tonsil». He was brought home Friday, and is now well on the road to recovery. Mra. Henry Dolexal went to Al­ bany Tuesday afternoon where »he entered a hospital to have her ton­ sil» removed. Mr and Mr» F R Shelton and •on*. Rex and Virl, »pent the week­ end in Portland with relative». ■I !j lllll Inibii SPECIALS * Household Furnishings ,* e. Ivory Bed Room '•ulte - *60 .00 $39.00 ISS’"- Assortment small tire Gold Seal Congoleum Rug» .Í * “ ’ ! Walnut Bed Room Suite *110.00 value for Delivered Ivory Bed Room ‘uite *126.00 value for Delivered A few -h»»e out patterns in 9x12 Congoleum Rug», Beautiful Pattern» in 9x12 Felt B*»e Rug», *14.00 value» *11 M QQ *14 95 4* *4 SO folding Cani Table», the thing for camping. MM SIR.00 and *20 00 Windsor Rock­ ing Chair», walnut, Ranges, ca-t or »teel • blue. Grey or White Trimming. Special *<•* Mi Lang Range *ll<»