». «I ■ The Scio Tribune Local Xetrs and Classified Page C . --------- :—!——. . I.. O. Porter was a Portland visit­ Mi»» Hazel Hall Married or Sunday. Yesterday morning at ten o'clock Misa Hasel A. Hall became the bride lem to work. • of rtoval W. Archibald at the home For Sale—A few Seed Potatoes See F n !>»an« — Money at 5*8- with nominal eowwniMion; prepayment I). C. Montgomery had his sheep of her parent*. Mr. and Mr«. B. G. i Chan. Chrx. mute 2 I West Seto road) or phone 1-0. . lie prtviledgee after first year. W’m. sheared Thumiay. Mall on Fa«t Fourth street. Rev. G. t Ham. Albany Ore. 43-c Price $1 (Kt Only the im­ For Sale — K ale ulani» Z. J. Clark «pent the week-end in V. Fallis officiating per thousand R. S. Thurston, t’a»h n visitors last week. kets of cut flowrr« formed the back­ Loganberries For sale at 6c jw «« non at J. T. Funk's barn, route pound, picked. See or phone Following the ceremony 2. M >nuay» and Tuewlaya. Ser­ Miss Bertha I »ask made a busi- ground G. Faltus, route 4. Scio, Oreg, r vin’ $2« to insure. Guy Funk, refreshments were «erved. Mr«. San­ nrs* trip to Salem last week. 450 Manager. 45-p ford Archibald cutting ices and M>*s Miss Opal Montgomery celebrated For Sale Good wagon and hayrack Annette Weatherford of Corvallis For Sale t hie black Ferch-on Geld­ her sixth birthday last week. $25 00, orchard disk $16.00. Os­ ing Six years old, sound and and M im Elepha Cumming« «erving. ■ born mower $15 00. 12 in^ plow true, weight about 1600 pounds. Albert Isaak was a visitor In Stay­ Mr. and Mr«. Archibald then left for and rolling coulter $*> 00, shovel Will »ell for cash or trade for cat­ ton and Woodburn last week-end. a abort wedding trip, going north plow $4.00. new Fairbanks M>>r» I $25 00. two 7- Mr. Fid Mr refield of The Dalles from here. Chi. A. White, route 2. Scio. Ore. foot Kilos $75 00. good team and Mrs.Archibaldi««daughter^? Mr. i 40 tf called <>n friends in Scio last Thuca- harness $100 00 This pieperty and Mra. B G. Hall of thiscitv. and day. 1« at mv farm near Gil key Station. Wh< n you entertain, let us furnish 1« a graduate of th- local high school 1 .«-on a rd Gilkey. I5t2c Mrs. N. E Gill is having her house with 500 score cards. and of the *23 class of 0. A. C.. in re-shingled and making other re­ For Sale — 314 acre« of good land, the home economics course She is six mile» from live town f.Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Bates Tues­ bald is also a graduate of the !t»cal &2Í schtx.1; has good seven room house, day. high school and graduated in the large barn; HO acres in cultivation John L Kelly received this week *24 class 0. A. C. in the civil engi-< balance in pasture and timber; ha« plenty of good water, one run­ $25 in settlement of his claim with peering course. He is employed by ! Sabini Leziitg Departmeat Stiri ning stream. Terms can be ar­ the Mutual Benefit Health and Acci­ the state higbwav department and is Where Style, Quality and ranged on [>art. Address, Owner, now inspector of the bridge work dent association. L a I'rn <•*> arc Combined. care Tribune. Scio, Oregon. here. He i« a member of the Kap­ Mrs. C I). .M ontgomery and Mrs. A Cordial Welcome Awaits pa Delta Sigma fraternity. —Tues­ You Here! KdvrrtiM la The Scio Tribune and gvt L W. .M»ntg.ornery «rere visitors at i day's Albany Democrat-Herald. rMulta sacaos u V « mkhmi the home of Mr. and Mra. C. O. Mm. Archibald taught her first Bate« last week. year in the Scio high »ch>>ol and by! Mi*s Mary Donovan went to Port­ her pleasing manner and happy di«-: land Monday morning to attend the position made friends of all with It >« Carnival and visit relative« whom she came in contact. Her during the week. many friends in this community Miss Bertha Isakk has gone to Sa­ «.; I • - Jess Rodgers and Guy J»hn«tun sold two loads of sheep to a Cali- furnia buyer recently. * \ Maurice Shelton spent last week in latbanon with hi« cousin. Max Shelton. . > » 1 Í * ¿ * .1 Mrs. G. E Miller. Mrs. John Gib­ bons and Mrs. Mary Miller ai«i two childreu were Shelburn residents in Scio yesterday. fj If you want one of the High School An­ nuals, same can be secured at the I ri- bune office at 50c a copy. A rnold Z yssft . Sales Mgr. Cllutuaf Sctuftt Mcaftfi an? ¿Lvi- ?¿nt ¿LjociatioH of ma h a a I I The Largeat Organization of ha Kimi in the Work! f 1 Shipley’s Lucky 1 Toduce Selling Signs Millions Paid in Claims When you are ready to sell your unite in wishing her a happv mar- lambs call J. L. Rodgers and get ried life. his prices at West Scio, Will ite shipping every week. 42tf A Non biscriminating Poli.-y. I Covers First Week's Ihsability. 1 No Medical Examination Required > Covers One bay or More, Either Accident or Sickneaa. Financial Aid. 1 Forge-Simmons-Philippi AGENTS S . I I They'll l«c at the Globe - Albany SUNDAY-MONDA Y The Beautiful but Lonely 71 * Ji J I I alcm 't I “SINGLE WIFES” With C ohinnf GairriTii ami M ilton Sit is Two great «tan» in a picture you won't easily forget and Celebration July 3&4 Round Up Horses Furnished by Everett Wilson I f R. M. Phillips of West Seto has lumlter on the ground for the build­ Mr and Mrs Rilev Montgomery ing of an addition to his barn. Roe had as Sunday dinner guest« C. A. Shelton is to do the work. Montgomery and Charlie Elder of kbnneth Hit ont. who w u gradu« Oakland. Oregon. Mrs A. D. Elder atvd from (). A C. last week, left of Shedd. Oregon. Jim Klaiwner. Saturday night for Fort Barrv. Cal- Mrs. Iva Hoffman and daughter, ifornia. in company with the Oregon Audrey, of Crabtree, Oregon, and i National Guard. Mr. and Mrs Riley Shelton. Mr. and Ì a-a ,Uy U- ------- L Ray •Mr» R Rahn of Marshfiold Mr"\Arfh Mr. MS Hannah spent the week-eod with her mother, and Mr. and Mr» E D. Myers and daughter. Helen, of Scio. Mrs. Eiiza Crabtree, and attended the Crabtree family reunion. She Haxcl Philippi will have charge of! returned Munday. all collections of the Mutual Benefit I Mrs. I. V. McAdoo was called to Health and Accident association, i Salem Saturday by the illn,Mof her Premiums are now due on all poli­ sister, Mra. F. W. Haskell. She re­ cies taken prior to April 2H. All turned Sunday evening, leaving her premiums must be paid before July sister much improved. 1. Miss Philippi will call on the* Mies Martha Isaak of Salem is policy holders lie tween now and the now planning on going to Portland first of the month where »he will complete her nurse S. Plus and Chester Coffey of' training. She ia a daughter of Mr. McMinnville stopped over Monday and Mr«. L. Isaak of Scio. night in Scio while enroute from a I h >s Pnvek of Lowry. Minn..was business trip to Medford. Mr. Titus i in Scio last week visiting his cousin. aaid It has been about 25 years since J S Stichs He is taking in the hs left Scio. He is principal of the Rom« Festival this week. Thia is his McMinnville junior high school. second trip west, and he says he has Mrs. John Sims is a cousin of Mr. come to stay. Titus. Frank and Tom Konopa with their families are here from l«oa Angeles. They have come to locate in this community, and are residing tempo­ rarily in the Abbott property on South Mam street. Round Up Ask for One At Once Have Dinner Gueata Physician«' and Surge«wi»' ice» are Covered. The Policy Covers All Accident« and Every IHsease. I --------------- set- For Sale — One two-horse walking cultivator, almost new, Price $12 60. Sew T. M Russell, route 2. Selo. Ore. 44 if Hasel Philippi, who has just grad­ uated from the department of com­ merce at 0 A C. has gone to Salem, where she becomes a part of the Forge-Simmons Insurance Agency Miaa Hasel fitted herself particularly John Sekavec, whose car carries an for this line of work, and we predict Oklahoma license plate, is visiting succea* for her. the We»eiy families. They are old Since the selling time for lamb«, ' time friends, having been neighbors there has been seven carloads, all several years ago when both fami­ double deckers, shippe«) out of West lies lived in Kansas. Scio. This means that about 2000 The Mutual Benefit Health and Accident association is now paying claims in this vicinity. Marvin P. Long obtained a prompt settlement this week on his claim of $106.66. the same being paid in full. lambs have been handled from this community, and is probably more than from any other community in the valley. Mr. and Mrs D. C. Montgomery and family made a trip to Lebanon Mrs. Nell Hollis-Bilyeu and Mra. a few days ago. Fannie Lindley drove to Mt. Angel Tuesday afternoon for Mtaa Myrtle Hollis, who attended school there and is returning to her home hero to spend the vacation period. U. G. Shipley Company Quality MercEartdtse Women’* Wear Popular Price» Sih-in, Oregon Regular ’30, ’35, 40 Suits These are All Wool Suits and all have the Brownsville guarantee When you buy direct, you keep the money the middleman usually gets Brownsville Woolen Mills Store Mill to Man Clothiers Albany, Oregon